Filtering out records in SQL with a join - sql

I am creating an app that makes guest lists for greek life events at universities.
The two tables I am working with are 'student' table and 'participant' table.
The fields in the student table are: student_id, student_name, university, and chapter.
Students with chapter id's are considered members, and students without chapter id's are considered guests when making guest lists(participant table).
The participant table fields are: participant_id, member(which is related to student_id), guest (which is also related to student_id), and event.
When trying to add guests to the guest list for an event, I wrote the following sql query to filter out students from different universities and that aren't in chapters and weren't already on the list:
$student = getColumn("SELECT guest FROM participant WHERE event = '$event'");
$university = getSqlValue("SELECT university FROM student WHERE student_id = '$member'");
"SELECT student_name
FROM `student`
LEFT JOIN participant ON student.student_id = participant.guest
WHERE student.chapter = ''
AND = '$university'
AND participant.guest != '$student'");
So, I know this isn't going to work, because I have a whole array for $student, but even if I try it with one student id, the query doesn't work. It returns empty. If I remove the last AND particpant.guest!= $student, then the query returns all the students at the university that are not members of a chapter.
My question has two parts:
Why wouldn't that query work with one value for student?
Can someone think of a better way to go about doing this?


SQL question: how to find rows that share all of the same rows in a composite table?

I'm working on my SQL project using the Oracle database for class, and I'm asked a question that I see far too often.
You have three tables:
The question I keep finding is of a similar type: Find the names of the students that attend in all of the classes that "John" (or anyone else) attends.
John attends three classes, so I have to find the students that also attend those three classes (could be more, but those three must be there). However, I won't always know how many classes John (or whoever) attends, so it can't be hardcoded like that.
FROM attendance jclass
INNER JOIN student on jclass.SNO = student.SNO
WHERE student.SNAME = 'John';
This gets me the classes that John attends. I tried to add the identifier for the other students:
FROM student
INNER JOIN attendance on student.SNO = attendance.SNO
INNER JOIN class on attendance.CNO = class.CNO
WHERE student.SNAME <> 'John'
AND class.CNO IN (SELECT jclass.CNO
FROM attendance jclass
INNER JOIN student on jclass.SNO = student.SNO
WHERE student.SNAME = 'John');
However, this only gets me the students that appear in at least one of John's classes, rather than all of them. I can see why it's doing this, but I'm not sure how to fix it. It's the one big struggle I'm having with SQL.
Here is one way - assuming SNO is primary key in the first table, CNO is primary key in the second table, and (SNO, CNO) is (composite) primary key in the third table, and that the input student is given by a unique identifier (first name is distinctly NOT a unique identifier, so the problem stated in terms of giving "John" as the input makes no sense). Here I assume the "special" student is identified by SNO = 1001; you can make 1001 into a variable, or change it to a subquery that selects a (unique!!) SNO based on some other inputs.
I didn't try to make the query as efficient as possible, or use features you most likely haven't seen in your class. Rather, I tried to make it as elementary and as readable as possible.
select sno
from attendance
where cno in (select cno from attendance where sno = 1001)
group by sno
having count(*) = (select count(*) from attendance where sno = 1001)
The strategy is simple: the subquery in the in condition finds the classes attended by the "special" student, then from the attendance table we select only rows for those classes. Group by student, and count. Keep only the students for whom the count is equal to the total count for the "special" student. Note the last condition is about groups, not about input rows, so it belongs in the having clause.

Entity Framework Many-to-Many Query

I'm struggling writing a query in Entity Framework that deals with a many to many relationship that I have set up. What I want to do is get the items from TableA that belong to a relationship with TableB and at the same time know from the results which relationship was a correct match.
For instance, if I'm using Students and Courses, I want to look for all the students that are in a set of courses and also return only those courses that matched. I very specifically want to start the query with Students, as this can easily be accomplished by just looking at the Courses navigation property to get the list of students.
What I want is a list of Students where each Student contains only the set of Courses in my query (NOT every course the student is taking).
Something like the below is close, I get the correct list of Students, but the navigation property for Courses shows all Courses, not the subset from my query. I want to avoid having to query again if possible, and just return the set of Students / Courses I need.
Dim listOfStudents = From s In Students
From c In s.Courses
Where listOfCourseIds.Contains(c.CourseId)
If there's no junction table between the two, then try:
from s in dc.Students
from c in s.Courses
where c.CourseID == courseID
select s;
If entity has a junction table between the two, try:
from s in dc.Students
from e in s.StudentsCourses
where e.Course.CourseID == courseID
select s;

SQL: How do I find which movie genre a user watched the most? (IMDb personal project)

I'm currently working on a personal project and I could use a little help. Here's the scenario:
I'm creating a database (MS Access) for all of the movies myself and some friends have ever watched. We rated all of our movies on IMDb and used the export feature to get all of the movie data and our movie ratings. I plan on doing some summary analysis on Excel. One thing I am interested in is the most common movie genre that each person watched. Below is my current scenario. Note that the column "const" is the movies' unique IDs. I also have individual tables for each person's ratings and the following tables are the summary tables that make up the combination of all the movies we have watched.
Here's the table I had:
I assigned each genre an ID, like this:
And here is a table where I have separate instances for each movie ID and a unique genre:
I want to find a way to count up all of the genres that each person watches. Any advice? I would love to provide any additional information that you need!
Thank you!
You need to have at least one table which has one row per user and const (movie watched). In the 3 example tables you posted nothing shows who watched which movies, which is information you need to solve your problem. You mention having "individual tables for each person's ratings," so I assume you have that information. You will want to combine all of them though, into a table called PERSON_MOVIE or something of the like.
So let's say your second table is called GENRE and its columns are ID, Genre.
Let's say your third table is called GENRE_MOVIE and its columns are Const and ID (ID corresponds to ID on the GENRE table)
Let's say the fourth table, which you did not post, but which is required, is called PERSON_MOVIE and its columns are person, Const, rating.
You could then write a query like this:
select vw1.*, ge.genre
from (select um.person, as genre_id, count(*) as num_of_genre
from user_movie um
inner join genre_movie gm
on um.const = gm.const
group by um.person, vw1
inner join (select person, max(num_of_genre) as high_count
from (select um.person,, count(*) as num_of_genre
from user_movie um
inner join genre_movie gm
on um.const = gm.const
group by um.person, x
group by person) vw2
on vw1.person = vw2.person
and vw1.num_of_genre = vw2.high_count
inner join genre ge
on vw1.genre_id =
Edit re: your comment:
So right now you have multiple tables reflecting people's ratings of movies. You need to combine those into a table called PERSON_MOVIE or something similar (as in example above).
There will be 3 columns on the table: person, const, rating
I'm not sure if access supports the traditional create table as select query but ordinarily you would be able to construct such a table in the following way:
create table person_movie as
select 'Bob', const, [You rated]
from ratings_by_bob
union all
select 'Sally', const, [You rated]
from ratings_by_sally
union all
select 'Jack', const, [You rated]
from ratings_by_jack
If not, just combine the tables manually and add a third column as shown indicating what users are reflected by each row. Then you can run my initial query.

SQL query number of students per school

I have a table of students and schools. How do I select the total students per school?
I'm sure this is a very simple query, however I'm not sure how to proceed on from this:
FROM tblStudentDetails
INNER JOIN tblSchools
ON tblStudentDetails.schoolId =
Group by the school and use count() to count the students
SELECT, count( as students_count
FROM tblSchools s
INNER JOIN tblStudentDetails d ON d.schoolId =
I want to add on to the accepted answer as well. Working for a school district and continuously having to pull counts of students there are a few additional things to keep in mind. What students are you looking for?
Do you want active students, inactive students, or active and inactive students.
Do you want to include students that have been no showed (were going to come to your school, but ended up not coming for even a day, this is recorded in most student information systems.
Is the student attending multiple schools, in which case you want to exclude them from counting in their second or third school.
I've built the script with the idea of a normalized school district database, where things are broken out by school year, and enrollment.
Often a basic script for me looks a little like this.
Because each school year is a new year, students, and schools usually have a table for the basic data that doesn't change. But also tables that are school year specific. In my example STUDENT_YEAR and SCHOOL_YEAR is where we get into the specifics regarding which kids we are actually getting, and where they currently are. I utilize the YEAR table to identify which school year I want to look at.
The STUDENT_YEAR table is where we store the students concurrency flag, enter date, and so within that table I can use in the WHERE clause a way to filter out Inactive Students, Concurrent Students, and ensure each student is counted only once.
If those year values aren't included, at least in my database, I would get all students ever enrolled for every year we've got stored.

How can a query return 'yes' if a matching record exists and 'no' if not? SQL / MS Access

I have the following tables:
Student Data
Student ID (primary key)
Prior Education
Student ID (foreign key)
Prior Education Code
At the moment I have a query that displays various data from Student Data with one record per student. I want to add an additional column to this query that shows "Y" if there is at least one matching record in Prior Education and "N" is there is no matching record. Basically I want an answer to the question "Does this student have any prior education?".
I want one record per student in the query regardless of how many records they have in Prior Education.
I'm working in MS Access and have little experience with SQL so solutions that don't require much SQL knowledge are preferable, but not necessary.
You may use LEFT JOIN and IIF.
SELECT student.studentid,iif (isnull(prior.priorid),'Yes','No')
FROM student LEFT JOIN [prior] ON student.studentid = prior.studentid;
SELECT student.studentid, iif(count(prior.priorid)<>0,'Yes','No')
FROM student LEFT JOIN [prior] ON student.studentid=prior.studentid
group by student.studentid