Conditional Action Call - dynamics-crm-2013

I'm building an application using CRM 2013 Unified Service Desk (USD). Right now, I'm creating a conditional action call from a hosted control to another. So far I got it working with a single expression, like:
"[[Data1]]" == "Value1"
But I've gone further down the rabbit's hole and now I need to query two values with an OR operator:
"[[Data1]]" == "Value1" || "[[Data2]]" == "Value2"
While the first example works fine, using the || operator does not. I've already tried using some variations, like expr OR expr, but the evaluation fails.
There's no documentation on MSDN covering the conditional part of an action call, so I need help figuring this one out.

As you have discovered, USD translates your key's to their text versions and then passes it to the javascript converter.
so :
// where mykey1 = "Test" (string) and mykey2 = true (bool)
// Success condition
"[[mykey1]]" == "Test" || "[[mykey2]]" == "True"
if you were working with a lookup and you want to only run the action if the lookup is pointed at the business unit and the name of the business unit is defaultorg... you would use this:
// where [[$User.businessunitid]] reference to a business unit
"[[$User.businessunitid.logicalname]]" == "businessunit" && "[[$]]" == "defaultorg"
Hope that helps.

So, after a little experimenting, I realized that the issue was not with the logical operators but with a boolean representation instead. true and false are capitalized in USD conditionals:
"[[Data1]]" == "Value1" || "[[Data2]]" == "True"
But the rest of the expression was valid, so you can combine and use logical ORs ("||") and logical ANDs ("&&") just as you'd do in C#.


Kotlin's when with Pair - complicated contidions

I have complicated bussiness logic conditions which I want to resolve via when statement.
Let's say I have 3 enums Enum1, Enum2 and Enum3 and every has constans A,B,C,D... etc. And depending on value of Enum1 and Enum2 I need to determine list of Enum3 values. So I have function like this:
fun determineValues(enumPair: Pair<Enum1, Enum2>) : List<Enum3> {
return when(enumPair){
Enum1.A to Enum2.B -> listOf(Enum3.A, Enum3.B)
Enum1.B to Enum2.C -> listOf(Enum3.A, Enum3.C)
So far so good. However I have also condition when let's say for Enum1.C no matter what is in Enum2 I have to return some Enum3 values.
I was trying to add to when conditions like this: Enum1.C to Any -> listOf(...), but it's not working. So I ended up with some ifs before when and it makes my code really less readable (I have a lot of business conditions like this)
So my question is: what is the simplest and cleanest way to do that?
This feature of doing pattern matching in when does not exist yet. Even what you are doing now is not really pattern matching - you're just creating some temporary Pair objects and comparing equality. See this for a discussion about this. For now, the most concise way to do this that I can think of is:
return when{
enumPair == Enum1.A to Enum2.B -> listOf(Enum3.A, Enum3.B)
enumPair == Enum1.B to Enum2.C -> listOf(Enum3.A, Enum3.C)
enumPair.first == Enum1.C -> ...
else -> ...

Checking if condition on Long type for velocity template

Long type from java is not working with velocity if condition
I am using velocity engine for email with Java where one of the variables type is Long.
While trying if condition on that variable it never succeeds.
Tried following ways but none was helpful,
#if($customTypeList.LongTypeId == 1)
#if($customTypeList.LongTypeId == '1')
#if($customTypeList.LongTypeId == "1")
It should go inside the if condition as variables value is 1.
I have validated that with sysout and even by printing in template.
Actually got the answer after number of trials...
Posting to help others.
#if($customTypeList.longTypeId.intValue() == 1)

Is there a way to use the LIKE operator from an entity framework query?

OK, I want to use the LIKE keyword from an Entity Framework query for a rather unorthodox reason - I want to match strings more precisely than when using the equals operator.
Because the equals operator automatically pads the string to be matched with spaces such that col = 'foo ' will actually return a row where col equals 'foo' OR 'foo ', I want to force trailing whitespaces to be taken into account, and the LIKE operator actually does that.
I know that you can coerce Entity Framework into using the LIKE operator using .StartsWith, .EndsWith, and .Contains in a query. However, as might be expected, this causes EF to prefix, suffix, and surround the queried text with wildcard % characters. Is there a way I can actually get Entity Framework to directly use the LIKE operator in SQL to match a string in a query of mine, without adding wildcard characters? Ideally it would look like this:
string usernameToMatch = "admin ";
if (context.Users.Where(usr => usr.Username.Like(usernameToMatch)).Any()) {
// An account with username 'admin ' ACTUALLY exists
else {
// An account with username 'admin' may exist, but 'admin ' doesn't
I can't find a way to do this directly; right now, the best I can think of is this hack:
context.Users.Where(usr =>
usr.Username.StartsWith(usernameToMatch) &&
usr.Username.EndsWith(usernameToMatch) &&
usr.Username == usernameToMatch
Is there a better way? By the way I don't want to use PATINDEX because it looks like a SQL Server-specific thing, not portable between databases.
There isn't a way to get EF to use LIKE in its query, However you could write a stored procedure that finds users using LIKE with an input parameter and use EF to hit your stored procedure.
Your particular situation however seems to be more of a data integrity issue though. You shouldn't be allowing users to register usernames that start or end with a space (username.Trim()) for pretty much this reason. Once you do that then this particular issue goes away entirely.
Also, allowing 'rough' matches on authentication details is beyond insecure. Don't do it.
Well there doesn't seem to be a way to get EF to use the LIKE operator without padding it at the beginning or end with wildcard characters, as I mentioned in my question, so I ended up using this combination which, while a bit ugly, has the same effect as a LIKE without any wildcards:
context.Users.Where(usr =>
usr.Username.StartsWith(usernameToMatch) &&
usr.Username.EndsWith(usernameToMatch) &&
usr.Username == usernameToMatch
So, if the value is LIKE '[usernameToMatch]%' and it's LIKE '%[usernameToMatch]' and it = '[usernameToMatch]' then it matches exactly.

Perform an assignment and an operation using a ternary operator + && in Objective-C?

In the name of ternary bliss (and for a disdain of the verbose)... I am hoping, and am somewhat surprised that....
BOOL isItOpen = YES;
isItOpen = (isItOpen ? YES : NO); // yes, dumbie, it's open.
works fine… but that…
isItOpen = (isItOpen ? [it close] && NO : [it open] && YES);
results in Invalid operands to binary expression ('void' and 'int')
I can't seem to track down a simple yes or no as to whether one can conditionally chain operations with && (or ||), like one does in say, BASH or PHP. I tried various combinations of & and && arrangements, to no avail.. as I am a C idiot... but if this "way of doing it" is NOT possible, linguistically… is there another - that is as concise? (ie, no ifs involed?)
The C (and by extension, C++ and Objective-C1) operators form expressions; they're designed to evaluate to a value, rather than control program flow.
So whilst ?:, && and || all offer short-circuit evaluation of their arguments, you can't use them to conditionally call arbitrary functions;2 you should use traditional control-flow constructs (i.e. if) for that.
You could use the little-known comma operator to achieve this, but I strongly recommend that you don't, because it's highly unidiomatic, and difficult to read. e.g.:
isItOpen = condition ? (func1(), NO) : (func2(), YES);
Actually, I don't know Objective-C. For all know, it might be possible!
And by "arbitrary", I mean functions that return void, or a type that's not implicitly convertible to bool in the case of && and ||, or a non-matching type in the case of ?:.
The difference you are experiencing is due to Objective-C having:
(a) true procedures (void functions/methods) which return no value; and
(b) a stronger type system than PHP
In your example the primary problem is (a) - you are calling methods which return nothing, and nothing is not a boolean value.
In PHP functions always return something, a function defined as returning void is actually defined as returning a "useless" value. However PHP will convert just about anything to anything (and does so inconsistently, for added "fun"), so a "useless" value has a boolean value - though what that is probably depends on the phase of the moon ;-) This feature does mean that you can reliably chain a "void" function after one which returns a value - <expr convertible to boolean> && <"void" function> will work in PHP (but the resulting boolean value is arbitrary). The same thing will not work in Objective-C (do not try to fix it with the comma operator, there are hidden traps with that operator).
So provided you stick with functions/methods which return either a boolean, or a type implicitly or explicitly convertible to boolean (e.g. for pointer types nil is false, other values true; for integral types 0 is false, everything else true) you can "conditionally chain" operations. Whether you should do this is a different question...
P.S. If you want to be confusing, this is short:
(isItOpen = !isItOpen) ? [it open] : [it close];
which will make most folks do a double-take ;-)
Your code would work fine as long as the close and open methods you are executing on it return boolean values. Otherwise, no cigar.
If you want to use the ternary operator, you can do like this:
isItOpen ? ([it close], isItOpen = NO) : ([it open], isItOpen = YES);
isItOpen ? [it close] : [it open];
isItOpen = !isItOpen;
But this is not a good programming style and you should avoid it.
The following code is much more readable (at least by a C/C++/Objective-C programmer):
if (isItOpen)
[it close];
[it open];
isItOpen = !isItOpen;
In order of preference, I recommend you use the third version of the code, then the second, then the first.

What advantages are there to using either AND or &&?

Currently, I'm using && and || instead of AND and OR because that's how I was taught. In most languages, however, both are valid syntax. Are there any advantages to one or the other in any language?
I did try to search for this question, but it's a bit hard. It doesn't interpret my input correctly.
You ask “Are there any advantages to one or the other in any language?” This is, of course, dependent on the programming language.
Languages that implement both and and && (and correspondingly or and ||) will do it one of two ways:
Both behave exactly the same way. In which case, there is no advantage provided by the language in using one over the other.
Each behaves differently. In which case, the advantage is that you can get different behaviour by using one or the other.
That all sounds a bit facetious, but it's really as specific as one can get without talking about a specific language. Your question explicitly wants to know about all languages, but it's a question that needs to be answered per language.
Perl has all four of {&& || and or} but they differ in their precedence. "and" and "or" have really low precedence so you can do things like "complex-function-call-here or die $!" and you won't accidentally have "or" slurp up something on its left side that you didn't want it to.
it depends on the language, but on PHP, I'd be careful about using && versus "and". The ones i often use are "&&" and "||"
$g = true && false; // $g will be assigned to (true && false) which is false
$h = true and false; // $h will be assigned to true
In some languages && will have a higher operator precedence than AND.
If both works fine, then I would say it's really personal preference, in most cases, they are compiled into same binary code like this : 11100010001000101001001010 [not real code, just an example].
&& = two keystrokes of the same key.
AND = three keystrokes of different keys.
I'm not sure what language you are using, but some languages differentiate between a normal boolean operator and a short-circuit operator. For example, the following are normal boolean operators in MATLAB:
C = or(A,B);
C = A | B; % Exactly the same as above
However, this is a short-circuit operator:
C = A || B;
The short-circuit syntax will evaluate the first argument and then, depending on the value, will potentially skip over evaluating the second argument. For example, if A is already true, B doesn't have to be evaluated for an OR operation, since the result is guaranteed to be true. This is helpful when B is replaced with a logical operation that involves some kind of expensive computation.
Here's a wikipedia link discussing short-circuit operators and their syntax for a few languages.
Unless there aren't any precedence issues, I'd say there are differences in readability. Consider the following:
if (&x == &y && &y == &z) {
// ..
#define AND &&
if (&x == &y AND &y == &z) {
// ..