i am creating an Outlook add-in where i need to enable Conversation view in inbox folder("Show as Conversation") in outlook.i tried through registry Key ("Upgrade To Conversations"),but still i didn't get that.
i tried as following
RegistryKey rkconversations = Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey(#"Software\Microsoft\Office" + OLVersion + #"\Outlook\Setup");
rkconversations.SetValue("UpgradeToConversations", "1", RegistryValueKind.DWord);
i aslo tried like this:
Outlook.Views views = inbox.Views;
Outlook.View view = views["Hide Reading Pane"];
if (view != null)
Outlook.View view1 = views.Add("Hide Reading Pane", Outlook.OlViewType.olTableView,
tableView = view1 as Outlook.TableView;
tableView.ShowReadingPane = false;
tableView.ShowConversationByDate = true;
tableView.ShowConversationSendersAboveSubject = true;
tableView.ShowFullConversations = true;
Show as Conversations is not enabled
Try to do the required modifications in Outlook manually. Then take a look at the XML property of the View/TableView object and compare it with your own. Thus, you may find the missed point.
I have this script that finds a paragraph style, puts an item from a library at the very end and applies object style:
myDoc = app.documents[0];
myLib = app.libraries[0];
myObjectStyle = myDoc.objectStyles.item ("marker");
app.findTextPreferences = app.changeTextPreferences = null;
app.findTextPreferences.appliedParagraphStyle = "Custom"
var myFound = app.activeDocument.findText(true);
alert (myFound.length);
try {
for (i = 0; i < myFound.length; i++) {
myIcon = myLib.assets.itemByName("winieta_tr").placeAsset (myFound[i].insertionPoints[-2])[0];
myIcon.appliedObjectStyle = myObjectStyle;
// myFound[i].remove ();
catch (e) {alert (e.message)}
I don't know how to alter it, so the items are obtained not from library but form pasteboard - any help would be appreciated.
Is it possible to find elements that are in the document by name, as it is with library elements?
Yes, you can find an object by name (you would assign that name in the layers panel) simply by using
If you are looking for the same thing on a specific spread (for example if several items on several spreads have the same name), you can use
Or if you just want to use the currently active spread
Just make sure not to use the page to address a page item on the pasteboard as the pasteboard does not belong to any page.
Is it possible to find elements that are in the document by name, as it is with library elements?
You can apply a script labels to the frame on the pasteboard to give it a name.
I´m using the Taxonomy Control in my Webpart for selecting documents from a document library using MMD. I tried to set more than one MMD-Value in my WebPart Options but it is only taking one value. Below is my code with the property IsMulti=true.
Is there anything more I have to do, to get a Multi value Tax Control?
Thanks and Kind regards
rel3DeptsTaxCtrl = new TaxonomyWebTaggingControl();
rel3DeptsTaxCtrl.ID = "rel3DeptsTaxCtrl";
rel3DeptsTaxCtrl.IsAddTerms = false;
rel3DeptsTaxCtrl.AllowFillIn = false;
respDeptTaxCtrl.IsMulti = true;
respDeptTaxCtrl.IsUseCommaAsDelimiter = true;
rel3DeptsTaxCtrl.Text = webpart._Relevanz3;
From what I see in your code sample you have 2 controls - rel3DeptsTaxCtrl and respDeptTaxCtrl. The control that is added to the tool part panel is not set to allow multiple values.
We have developed a Thunderbird (11) plugin that allows us to save the content of a message to disk. Now we are extending this extension to allow automatic processing of a message when you close it. We run into a number of issues:
We cannot find a way to hook into a 'close tab' event. We are also having trouble getting the Message URI of the currently open tabs (we are trying catching click and keyboard events now). This information does not appear to be available in the DOM of the tab container.
Is there a way to detect closing of a mail message tab or window in a generic way, together with retrieving the URI of the closed mail message for further processing?
We have looked at the documentation of the tab container, the NsIWindowMediator, tried various event listeners, but no luck so far.
Edit: We are getting some results using the most recently closed tabs list. Not a very elegant solution but at least we have a reference to the tab. Now we only have to get the URI to the message that was contained inside the tab.
We cannot find a way to hook into a 'close tab' event.
The (badly documented) <tabmail> element allows registering tab monitors. Something like this should work:
var tabmail = document.getElementById("tabmail");
var monitor = {
onTabClosing: function(tab)
We are also having trouble getting the Message URI of the currently open tabs
The <tabmail> element has a property tabInfo containing information on the currently open tabs. You probably want to look only at the tabs where mode.name is "message" (there is a bunch of other modes as well, e.g. "folder" or "contentTab"). This mode has a getBrowser() method, so something like this should do:
var tabmail = document.getElementById("tabmail");
for (var i = 0; i < tabmail.tabInfo.length; i++)
var tab = tabmail.tabInfo[i];
if (tab.mode.name == "message")
Edit: As Peter points out in the comments, the approach to get the URI for a message will only work the currently loaded message - all tabs reuse the same browser element for the mail messages. Getting the URI properly is more complicated, you have to get the nsIMsgDBHdr instance for the message via TabInfo.folderDisplay.selectedMessage and then use nsIMsgFolder.getUriForMsg() to construct the URI for it:
var tabmail = document.getElementById("tabmail");
for (var i = 0; i < tabmail.tabInfo.length; i++)
var tab = tabmail.tabInfo[i];
if (tab.mode.name != "message")
var message = tab.folderDisplay.selectedMessage;
For the second part of the question:
The following example code will at provide you the msgDBHdr objects of all opened tabs. You should do some checks on the type to avoid accessing a message in a calendar tab.):
tabInfos = window.document.getElementById("tabmail").tabInfo;
for (i = 0; i < tabInfos.length; i++) {
msgHdr = tabInfos[i].folderDisplay.selectedMessage;
+"in view type "+tabInfos[i].mode.type
The tabinfo entries have some further interesting information. Just open the ErrorConsole and run
and read through it carefully.
I'm trying to update a windows 8 application from the Developer Preview to the Consumer Preview. It seems there's been a few changes. This code used to work:
var myDataSource = new WinJS.UI.ArrayDataSource(array)
var basicListView = WinJS.UI.getControl(document.getElementById("basicListView"));
basicListView.dataSource = myDataSource;
Now, there is no WinJS.UI.getControl method and no ArrayDataSource. This is my code:
var dataList = new WinJS.Binding.List(array);
var list = document.getElementById("basicListView");
list.itemDataSource = dataList.dataSource;
but it does nothing (except add a property to a DOM element that is ignored). Any ideas what I'm missing?
Got it. To get the control you now use the winControl property of the element:
var list = document.getElementById("basicListView").winControl;
Setting the itemDataSource works a treat.
I have an Infopath 2010 template with 2 buttons: submit and cancel. When the submit button is clicked I the form is saved to a document library in SharePoint 2010 and the corresponding workflow is clicked off. The user can then open the form and cancel the request by clicking on cancel. I would like to start a different workflow when cancel is clicked. Any ideas as to how that could be done?
I have not found a method to kick off a workflow specifically from an Infopath form. I did however find a workaround; here's how I set it up:
Added a column to my list/library that will be set to true when the cancel button is selected.
In my infopath form, add my "cancel" button.
Open the control properties for the button, and select the "Rules" action. Close out of the properties dialog.
I added a fomatting rule for the cancel button so it will only display if the first workflow has started. I also disabled all other editing controls as I only wanted the cancel option to be available.
On the Control Tools contextual tab, in the Button group, click Manage Rules.
Add a new Action rule, it should run two actions: first set the value of the column we created in the first step to true; second submit data using the main data connection.
The workflow you want to run when it is cancelled should be set to run on change. As a first step, evaluate the column created above, and if true, continue the worflow. Make sure you set the value back to false so the workflow doesn't run unintentionally.
Hope that helps.
That is not a bad workaround Nostromo but we actually ended up using the out of the box SharePoint web services to start the workflow from InfoPath code behind. Here is the method we developed to do that.
public static void StartWorkflow(string siteUrl, string docUrl,string workflowName, List<string> approvers,string description)
var workflow = new Workflow();
workflow.Url = siteUrl+ "/_vti_bin/workflow.asmx";
workflow.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
XmlNode assocNode = workflow.GetTemplatesForItem(docUrl);
XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(assocNode.OwnerDocument.NameTable);
nsmgr.AddNamespace("wf", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/soap/workflow/");
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
Guid templateID = new Guid();
bool workflowFound = false;
XPathNodeIterator rows = assocNode.CreateNavigator().Select("//wf:WorkflowTemplate", nsmgr);
while (rows.MoveNext())
if (rows.Current.GetAttribute("Name", "").ToLower() == workflowName.ToLower())
doc.LoadXml(rows.Current.SelectSingleNode("wf:AssociationData/wf:string", nsmgr).Value);
XPathNavigator idNode = rows.Current.SelectSingleNode("wf:WorkflowTemplateIdSet", nsmgr);
templateID = new Guid(idNode.GetAttribute("TemplateId", ""));
workflowFound = true;
throw new Exception("System couldn't location the workflow with name: " +workflowName);
XmlElement xmlRoot = doc.DocumentElement;
nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(assocNode.OwnerDocument.NameTable);
nsmgr.AddNamespace("my", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/infopath/2003/myXSD");
xmlRoot.SelectSingleNode("/my:myFields/my:Description", nsmgr).InnerText = description;
XmlNode reviewersNode = xmlRoot.SelectSingleNode("/my:myFields/my:Reviewers", nsmgr);
reviewersNode.InnerXml = "";
foreach (var user in approvers)
XmlNode personNode = reviewersNode.AppendChild(doc.CreateElement("my:Person"));
XmlNode accountIdNode = personNode.AppendChild(doc.CreateElement("my:AccountId"));
accountIdNode.InnerText = user;
XmlNode accountTypeNode = accountIdNode.AppendChild(doc.CreateElement("my:AccountType"));
accountTypeNode.InnerText = "User";
XmlNode workflowNode = workflow.StartWorkflow(docUrl, templateID, doc.DocumentElement);