This is what I've tried, and I'm not sure where the problem is. . .
My model:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :assignments
class CreateUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
create_table :users do |t|
t.string :login, :null => false
t.string :crypted_password, :null => false
t.string :password_salt, :null => false
t.string :persistence_token, :null => false
t.timestamps null: false
This is what I'm getting in Rails console when trying to create a user:
`<main>'2.2.0 :004 > User.create(login:'whatever', password:'1', password_confirmation:'1')
(0.1ms) begin transaction
User Exists (1.1ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "users" WHERE LOWER("users"."login") = LOWER('whatever') LIMIT 1
User Exists (0.1ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "users" WHERE "users"."persistence_token" = '4886c517de2414c730b7ed5cc296b0e19c3e56ee398fb0aeed0531c55cbb04fd2a8ce577a4d5bd7dbb52e46cf9ab5e27e287af0993a708d07ded12553460d11c' LIMIT 1
(0.1ms) rollback transaction
=> #<User id: nil, login: "whatever", crypted_password: "400$8$45$c054050d7ce04047$335b3dec54f141e7ab030e1f...", password_salt: "CQlMGatvdGngFXiogDcW", persistence_token: "4886c517de2414c730b7ed5cc296b0e19c3e56ee398fb0aeed...", created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>
No users are created after it:
2.2.0 :005 > User.all
User Load (61.5ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users"
=> #<ActiveRecord::Relation []>
No errors and some weird SQL. What could be the problem?
EDIT: Just tried u = User.create(login:'whatever', password:'123', password_confirmation:'123'); u.errors.to_json
And I got:
=> "{\"password\":[\"is too short (minimum is 4 characters)\"],\"password_confirmation\":[\"is too short (minimum is 4 characters)\"]}"
So that was my problem, password was too short. Too bad Rails didn't print it by default when I was seeding db. Thanks all!
This is my doubt, I have the following table:
create_table "followings", force: :cascade do |t|
t.integer "follower_id"
t.integer "followed_id"
t.datetime "created_at", precision: 6, null: false
t.datetime "updated_at", precision: 6, null: false
t.index ["followed_id"], name: "index_followings_on_followed_id"
t.index ["follower_id", "followed_id"], name: "index_followings_on_follower_id_and_followed_id", unique: true
t.index ["follower_id"], name: "index_followings_on_follower_id"
And this is my user table:
create_table "users", force: :cascade do |t|
t.string "email", default: "", null: false
t.string "encrypted_password", default: "", null: false
t.string "reset_password_token"
t.datetime "reset_password_sent_at"
t.datetime "remember_created_at"
t.datetime "created_at", precision: 6, null: false
t.datetime "updated_at", precision: 6, null: false
t.string "photo"
t.string "coverimage"
t.string "fullname"
t.string "username"
t.index ["email"], name: "index_users_on_email", unique: true
t.index ["reset_password_token"], name: "index_users_on_reset_password_token", unique: true
and I need to create a top 10 of the most followed users, so in this case, the most repetitive followed_id's, but I can not make an order by on a count just created column inside ActiveRecord. I am trying something like this:
#userst = Following.where(:group => "followed_id", :select => "device_id, COUNT(folloing_id)", sort: :dsc)
what I can be doing wrong?
this is my user controller (top is not finished yet as you can see):
class UsersController < ApplicationController
before_action :authenticate_user!
def index
#users = User.all
def show
#user = User.find(params[:id])
#posts = #user.posts.ordered_by_most_recent
def edit
#user = User.find(params[:id])
def following
#title = "Following"
#user = User.find(params[:id])
#users = #user.following.paginate(page: params[:page])
render 'show_follow'
def followers
#title = "Followers"
#user = User.find(params[:id])
#users = #user.followers.paginate(page: params[:page])
render 'show_follow'
def top
#userst = User.where()
Just to let you know this is the user model:
class User < ApplicationRecord
# Include default devise modules. Others available are:
# :confirmable, :lockable, :timeoutable, :trackable and :omniauthable
devise :database_authenticatable, :registerable,
:recoverable, :rememberable, :validatable, :authentication_keys => [:username]
validates :fullname, presence: true, length: { maximum: 20 }
validates :username, presence: true, length: { maximum: 20 }
validates_uniqueness_of :username
has_many :posts
has_many :active_followings, class_name: "Following",
foreign_key: "follower_id",
dependent: :destroy
has_many :passive_followings, class_name: "Following",
foreign_key: "followed_id",
dependent: :destroy
has_many :following, through: :active_followings, source: :followed
has_many :followers, through: :passive_followings, source: :follower
mount_uploader :photo, FileUploader
mount_uploader :coverimage, FileUploader
# Follows a user.
def follow(other_user)
following << other_user
# Unfollows a user.
def unfollow(other_user)
# Returns true if the current user is following the other user.
def following?(other_user)
Assuming you have a user model, and it contains a has_many relationship with the followings model, you can try with:
.order('COUNT(followings.followed_id) DESC')
I am using rails 5.0.0
I want to make a query that will let me display all the posts the current user has made. The two relevant tables I have are:
create_table "discussions", force: :cascade do |t|
t.string "title"
t.text "content"
t.datetime "created_at", null: false
t.datetime "updated_at", null: false
t.integer "user_id"
t.integer "channel_id"
create_table "users", force: :cascade do |t|
t.string "email", default: "", null: false
t.string "encrypted_password", default: "", null: false
t.string "unconfirmed_email"
t.datetime "created_at", null: false
t.datetime "updated_at", null: false
t.string "username"
t.index ["confirmation_token"], name: "index_users_on_confirmation_token", unique: true
t.index ["email"], name: "index_users_on_email", unique: true
t.index ["reset_password_token"], name: "index_users_on_reset_password_token", unique: true
t.index ["username"], name: "index_users_on_username", unique: true
create_table "replies", force: :cascade do |t|
t.text "reply"
t.datetime "created_at", null: false
t.datetime "updated_at", null: false
t.integer "discussion_id"
t.integer "user_id"
and the relationships are as follows:
class Discussion < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :channel
belongs_to :user
has_many :replies, dependent: :destroy
has_many :users, through: :replies
class Reply < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :discussion
belongs_to :user
class User < ApplicationRecord
# Include default devise modules. Others available are:
# :confirmable, :lockable, :timeoutable and :omniauthable
devise :database_authenticatable, :registerable,
:recoverable, :rememberable, :trackable, :validatable,
has_many :notifications, foreign_key: :recipient_id
has_many :discussions, dependent: :destroy
has_many :channels, through: :discussions
in my discussions_controller.rb file i have the following line
#discussions = Discussion.includes(:users).where('' => current_user).order('discussions.created_at desc')
and in my view file I have
<% #discussions.each do |discussion| %>
<% end %>
I expect there to be a few entries since I have created them, however no entries are displayed at all. This is what is printed in the terminal window
Processing by DiscussionsController#index as HTML
User Load (0.4ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."id" = ? ORDER BY "users"."id" ASC LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]]
Rendering discussions/index.html.erb within layouts/application
SQL (0.5ms) SELECT "discussions"."id" AS t0_r0, "discussions"."title" AS t0_r1, "discussions"."content" AS t0_r2, "discussions"."created_at" AS t0_r3, "discussions"."updated_at" AS t0_r4, "discussions"."user_id" AS t0_r5, "discussions"."channel_id" AS t0_r6, "users"."id" AS t1_r0, "users"."email" AS t1_r1, "users"."encrypted_password" AS t1_r2, "users"."reset_password_token" AS t1_r3, "users"."reset_password_sent_at" AS t1_r4, "users"."remember_created_at" AS t1_r5, "users"."sign_in_count" AS t1_r6, "users"."current_sign_in_at" AS t1_r7, "users"."last_sign_in_at" AS t1_r8, "users"."current_sign_in_ip" AS t1_r9, "users"."last_sign_in_ip" AS t1_r10, "users"."confirmation_token" AS t1_r11, "users"."confirmed_at" AS t1_r12, "users"."confirmation_sent_at" AS t1_r13, "users"."unconfirmed_email" AS t1_r14, "users"."created_at" AS t1_r15, "users"."updated_at" AS t1_r16, "users"."username" AS t1_r17 FROM "discussions" LEFT OUTER JOIN "replies" ON "replies"."discussion_id" = "discussions"."id" LEFT OUTER JOIN "users" ON "users"."id" = "replies"."user_id" WHERE "users"."id" = 1 ORDER BY discussions.created_at desc
Rendered shared/_discussions.html.erb (8.5ms)
Channel Load (0.3ms) SELECT "channels".* FROM "channels" ORDER BY created_at desc
Role Load (0.3ms) SELECT "roles".* FROM "roles" INNER JOIN "users_roles" ON "roles"."id" = "users_roles"."role_id" WHERE "users_roles"."user_id" = ? AND ((( = 'admin') AND (roles.resource_type IS NULL) AND (roles.resource_id IS NULL))) [["user_id", 1]]
Rendered discussions/_sidebar.html.erb (34.1ms)
Rendered discussions/index.html.erb within layouts/application (46.1ms)
Completed 200 OK in 245ms (Views: 165.7ms | ActiveRecord: 6.7ms)
If I use
#discussions = Discussion.includes(:users).order('discussions.created_at desc')
Then all the discussion posts display as they normally would as if the .includes statement was not there.
So, how can I change my query to list out the discussions made by the current user?
Update As per Shiko's comment, here is the output given with his input in the rails console
2.3.0 :001 > User.find(1).discussions
User Load (0.5ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]]
Discussion Load (0.5ms) SELECT "discussions".* FROM "discussions" WHERE "discussions"."user_id" = ? [["user_id", 1]]
=> #<ActiveRecord::Associations::CollectionProxy [#<Discussion id: 1, title: "Test", content: "alkjdflk slkfj ", created_at: "2018-04-08 22:40:06", updated_at: "2018-04-08 22:40:06", user_id: 1, channel_id: nil>, #<Discussion id: 2, title: "Fake Bakesale", content: "Come buy cookies", created_at: "2018-04-08 23:29:17", updated_at: "2018-04-08 23:29:17", user_id: 1, channel_id: 1>, #<Discussion id: 3, title: "Fake Bakesale", content: "Come buy cookies", created_at: "2018-04-08 23:30:18", updated_at: "2018-04-08 23:30:18", user_id: 1, channel_id: 1>, #<Discussion id: 4, title: "Meeting today", content: "Come to the meeting", created_at: "2018-04-08 23:35:59", updated_at: "2018-04-08 23:35:59", user_id: 1, channel_id: 1>, #<Discussion id: 5, title: "New post", content: "asdf ", created_at: "2018-04-15 21:50:20", updated_at: "2018-04-15 21:50:20", user_id: 1, channel_id: 2>]>
2.3.0 :002 >
First thing, if you run below command in rails console, you should get an below expected error :
#discussions = Discussion.includes(:users).where('' => current_user).order('discussions.created_at desc')
Expected error:
ActiveRecord::ConfigurationError: Can't join 'Discussion' to
association named 'users'; perhaps you misspelled it?
To fix this issue, you have to use :user instead of :users as below, simply because each discussion belongs to one user and not many :
#discussions = Discussion.includes(:user).where('' => current_user).order('discussions.created_at desc')
There is a more a clean one way to get the current user discussions, using below:
#user = User.find(curren_user_id)
ERB file:
<% #user.discussions.each do |discussion| %>
<% end %>
You can do this:
#discussions = Discussion.includes(:user).
where(users: { id: }).
order("discussions.created_at desc")
If you don't need to reference the user attributes in your view, you can also do this, which avoids the join altogether:
#discussions = Discussion.
where(user_id: :desc)
so I tried to run rails c of this:
Borrower.update(1, :raised=> 0)
and this:
Borrower.update(1, raised: 0)
and I get a roll back with this:
Borrower Load (0.3ms) SELECT "borrowers".* FROM "borrowers" WHERE "borrowers"."id" = $1 LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]]
(0.2ms) BEGIN
Borrower Exists (0.5ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "borrowers" WHERE (LOWER("borrowers"."email") = LOWER('') AND "borrowers"."id" != 1) LIMIT 1
(0.2ms) ROLLBACK
"table with raised = 0"
1 row in set
This is my model for "Borrower":
class Borrower < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :lenders
has_many :histories, dependent: :destroy
has_many :borrowed_from, through: :histories, source: :lender
EMAIL_REGEX = /\A([^#\s]+)#((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]+)\z/i
validates :first_name, :last_name, :email, :purpose, :description, :money, presence: true
validates :email, uniqueness: {case_sensitive: false}, format: {with: EMAIL_REGEX}
and my Schema:
create_table "borrowers", force: :cascade do |t|
t.string "first_name"
t.string "last_name"
t.string "email"
t.string "password_digest"
t.integer "money"
t.string "purpose"
t.text "description"
t.integer "raised"
t.datetime "created_at", null: false
t.datetime "updated_at", null: false
How do I permanently update the "raised"?
It's likely the validation fails, try to print the validation errors on your console:
borrower = Borrower.update(1, raised: 0)
puts borrower.errors
Another solution if you want to explicitly skip the validation might be update_attribute:
Borrower.find(1).update_attribute(:raised, 0)
If you additionally want to skip the callbacks and avoid touching updated_at there's also update_column:
Borrower.find(1).update_column(:raised, 0)
If raised is sort of a boolean attribute you could also go for toggle!:
I haven't an issue where I can't seem to update or modify a database column in rails 3. I've never seen anything like this before and as such am sure it's something small that I'm overlooking. Please help!
IRB Output:
ruby-1.9.2-p318 :002 > User.all
User Load (0.1ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users"
=> []
ruby-1.9.2-p318 :003 > User.create( :login => "dummy", :password => "foobar", :password_
confirmation => "foobar", :role => "user", :email => "" )
(0.1ms) begin transaction
User Exists (0.1ms) SELECT 1 FROM "users" WHERE "users"."login" = 'dummy' LIMIT 1
User Exists (0.0ms) SELECT 1 FROM "users" WHERE "users"."email" = '' L
SQL (0.8ms) INSERT INTO "users" ("created_at", "email", "hashed_password", "login", "
role", "salt", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["created_at", Thu, 05 Apr 2
012 02:21:00 UTC +00:00], ["email", ""], ["hashed_password", "6416111c47f
a52ddfbde9e539ee6e369807bdeab"], ["login", "dummy"], ["role", nil], ["salt", "1LTzevgRHt
"], ["updated_at", Thu, 05 Apr 2012 02:21:00 UTC +00:00]]
(61.5ms) commit transaction
=> #<User id: 3, login: "dummy", role: nil, hashed_password: "6416111c47fa52ddfbde9e539
ee6e369807bdeab", email: "", salt: "1LTzevgRHt", created_at: "2012-04-05
02:21:00", updated_at: "2012-04-05 02:21:00">
ruby-1.9.2-p318 :004 > u = User.first
User Load (0.2ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" LIMIT 1
=> #<User id: 3, login: "dummy", role: nil, hashed_password: "6416111c47fa52ddfbde9e539
ee6e369807bdeab", email: "", salt: "1LTzevgRHt", created_at: "2012-04-05
02:21:00", updated_at: "2012-04-05 02:21:00">
ruby-1.9.2-p318 :005 > u.role
=> nil
ruby-1.9.2-p318 :006 > u.role = "foo"
=> "foo"
ruby-1.9.2-p318 :007 > u.role
=> "foo"
ruby-1.9.2-p318 :008 > u
=> #<User id: 3, login: "dummy", role: nil, hashed_password: "6416111c47fa52ddfbde9e539
ee6e369807bdeab", email: "", salt: "1LTzevgRHt", created_at: "2012-04-05
02:21:00", updated_at: "2012-04-05 02:21:00">
class CreateUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
create_table :users do |t|
t.column :login, :string
t.column :role, :string
t.column :hashed_password, :string
t.column :email, :string
t.column :salt, :string
ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => 20120318205424) do
create_table "users", :force => true do |t|
t.string "login"
t.string "role"
t.string "hashed_password"
t.string "email"
t.string "salt"
t.datetime "created_at", :null => false
t.datetime "updated_at", :null => false
require 'digest/sha1'
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_length_of :login, :within => 3..40
validates_length_of :password, :within => 4..40
validates_presence_of :login, :email, :password, :password_confirmation, :salt
validates_uniqueness_of :login, :email
validates_confirmation_of :password
validates_format_of :email, :with => /^[A-Z0-9._%+-]+#[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}$/i, :message => "Invalid email"
attr_accessor :password, :password_confirmation, :role
attr_protected :id, :salt
def self.random_string(len)
chars = ("a".."z").to_a + ("A".."Z").to_a + ("0".."9").to_a
newpass = ""
1.upto(len) { |i| newpass << chars[rand(chars.size-1)] }
return newpass
def password=(pass)
self.salt = User.random_string(10) if !self.salt?
self.hashed_password = User.encrypt(#password, self.salt)
def self.encrypt(pass, salt)
def self.authenticate(login, pass)
u=find(:first, :conditions=>["login = ?", login])
return nil if u.nil?
if User.encrypt(pass, u.salt)==u.hashed_password
# edits wont save without this
return u
def send_new_password
new_pass = User.random_string(10)
self.password = self.password_confirmation = new_pass
Notification.deliver_forgot_password(, self.login, new_pass)
def admin?
(self.role == "admin")
SQLite Update, to show it works:
sqlite> select * from users;
3|dummy||6416111c47fa52ddfbde9e539ee6e369807bdeab||1LTzevgRHt|2012-04-05 02:21:00.752890|2012-04-05 02:21:00.752890
sqlite> select role from users;
sqlite> select role from users where login = "dummy";
sqlite> update users set role = "user" where login = "dummy";
sqlite> select role from users where login = "dummy";
sqlite> select * from users;
3|dummy|user|6416111c47fa52ddfbde9e539ee6e369807bdeab||1LTzevgRHt|2012-04-05 02:21:00.752890|2012-04-05 02:21:00.752890
I've been messing with this for a while... thanks for any help you can give.
EDIT on request:
ruby-1.9.2-p318 :011 > User.last.update_attributes!(:role => "foo")
User Load (0.2ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" ORDER BY "users"."id" DESC LIMIT 1
(0.1ms) begin transaction
User Exists (0.1ms) SELECT 1 FROM "users" WHERE ("users"."login" = 'dummy' AND "users"."id" != 3) LIMIT 1
User Exists (0.1ms) SELECT 1 FROM "users" WHERE ("users"."email" = '' AND "users"."id" != 3) LIMIT 1
(0.1ms) rollback transaction
ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid: Validation failed: Password is too short (minimum is 4 characters), Password can't be blank, Password confirmation can't be blank
from /home/jmervine/Development/personal/blog/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/activerecord-3.2.2/lib/active_record/validations.rb:56:in `save!'
from /home/jmervine/Development/personal/blog/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/activerecord-3.2.2/lib/active_record/attribute_methods/dirty.rb:33:in `save!'
from /home/jmervine/Development/personal/blog/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/activerecord-3.2.2/lib/active_record/transactions.rb:246:in `block in save!'
from /home/jmervine/Development/personal/blog/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/activerecord-3.2.2/lib/active_record/transactions.rb:295:in `block in with_transaction_returning_status'
from /home/jmervine/Development/personal/blog/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/activerecord-3.2.2/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract/database_statements.rb:192:in `transaction'
from /home/jmervine/Development/personal/blog/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/activerecord-3.2.2/lib/active_record/transactions.rb:208:in `transaction'
from /home/jmervine/Development/personal/blog/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/activerecord-3.2.2/lib/active_record/transactions.rb:293:in `with_transaction_returning_status'
from /home/jmervine/Development/personal/blog/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/activerecord-3.2.2/lib/active_record/transactions.rb:246:in `save!'
from /home/jmervine/Development/personal/blog/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/activerecord-3.2.2/lib/active_record/persistence.rb:224:in `block in update_attributes!'
from /home/jmervine/Development/personal/blog/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/activerecord-3.2.2/lib/active_record/transactions.rb:295:in `block in with_transaction_returning_status'
from /home/jmervine/Development/personal/blog/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/activerecord-3.2.2/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract/database_statements.rb:192:in `transaction'
from /home/jmervine/Development/personal/blog/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/activerecord-3.2.2/lib/active_record/transactions.rb:208:in `transaction'
from /home/jmervine/Development/personal/blog/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/activerecord-3.2.2/lib/active_record/transactions.rb:293:in `with_transaction_returning_status'
from /home/jmervine/Development/personal/blog/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/activerecord-3.2.2/lib/active_record/persistence.rb:222:in `update_attributes!'
from (irb):11
from /home/jmervine/Development/personal/blog/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/railties-3.2.2/lib/rails/commands/console.rb:47:in `start'
from /home/jmervine/Development/personal/blog/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/railties-3.2.2/lib/rails/commands/console.rb:8:in `start'
from /home/jmervine/Development/personal/blog/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/railties-3.2.2/lib/rails/commands.rb:41:in `<top (required)>'
from script/rails:6:in `require'
from script/rails:6:in `<main>'ruby-1.9.2-p318 :012 > User.last.update_attributes!(:role => "foo")
remove :role from this line attr_accessor :password, :password_confirmation, :role
I'm trying to set up a model using UUIDs instead of auto-increment. Without bothering with the UUID part, here is what my code looks like:
class CreateUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
create_table :users, :id => false do |t|
t.column :id, 'char(36) binary', :null => false, :primary => true
t.string :email
t.string :username
t.string :password_hash
t.string :password_salt
The user model just has:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
When I try to assign the id in the console it doesn't take:
ruby-1.9.3-p0 > u =
=> #<User id: nil, email: nil, username: nil, password_hash: nil, password_salt: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>
ruby-1.9.3-p0 > = 'stuff'
=> "stuff"
ruby-1.9.3-p0 >
=> nil
ruby-1.9.3-p0 > = UUIDTools::UUID.random_create.to_s
=> "d3cd5bef-22b4-4fb1-b00f-10d8bbc94dc1"
ruby-1.9.3-p0 >
=> nil
ruby-1.9.3-p0 > = 'stuff'
=> "stuff"
ruby-1.9.3-p0 >
=> "stuff"
Why can I not assign the id manually? If I name the column something else it works, but I'd prefer to be able to use the id field so I don't have to override all the rails magic. It seems to work fine in Rails 2. Is there some Rails setting that protects the id from changes?
Try using this:
set_primary_key :id
in your models.
There's also a activeuuid plugin.
This SO post seems to back up the set_primary_key thing, at least partially.