Excel 2010 - VBA code to Write Formatted Numbers to CSV - vba

I'm working on a 5 sheet workbook, where a button named ExportCSV on sheet 5 exports data on sheet 3. More specifically, the button runs a VBA code that goes row by row and checks the first 3 cells for data. If any of the first three cells have data, then the whole row is selected. After all rows with data are selected, the data is written row by row to a CSV file (the file itself is semicolon-delimited, however).
The problem that I'm having is that some cell formatting is being copied over, but some is not. For example, values in cells formatted for Accounting with a $ are formatted correctly, meaning "$12,345,678.90" shows up as "$12,345,678.90." However, values in cells formatted as Accounting but without $ are not being written to the csv correctly, meaning "12,345,678.90" is being written as "12345678.9."
Below is the Macro in question.
Dim planSheet As Worksheet
Dim temSheet As Worksheet
Private Sub ExportCSV_Click()
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim lColumn As Long
Dim intResult As Integer
Dim strPath As String
On Error GoTo Errhandler
Set temSheet = Worksheets(3)
i = 2
Do While i < 1001
j = 1
Do While j < 4
If Not IsEmpty(temSheet.Cells(i, j)) Then
lColumn = temSheet.Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
temSheet.Range(temSheet.Cells(2, 1), temSheet.Cells(i, lColumn)).Select
End If
j = j + 1
i = i + 1
Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker).InitialFileName = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path
Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker).Title = "Select a Path"
Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker).ButtonName = "Select Path"
intResult = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker).Show
If intResult <> 0 Then
'dispaly message box
strPath = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker).SelectedItems(1)
End If
Dim X As Long, FF As Long, S() As String
ReDim S(1 To Selection.Rows.Count)
For X = 1 To Selection.Rows.Count
S(X) = Join(WorksheetFunction.Transpose(WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Selection.Rows(X).Value)), ";")
FF = FreeFile
FilePath = strPath & "\Data" & Format(Now(), "yyyyMMddhhmmss") & ".csv"
Open FilePath For Output As #FF
Print #FF, Join(S, vbNewLine)
Close #FF
...Error Handling Code omitted
End Sub
I need to be able to copy over the exact formatting of the cells. Converting the no-$ cells to $ cells won't work because the values without $ are being used for a calculation later on in the process that can handle the commas, but not a $, and I can't change the code for the later calculation (proprietary plug-in doing the calculation.) Also, the rows have mixed content, meaning some values in the row are text instead of numbers.

I ended up following David Zemens' advice and overhauled the section that was For X = 1 to Selection.Rows.Count See below.
For X = 1 To Selection.Rows.Count
For Y = 1 To Selection.Columns.Count
If Y <> Selection.Columns.Count Then
If IsNumeric(temSheet.Cells(X + 1, Y).Value) Then
If temSheet.Cells(X + 1, Y).Value = 0 Then
S(X) = S(X) & ";"
S(X) = S(X) & Replace(temSheet.Cells(X + 1, Y).Text, " ", "") & ";"
End If
S(X) = S(X) & Trim(temSheet.Cells(X + 1, Y).Text) & ";"
End If
If IsNumeric(temSheet.Cells(X + 1, Y).Value) Then
If temSheet.Cells(X + 1, Y).Value <> 0 Then
S(X) = S(X) & Replace(temSheet.Cells(X + 1, Y).Text, " ", "")
End If
S(X) = S(X) & Trim(temSheet.Cells(X + 1, Y).Text)
End If
End If
Some more formatting was necessary. It goes cell by cell, purposefully skipping the first row of the sheet. The .Text property of some of the cells returned empty space before the value or between the $ and value, so it had to be removed. Trim removes leading and ending spaces while Replace replaces all spaces in the export.


Stop VBA from changing text to date when copy/paste

I want to copy some texts from a sheet to another. For example: 01/02/2021 .
However VBA automatically convert it to 2020/01/02. How can I stop it?
The following codes didn't work.
sheet_1.Range("A1:A" & sheet1.Cells(1, 1).CurrentRegion.End(xlDown).row).Copy
ws.Range("start").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
ws.Range("start").PasteSpecial xlPasteFormats
sheet_1.Range("A1:A" & sheet1.Cells(1, 1).CurrentRegion.End(xlDown).row).Copy
ws.Range("start").PasteSpecial xlPasteFormulasAndNumberFormats
sheet_1.Range("A1:A" & sheet1.Cells(1, 1).CurrentRegion.End(xlDown).row).Copy
ws.Range("start").Paste xlPaste Format:="Text" 'This causes an error
Please, try the next code. It will extract the date from the (pseudo) xls file and place it in the first column of the active sheet. Correctly formatted as date:
Sub openXLSAsTextExtractDate()
Dim sh As Worksheet, arrTXT, arrLine, arrD, arrDate, fileToOpen As String, i As Long, k As Long
Set sh = ActiveSheet 'use here the sheet you need
fileToOpen = "xls file full name" 'use here the full name of the saved xls file
'put the file content in an array splitting the read text by end of line (vbCrLf):
arrTXT = Split(CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile(fileToOpen, 1).ReadAll, vbCrLf)
ReDim arrDate(UBound(arrTXT)) 'redim the array where the date will be kept, to have enough space for all the date values
For i = 39 To UBound(arrTXT) - 1 'iterate between the array elements, starting from the row where date data starts
arrLine = Split(arrTXT(i), vbTab) 'split the line by vbTab
arrD = Split(arrLine(0), "/") 'split the first line element (the date) by "/"
arrDate(k) = DateSerial(arrD(2), arrD(1), arrD(0)): k = k + 1 'properely format as date and fill the arrDate elements
Next i
ReDim Preserve arrDate(k - 1) 'keep only the array elements keeping data
With sh.Range("A1").Resize(UBound(arrDate) + 1, 1)
.value = Application.Transpose(arrDate) 'drop the array content
.NumberFormat = "dd/mm/yyyy" 'format the column where the date have been dropped
End With
End Sub
You did not say anything...
So, I made a code returning the whole table (in the active sheet). Please, test it. It will take only some seconds:
Sub openXLSAsText()
Dim sh As Worksheet, arrTXT, arrLine, arrD, arrData, fileToOpen As String, i As Long, j As Long, k As Long
Set sh = ActiveSheet 'use here the sheet you need
fileToOpen = "xls file full name" 'use here the full name of the saved xls file
'put the file content in an array splitting the read text by end of line (vbCrLf):
arrTXT = Split(CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile(fileToOpen, 1).ReadAll, vbCrLf)
ReDim arrData(1 To 10, 1 To UBound(arrTXT)) 'redim the array where the date will be kept, to have enough space for all the date values
For i = 38 To UBound(arrTXT) - 1 'iterate between the array elements, starting from the row where table header starts
arrLine = Split(arrTXT(i), vbTab) 'split the line by vbTab
k = k + 1 'increment the k variable (which will become the table row)
For j = 0 To 9
If j = 0 And k > 1 Then
arrD = Split(arrLine(j), "/") 'split the first line element (the date) by "/"
arrData(j + 1, k) = DateSerial(arrD(2), arrD(1), arrD(0)) 'propperely format as date and fill the arrDate elements
ElseIf j = 2 Or j = 3 Then
arrData(j + 1, k) = Replace(arrLine(j), ",", ".") 'correct the format for columns 3 and four (replace comma with dot)
arrData(j + 1, k) = arrLine(j) 'put the rest of the column, not processed...
End If
Next j
Next i
ReDim Preserve arrData(1 To 10, 1 To k) 'keep only the array elements with data
With sh.Range("A1").Resize(UBound(arrData, 2), UBound(arrData))
.value = Application.Transpose(arrData) 'drop the array content
.EntireColumn.AutoFit 'autofit columns
.Columns(1).NumberFormat = "dd/mm/yyyy" 'format the first column
End With
MsgBox "Ready..."
End Sub

Split two columns by delimiter and merge together taking a step from each (EXCEL 2016)

Ok so I have two columns of data as follows
Personalisation Max Char | Personaisation Field
1x15x25 | Initial, Name, Date
Previously I was using the following vba function (As excel16 has no TEXTJOIN)
Function TEXTJOIN(delim As String, skipblank As Boolean, arr)
Dim d As Long
Dim c As Long
Dim arr2()
Dim t As Long, y As Long
t = -1
y = -1
If TypeName(arr) = "Range" Then
arr2 = arr.Value
arr2 = arr
End If
On Error Resume Next
t = UBound(arr2, 2)
y = UBound(arr2, 1)
On Error GoTo 0
If t >= 0 And y >= 0 Then
For c = LBound(arr2, 1) To UBound(arr2, 1)
For d = LBound(arr2, 1) To UBound(arr2, 2)
If arr2(c, d) <> "" Or Not skipblank Then
TEXTJOIN = TEXTJOIN & arr2(c, d) & delim
End If
Next d
Next c
For c = LBound(arr2) To UBound(arr2)
If arr2(c) <> "" Or Not skipblank Then
TEXTJOIN = TEXTJOIN & arr2(c) & delim
End If
Next c
End If
End Function
This would change 1x15x25 into 1-1, 2-15, 3-25using the following formula
{=TEXTJOIN(", ",TRUE,ROW(INDIRECT("1:" & LEN(A1)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1,"x",""))+1)) & " - " & TRIM(MID(SUBSTITUTE(A1,"x",REPT(" ",999)),(ROW(INDIRECT("1:" & LEN(A1)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1,"x",""))+1)) -1)*999+1,999)))}
Due to the fact, my original method was not specific enough I've been forced to go back to the drawing board.
From the Above, I am wanting to produce the following.
1-2-Initial, 2-15-Name, 3-25-Date
I am a developer but not in visual basic and the worst part Is I know what I would do with a database and PHP just don't have enough knowledge to transfer that to excel.
So I need to either by formula or function
Take 2 Columns and split by a delimiter
Then count the entries on each (Maybe only one)
Then for each in the range create a new string adding the count-col1-col2
I cannot change the data as its given by the supplier
I have a basic understanding of VBA so explain don't belittle
This Example uses the formula above a little-jazzed up.
As you can see each row starts the count again Ignore the Personalization/Message line parts I can add these again later
I am in a mega rush so only whipped this up with one row of values (in A1 and B1)
I hope you can step through to understand it, wrap it in another loop to go through your 6000 rows, and change the msgbox to whatever output area you need... 6000 rows should be super quick:
Sub go()
Dim a() As String
Dim b() As String
Dim i As Long
Dim str As String
' split A1 and B1 based on their delimiter, into an array a() and b()
a() = Split(Range("A1").Value2, "x")
b() = Split(Range("B1").Value2, ",")
' quick check to make sure arrays are same size!
If UBound(a) <> UBound(b) Then Exit Sub
' this bit will need amended to fit your needs but I'm using & concatenate to just make a string with the outputs
For i = LBound(a) To UBound(b)
str = str & i + 1 & "-" & a(i) & "-" & b(i) & vbNewLine
Next i
' proof in the pudding
MsgBox str
End Sub
Sub test()
Dim rngDB As Range
Dim vR() As Variant
Dim i As Long
Set rngDB = Range("a2", Range("a" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)) '<~~personaliation Max Char data range
ReDim vR(1 To rngDB.Count, 1 To 1)
For i = 1 To rngDB.Count
vR(i, 1) = textjoin(rngDB(i), rngDB(i, 2))
Next i
Range("c2").Resize(rngDB.Count) = vR '<~ result wil be recorded in Column C
End Sub
Function textjoin(rng1 As Range, rng2 As Range)
Dim vS1, vS2
Dim vR()
Dim i As Integer
vS1 = Split(rng1, "x")
vS2 = Split(rng2, ",")
ReDim vR(UBound(vS1))
For i = LBound(vS1) To UBound(vS1)
vR(i) = i + 1 & "-" & Trim(vS1(i)) & "-" & Trim(vS2(i))
Next i
textjoin = Join(vR, ",")
End Function
I went back to the drawing board having seen the above.
I learnt
That my original use of array formula and TEXTJOIN where over the top and hardly simplistic
That I can use VBA just like any other programming code :)
My Solution simplified from Dy.Lee
Function SPLITANDMERGE(arr1 As String, arr2 As String, Optional del1 As String = "x", Optional del2 As String = ",")
'Arr1 Split'
Dim aS1
'Arr2 Split'
Dim aS2
'Value Array'
Dim r()
'Value Count'
Dim v As Integer
'Split The Values'
aS1 = Split(arr1, del1)
aS2 = Split(arr2, del2)
'Count The Values'
ReDim r(UBound(aS1))
'For All The Values'
For v = LBound(aS1) To UBound(aS2)
'Create The String'
r(v) = "Personalisation_Line " & v + 1 & " - " & Trim(aS1(v)) & " Characters - [" & Trim(aS2(v)) & "]"
Next v
'Join & Return'
SPLITANDMERGE = Join(r, ", ")
End Function
I'm still working on it but I now get the following result.
Will Be Adding:
Value Count Comparison (If we have 4 and 5 Values return "-" to be picked up by conditional formatting)
Conditional plural values (If value 2 in the string is 0 then character instead of characters
If there are any pitfalls or errors anyone can see please do enlighten me. Im here to learn.

Attempting to store unique strings from text file in Excel using VBA

I am having an issue with one of my loops entering a string into excel. I am extracting data from a text file that can be any length, but everything I've used so far is anywhere between 100 lines of data and 50000 lines of data. The string I am attempting to extract is 4 characters long, most often numbers, but can be alphanumeric. By default the characters are 0001, 0002, 0003, and 0004 but this is completely up to our customers if they choose to use any other 4 characters. When entering the data in Excel, I am wanting only the unique values entered.
The whole code can be given, but everything else works fine so I don't think it's necessary. If you think so, request and I'll edit it in. Keep in mind that I've tried many different attempts at this and the logic never seems to work out.
The result is a long list of rows with every value from the text file.
If I had to guess, this is due to the string being a number and then excel storing it as just "2" instead of "0002" so I have formatted the entire column to show 4 characters. Even then I think Excel sees it as just "2" so the string never matches the data.
Any help is appreciated.
FileName = Application.GetOpenFilename()
Open FileName For Input As #1
strSearch = "MTRDT"
Do Until EOF(1)
Line Input #1, ReadData
If Left(ReadData, Len(strSearch)) = strSearch Then
MtrdtCount = MtrdtCount + 1
MeterType = Mid(ReadData, 78, 4)
lastrow = Cells(Rows.Count, "G").End(xlUp).Row + 1
MeterTypeTest = True
For Each cell In Range("G3:G" & lastrow)
If MeterType = cell.Value Then
MeterTypeTest = False
Exit For
End If
Next cell
If MeterTypeTest = True Then
Range("G" & MeterTypeCnt) = MeterType
MeterTypeCnt = MeterTypeCnt + 1
End If
End If
If all your data has been entered using the method shown, Excel won't be seeing the data entered as 0002 as the number 2 - it will be seeing it as the string "0002".
But you are testing those values against "'" & Mid(ReadData, 78, 4), which means you will be comparing "0002" against "'0002".
You need to add that ' character as you enter the data to the cell, not before doing the comparison. So the following should work:
FileName = Application.GetOpenFilename()
Open FileName For Input As #1
strSearch = "MTRDT"
Do Until EOF(1)
Line Input #1, ReadData
If Left(ReadData, Len(strSearch)) = strSearch Then
MtrdtCount = MtrdtCount + 1
MeterType = Mid(ReadData, 78, 4)
lastrow = Cells(Rows.Count, "G").End(xlUp).Row + 1
MeterTypeTest = True
For Each cell In Range("G3:G" & lastrow)
If MeterType = cell.Value Then
MeterTypeTest = False
Exit For
End If
Next cell
If MeterTypeTest Then
Range("G" & MeterTypeCnt) = "'" & MeterType
MeterTypeCnt = MeterTypeCnt + 1
End If
End If
I think set column "G"'s numberformatLocal as bellow
Columns("g").NumberFormatLocal = "#"
Filename = Application.GetOpenFilename()
Open Filename For Input As #1
strSearch = "MTRDT"
Do Until EOF(1)
Line Input #1, ReadData
If Left(ReadData, Len(strSearch)) = strSearch Then
MtrdtCount = MtrdtCount + 1
MeterType = Mid(ReadData, 78, 4)
lastrow = Cells(Rows.Count, "G").End(xlUp).Row + 1
MeterTypeTest = True
For Each cell In Range("G3:G" & lastrow)
If MeterType = cell.Value Then
MeterTypeTest = False
Exit For
End If
Next cell
If MeterTypeTest = True Then
Range("G" & MeterTypeCnt) = MeterType
MeterTypeCnt = MeterTypeCnt + 1
End If
End If

Split rows that have multiline text and single line text

I'm trying to figure out how to split rows of data where columns B,C,D in the row contain multiple lines and others do not. I've figured out how to split the multi-line cells if I copy just those columns into a new sheet, manually insert rows, and then run the macro below (that's just for column A), but I'm lost at coding the rest.
Here's what the data looks like:
So for row 2, I need it split into 6 rows (one for each line in cell B2) with the text in cell A2 in A2:A8. I also need columns C and D split the same as B, and then columns E:CP the same as column A.
Here is the code I have for splitting the cells in columns B,C,D:
Dim iPtr As Integer
Dim iBreak As Integer
Dim myVar As Integer
Dim strTemp As String
Dim iRow As Integer
iRow = 0
For iPtr = 1 To Cells(Rows.Count, col).End(xlUp).Row
strTemp = Cells(iPtr1, 1)
iBreak = InStr(strTemp, vbLf)
Range("C1").Value = iBreak
Do Until iBreak = 0
If Len(Trim(Left(strTemp, iBreak - 1))) > 0 Then
iRow = iRow + 1
Cells(iRow, 2) = Left(strTemp, iBreak - 1)
End If
strTemp = Mid(strTemp, iBreak + 1)
iBreak = InStr(strTemp, vbLf)
If Len(Trim(strTemp)) > 0 Then
iRow = iRow + 1
Cells(iRow, 2) = strTemp
End If
Next iPtr
End Sub
Here is a link to an example file (note this file has 4 rows, the actual sheet has over 600): https://www.dropbox.com/s/46j9ks9q43gwzo4/Example%20Data.xlsx?dl=0
This is a fairly interesting question and something I have seen variations of before. I went ahead and wrote up a general solution for it since it seems like a useful bit of code to keep for myself.
There are pretty much only two assumptions I make about the data:
Returns are represented by Chr(10) or which is the vbLf constant.
Data that belongs with a lower row has enough returns in it to make it line up. This appears to be your case since there are return characters which appear to make things line up like you want.
Pictures of the output, zoomed out to show all the data for A:D. Note that the code below processes all of the columns by default and outputs to a new sheet. You can limit the columns if you want, but it was too tempting to make it general.
Sub SplitByRowsAndFillBlanks()
'process the whole sheet, could be
'Intersect(Range("B:D"), ActiveSheet.UsedRange)
'if you just want those columns
Dim rng_all_data As Range
Set rng_all_data = Range("A1").CurrentRegion
Dim int_row As Integer
int_row = 0
'create new sheet for output
Dim sht_out As Worksheet
Set sht_out = Worksheets.Add
Dim rng_row As Range
For Each rng_row In rng_all_data.Rows
Dim int_col As Integer
int_col = 0
Dim int_max_splits As Integer
int_max_splits = 0
Dim rng_col As Range
For Each rng_col In rng_row.Columns
'splits for current column
Dim col_parts As Variant
col_parts = Split(rng_col, vbLf)
'check if new max row count
If UBound(col_parts) > int_max_splits Then
int_max_splits = UBound(col_parts)
End If
'fill the data into the new sheet, tranpose row array to columns
sht_out.Range("A1").Offset(int_row, int_col).Resize(UBound(col_parts) + 1) = Application.Transpose(col_parts)
int_col = int_col + 1
'max sure new rows added for total length
int_row = int_row + int_max_splits + 1
'go through all blank cells and fill with value from above
Dim rng_blank As Range
For Each rng_blank In sht_out.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks)
rng_blank = rng_blank.End(xlUp)
End Sub
How it works
There are comments within the code to highlight what is going on. Here is a high level overview:
Overall, we iterate through each row of the data, processing all of the columns individually.
The text of the current cell is Split using the vbLf. This gives an array of all the individual lines.
A counter is tracking the maximum number of rows that were added (really this is rows-1 since these arrays are 0-indexed.
Now the data can be output to the new sheet. This is easy because we can just dump the array that Split created for us. The only tricky part is getting it to the right spot on the sheet. To that end, there is a counter for the current column offset and a global counter to determine how many total rows need to be offset. The Offset moves us to the right cell; the Resize ensures that all of the rows are output. Finally, Application.Transpose is needed because Split returns a row array and we're dumping a column.
Update the counters. Column offset is incremented every time. The row offset is updated to add enough rows to cover the last maximum (+1 since this is 0-indexed)
Finally, I get to use my waterfall fill (your previous question) on all of the blanks cells that were created to ensure no blanks. I forgo error checking because I assume blanks exist.
Thank you for providing a sample. This task was so interesting that I thought of writing the code for that. You are more than welcome to tweak it to your satisfaction, and I hope your team gets to use an RDBMS to manage this kind of data in the future.
Sub OrganizeSheet()
Dim LastRow As Integer
LastRow = GetLastRow()
Dim Barray() As String
Dim Carray() As String
Dim Darray() As String
Dim LongestArray As Integer
Dim TempInt As Integer
Dim i As Integer
i = 1
Do While i <= LastRow
Barray = Split(Range("B" & i), Chr(10))
Carray = Split(Range("C" & i), Chr(10))
Darray = Split(Range("D" & i), Chr(10))
LongestArray = GetLongestArray(Barray, Carray, Darray)
If LongestArray > 0 Then
' reset the values of B, C and D columns
On Error Resume Next
Range("B" & i).Value = Barray(0)
Range("C" & i).Value = Carray(0)
Range("D" & i).Value = Darray(0)
On Error GoTo 0
' duplicate the row multiple times
For TempInt = 1 To LongestArray
Rows(i & ":" & i).Select
Range(i + TempInt & ":" & i + TempInt).Select
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown
' as each row is copied, change the values of B, C and D columns
On Error Resume Next
Range("B" & i + TempInt).Value = Barray(TempInt)
If Err.Number > 0 Then Range("B" & i + TempInt).Value = ""
Range("C" & i + TempInt).Value = Carray(TempInt)
If Err.Number > 0 Then Range("C" & i + TempInt).Value = ""
Range("D" & i + TempInt).Value = Darray(TempInt)
If Err.Number > 0 Then Range("D" & i + TempInt).Value = ""
On Error GoTo 0
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Next TempInt
' increment the outer FOR loop's counters
LastRow = LastRow + LongestArray
i = i + LongestArray
End If
i = i + 1
End Sub
' ----------------------------------
Function GetLongestArray(ByRef Barray() As String, ByRef Carray() As String, ByRef Darray() As String)
GetLongestArray = UBound(Barray)
If UBound(Carray) > GetLongestArray Then GetLongestArray = UBound(Carray)
If UBound(Darray) > GetLongestArray Then GetLongestArray = UBound(Darray)
End Function
' ----------------------------------
Function GetLastRow() As Integer
GetLastRow = Selection.Row
End Function
Give it a shot!

Excel VBA - Ignore continuous blank lines while save as a file

I am having some content in Sheet1 and I am doing some manipulations and writing them in Sheet2.
The objective is to write the Sheet2 into a .txt file. The range is always going to be A1:A2320 from Sheet2. So I loop and print them in the output file.
The problem I face is post manipulation there are a set of blank lines getting into the output file and it is always having 2321 lines (This is expected as per my code). I need to remove all subsequent blank lines in the range A1:A2320 before printing, only if there is more than one continuous blank.
For Example if this is the sheet Temp after manipulation
This should be written as
This is what I made so far
Private Sub Make_Click()
Dim numFields As Integer
Dim numRows As Integer
Dim curField As Integer
Dim curRow As Integer
Dim tmpText As String
Dim outputFile As Variant
numFields = 1
numRows = 2320
curField = 1
curRow = 1
outputFile = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(InitialFileName:=ActiveWorkbook.Path _
& "\", filefilter:="Text Files (*.txt), *.txt", _
Title:="Output file name (will overwrite)")
If outputFile = False Then
Exit Sub
End If
On Error GoTo failed
Open outputFile For Output As #1
For curRow = 1 To numRows
For curField = 1 To numFields
tmpText = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Temp").Cells(curRow, curField).Value
Print #1, tmpText;
If curField < numFields Then
Print #1, vbTab;
End If
Next curField
Print #1, vbLf;
Next curRow
Close #1
MsgBox "File " & outputFile & " written. " & numFields & " fields, " & numRows & " rows."
Exit Sub
On Error Resume Next
Close #1
MsgBox "Couldn't create/overwrite file."
End Sub
If you are only dealing with one column of data, then checking for blanks is trivial. And if you are always only dealing with column A, why are you stepping through columns? You could use a counter to keep track of how many blank lines you have in a row...
Dim counter As Integer
counter = 0
For curRow = 1 To numRows
tmpText = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Temp").Cells(curRow, 1).Value
If Len(tmpText) > 0 Then
If counter = 1 Then
Print #1, vbLf
End If
Print #1, tmpText
Print #1, vbLf
counter = 0
counter = counter + 1
End If
Next curRow
We just delay printing the single blank line until we find the next non-blank. Now if you want to keep a single blank when it occurs on the last row, you will need to stick an if statement on the end of this code.