I want to put my TabControl in an array
For i As Int32 = 1 To 10
Dim tabController = Me.Controls.Find("TabControl" & i, True)
If tabController.Length > 0 Then
tabController(0).Appearance = TabAppearance.Buttons
tabController(0).SizeMode = TabSizeMode.Fixed
tabController(0).ItemSize = New Drawing.Size(0, 1)
End If
But the code above doesnt seem to work. I want it to be like this
TabControl1.Appearance = TabAppearance.Buttons
TabControl1.SizeMode = TabSizeMode.Fixed
TabControl1.ItemSize = New Drawing.Size(0, 1)
I manage to do it with buttons though
For i As Int32 = 1 To 10
Dim btns = Me.Controls.Find("btn" & i, True)
If btns.Length > 0 Then
btns(0).Text = "empty"
btns(0).Visible = False
AddHandler btns(0).Click, AddressOf Me.changeContent
End If
Thanks in advance.
Try this:
For i = 1 To 10
Dim tc As TabControl = Controls.Find("TabControl" & i, True).FirstOrDefault
If Not tc Is Nothing Then
tc.Appearance = TabAppearance.Buttons
tc.SizeMode = TabSizeMode.Fixed
tc.ItemSize = New Size(0, 1)
End If
For a project I require the creation of textboxes at run time, to this end I have used this code;
Dim AOP As Integer = GlobalVariables.AOP
Dim tb(11, 11) As TextBox
Dim LocationX As Integer
Dim LocationY As Integer
Dim count As Integer = 2
LocationX = 10
LocationY = 10
tb(1, 0).Name = "txtRoot"
tb(1, 0).Size = New Size(170, 20)
tb(1, 0).Location = New Point(LocationX, LocationY)
tb(1, 0).Visible = False
I am then able to loop it using this For loop;
For i = 1 To AOP
If count > AOP Then
If i = AOP Then
LocationY = LocationY + 10
LocationX = 10
tb(count, 0).Name = "txtXValue" & 0 & "YValue" & count
tb(count, 0).Size = New Size(170, 20)
tb(count, 0).Location = New Point(LocationX, LocationY)
Controls.Add(tb(count, 0))
count = count + 1
i = 1
LocationX = LocationX + 10
tb(count, i).Name = "txtXValue" & i & "YValue" & count
tb(count, i).Size = New Size(170, 20)
tb(count, i).Location = New Point(LocationX, LocationY)
Controls.Add(tb(count, i))
End If
End If
This works in theory, however, when the code reaches the line;
tb(1, 0).Name = "txtRoot"
It returns the error 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object'
I am wondering if there is anyway around this? or if this way of creating textboxes isn't possible? Any help would be appreciated.
You have initialized the array but not added initialized TextBoxes, the array contains currently only Nothing. Also note that arrays are zero based, so the first TextBox is in tb(0, 0).
For i As Int32 = 0 To tb.GetLength(0) - 1
For ii As Int32 = 0 To tb.GetLength(1) - 1
tb(i, ii) = New TextBox()
tb(i, ii).Visible = False
' .... '
Now all are initialized.
I'm trying to draw an array of PictureBoxes, for testing I use the same picture for each picturebox.
But instead of showing the picture, it shows the color blue.
I would show you a picture, but I dont have 10 reputation..
Dim teren(120) As PictureBox
Dim x_locatie As Integer = 1, y_locatie As Integer = 0
For i = 0 To 10
x_locatie = 210
For j = 0 To 12
teren(i * j) = New PictureBox()
teren(i * j).Size = New Size(61, 61)
teren(i * j).Name = "x" + i.ToString + "y" + j.ToString
teren(i * j).Location = New Point(x_locatie, y_locatie)
Dim locatie As String = folder + "\harta\test.png"
teren(i * j).ImageLocation = locatie
teren(i * j).Show()
y_locatie += 61
I also tried another method , but same result.
Sub PictureBox1_Paint(sender1 As Object, er As PaintEventArgs)
If myImage IsNot Nothing Then
Dim r As New Rectangle(x, y, xlatime, ylungime)
er.Graphics.DrawImage(myImage, r)
End If
End Sub
Sub deseneaza(ByVal poza As String, ByRef x_perm As Integer, ByRef y_perm As Integer, ByRef lungime As Integer, ByRef latime As Integer)
myImage = Image.FromFile(poza)
x = x_perm
y = y_perm
xlatime = latime
ylungime = lungime
End Sub
'this part of code is in body of another function
Dim x_locatie As Integer = 1, y_locatie As Integer = 0
For i = 0 To 10
x_locatie = 210
For j = 0 To 12
Dim locatie As String = folder + "\harta\test.png"
deseneaza(locatie, x_locatie, y_locatie, 61, 61)
y_locatie += 61
I saw in other threads that their problem solution was something like that Dim teren() As PictureBox {teren1, teren2 , ... , teren n} But the problem in my case is that I need 120 PictureBoxes, and I think that it must be a way to do this without writing 120 pictureboxes.
Please try this...it will generate 16 picture box, size 20x20, in a row. I put it under "FormLoading" event.
Dim Shapes(16) As PictureBox
For i = 1 To 16
Shapes(i) = New PictureBox
With Shapes(i)
.BackColor = SystemColors.Control 'Color.Green
.BackgroundImage = New Bitmap(My.Resources.led_blk)
.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Zoom
.Size = New Size(20, 20)
.Visible = True
.Location = New Point( 23 * i, 50)
End With
I think GDI+ will be the way to go. I think you need a custom class that has a rectangle structure as a member with other properties that help you with further logic with the character intersecting with them. Paint should be done in the Paint event of the surface control you are using - PictureBox has the best rendering - IMO.
Public Class Tile
Public Property Bounds As New Rectangle
Public Property IsImpassable As Boolean
'others you think of
End Class
Dim iTop = 325
Dim pBox(48) As PictureBox
Dim pinColor = Color.SkyBlue
Dim leftStart = 50
For j = 0 To 3
For i = 0 To 11
pBox(i) = New PictureBox
'pBox(i).Image = Image.FromFile("\NoTest.bmp")
pBox(i).Visible = True
pBox(i).BackColor = pinColor
pBox(i).Top = iTop + (j * 40)
pBox(i).Width = 20
pBox(i).Height = 20
pBox(i).Left = leftStart + (35 * i)
If i > 9 Then
pBox(i).Left = leftStart + (35 * i) + 15
pBox(i).Width = 25
End If
pBox(i).SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage
I am currently working on project in which i have to display IP Configuration to user in VB.Net Application.
I am using DataGridView to display IP Config to user.
But problem is Datagridview doesnt display anything in its row at all.
Image for proof
Here is the code
Public Sub MT_Validate_Msg(ByRef lbData() As Byte)
Dim lsAddr(3) As String
Dim lsMAC(5) As String
Dim lstConfig As TCP_SER_Config
If lbData.Length >= 256 Then
'Check Header Footer and Response Size
If lbData(0) = Asc("$") And lbData(1) = Asc("#") _
And lbData(254) = Asc("<") And lbData(255) = Asc(">") _
And lbData(2) = UDP_RESPONSE_SIZE And lbData(3) = 0 Then
gnDevice_Search_Count += 1
'MsgBox("Response Received")
lsAddr(0) = lbData(7).ToString
lsAddr(1) = lbData(9).ToString
lsAddr(2) = lbData(11).ToString
lsAddr(3) = lbData(13).ToString
lstConfig.IP = String.Join(".", lsAddr)
lsAddr(0) = lbData(15).ToString
lsAddr(1) = lbData(17).ToString
lsAddr(2) = lbData(19).ToString
lsAddr(3) = lbData(21).ToString
lstConfig.Subnet = String.Join(".", lsAddr)
lsAddr(0) = lbData(23).ToString
lsAddr(1) = lbData(25).ToString
lsAddr(2) = lbData(27).ToString
lsAddr(3) = lbData(29).ToString
lstConfig.Gateway = String.Join(".", lsAddr)
lstConfig.Alive_Time = lbData(31)
lsMAC(0) = Hex(lbData(33)).ToString
lsMAC(1) = Hex(lbData(34)).ToString
lsMAC(2) = Hex(lbData(35)).ToString
lsMAC(3) = Hex(lbData(36)).ToString
lsMAC(4) = Hex(lbData(37)).ToString
lsMAC(5) = Hex(lbData(38)).ToString
lstConfig.MAC = String.Join("-", lsMAC)
End If
End If
End Sub
Public Sub MT_FillGrid(ByRef lstTCPConfig As TCP_SER_Config)
Dim row As String() = New String() {gnDevice_Search_Count.ToString, lstTCPConfig.IP, lstTCPConfig.Subnet, _
lstTCPConfig.Gateway, lstTCPConfig.Alive_Time.ToString, lstTCPConfig.MAC}
row = New String() {"1", "", "", "", "60", "22-0B-3C-2D-00-01"}
End Sub
Expecting a result like this, Where i am going wrong in code ?
I'm able to add multiple datagridview 1 after another on panel.
by adding code of SysDragon from the same forum
Dim AllDataGrids As List(Of My_custom_DGV)
Dim lastCtrl As Control
AllDataGrids = New List(Of My_custom_DGV)
For j As Int32 = 0 To 3
Dim aDataGridView As New My_custom_DGV()
aDataGridView.for_date = ""
aDataGridView._count = week_count
aDataGridView.Dock = DockStyle.Top
aDataGridView.Dock = DockStyle.Right
aDataGridView.Dock = DockStyle.Left
aDataGridView.Dock = DockStyle.Bottom
Next j
For i As Integer = 1 To 3
Dim dgv As My_custom_DGV = AllDataGrids(i)
' Dim dgv As DataGridView = AllDataGrids(i)
If dataGrid_Panel.Controls.Count.Equals(0) Then
dgv.Top = DataGridView1.Height + 20
lastCtrl = dataGrid_Panel.Controls(dataGrid_Panel.Controls.Count - 1)
dgv.Top = lastCtrl.Top + lastCtrl.Height + 5
End If
the problem is that when i scroll in between them then it is looking very bad(i.e. as i scroll,it is repeating the the image on panel again and again). does it render the view again when i Scroll,and may be calling the paint method of datagridview repeatedly. if yes then what is the solution?
I am using VB.NET vb 2008 . I am trying to create text boxes dynammically and remove them here is the code i have written so far
Private Sub setTextBox()
Dim num As Integer
Dim pos As Integer
num = Len(word)
temp = String.Copy(word)
Dim intcount As Integer
GuessBox.Visible = True
letters.Visible = True
pos = 0
'To create the dynamic text box and add the controls
For intcount = 0 To num - 1
Txtdynamic = New TextBox
Txtdynamic.Width = 20
Txtdynamic.Visible = True
Txtdynamic.MaxLength = 1
Txtdynamic.Location = New Point(pos + 5, 0)
pos = pos + 30
'set the font size
Txtdynamic.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Verdana", 8.25!, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, CType(0, Byte))
Txtdynamic.Name = "txtdynamic_" & intcount & "_mycntrl"
Txtdynamic.Enabled = False
Txtdynamic.Text = ""
Panel1.Visible = True
letter = ""
letters.Text = ""
hang_lable.Text = ""
tries = 0
End Sub`enter code here`
Function remove()
For Each ctrl In Panel1.Controls
End Function
I am able to create the textboxes but only a few of them are removed. by using For Each ctrl In Panel1.Controls it doesn't retrieve all the controls and some ae duplicated as well.
Change your remove to
Sub remove()
For i As Integer = Panel1.Controls.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
Next i
End Sub
If I am not mistaken you should not change a collection in a loop that you are currently looping, using a for each. The safest ways would be to use the index, in reverse, so that the position is not affected.