Velocity template formatting issue - velocity

I have couple of #foreach #if combinations in my velocity template after marge the template I am facing formatting issues as below:
#if ($rq.allowanceType == "TAXI")
#foreach($i in [1..50])
#set($test = "$rq.subType$i")
#if($render.eval($ctx, "$rq.subType$i") != "" && $test != $render.eval($ctx, "$rq.subType$i"))
<aps:type>$render.eval($ctx, "$rq.type$i")</aps:type>
<aps:billNumber>$render.eval($ctx, "$rq.billNumber$i")</aps:billNumber>
<aps:isReceived>$render.eval($ctx, "$rq.valid$i")</aps:isReceived>
#if($render.eval($ctx, "$rq.valid$i") == "YES")
<aps:FromDate>$render.eval($ctx, "$rq.FromDate$i")</aps:FromDate>
<aps:ToDate>$render.eval($ctx, "$rq.ToDate$i")</aps:ToDate>#end#if($render.eval($ctx, "$rq.Amount$i") != "")<aps:Amount>$render.eval($ctx, "$rq.Amount$i")</aps:Amount>#end#if($render.eval($ctx, "$rq.VatAmount$i") != "")<aps:VatAmount>$render.eval($ctx, "$rq.VatAmount$i")</aps:VatAmount>
<aps:GrossAmount>$render.eval($ctx, "$rq.GrossAmount$i")</aps:GrossAmount>
Formatting as
<aps:ToDate>01/02/1994</aps:ToDate> <aps:GrossAmount>3000</aps:GrossAmount>
What should we have to take care while adding conditions and loops in velocity template so that it will not create formatting issues?

Unfortunately velocity doesn't make it easy to keep the formatting of the output nice and clean while having good looking templates at the same time.
An easy workaround is not to care about the output of velocity. In your case, since you're generating xml, apply an xml-beautifier after velocity creates the file, e.g. you can use the one from xmlbeans which can be easily used programmatically:
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlOptions;
public static void beautify(File xmlFile) {
XmlOptions options = new XmlOptions();
XmlObject doc = XmlObject.Factory.parse(xmlFile, options);
options = new XmlOptions();
options.setSavePrettyPrintIndent(4);, options);

you can try quick-templates to get XML/JSON templating capability
offers better capabilities than apache velocity
IEngine templateEngine=EngineFactory.getInstance().getEngine(EngineType.TEMPLATES);
long startTime=System.currentTimeMillis();
EngineResponse response=templateEngine.execute(context);
Quick-Templates Framework


Kotlin Builder vs Constructor

I'm pretty new to Kotlin, and I've come across both of these representations:
Car(name = "CarName")
car {
name = "CarName"
Is there any guidelines about when which one should be used? The docs don't seem to be too clear on this.
The second snippet is an example of how you could build a DSL for your domain. For simple cases like this, it is a bit overkill to create a DSL, but when your objects get larger it might be cleaner to design a DSL.
In fact, using the DSL style to create simple instances might even be confusing.
For example, the documentation on DSLs shows the following code:
fun result(args: Array<String>) =
html {
head {
title {+"XML encoding with Kotlin"}
body {
h1 {+"XML encoding with Kotlin"}
p {+"this format can be used as an alternative markup to XML"}
// an element with attributes and text content
a(href = "") {+"Kotlin"}
// mixed content
p {
+"This is some"
b {+"mixed"}
+"text. For more see the"
a(href = "") {+"Kotlin"}
p {+"some text"}
// content generated by
p {
for (arg in args)
This is an excellent example of when you could use a DSL: The syntax enables a clean structure of how you create your models. Anko for another provides a DSL to defines UI's.

replace string in PDF document (ITextSharp or PdfSharp)

We use non-manage DLL that has a funciton to replace text in PDF document (
We are trying to move to managed solution (ITextSharp or PdfSharp).
I know that this question has been asked before and that the answers are "you should not do it" or "it is not easily supported by PDF".
However there exists a solution that works for us and we just need to convert it to C#.
Any ideas how I should approach it?
According to your library reference link, you use the Debenu PDFLibrary function ReplaceTag. According to this Debenu knowledge base article
the ReplaceTag function simply replaces text in the page’s content stream, so for most documents it wouldn’t have any effect. For some simple documents it might be able to replace content, but it really depends on how the PDF was constructed. Essentially it’s the same as doing:
string content = DPL.GetContentStreamToString();
DPL.SetPageContentFromString(content.Replace("Moby", "Mary"));
That should be possible with any general purpose PDF library, it definitely is with iText(Sharp):
void VerySimpleReplaceText(string OrigFile, string ResultFile, string origText, string replaceText)
using (PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(OrigFile))
byte[] contentBytes = reader.GetPageContent(1);
string contentString = PdfEncodings.ConvertToString(contentBytes, PdfObject.TEXT_PDFDOCENCODING);
contentString = contentString.Replace(origText, replaceText);
reader.SetPageContent(1, PdfEncodings.ConvertToBytes(contentString, PdfObject.TEXT_PDFDOCENCODING));
new PdfStamper(reader, new FileStream(ResultFile, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)).Close();
WARNING: Just like in case of the Debenu function, for most documents this code wouldn’t have any effect or would even be destructive. For some simple documents it might be able to replace content, but it really depends on how the PDF was constructed.
By the way, the Debenu knowledge base article continues:
If you created a PDF using Debenu Quick PDF Library and a standard font then the ReplaceTag function should work – however, for PDFs created with tools that do subsetted fonts or even kerning (where words will be split up) then the search text probably won’t be in the content in a simple format.
So in short, the ReplaceTag function will only work in some limited scenarios and isn’t a function that you can rely on for searching and replacing text.
Thus, if during your move to managed solution you also change the way the source documents are created, chances are that neither the Debenu PDFLibrary function ReplaceTag nor the code above will be able to change the content as desired.
for pdfsharp users heres a somewhat usable function, i copied from my project and it uses an utility method which is consumed by othere methods hence the unused result.
it ignores whitespaces created by Kerning, and therefore may mess up the result (all characters in the same space) depending on the source material
public static void ReplaceTextInPdfPage(PdfPage contentPage, string source, string target)
ModifyPdfContentStreams(contentPage, stream =>
if (!stream.TryUnfilter())
return false;
var search = string.Join("\\s*", source.Select(c => c.ToString()));
var stringStream = Encoding.Default.GetString(stream.Value, 0, stream.Length);
if (!Regex.IsMatch(stringStream, search))
return false;
stringStream = Regex.Replace(stringStream, search, target);
stream.Value = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(stringStream);
return false;
public static void ModifyPdfContentStreams(PdfPage contentPage,Func<PdfDictionary.PdfStream, bool> Modification)
for (var i = 0; i < contentPage.Contents.Elements.Count; i++)
if (Modification(contentPage.Contents.Elements.GetDictionary(i).Stream))
var resources = contentPage.Elements?.GetDictionary("/Resources");
var xObjects = resources?.Elements.GetDictionary("/XObject");
if (xObjects == null)
foreach (var item in xObjects.Elements.Values.OfType<PdfReference>())
var stream = (item.Value as PdfDictionary)?.Stream;
if (stream != null)
if (Modification(stream))

List of DisposableLazy`2 does not have 'Add' method when called using dynamic variable

I am facing a problem using dynamically created list of items when Add method is called on dynamicvariable. Consider following code.
IEnumerable<dynamic> plugins = (IEnumerable<dynamic>)field.GetValue(instance);
if (plugins == null)
dynamic filteredPlugins = null;
foreach (var plugin in plugins)
if (filteredPlugins == null)
filteredPlugins = Activator
if (/* this condition does not matter*/)
.Invoke(filteredPlugins, new object[] { plugin });
And now, the commented line filteredPlugins.Add(plugin) will throw System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException with the message 'object' does not contain a definition for 'Add' when plugin is of type
but it works completely perfect when pluginis of type
System.Lazy<IPlugin, IMetadata>
When the reflection is used to call Add method on the instance filteredPlugins instance as is done on the next line - everything works fine for any type.
My question is WHY is not Add method found in case of DisposableLazy type.
This code is part of the method that I use in OnImportsSatisfied() method. I am using two kinds of import - which differs only in RequiredCreationPolicy - on has CreationPolicy.NonShared and the other default value of CreationPolicy.Any.
[ImportMany(RequiredCreationPolicy = CreationPolicy.NonShared)]
private IEnumerable<Lazy<IPlugin, IMetadata>> plugins = null;
For CreationPolicy.NonShared fields the underlaying type in the plugins is DisposableLazy and for CreationPolicy.Any the underlaying type in the plugins is Lazy.
Edit: As asked in the answer - I am using dynamic variable because IPlugin interface can change everytime this method is called and they do not have to have anything in common.
Edit2: I just found similar question C# dynamic type gotcha, so this can be probably closed as duplicite.
Because System.ComponentModel.Composition.ExportServices.DisposableLazy is a private class, the runtime binder is having trouble believing you have permission to use type, where reflection doesn't care.
Which begs the question why are you using dynamics at all in this case. Since DisposableLazy<IPlugin,IMetadata> public interface is it's subclass Lazy<IPlugin, IMetadata> & IDisposable, shouldn't you just be using a List<Lazy<IPlugin, IMetadata>> for either case?
var plugins = (IEnumerable<Lazy<IPlugin, IMetadata>>)field.GetValue(instance);
if (plugins == null)
var filteredPlugins = new List<Lazy<IPlugin, IMetadata>>();
foreach (var plugin in plugins)
if (/* this condition does not matter*/)

Rss20FeedFormatter Ignores TextSyndicationContent type for SyndicationItem.Summary

While using the Rss20FeedFormatter class in a WCF project, I was trying to wrap the content of my description elements with a <![CDATA[ ]]> section. I found that no matter what I did, the HTML content of the description elements was always encoded and the CDATA section was never added. After peering into the source code of Rss20FeedFormatter, I found that when building the Summary node, it basically creates a new TextSyndicationContent instance which wipes out whatever settings were previously specified (I think).
My Code
public class CDataSyndicationContent : TextSyndicationContent
public CDataSyndicationContent(TextSyndicationContent content)
: base(content)
protected override void WriteContentsTo(System.Xml.XmlWriter writer)
... (The following code should wrap the Summary with a CDATA section)
SyndicationItem item = new SyndicationItem();
item.Title = new TextSyndicationContent(name);
item.Summary = new CDataSyndicationContent(
new TextSyndicationContent(
"<div>This is a test</div>",
Rss20FeedFormatter Code
(AFAIK, the above code does not work because of this logic)
else if (reader.IsStartElement("description", ""))
result.Summary = new TextSyndicationContent(reader.ReadElementString());
As a workaround, I've resorted to using the RSS20FeedFormatter to build the RSS, and then patch the RSS manually. For example:
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter(new StringWriter(buffer));
feedFormatter.WriteTo(writer ); // feedFormatter = RSS20FeedFormatter
WebOperationContext.Current.OutgoingResponse.ContentType =
"application/xml; charset=utf-8";
return new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(buffer.ToString()));
public void PostProcessOutputBuffer(StringBuilder buffer)
var xmlDoc = XDocument.Parse(buffer.ToString());
foreach (var element in xmlDoc.Descendants("channel").First()
VerifyCdataHtmlEncoding(buffer, element);
foreach (var element in xmlDoc.Descendants("channel").First()
VerifyCdataHtmlEncoding(buffer, element);
buffer.Replace(" xmlns:a10=\"\"",
" xmlns:atom=\"\"");
buffer.Replace("a10:", "atom:");
private static void VerifyCdataHtmlEncoding(StringBuilder buffer,
XElement element)
if (!element.Value.Contains("<") || !element.Value.Contains(">"))
var cdataValue = string.Format("<{0}><![CDATA[{1}]]></{2}>",
buffer.Replace(element.ToString(), cdataValue);
The idea for this workaround came from the following location, I just adapted it to work with WCF instead of MVC. http://localhost:8732/Design_Time_Addresses/SyndicationServiceLibrary1/Feed1/
I'm just wondering if this is simply a bug in Rss20FeedFormatter or is it by design? Also, if anyone has a better solution, I'd love to hear it!
Well #Page Brooks, I see this more as a solution then as a question :). Thanks!!! And to answer your question ( ;) ), yes, I definitely think this is a bug in the Rss20FeedFormatter (though I did not chase it as far), because had encountered precisely the same issue that you described.
You have a 'localhost:8732' referral in your post, but it wasn't available on my localhost ;). I think you meant to credit the 'PostProcessOutputBuffer' workaround to this post:
Or actually it is not in this post, but in a comment to it by David Whitney, which he later put in a seperate gist here:
Thank you for providing the adaption of this workaround more to my needs, because I had found the workaround too, but was still struggling to do the adaptation from MVC. Now I only needed to tweak your solution to put the RSS feed to the current Http request in the .ashx handler that I was using it in.
Basically I'm guessing that the fix you mentioned using the CDataSyndicationContent, is from feb 2011, assuming you got it from this post (at least I did):
SyndicationFeed: Content as CDATA?
This fix stopped working in some newer ASP.NET version or something, due to the code of the Rss20FeedFormatter changing to what you put in your post. This code change might as well have been an improvement for other stuff that IS in the MVC framework, but for those using the CDataSyndicationContent fix it definitely causes a bug!
string stylesheet = #"<xsl:stylesheet version=""1.0"" xmlns:xsl=""""><xsl:output cdata-section-elements=""description"" method=""xml"" indent=""yes""/></xsl:stylesheet>";
XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(stylesheet));
XslCompiledTransform t = new XslCompiledTransform(true);
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(ms, t.OutputSettings);
rssFeed.WriteTo(writer); // rssFeed is Rss20FeedFormatter
ms.Position = 0;
string niko = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ms.ToArray());
I'm sure someone pointed this out already but this a stupid workaround I used.
t.OutputSettings is of type XmlWriterSettings with cdataSections being populated with a single XmlQualifiedName "description".
Hope it helps someone else.
I found the code for Cdata elsewhere
public class CDataSyndicationContent : TextSyndicationContent
public CDataSyndicationContent(TextSyndicationContent content)
: base(content)
protected override void WriteContentsTo(System.Xml.XmlWriter writer)
Code to call it something along the lines:
item.Content = new Helpers.CDataSyndicationContent(new TextSyndicationContent("<span>TEST2</span>", TextSyndicationContentKind.Html));
However the "WriteContentsTo" function wasn't being called.
Instead of Rss20FeedFormatter I tried Atom10FeedFormatter - and it worked!
Obviously this gives Atom feed rather than traditional RSS - but worth mentioning.
Output code is:
//var formatter = new Rss20FeedFormatter(feed);
Atom10FeedFormatter formatter = new Atom10FeedFormatter(feed);
using (var writer = XmlWriter.Create(response.Output, new XmlWriterSettings { Indent = true }))

How to extract class IL code from loaded assembly and save to disk?

How would I go about extracting the IL code for classes that are generated at runtime by reflection so I can save it to disk? If at all possible. I don't have control of the piece of code that generates these classes.
Eventually, I would like to load this IL code from disk into another assembly.
I know I could serialise/deserialise classes but I wish to use purely IL code. I'm not fussed with the security implications.
Running Mono 2.10.1
Or better yet, use Mono.Cecil.
It will allow you to get at the individual instructions, even manipulating them and disassembling them (with the mono decompiler addition).
Note that the decompiler is a work in progress (last time I checked it did not fully support lambda expressions and Visual Basic exception blocks), but you can have pretty decompiled output in C# pretty easily as far as you don't hit these boundary conditions. Also, work has progressed since.
Mono Cecil in general let's you write the IL to a new assembly, as well, which you can then subsequently load into your appdomain if you like to play with bleeding edge.
Update I came round to trying this. Unfortunately I think I found what problem you run into. It turns out there is seems to be no way to get at the IL bytes for a generated type unless the assembly happened to get written out somewhere you can load it from.
I assumed you could just get the bits via reflection (since the classes support the required methods), however the related methods just raise an exception The invoked member is not supported in a dynamic module. on invocation. You can try this with the code below, but in short I suppose it means that it ain't gonna happen unless you want to f*ck with Marshal::GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(). You'd have to binary dump the instructions and manually disassemble them as IL opcodes. There be dragons.
Code snippet:
using System;
using System.Linq;
using Mono.Cecil;
using Mono.Cecil.Cil;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
using System.Reflection;
namespace REFLECT
class Program
private static Type EmitType()
var dyn = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(new AssemblyName("Emitted"), AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndSave);
var mod = dyn.DefineDynamicModule("Emitted", "Emitted.dll");
var typ = mod.DefineType("EmittedNS.EmittedType", System.Reflection.TypeAttributes.Public);
var mth = typ.DefineMethod("SuperSecretEncryption", System.Reflection.MethodAttributes.Public | System.Reflection.MethodAttributes.Static, typeof(String), new [] {typeof(String)});
var il = mth.GetILGenerator();
il.EmitWriteLine("Emit was here");
var result = typ.CreateType();
return result;
private static Type TestEmit()
var result = EmitType();
var instance = Activator.CreateInstance(result);
var encrypted = instance.GetType().GetMethod("SuperSecretEncryption").Invoke(null, new [] { "Hello world" });
Console.WriteLine(encrypted); // This works happily, print "Emit was here" first
return result;
public static void Main (string[] args)
Type emitted = TestEmit();
// CRASH HERE: even if the assembly was actually for SaveAndRun _and_ it
// has actually been saved, there seems to be no way to get at the image
// directly:
var ass = AssemblyFactory.GetAssembly(emitted.Assembly.GetFiles(false)[0]);
// the rest was intended as mockup on how to isolate the interesting bits
// but I didn't get much chance to test that :)
var types = ass.Modules.Cast<ModuleDefinition>().SelectMany(m => m.Types.Cast<TypeDefinition>()).ToList();
var typ = types.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Name == emitted.Name);
var operands = typ.Methods.Cast<MethodDefinition>()
.SelectMany(m => m.Body.Instructions.Cast<Instruction>())
.Select(i => i.Operand);
var requiredTypes = operands.OfType<TypeReference>()
.Concat(operands.OfType<MethodReference>().Select(mr => mr.DeclaringType))
.Select(tr => tr.Resolve()).OfType<TypeDefinition>()
var requiredAssemblies = requiredTypes
.Select(tr => tr.Module).OfType<ModuleDefinition>()
.Select(md => md.Assembly.Name as AssemblyNameReference);
foreach (var t in types.Except(requiredTypes))
foreach (var unused in ass.MainModule
AssemblyFactory.SaveAssembly(ass, "/tmp/TestCecil.dll");
If all you want is the IL for your User class, you already have it. It's in the dll that you compiled it to.
From your other assembly, you can load the dll with the User class dynamically and use it through reflection.
If what you have is a dynamic class created with Reflection.Emit, you have an AssemblyBuilder that you can use to save it to disk.
If your dynamic type was instead created with Mono.Cecil, you have an AssemblyDefinition that you can save to disk with myAssemblyDefinition.Write("MyAssembly.dll") (in Mono.Cecil 0.9).