Custom Authentication - WS02 Identity - authentication

I am planning to use WSO2 Identity Server as an Oauth2 provider. However the authentication is to be provided by my enterprise service which uses SOAP Protocol.
Basically I have to send a username/password combination to my service and it provides an authentication response. I understand that I need to implement a custom authenticator but I am not sure how to plug into ws02 IS, having read some of the custom auth docs. The questions are the following
Should I implement a LocalApplicationAuthenticator or FederatedApplicationHandler ?
I understand there is a method called canHandle() in AuthenticationHandler but not sure what to write in my scenario.
What are the various configurations that I need to apply to make custom authentication handler work?
Can I build my custom authentication handler as a normal jar file since I am not comfortable building OSGI bundles?

I'd suggest to implement a custom user store, see:
there is a method 'doAuthenticate' you may implement as you see fit.
Have fun


ASP.NET OData / Web API Authentication and documentation

I am implementing an OData endpoint on an ASP.NET application, and am working right now on the authentication part. I looked at the example at for implementing HTTP Basic authentication. However, the example looks very weird to me, even though it the article gives an impression that this is how you implement generic custom authentication on a RESTful API.
It implements authentication on the stage of a pipeline where you are supposed to implement authorization. My understanding is that when OnAuthorization is called, you are supposed to already have the principal set and the only thing left to do is checking if the principal has enough access to perform the requested action.
What is the deal with that call to IsAuthorized? Isn't that supposed to be a side-effect free method?
So I basically would like to check from somebody who is more familiar with ASP.NET Web API to confirm if this is a) the correct way to do things b) a hackish but safe way to do things or c) something dangerous that should never be present in production code.
You are right, authentication should be implemented in separate AuthenticationFilter or even in HttpModule. You can find example here: authentication filter, http module.

How do you protect a resource on a webserver using REST API

I wanted to know how to can i protect a resource on a webserver using REST API.Like for example i want to access but before accessing that i have to be authenticated. The thing is i am try to create a simple mobile client to authenticate with a rest service and then be able to access the resource.
I would appreciate a good example explaining how it can be done Thanks :)
It would be nice if i could get an example in php.
You implement a web service (be it REST, or be it SOAP) in some programming language (for example, Java or C#) running in some "container" (for example, IIS/.Net or Tomcat).
The layer below REST (for example, the C# code you're using to implement your IIS/.Net/SOAP web service, or the Java code in your .war) is the layer where you want to write any custom access code.
Alternatively, some vendors (for example, Amazon S3) have already done this for you:
Other vendors (such as Microsoft) give you a way to use their authentication infrastructure with your web service:
Secure REST Service Microsoft Azure AppFabric
In java you can use a servlet filter, which will send an error code if it does not find an authentication object in the user session and if authenticated let the request handling proceed. A very popular implementation of this approach is Spring security[]

Custom "Basic" Authentication for my WCF services. REST and RIA. Possible?

My server side contains WCF4 REST services and I'm going to add RIA services for my future SL4 application. Currently I'm doing Basic authentication like this:
var auth = HttpContext.Current.Request.Headers.GetValues("Authorization");
And so on.. You get the idea.. I call this on every request. If header not present or I can't validate UN/Password - I do this:
outgoingResponse.Headers.Add("WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"Secure Area\"");
That got me by so far but I'm refactoring my server side. Implementing IoC for linked services. Created custom ServiceHost, ServiceHostFactory, InstanceProvider and all is well.
Now I need to figure how to properly handle authentication and authorization with WCF so I don't have to manually inspect headers. I do have my custom MembershipProvider so there have to be some method that get's UN/PW to process.
Any pointers? I looked at but it uses RequestInterceptor and it is not available in WCF4. I found ServiceAuthenticationManager and ServiceAuthorizationManager but there is no samples available on how to code and wire those..
Can anybody suggest which way I should go?
Try to use this custom HTTP module. It will add new authentication mode to IIS and it will allow you using custom credentials validation.
I had all types of issues using the built-in annotations for WCF in a recent SOAP/C# project. I know this isn't the best solution, but for my purposes, I enabled basic authentication in IIS7 for my application, disabled anonymous authentication and created Active Directory users for the external clients that would call the web service endpoints. I then changed the application's permissions in IIS7 (it uses file system permissions) to allow a group containing those users.
This moves authentication outside your application, which may not be what you want, but does allow you to easily add users via the IIS7 console and deployment tools that can copy those permissions. The advantage is that you don't have to redeploy your application for permission changes. The disadvantage is you can't do fine grained permission control per function.

REST WCF 4 Service with Custom Basic Authentication over SSL in IIS

I'm looking for a complete step-by-step guide or a sample project about implementing a RESTful Service using .NET 4.0 using Custom Basic Authentication over HTTPS hosted in IIS.
I've been googling about it for 3 days and I could only find either an implementation with WCF 3.5 which is very different, or without Custom Basic Authentication, or without SSL.
Basically I implemented my REST service on WCF 4, and added SSL, but I can't use a custom authentication using my custom users database.
Any references would be really appreciated.
It's not currently possible using the available WCF extension points.
It is possible with custom HTTP module allowing basic authentication against custom credential store. Built-in module in IIS supports only windows accounts.
I wrestled with this for a while and ended up just implementing basic auth in my service. Check WebOperationContext.Current.IncomingRequest.Headers for an 'Authorization' header. If it's missing or the credentials don't match set the challenge header and return a 401 status:
WebOperationContext.Current.OutgoingResponse.Headers.Add("WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"myrealm\"");
throw new WebFaultException<string>("Username and password needed", HttpStatus.Unauthorized);
That's enough to trigger a browser to prompt the user for credentials. See for more on basic auth, for more on this frustrating missing capability.

Basic Authentication with WCF REST service to something other than windows accounts?

Is there a clean way to expose a WCF REST service that requires basic authentication, but where we handle the actual validation of the username/password ourselves? It seems that when you tell WCF in config that you want to use basic authentication, it forces you to turn on basic authentication in IIS and IIS can only do basic authentication against window accounts.
The only hack we have found is to lie to WCF and tell it there is no security on the service and then do authentication outside of the WCF stack using a generic IHttpModule (which has a proprietary config file to indicate which URLs have which authentication/authorization requirements).
It seems like there should be a better way. Anyone have one?
The WCF REST Contrib library enables this functionality:
It also allows you to secure individual operations.
is the username and password set on the client like:
cc.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = ReturnUsername();
cc.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = ReturnPassword();
Or are they embedded in the body of the REST message?
If the former, you can use a custom UserNamePasswordValidator:
If the latter, you can set the service to no security, and use a custom ServiceAuthorizationManager to validate the contents of the message:
Hope one or the other helps! I'd try to post sample code & config, but I'm # home and dont have access to code, which is all # work.
See Custom Basic Authentication for RESTful services. Pablo's approach uses the interceptor functionality that is provided via the REST starter kit to solve the problem. If you do not want to depend on the REST starter kit, then you can create your own service host and use the inteceptor functionality provided.
If you host it on IIS, using custom http module is the way to go. You can bring over the principal over to WCF side to do code access security. See HTTP Basic Authentication against Non-Windows Accounts in IIS/ASP.NET (Part 3 - Adding WCF Support). Also see Custom HTTP Basic Authentication for ASP.NET Web Services on .NET 3.5/VS 2008.
If you are not using IIS, you should be able to implement userNameAuthentication. See Finally! Usernames over Transport Authentication in WCF.
Yes absolutely there is a way. You need to configuring a custom userNamePasswordValidationMode value for your service and point it to a class with an overridden method that can inspect and validate the credentials provided. When making a RESTful call, these credentials when using Basic authentication in its proper form should be in the request header. With this custom method you can inspect the credentials and then authenticate the client to your service. No Windows accounts or domain even needed.
The nice thing is you can then take that security context to the next level and provide fine-grained authrization at the method level. You might have instances where a large pool of clients are able to access the service, but not all methods within (i.e. paid clients vs. unpaid). In this case you can also provide authorization at the method level as well if needed.
Below is a step-by-step solution (with too many steps to embed) by me that contains both the needed configuration and security required to have a complete solution. The problem is often Basic authentication is used without securing the Transport with a SSL certificate and this is bad. Make sure to follow all the steps and you will implement Basic authentication without the need of any type of Windows accounts or configuration on your WCF RESTful based service.
RESTful Services: Authenticating Clients Using Basic Authentication