rabbtimqadmin - Could not connect: [Errno -2] Name or service not known - rabbitmq

I have RabbitMQ installed on a CentOS 5.x server which I use for message passing between my programs. I've installed rabbitmqadmin following the directions on https://www.rabbitmq.com/management-cli.html and have used it on my servers in the past.
From what I can tell it looks like this particular server is misconfigured. My web-searches have failed me on trying to get more information on how to troubleshoot this issue.
The error:
[root#server ~]# python26 /usr/local/bin/rabbitmqadmin list nodes
*** Could not connect: [Errno -2] Name or service not known
[root#server ~]#
I have tried several different rabbitmqadmin commands and they give the same result. If I run the command without the extra params it displays the normal help dialog. I have this setup and working on several other servers.
Any idea on what the root issue is? If not, anyway to get more details, like verbose?
I just tried to check the version of rabbitmq and its yielding an error too:
[root#server ~]# rabbitmqctl status
Status of node rabbit#server ...
Error: unable to connect to node rabbit#server: nodedown
attempted to contact: [rabbit#server]
* connected to epmd (port 4369) on server
* epmd reports node 'rabbit' running on port 25672
* TCP connection succeeded but Erlang distribution failed
* suggestion: hostname mismatch?
* suggestion: is the cookie set correctly?
current node details:
- node name: rabbitmqctl25451#server
- home dir: /var/lib/rabbitmq
- cookie hash: WXaeZT7XXm13naagfRX5cg==
[root#server ~]#
I'm going to see if I can find something from this... I find this weird because the server is passing messages fine and can be monitored through the web console.
Erlang version:
[root#server rabbitmq]# erl -eval 'erlang:display(erlang:system_info(otp_release)), halt().' -noshell
[root#server rabbitmq]#
Rabbitmq Version:
[root#server rabbitmq]# python26 /usr/local/bin/rabbitmqadmin --version
rabbitmqadmin 3.3.5
[root#server rabbitmq]#

After much digging and frustration, I found my problem... I'm posting the solution in case anyone else has a similar experience
Previously, I found that if you setup RabbitMQ on a linux server then change the hostname that it can break some of the rabbit configuration.
The awesome part about this problem is that someone changed the name of the server from all capital letters to lowercase...
I've solve this one of two ways:
Solution 1:
Revert the host name back to the previous name. So that rabbitmq references with the appended server name work again.
Solution 2:
If you want to keep the server name change, then you can create a rabbitmq-env.conf files in /etc/rabbitmq like:
If you aren't sure what your previous name was, you can reference it by doing an ls in your /var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia/ folder. You'll then see a folder that matches the nodename you need to specify.
Reference: https://www.rabbitmq.com/man/rabbitmq-env.conf.5.man.html
Host name is CaSE SeNSiTIve... had someone change a hostname on me and the only difference was the case... so took a while to notice...

Yesterday I've lost a few hours with this same problem and it was in a fresh install, so the problem was that the erlang cookie from my user and root user was different than the one from rabbitmq user.
Find out the HOME for the user rabbitmq:
# cat /etc/passwd | grep rabbitmq
Check if the cookies differs from each other:
# vimdiff /var/lib/rabbitmq/.erlang.cookie ~/.erlang.cookie
If they are different, copy the cookie from rabbitmq for the user that you want to have access to the server:
# cp /var/lib/rabbitmq/.erlang.cookie ~/.erlang.cookie
rabbitmqctl status says "TCP connection succeeded but Erlang distribution failed"
How Nodes (and CLI tools) Authenticate to Each Other: the Erlang Cookie


RabbitMQ cluster on a single machine

I want to create a three node RabbitMQ cluster on a single RHEL8 machine for testing purposes. I tried instructions given in RabbitMQ official guide and also tried to follow this guide.
The first node works fine and it's running. However, the second node cannot be started and throws up an error.
I used below commands as mentioned in the guide.
RABBITMQ_NODE_PORT=5672 RABBITMQ_NODENAME=rabbit rabbitmq-server -detached
RABBITMQ_NODE_PORT=5673 RABBITMQ_NODENAME=hare rabbitmq-server -detached
rabbitmqctl -n hare stop_app
This command throws up below error.
attempted to contact: [hare#localhost]
connected to epmd (port 4369) on localhost
epmd reports: node 'hare' not running at all
other nodes on localhost: [rabbit]
On further inspection of logs, it seems like that this node tries to use the same ports used by the first node (e.g. MQTT port 1883).
I think I might have to use the other option of declaring /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.conf. Mainly because it seems to give more options to change ports etc.
A sample config file resembling the one needed in my case or a link to a proper guide is highly appreciated.
You didn't specify, but you must have the MQTT plugin enabled for there to be a conflict on that port, correct?
The easiest work-around would be to have two configuration files specifying different ports for MQTT, AMQP and anything else. Then, use the RABBITMQ_CONFIG_FILE environment variable to point to the appropriate file:
RABBITMQ_CONFIG_FILE=/path/to/rabbitmq-0.conf rabbitmq-server -detached
RABBITMQ_CONFIG_FILE=/path/to/rabbitmq-1.conf rabbitmq-server -detached
NOTE: the RabbitMQ team monitors the rabbitmq-users mailing list and only sometimes answers questions on StackOverflow.

`oc cluster up` fails during initial startup

I am trying out okd but it fails for me during the oc cluster up port check step. The debug output is not very verbose to be polite. Do you have an idea what to look for.
$ oc cluster up
Getting a Docker client ...
Checking if image openshift/origin-control-plane:v3.11 is available ...
Checking type of volume mount ...
Determining server IP ...
Checking if OpenShift is already running ...
Checking for supported Docker version (=>1.22) ...
Checking if insecured registry is configured properly in Docker ...
Checking if required ports are available ...
error: a port needed by OpenShift is not available
But the required ports 53 and 8443 are not taken
sudo netstat -tulpn | grep '\(:8443\|:53\)'
At least netstat returns nothing
$ oc version
oc v3.11.0+0cbc58b
kubernetes v1.11.0+d4cacc0
features: Basic-Auth GSSAPI Kerberos SPNEGO
CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
I have not been able to find out how to turn debugging on so that it is possible to see what it really checks for.
Has the user you are running the command as enough priveledges to open privileged ports (ports <1024) on your host machine?
try running cluster up as root or with sudo
yes I starting whole okd as root user

AEROSPIKE_ERR_CONNECTION Bad file descriptor,; Not able to connect to local node from aql

I have installed aerospike on my mac my following this installation steps
All the validations are working fine. I am able to connect to the cluster using browser chrome. Below is the screen shot.
I have also installed the AQL tools following the instructions here.
But I'm unable to connect to local node from aql.
$ aql
2017-11-21 16:06:09 WARN Failed to connect to seed 3000.
Error -1: Failed to connect
$ asadm
Aerospike Interactive Shell, version 0.1.11
ERROR: Not able to connect any cluster.
Also, I have noticed the Java client is giving error.
AerospikeClient client = new AerospikeClient("localhost", 3000);
when I changed the localhost to actual Ip returned by vagrant ssh -c "ip addr"|grep 'global eth1' it is working fine.
How to connect with aql using customer parameters? I want to pass ip address and port as parameters to aql. Any suggestions.
$ aql --help
https://www.aerospike.com/docs/tools/aql/index.html - discusses all various command line options.
$ aql -h a.b.c.d -p 1234
There is another possibility, you have your owned port instead of the default 3000, so when you try to connect to aerospike, you can try to run command like : aql -p4000
Hope this may help you
Seems like the port is not getting freed even after exiting the vagrant console.
Tried closing all the terminal windows and then starting again. But no luck.
Finally, restarting the system resolved the issue.

Can't enable rabbitmq-management plugin on Windows 7

I had installed Erlang and RabbitMQ. After I started RabbitMQ service. All those step were done without errors. But when I ran: C:...\rabbitmq-server-3.5.6\sbin>rabbitmq-plugins.bat enable rabbitmq_management
I got following error:
Applying plugin configuration to rabbit#AZE-PC05478... failed. *
Could not contact node rabbit#AZE-PC05478. Changes will take effect
at broker restart. * Options: --online - fail if broker cannot be
--offline - do not try to contact broker.
I copied .erlang.cookie from /Windows to C:. But I still have the same result.
Is anything I missed? Thank you for help.
More infos: When I added : rabbitmqctl.bat status. I got:
Status of node 'rabbit#AZE-PC05478'
Error: unable to connect to node 'rabbit#AZE-PC05478': nodedown
attempted to contact: ['rabbit#AZE-PC05478']
* connected to epmd (port 4369) on AZE-PC05478
* epmd reports node 'rabbit' running on port 25672
* TCP connection succeeded but Erlang distribution failed
* Authentication failed (rejected by the remote node), please check the Erlang cookie
current node details:
- node name: 'rabbitmq-cli-74#AZE-PC05478'
- home dir: C:\
- cookie hash: 1jjD3t2FUFyx/xXyPe0s4w==
On Windows, RabbitMQ had issues with hostnames being reported sometimes in lowercase, sometimes in uppercase, and this doesn't play well with Erlang distribution.
It was fixed in RabbitMQ 3.6.0:
I suppose you're hitting this problem, because the output of rabbitmqctl shows that RabbitMQ is running:
epmd reports node 'rabbit' running on port 25672
It's just that rabbitmqctl fails to contact it. You can check this by specifying the lowercase version of your node name on rabbitmqctl command line:
rabbitmqctl -n rabbit#aze-pc05478 status

RabbitMQ 3.3.1 can not login with guest/guest

I have installed the latest version of RabbitMQ on a VPS Debian Linux box. Tried to get login through guest/guest but returned with the message login failed. I did a little research and found that for security reason its prohibited to get login via guest/guest remotely.
I also have tried enabling guest uses on this version to get logged in remotely by creating a rabbitmq.config file manually (because the installation didn't create one) and placing the following entry only
[{rabbit, [{loopback_users, []}]}].
after restart the rabbitmq with the following command.
invoke-rc.d rabbitmq-server stop -- to stop
invoke-rc.d rabbitmq-server start -- to start
It still doesn't logged me in with guest/guest. I also have tried installing RabbitMQ on Windows VPS and tried to get log in via guest/guest through localhost but again i get the same message login failed.
Also provide me a source where I could try installing the old version of RabbitMQ that does support logging remotely via guest/guest.
I had the same Problem..
I installed RabbitMQ and Enabled Web Interface also but still couldn't sign in with any user i newly created, this is because you need to be administrator to access this.
Do not create any config file and mess with it..
This is what i did then,
Add a new/fresh user, say user test and password test:
rabbitmqctl add_user test test
Give administrative access to the new user:
rabbitmqctl set_user_tags test administrator
Set permission to newly created user:
rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p / test ".*" ".*" ".*"
That's it, enjoy :)
I tried on Debian the same configuration with the following steps:
Installed RabbitMQ.
Enabled the web-management plug-in (not necessary).
When I tried to login I had the same error:
So I created a rabbitmq.config file (classic configuration file) inside the /etc/rabbitmq directory with the following content (notice the final dot):
[{rabbit, [{loopback_users, []}]}].
Alternatively, one can create instead a rabbitmq.conf file (new configuration file) inside the same directory with the following content:
loopback_users = none
Then I executed the invoke-rc.d rabbitmq-server start command and both the console and the Java client were able to connect using the guest/guest credentials:
So I think you have some other problem if this procedure doesn't work. For example your RabbitMQ might be unable to read the configuration file if for some reason you have changed the RABBITMQ_CONFIG_FILE environment variable.
This is a new features since the version 3.3.0. You can only login using guest/guest on localhost. For logging from other machines or on ip you'll have to create users and assign the permissions. This can be done as follows:
rabbitmqctl add_user test test
rabbitmqctl set_user_tags test administrator
rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p / test ".*" ".*" ".*"
Adding the below line in the config file and restarting the server worked for me. Kindly try in your setup.
loopback_users.guest = false
I got this line from the example RabbitMQ config file from Github as linked here.
notice: check your PORT is 15672 ! (version > 3.3 ) if 5672 not works
First of all, check the "choosen answer above":
rabbitmqctl add_user test test
rabbitmqctl set_user_tags test administrator
rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p / test ".*" ".*" ".*"
and if still can't make connection work, check if your port is correct!
for me, this command works:
$ rabbitmqadmin -H -P 15672 -u test -p test list vhosts
| name | messages |
| / | |
for the completed ports , check this:
What ports does RabbitMQ use?
to verify your rabbit mq server, check this: Verify version of rabbitmq
For me, after I created the "test" user and run set_user_tags, set_permissions , I can't connect to rabbitmq via port 5672. but I can connect via 15672.
However, port 15672 always gives me a "blank response". and my code stop working.
so about 5 minutes later, I switched to 5672, everything worked!
Very wired problem. I have no time to dig deeper. so I wrote it down here for someone meeting the same problems.
for other guys which use Ansible for RabbitMQ provisioning, what I missed for rabbitmq_user module was tags: administrator
here is my working Ansible configuration to recreate "guest" user (for development environment purpose, don't do that in production environment):
- name: Create RabbitMQ user "guest"
become: yes
user: guest
password: guest
vhost: /
configure_priv: .*
read_priv: .*
write_priv: .*
tags: administrator
force: yes # recreate existing user
state: present
and I also had to setup a file /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.config containing the following:
[{rabbit, [{loopback_users, []}]}].
in order to be able to log using "guest"/"guest" from outside of localhost
#Create rabbitmq.conf file with
loopback_users = none
FROM rabbitmq:3.7-management
#Rabbitmq config
COPY rabbitmq.conf /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.conf
#Install vim (edit file)
RUN ["apt-get", "update"]
RUN ["apt-get", "-y", "install", "vim"]
#Enable plugins rabbitmq
RUN rabbitmq-plugins enable --offline rabbitmq_mqtt rabbitmq_federation_management rabbitmq_stomp
$ docker build -t my-rabbitmq-image .
$ docker run -d --hostname my-rabbit --name some-rabbit -p 8080:15672 my-rabbitmq-image
Check that the rabbitmq.conf file has been copied correctly.
$ docker exec -it my_container_id /bin/bash
$ vim /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.conf
I had the same problem. I tried what was suggested by Gas and ran "invoke-rc.d rabbitmq-server start" it didn't start. I tried to reboot the server and the webui worked with the guest user. Maybe after adding the rabbitmq.config file, something else also needed to started.
I used rabbitmq version 3.5.3.
One more thing to note: if you're using AWS instance then you need to open inbound port 15672. (The port for RabbitMQ versions prior to 3.0 is 55672.).
Students and I stared at this problem for an hour. Be sure you've named your files correctly. In the /etc/rabbitmq directory, there are two distinct files. There is an /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.config file which you should edit to get the loopback users as described, but there is another file called rabbitmq-env.conf file. Many folks were using tab completion and just adding "ig", which isn't the right file. Double check!
sometimes you don't need the comma , which is there in the configuration file by default , if nothing else is configured below rabbit tag , while starting broker
we will get a crash
{loopback_users, []} , I spend many times hours forgetting this and later removing the comma , it is applicable for all other configurations including SSL
Try restart your rabbitmq and login again, for me work.
For a slightly different use, but might be useful for anyone dealing with accessing the API for monitoring purposes:
I can confirm the answer given by #Oliboy50 works well, however make sure you enable it for each vhost you want the user to be able to monitor, such as:
- vhost: "{{item.name}}"
configure_priv: .*
write_priv: .*
read_priv: .*
state: present
tags: management
with_items: "{{user_system_users}}"
With this loop I was able to get past the "401 Unauthorized" error when using the API for any vhost.
By default, the guest user is prohibited from connecting from remote hosts; it can only connect over a loopback interface (i.e. localhost). This applies to connections regardless of the protocol. Any other users will not (by default) be restricted in this way.
It is possible to allow the guest user to connect from a remote host
by setting the loopback_users configuration to none
# allowing remote connections for default user is highly discouraged
# as it dramatically decreases the security of the system. Delete the user
# instead and create a new one with generated secure credentials.
loopback_users = none
Or, in the classic config file format (rabbitmq.config):
%% Allowing remote connections for default user is highly discouraged
%% as it dramatically decreases the security of the system. Delete the user
%% instead and create a new one with generated secure credentials.
[{rabbit, [{loopback_users, []}]}].
See at "guest" user can only connect from localhost
TIP: It is advisable to delete the guest user or at least change its password to reasonably secure generated value that won't be known to the public.
If you will check the log file under info report you will get this.
`config file(s) : /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.config (not found)`.
Change the config file permission using below command then login using guest , it will work
sudo chmod 777 /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.config