how remove tag html when show text(froala editor) -

iam use editor froala when insert text then show text iam see tag html in text
plese see text
<B><p class="fr-tag">test
testttt good<br></p></B>
iam use this code for show and remove tag
#Html.DisplayFor(model => model.FTxtnews)
var val = $('textarea').val();
val = val.replace("</p><p class="fr-tag">", '<p class="clear">');
iam sloved this problem with use #Html.Raw

try assigning your HTML string to an element and get text of it by removing all child elements like this,
var dummyString = '<B><p class="fr-tag">test testttt good<br></p></B>';
var val = $("#dummyDiv")
.clone() //clone the element
.children() //select all the children
.remove() //remove all the children
.end() //again go back to selected element
Have a DIV in your page (possibly hide it) with id 'dummyDiv'.
Hope it works. Thank you.


How to replace some text with URL in vue?

I want to replace some text from the string with link. I dont know how can I display it. SO far below code displays string with href link.
<span class="text">{{ $t(myText) }}</span>
myText() {
var text = "You can click text.";
var href = "<a href=''>Click Here</a>";
var replaced = text.replace("click", href);
return replaced;
To elaborate on my comment: the handlebars/moustache syntax is used to insert plain text into your template. That means that any string that contains HTML will be inserted as-is without parsing it as DOM.
In order to insert HTML into your template, you will need to use the v-html directive, i.e.:
<span class="text" v-html="$t(myText)"></span>
However, note that this presents a security risk if you're allowing users to insert their own content into the element.

Locating Element with same class in Selenium using c#

I am trying to access ABC. I know that simple By.ClassName("bb") will not work here. How else can I access this content.
<div id="Frame">
<div class="bb"></div>
<div class="bb">ABC</div>
You can use the below css selector to get the value of "ABC".
You can use "XPath" Expression to find or locating your element.
Example : element = findElement(By.xpath("Your xpath expression");
For your XML use following line.
element = findElement(By.xpath("/body/div/div[#class='bb'][node()]");
There is a way to do this in the search using XPath but I am not an XPath expert. I can give you a solution using CSS Selectors. Basically you grab all the DIVs with class bb and then search their text to find the desired text.
String searchText = "ABC";
IReadOnlyCollection<IWebElement> divs = driver.FindElements(By.CssSelector(""));
foreach (IWebElement div in divs)
if (div.Text == searchText)
break; // exit the for and use the variable 'div' which contains the desired DIV

Testing relative positions of elements

On the page under test I have the following Support link:
Which is represented with the following HTML:
<div class="ap-version-panel ap-version-support">
<i class="fa fa-external-link"></i>Support
What I'm trying to is to test that the icon is located before the "Support" text. How can I do that?
I've tried the following - locate the icon element with an XPath that additionally checks that there is "Support" text after and check if the element is present:
expect(element(by.xpath("//text()[. = 'Support']/preceding-sibling::i[contains(#class, 'fa-external-link')]")).isPresent().toBe(true);
This works but it is quite ugly and I don't like that the actual position check is hidden inside the XPath expression which is not really readable and reliable.
I recommend changing the product under test by adding a <span> and move the text "Support" into the <span>.
<div class="ap-version-panel ap-version-support">
<i class="fa fa-external-link"></i><span>Support<span>
But if you cannot change the product, you can use javascriptExecutor to get childNodes then check order of the nodes:
var aFunctionToCheckOrder = function (arguments) {
var nodes = arguments[0].childNodes;
var result;
// Check nodes[0] = <i>
// Check node [1] is textNode and its value = "Support"
return result;
var supportLink = element(by.linkText("Support"));
browser.executeScript(aFunctionToCheckOrder, supportLink).then(...)
As you can see, it is more uglier than your solution. You'd better change your product under test.

Save editable div-tag content into an object?

I have an editable div-tag where i dynamically create paragraphs. I want to save that div-tags content on button click. Is that possible?
<div id="RiskScoreTextArea" class="RiskScoreTextArea" contenteditable="true">
<p id="textAreaP"></p>
I would use jquery for that
$('.btnClick').on('click', function(){
var content = $('#RiskScoreTextArea').html();
If you wanted the text of the div you can use .text() but html will return the full contents of the div. Hopefully this will work for you.

How to get Jquery UI tab to be blank

I have a JQuery UI tab dialog that is the detail of a Master-Detail interface. When someone selects an element in the master, the tabs all get their href's populated with URLs giving details of that selected item.
For example, see and browse to Advanced->Master Detail.
But instead of updating a second grid, I'm updating the links of a jquery-ui tabs element like so:
var urls = {
0 : "/url1",
1 : "/url2",
onSelectRow: function(location_id) {
for (url in urls){
$('#tabs').tabs('url', url , urls[url]+location_id );
var selectedTab = $('#tabs').tabs("option", "selected");
$('#tabs').tabs('load', selectedTab);
With html like:
<div id="tabs">
<li><a id="URL1" href="blank.html">Info</a></li>
<li><a id="URL2" href="blank.html">History</a></li>
I shouldn't have to use a blank.html dummy link. Is there something I can do (when I don't have anything selected in the master) that doesn't cause my tabs to cause a fetch and instead just be empty?
If you set the tab to be blank in your coding nothing will appear in it (obviously), but if you need to empty it on page load use this:
$(document).ready(function() {