Rename existing Sencha touch project - sencha-touch

I have an existing Sencha touch project and I use Sencha architect as IDE. Now I would like to rename the project. How can this be done?
Thanks in advance!

In the Project Inspector for Sencha Architect 3 you can click on "Application" and find a property there called name which you can edit.


Rename Sencha touch 2 project without rebuilding native packager

I have existing project on Sencha touch 2. Now I want to change application name. As packager I use phonegap. Is there any way to change app name without rebuilding all phonegap project (plugins etc)?

Create Sencha Touch Application on Mac

I am trying to create an application on Senhcha Touch on Mac and Use it on XCode.
I am using Sencha CMD :
Sencha Touch Framework: 2.4.1
Cordova On Mac : 5.2.0
When I am generating new app using terminal it is not generating app correctly.
It throws "touch" and "build" folder out of application directory.
I have created a small video for what actually is happening with me, please check this :!a9ZzFADT!SFKa3KAfGqlloOM7L-9OrSHIeWKGTCqCiXKbJnRrG8A
Please suggest on this..
Use Sencha CMD 5 version, It will work.
You probably have the hidden .sencha folder one directory level up from the folder you intend to be the app. try to open the folder containing your app folder in a code editor and view the contents you will probably see it.
sencha -sdk path/to/touch-0.0.0 generate app AppName path/to/appname

How do I open Sencha Docs examples in Architect?

I downloaded the examples shown in Sencha Docs, e.g.!/example/maps, and installed Architect on my Windows computer.
I want to modify the examples shown here:
inside Architect but the program is asking for an .xds or .xda file. How do I generate this file type so I can use a WYSIWYG editor.
The application you are trying to import is a Sencha Touch project (not an Architect one), so there's no way to import it.

Update Sencha Architect project from Sencha Touch v2.0.x to Sencha Touch 2.1.x

I have a project based on Sencha Touch v2.0.x, I was working on it in Sencha Architect 2.0. Now I have updated Sencha Architect to 2.1 and want to update my project to use Sencha Touch 2.1.x. How can I do that? Is there some kind of converter?
In Sencha Architect, open your Project Inspector. Then under Resources right click on Library and choose "Upgrade to Sencha Touch 2.1.x".

Configure Sencha Touch icons for Ext.Msg.alert and Ext.Msg.confirm?

How can I specify a custom icon for these Sencha Touch events:
How can this be done?
On the Ext.Msg (MessageBox) you can specify and iconCls config item to control the icon used.
The icons should be 40x40 and you'd obviously want to reference css class which has a background: url(); pointing to you icons url.
Since alert and confirm are subsets of messagebox, the config item should be available on them aswell.
Thanks #douga, I resolved to specify a custom icon on Ext.Msg.confirm with CSS class and tags into my Sencha code. .customIcon {background-image:url();background-position: x y;}.
Thanks :)
I've recently created this new app that will help you to prepare named icons that you can assign to iconCls. It generates the SCCS file for your Sencha Touch apps. The README explains the steps for creating icons at the Ico Moon web site and using the tool to convert Ico Moon project files into SCSS for use in Sencha Touch. This has also been tested with Sencha Architect projects.