Sybase Sql query not returning error - sql

While doing a query with multiples tables and multiples variables in a Sybase SQL query, the results weren't what i was expecting.
My table is not complete and is not supposed to be, most of it can recieve NULL as a value (I know NULL is not a value but in let's consider it just for this query, this is not the focus of the question) and it's never going to be completed.
That known, my query is fairly simple, it asks for the user for a few filters that he doesn't need to fill it out, if he just wants a more "open search". While doing tests with this query i realized that one of those filters where not working, even if i filled it, it would still return values as if the user had never filled the filter. Upon closer expection i realized that the function called to make the query was missing that filter so i went and changed it.
WHERE c.item_control = mc.item_control
AND c.item_code = isnull(#itemCode,item_code) #itemCode is one of the filters
AND c.item_baseline = isnull(#itemBaseline, item_baseline)
AND c.item_quantity = sc.item_quantity
AND c.item_storage = sc.item_storage
AND others, the list goes on.
While others are working, if i don't give the filter info, it ignores it and searches for himself, returning all possible values right? I mean, the ISNULL function can be translated as this:
if #itemBaseline IS NULL then
c.item_baseline = c.item_baseline
c.item_baseine = #itemBaseline
Well, i'm not trying to return null or anything, nor am i trying to make it searches for himself so i can return everything. But item_baseline can be added to the control table without any info o it (giving it the NULL value [Again, let's ignore it, just trying to make it easier to understand]). Well, the results of the query, however, instead of returning everything on itemBaseline it works like the user selected IS NOT NULL.
I'm not trying to return null in the query, all i want is to make it return every possibility.
PS: I'm using Sybase-based SQLdbx 3.12.
PS2: I've tried using alternatives to isnull function like coalesce but it still doesn't work.

It seems that your variables are not defined during execution of this query. I did small experiment on my side :
INSERT #temp
SELECT #b = 2
b = isnull(#b,b)
Output is filtered properly, if you comment definition of #b ( --SELECT #b = 2) you will get entire table. GL.


Dealing with multiple output results in UPSERT query [SQL]

I'm trying to do an update query in which a single row the table is updated and, if nothing has matched and updated, a new row is inserted. In each case, I need the query to return the ID of the inserted row.
The issue I'm having is this query is returning 2 separate results when the insert case is reached, one for each output (the first empty, the second containing the ID). I'm running this query using SQL Alchemy on python and I'm only able to see the first result, which is empty.
UPDATE [Rights]
SET accessLevel = :access_level
OUTPUT inserted.rightsID
WHERE principal = :principal and [function] = :function
INSERT INTO Rights(principal, [function], accessLevel)
OUTPUT inserted.rightsID
VALUES(:principal, :function, :access_level)
And I'm calling it like so:
inserted_right_id = session.execute(sql_rights_update, right).fetchall()
Can anyone recommend a way of changing the query so that I can still use the UPSERT method, but only receive one of the IDs? I was considering storing the OUTPUT values into a table and returning that, or wrapping the whole thing in a select but hopefully there's something more elegant out there.
Thanks a million.
Feeling quite dumb. I simply added a
IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM Rights WHERE principal = :principal and [function] = :function)

How to get a list of IDs from a parameter which sometimes includes the IDs already, but sometimes include another sql query

I have developed a SQL query in SSMS-2017 like this:
DECLARE #property NVARCHAR(MAX) = #p;
SET #property = REPLACE(#property, '''', '');
DECLARE #propList TABLE (hproperty NUMERIC(18, 0));
IF CHARINDEX('SELECT', #property) > 0 OR CHARINDEX('select', #property) > 0
EXECUTE sp_executesql #property;
DECLARE #x TABLE (val NUMERIC(18, 0));
FROM dbo.StringSplit(#property, ',');
FROM #x;
SELECT ...columns...
FROM ...tables and joins...
WHERE ...filters...
AND HMY IN (SELECT hproperty FROM #propList)
The issue is, it is possible that the value of the parameter #p can be a list of IDs (Example: 1,2,3,4) or a direct select query (Example: Select ID from mytable where code='A123').
The code is working well as shown above. However it causes a problem in our system (as we use Yardi7-Voyager), and we need to leave only the select statement as a query. To manage it, I was planning to create a function and use it in the where clause like:
WHERE HMY IN (SELECT myFunction(#p))
However I could not manage it as I see I cannot execute a dynamic query in an SQL Function. Then I am stacked. Any idea at this point to handle this issue will be so appreciated.
Others have pointed out that the best fix for this would be a design change, and I agree with them. However, I'd also like to treat your question as academic and answer it in case any future readers ever have the same question in a use case where a design change wouldn't be possible/desirable.
I can think of two ways you might be able to do what you're attempting in a single select, as long as there are no other restrictions on what you can do that you haven't mentioned yet. To keep this brief, I'm just going to give you psuedo-code that can be adapted to your situation as well as those of future readers:
You can incorporate your code above into a stored procedure instead of a function, since stored procedures DO allow dynamic sql, unlike functions. Then the SELECT query in your app would be a SELECT from OPENQUERY(Execute Your Stored Prodedure).
UNION ALL possibilities.
I'm about 99% sure no one would ever want to use this, but I'm mentioning it to be as academically complete as I know how to be.
The second possibility would only work if there are a limited, known, number of possible queries that might be supported by your application. For instance, you can only get your Properties from either TableA, filtered by column1, or from TableB, filtered by Column2 and/or Column3.
Could be more than these possibilities, but it has to be a limited, known quantity, and the more possibilities, the more complex and lengthy the code will get.
But if that's the case, you can simply SELECT from a UNION ALL of every possible scenario, and make it so that only one of the SELECTs in the UNION ALL will return results.
For example:
SELECT ... FROM TableA WHERE Column1=fnGetValue(#p, 'Column1')
AND CHARINDEX('SELECT', #property) > 0
AND CHARINDEX('TableA', #property) > 0
AND CHARINDEX('Column1', #property) > 0
AND (Whatever other filters are needed to uniquely identify this case)
Note that fnGetValue() isn't a built-in function. You'd have to write it. It would parse the string in #p, find the location of 'Column1=', and return whatever value comes after it.
At the end of your UNION ALL, you'd need to add a last UNION ALL to a query that will handle the case where the user passed a comma-separated string instead of a query, but that's easy, because all the steps in your code where you populated table variables are unnecessary. You can simply do the final query like this:
AND HMY IN (SELECT strval FROM dbo.StringSplit(#p, ','))
I'm pretty sure this possibility is way more work than its worth, but it is an example of how, in general, dynamic SQL can be replaced with regular SQL that simply covers every possible option you wanted the dynamic sql to be able to handle.

Having trouble understanding this query

Basically I can't understand what this query below does:
UPDATE #so_stockmove
SET #total_move_qty = total_move_qty = (
CASE WHEN #so_docdt_id <> so_docdt_id THEN 0
ELSE ISNULL(#total_move_qty, 0)
) + ISNULL(move_qty,0),
balance = so_qty - #total_move_qty,
#so_docdt_id = so_docdt_id
I only can guess that it updates each row for the columns total_move_qty,balance,so_docdt_id.
Can someone explain to me in detail what the query means:
UPDATE tbl SET #variable1 = columnA = expression
After reading #MotoGP comments, I did some digging and found this article by Jeff Moden where he states the following:
Well, sort of. Lots of folks (including some of the "big" names in the SQL world) warn against and, sometimes, outright condemn the
method contained in this article as "unreliable" & "unsupported". One
fellow MVP even called it an "undocumented hack" on the fairly recent
"24 hours of SQL". Even the very core of the method, the ability to
update a variable from row to row, has been cursed in a similar
fashion. Worse yet, except for the ability to do 3 part updates (SET
#variable = columnname = expression) and to update both variables and
columns at the same time, there is absolutely no Microsoft
documentation to support the use of this method in any way, shape, or
form. In fact, even Microsoft has stated that there is no guarantee
that this method will work correctly all the time.
Now, let me tell you that, except for one thing, that's ALL true. The
one thing that isn't true is its alleged unreliability. That's part of
the goal of the article... to prove its reliability (which really
can't be done unless you use it. It's like proving the reliability of
the SELECT statement). At the end of the article, make up your own
mind. If you decide that you don't want to use such a very old ,yet,
undocumented feature, then use a Cursor or While loop or maybe even a
CLR because all of the other methods are just too darned slow. Heh...
just stop telling me that it's an undocumented hack... I already know
that and, now, so do you. ;-)
First edition
Well, this query updates columns total_move_qty and balance in a table variable called #so_stockmove, and in the same time sets values to the variables called #total_move_qty and #so_docdt_id.
I didn't know it's possible to assign values to more then one target this way in Sql server (#variable1 = columnA = expression) but apparently that is possible.
Here is my test:
declare #bla char(1)
declare #tbl table
X char(1)
insert into #tbl VALUES ('A'),('B'), ('C')
FROM #tbl
SET #Bla = X = 'D'
FROM #tbl
X -- first select before update
X -- second select after update
---- select the variable value after update
It just sets the value to the variable and updates the field.

Selecting everything in a table... with a where statement

I have an interesting situation where I'm trying to select everything in a sql server table but I only have to access the table through an old company API instead of SQL. This API asks for a table name, a field name, and a value. It then plugs it in rather straightforward in this way:
select * from [TABLE_NAME_VAR] where [FIELD_NAME_VAR] = 'VALUE_VAR';
I'm not able to change the = sign to != or anything else, only those vars. I know this sounds awful, but I cannot change the API without going through a lot of hoops and it's all I have to work with.
There are multiple columns in this table that are all numbers, all strings, and set to not null. Is there a value I can pass this API function that would return everything in the table? Perhaps a constant or special value that means it's a number, it's not a number, it's a string, *, it's not null, etc? Any ideas?
No this isn't possible if the API is constructed correctly.
If this is some home grown thing it may not be, however. You could try entering YourTable]-- as the value for TABLE_NAME_VAR such that when plugged into the query it ends up as
select * from [YourTable]--] where [FIELD_NAME_VAR] = 'VALUE_VAR';
If the ] is either rejected or properly escaped (by doubling it up) this won't work however.
You might try to pass this VALUE_VAR
1'' or ''''=''
If it's used as-is and executed as Dynamic SQL it should result in
SELECT * FROM tab WHERE fieldname = '1' or ''=''
here is a simple example,
hope it might help
declare #a varchar(max)
set #a=' ''1'' or 1=1 '
declare #b varchar(max)
set #b=('select * from [TABLE_NAME_VAR] where [FIELD_NAME_VAR]='+#a)
If your API allows column name instead of constant,
select * from [TABLE_NAME_VAR] where [FIELD_NAME_VAR] = [FIELD_NAME_VAR] ;

How to structure a query with a large, complex where clause?

I have an SQL query that takes these parameters:
#SearchFor nvarchar(200) = null
,#SearchInLat Decimal(18,15) = null
,#SearchInLng Decimal(18,15) = null
,#SearchActivity int = null
,#SearchOffers bit = null
,#StartRow int
,#EndRow int
The variables #SearchFor, #SearchActivity, #SearchOffers can be either null or not null. #SearchInLat and #SearchInLng must both null, or both have values.
I'm not going to post the whole query as its boring and hard to read, but the WHERE clause is shaped like this:
( -- filter by activity --
(#SearchActivity IS NULL)
OR (#SearchActivity = Activities.ActivityID)
AND ( -- filter by Location --
(#SearchInLat is NULL AND #SearchInLng is NULL)
OR ( ... )
AND ( -- filter by activity --
#SearchActivity is NULL
OR ( ... )
AND ( -- filter by has offers --
#SearchOffers is NULL
OR ( ... )
... -- more stuff
I have read that this is a bad way to structure a query - that SqlServer has trouble working out an efficient execution plan with lots of clauses like this, so I'm looking for other ways to do it.
I see two ways of doing this:
Construct the query as a string in my client application, so that the WHERE clause only contains filters for the relevant parameters. The problem with this is it means not accessing the database through stored procedures, as everything else is at the moment.
Change the stored procedure so that it examines which arguments are null, and executes child procedures depending on which arguments it is passed. The problem here is that it would mean repeating myself a lot in the definition of the procs, and thus be harder to maintain.
What should I do? Or should I just keep on as I am currently doing? I have OPTION (RECOMPILE) set for the procedures, but I've heard that this doesn't work right in Server 2005. Also, I plan to add more parameters to this proc, so I want to make sure whatever solution I have is fairly scaleable.
The answer is to use DynamicSQL (be it in the client, or in an SP using sp_executesql), but the reason why is long, so here's a link...
Dynamic Search Conditions in T-SQL
A very short version is that one-size does not fit all. And as the optimiser creates one plan for one query, it's slow. So the solution is to continue using parameterised queries (for execution plan caching), but to have many queries, for the different types of search that can happen.
Perhaps an alternative might be to perform several separate select statements?
( -- filter by activity --
if #SearchActivity is not null
insert into tmpTable (<columns>)
select *
from myTable
where (#SearchActivity = Activities.ActivityID)
( -- filter by Location --
if #SearchInLat is not null and #SearchInLng is not null
insert into tmpTable (<columns>)
select *
from myTable
where (latCol = #SearchInLat AND lngCol = #SearchInLng)
then select the temp table to return the final result set.
I'm not sure how this would work with respect to the optimiser and the query plans, but each individual select would be very straightforward and could utilise the indexes that you would have created on each column which should make them very quick.
Depending on your requirements it also may make sense to create a primary key on the temp table to allow you to join to it on each select (to avoid duplicates).
Look at the performance first, like others have said.
If possible, you can use IF clauses to simplify the queries based on what parameters are provided.
You could also use functions or views to encapsulate some of the code if you find you are repeating it often.