How can i provide Custom code-styles within a plugin - intellij-idea

Basically my task is nearly a copy of [1], the only thing i want to achieve is, to put the generated codestyle.xml into a plugin to share this.
So i have my codeStyle.xml in my resources folder under codestyles like this:
The reason behind this is, that we started using an internal plugin repo for intellij, and in that way it is easier for us to distribute the settings internally.
Maybe my approach is not the best one, but i am glad for any input regarding this ticket.
[1] How can I create custom Live Templates with an Intellij plugin
Thank you

it looks like this is sadly not possible, as a solution we swapped to project based settings


IntelliJ: Search structurally in different projects

Structural search in IntelliJ IDEA is not only powerful, but also not trivial at all to get right. Now when I have created a working template of my own, I might want to use it in multiple projects.
I do not see a way to save globally. Is there anything I can do short of copying the relevant bits from one workspace.xml to another?
Unfortunatelly, it's not supported at the moment, please follow this feature request for updates.

Intellij - Find path to src directory

I am creating an IntelliJ plugin and I am using JavaParser for one of my features. My plugin will allow users to click a gutter icon next to a method and automatically navigate to the tests associated with that method.
To achieve this, temporerily I have used the line:
typeSolver.add(new JavaParserTypeSolver(new File("/home/webby/IdeaProjects/project00/src/")));
My problem is that I need to pass the source folder of the given module into this type solver. Is there any way I can find the source folder programmatically? Perhaps from an actionEvent?
I have tried things along the lines of the following:
This gives me: '/home/webby/IdeaProjects/project00/' but I'm struggling to see how I can get the source folder? I feel there should be a fairly straight forward way of doing this using IntelliJ's SDK but I have not found anything in the documentation or anywhere else online.
Any and all solutions welcome!
Many Thanks,
You can use
to access sources roots of a module. Refer to IntelliJ SDK Docs for details.
BTW IntelliJ IDEA provides special API to syntax trees of Java files, it works more efficiently and better integrates with other IDE features than external JavaParsers.
And it's better to ask questions about IntelliJ IDEA API on a special forum.

IntelliJ PlugIn Development- Get the Project Structure

I want to visualize a part of the project structure. Therefore I need something like a VirtualFileVisitor that can be attached to a VirtualFile. (2 get the subtree of this element).
Does something like this exists? And are there some examples online?
VirtualFileVisitor in com.intellij.openapi.vfs package. You can new it, and Override method depends on your business logic.

Flash Builder best practice for working on multiple versions of a project

I have a large Flash Builder project that is part of a much larger (.net) solution. I typically have, for the entire project, a forward dev branch going, as well one or more bug fix branches. What is the best way to set this up in Flash Builder, given that Flash Builder does NOT want to import an new project (bug fix branch) that has the same name as an existing (forward dev branch) project?
The best way is understand the workspace limitations. Eclipse doesn't accept projects with the same name, is an old problem. I could say you, isn't only eclipse, but a lot IDEs have such problem and bugs about it.
We want a create a project, production, what is the current stable version, at least one bug test and the next project version. Then, in this Eclipse case, you should name it to something like ProjectNameProd, ProjectNameBugFix and ProjectNameNextVersion. It's also good for browser files by path, as you have the folder saying what is inside.
You can put all in one SVN or GIT repo, or create one repository for each one of these contents. Then, configure the Eclipse/Flash Builder to use SVN, follow this well explained.
Another, not well, approach is set one project and all your targets but it is really a mess to organize and keep things separated.
Hope help you.

Customized generation/filtering resources with maven

I wonder what is the Maven way in my situation.
My application has a bunch of configuration files, let's call them profiles. Each profile configuration file is a *.properties file, that contains keys/values and some comments on these keys/values semantics. The idea is to generate these *.properties to have unified comments in all of them.
My plan is to create a file that contains something like
#Comments for key1/value1
#Comments for key2/value2
and a bunch of files like
Then bind to generate-resources phase to create a copy of per profile_data_, and filter that copy with as a filter.
The easiest way is probably to create an ant build file and use antrun plugin. But that is not a Maven way, is it?
Other option is to create a Maven plugin for that tiny task. Somehow, I don't like that idea (plugin deployment is not what I want very much).
Maven does offer filtering of resources that you can combine with Maven profiles (see for example this post) but I'm not sure this will help here. If I understand your needs correctly, you need to loop on a set of input files and to change the name of the output file. And while the first part would be maybe possible using several <execution>, I don't think the second part is doable with the resources plugin.
So if you want to do this in one build, the easiest way would be indeed to use the Maven AntRun plugin and to implement the loop and the processing logic with Ant tasks.
And unless you need to reuse this at several places, I wouldn't encapsulate this logic in a Maven plugin, this would give you much benefits if this is done in a single project, in a unique location.
You can extend the way maven does it's filtering, as maven retrieves it's filtering strategy from the plexus container via dependency injection. So you would have to register a new default strategy. This is heavy stuff and badly documented, but I think it can be done.
Use these URLs as starting point: