OAuth: ASP.NET Web API User.Identity doesn't load claims set by authentication token provider - authentication

I am using OAuth bearer authentication, configured like this in Startup.cs:
OAuthBearerAuthenticationOptions oAuthBearerOptions =
new OAuthBearerAuthenticationOptions
AccessTokenProvider = new AccessTokenProvider(),
AuthenticationMode = AuthenticationMode.Active
... where AccessTokenProvider is implemented as:
public class AccessTokenProvider : AuthenticationTokenProvider
public override async Task ReceiveAsync(AuthenticationTokenReceiveContext context)
// Internal logic to get data needed for building identity...
// Create claims identity
ClaimsIdentity identity = new ClaimsIdentity(identityName);
identity.AddClaim(new Claim(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier, nameIdentifier));
// Add other claims
// Set claims identity
context.SetTicket(new AuthenticationTicket(identity, new AuthenticationProperties()));
If I set a breakpoint at the end of ReceiveAsync, I can verify that the identity is built correctly (has claims) and that SetTicket is reached.
But when I try to access the identity from a Web API controller:
public abstract class BaseStorageController : ApiController
protected IStorageService StorageService;
protected BaseStorageController(IStorageServiceFactory storageServiceFactory)
StorageService = storageServiceFactory.CreateStorageService(User.Identity as ClaimsIdentity);
... the list of claims on the identity is empty!
What can be causing this?
Side note: I don't know if this is related, but I am using Castle Windsor as an IOC container to inject dependencies into my controllers (in the above case, IStorageServiceFactory). The above seemed to work (claims were not empty) before I added that. However, I'm not using CW to manage anything related to authentication. Here is my CW installer for api controllers:
public class ApiControllerInstaller : IWindsorInstaller
public void Install(IWindsorContainer container, IConfigurationStore store)

I found the answer. It was not related to dependency injection/inversion of control. I'm not sure how I thought it was working prior to adding that.
The issue is similar to what is described here (but in my case the solution is different): User (IPrincipal) not avaliable on ApiController's constructor using Web Api 2.1 and Owin
Basically IPrincipal is not accessible from the constructor of the api controller, which is why there are no claims (the user is not yet authenticated). User.Identity is only accessible from the controller's actions, not the constructor. I changed my base controller implementation to the following to get around this issue:
public abstract class BaseStorageController : ApiController
private readonly IStorageServiceFactory _storageServiceFactory;
private IStorageService _storageService;
protected BaseStorageController(IStorageServiceFactory storageServiceFactory)
_storageServiceFactory = storageServiceFactory;
protected IStorageService StorageService
if (_storageService == null)
_storageService = _storageServiceFactory.CreateStorageService(User.Identity as ClaimsIdentity);
return _storageService;
Since StorageService is only accessed from controller actions, User.Identity is authenticated and has claims populated by the time that the StorageService getter gets called.
Hope this helps someone!

protected IStorageService StorageService
if (_storageService == null)
_storageService = _storageServiceFactory.CreateStorageService(User.Identity as ClaimsIdentity);
return _storageService;
this is not the best approach for implementing DI
It's much better to use constructor injection.
Check Constructor Injection in C#/Unity?
if you are not familliar with Unity, follow this link, very useful:


Custom authorization issue

I'm testing some custom authorization without the default Entity Framework stuff.
I have created an "ASP.NET Core Web App (Model-View-Controller)" project using "Authentication type" = "Individual Accounts".
In Program.cs I have:
builder.Services.AddTransient<IUserStore<CustomIdentityUser>, CustomUserStore>();
For the moment CustomIdentityUser is just an empty class.
CustomUserStore looks like this:
public class CustomUserStore : IUserStore<CustomIdentityUser>
public void Dispose()
public Task<CustomIdentityUser> FindByNameAsync(string normalizedUserName, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// Use dummy user for now
//return new Task<CustomIdentityUser>(() => new CustomIdentityUser());
return new Task<CustomIdentityUser>(() => { throw new Exception("THIS DOES NOT HAPPEN!"); });
(All other methods from IUserStore currently throws NotImplementedException.)
If I start the application, go the the login page, enter some credentials and click login I can see that FindByNameAsync in CustomUserStore is called. Good, it seems the application actually uses my custom user store to look for the user whose name I just entered.
But that's where my luck ends. The user interface seems to be waiting for the login to complete. The Task returned from FindByNameAsync doesn't seem to be started at all...why? I think that the caller should get CustomIdentityUser instance from it (and then probably call GetPasswordHashAsync in CustomUserStore).
why do you return new task in FindByNameAsync , also CustomUserStore
should be for extending identity properties. in my opinion, creating a service for identity functionality and using dependency injection
create an interface with the name IIdentity.cs
public Task<IdentityResult> UpdateUserAsync(string id , UpdateUserVm updatedUser);
then the implementation class IdentityService
public class IdentityService : IIdentity
public async Task<IdentityResult> UpdateUserAsync(string id, UpdateUserVm updatedUser)
var currentUser = await _userManager.FindByIdAsync(id);
currentUser.PhoneNumber = updatedUser.PhoneNumber;
return currentUser != null ? await _userManager.UpdateAsync(currentUser) : IdentityResult.Failed();
then register the service
service.AddScoped<IIdentity, IdentityService>();
in controller
public class AccountController : Controller
private readonly IIdentity _identityService;
public AccountController(IIdentity identityService) =>
(_identityService) = (identityService);
public async Task<IActionResult> UpdateProfile(params)
await _identityService.UpdateUserAsync(params)

Can Blazor Use Custom IAuthorizationFilter

Hi I was trying to use TypeFilter and IAuthorizationFilter like discussed in these post:
How do you create a custom AuthorizeAttribute in ASP.NET Core? and How to include multiple policies
for blazor (server side, not blazor wasm, not asp.net core), but the IAuthorizationFilter is never executed.
I want to use IAuthorizationFilter, because using custom policy requirement and IAuthorizationHandler is so not flexible.
I cannot find explicitly that IAuthorizationFilter and Blazor don't work together, every keyword using blazor and custom filter only point to using that policy requirement IAuthorizationRequirement.
So anybody has their blazor server side application works with IAuthorizationFilter? would you mind sharing your resources.
Thank you.
This is the codes I used from https://stackoverflow.com/a/43788693/423356
public enum PermissionItem
public enum PermissionAction
public class AuthorizeAttribute : TypeFilterAttribute
public AuthorizeAttribute(PermissionItem item, PermissionAction action)
: base(typeof(AuthorizeActionFilter))
Arguments = new object[] { item, action };
public class AuthorizeActionFilter : IAuthorizationFilter
private readonly PermissionItem _item;
private readonly PermissionAction _action;
public AuthorizeActionFilter(PermissionItem item, PermissionAction action)
_item = item;
_action = action;
public void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationFilterContext context)
bool isAuthorized = MumboJumboFunction(context.HttpContext.User, _item, _action); // :)
if (!isAuthorized)
context.Result = new ForbidResult();
This is how I declare in my blazor server side .NET 5.0 page:
#attribute [Authorize]
#attribute [Authorize(PermissionItem.User, PermissionAction.Read)]
Using Custom policy requirement works but not flexible, as explained better in my 2 sources above.

OnAuthorizationAsync not being called when creating custom AuthorizeFilter that inherits from AuthorizeFilter

I've created a custom authorize filter which looks like this:
public class BearerTokenAuthorizeFilter : AuthorizeFilter
public override async Task OnAuthorizationAsync(AuthorizationFilterContext context)
await base.OnAuthorizationAsync(context);
if (context.Result is ChallengeResult)
// Then return a problem detail
ObjectResult result = new ObjectResult(new ProblemDetails
Type = ProblemDetailsTypes.Unauthorized,
Title = ReasonPhrases.GetReasonPhrase(StatusCodes.Status401Unauthorized),
Status = StatusCodes.Status401Unauthorized,
Detail = ProblemDetailsDescriptions.Unauthorized
result.ContentTypes.Add(new MediaTypeHeaderValue(new Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives.StringSegment("application/problem+json")));
context.Result = result;
await context.HttpContext.ChallengeAsync();
else if (context.Result is ForbidResult)
context.Result = new StatusCodeResult(StatusCodes.Status403Forbidden);
await context.HttpContext.ForbidAsync();
I am registering this filter like this:
services.AddMvcCore(options =>
I have set the default authentication to be 'Bearer':
I have added Authorize attribute on the controller. Whenever I send an unauthorized request to the endpoint my custom filter is never called and I have no idea why? My goal is to return problem details if the request is unauthorized to provide a little bit more information to the consumer than just the status code. Why is my filter not being called?
Try implement IAuthorizationFilter or IAsyncAuthorizationFilter instead of AuthorizeFilter. It work for me. Also I noticed that GetFilter(..) method returns AuthorizeFilter instance directly in AuthorizationApplicationModelProvider when filter class implements AuthorizeFilter. But when filter implements IAuthorizationFilter or IAsyncAuthorizationFilter this method being not called I think that is issue in ASP NET
I have ended up implementing my own IControllerModelConvention class which looks like this:
public class BearerTokenAuthorizeConvention : IControllerModelConvention
private AuthorizationPolicy _policy;
public BearerTokenAuthorizeConvention(AuthorizationPolicy policy)
_policy = policy;
public void Apply(ControllerModel controller)
if (controller.Filters.OfType<BearerTokenAuthorizeFilter>().FirstOrDefault() == null)
//default policy only used when there is no authorize filter in the controller
controller.Filters.Add(new BearerTokenAuthorizeFilter(_policy));
This will be executed once per controller. I then registered this convention like this:
// Configure application filters and conventions
services.Configure<MvcOptions>(options =>
AuthorizationPolicy defaultPolicy = new AuthorizationOptions().DefaultPolicy;
options.Conventions.Add(new BearerTokenAuthorizeConvention(defaultPolicy));
At this point every controller I have will be tagged with this custom filter which will call base implementation of AuthorizeFilter. The reason why I wanted to derive from AuthorizeFilter was because I wanted to call the default implementation of Authorize and then handle failed response on my own. I thought I could accomplish this very functionality and somehow still be able to only use Authorize attribute. This doesn't seem to be possible. Unless it is an I'm missing something?

How to correctly get dependent scoped services from ISecurityTokenValidator

In my asp.net core 2.0 web app, I've got a custom ISecurityTokenValidator which validates tokens.
It depends on a repository to do a db lookup - the repository itself is setup as a scoped dependency:
Now the funkiness comes about because of the way the ISecurityTokenValidator is setup.
It's added in ConfigureServices:
.AddJwtBearer(options =>
options.SecurityTokenValidators.Add(new MyTokenValidator(services.BuildServiceProvider()));
This is how it looks:
public class MyTokenValidator : ISecurityTokenValidator
private readonly IServiceProvider _serviceProvider;
public MyTokenValidator(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
_serviceProvider = serviceProvider;
public bool CanReadToken(string securityToken) => true;
public ClaimsPrincipal ValidateToken(string securityToken, TokenValidationParameters validationParameters,
out SecurityToken validatedToken)
var serviceScopeFactory = _serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IServiceScopeFactory>();
using (var scope = serviceScopeFactory.CreateScope())
var myRepository = scope.ServiceProvider.GetService<IMyRepository>();
var principalFactory = scope.ServiceProvider.GetService<IUserClaimsPrincipalFactory<User>>();
// Use the repo....
Now, because the IsecurityTokenProvider is only instantiated once, it's effectively a singleton. When I use the service provider to ask for a IMyRepository I was finding that I was always received the same object - there is no new scope as far as it was concerned, because it's in a singleton class.
To get round that, you'll see in the code above Ive had to manually force a new scope every time the token validator is called. Is this really the only way to resolve this, it seems like I'm hacking around to make it work here...
Old question but the best way I have found to solve this problem is to use IPostConfigureOptions<JwtBearerOptions> to configure SecurityTokenValidators.
First register the JWT bearer and options
services.AddAuthentication(options =>
}).AddJwtBearer(AuthenticateScheme, options =>
options.TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters
Then register a custom implementation of IPostConfigureOptions<JwtBearerOptions>
services.AddSingleton<IPostConfigureOptions<JwtBearerOptions>, CustomJwtBearerOptionsPostConfigureOptions>();
And register a custom implementation of ISecurityTokenValidator
CustomJwtBearerOptionsPostConfigureOptions could look something like:
public class CustomJwtBearerOptionsPostConfigureOptions : IPostConfigureOptions<JwtBearerOptions>
private readonly MyCustomSecurityTokenValidator _tokenValidator; //example dependancy
public CustomJwtBearerOptionsPostConfigureOptions(MyCustomSecurityTokenValidator tokenValidator)
_tokenValidator = tokenValidator;
public void PostConfigure(string name, JwtBearerOptions options)
Now options.SecurityTokenValidators is configured by CustomJwtBearerOptionsPostConfigureOptions which is instantiated by dependency injection and can pass on the relevant decencies.

Resolving and registering RequestContext in WebApi using StructureMap

I successfuly configured FluentValidator (FluentValidationModelValidatorProvider) in WebApi 2 to do validation when validator exist for web api method parameter.
Now I would like to implement validation in custom AbstractValidator class. I need there current user from HttpRequestContext or just IPrincipal resolved when validator is initilized.
App is using OWIN OAuthBearerAuthentication.
public class AddExamOptionRequest
public class AddExamOptionValidator : AbstractValidator<AddExamOptionRequest>
private DbContext _db;
public AddExamOptionValidator(DbContext db, IPrincipal currentUser)
// how to set up structure map to register IPrincipal or HttpRequestContext to be avilable here?
I haven't tested that but I believe this should work just fine:
.Use(c => c.GetInstance<HttpRequestMessage>().GetRequestContext().Principal);
Hope this helps!