please tell me how you set permission 777 on without SSH - permissions

anyone can please tell me how you set permission 777 on because i am seen there and there is not any option to set permission and unable to set permission via web based ssh.
please tell me how you set permission.
actually everythis is fine on but i am unable to set cron, someone tell me it's permission issue , but i don't know how to set permission on without SSH ?

Usually, you are able to set the permissions via your FTP-Client.
e.g. in FileZilla there is an option "File permissions..." where you can set the permission values for each file.

You're on a *nix System, right?
If you only want set permissions without calling chmod directly(as your question suggests), you can try following on the console, if you have Perl installed:
perl -e 'chmod 0777, "Filename"'
Another approach is to use the install utility which is a glorified copying program which can set permissions in one step. (See the -m argument.)
install -m 777 "File" "/Copy/Location"
You can find it in the GNU coreutils(if you have it installed there), and isn't directly included to *nix systems(but BSD for example). Also simple move the file out of directory and call install to move it back.
But for both methods you need SSH, and i don't think there is a solution to set permissions without(because you never can do the chmod() system call that you need to set them).


ls doesn't show any output in ssh connected to an Debian 9 VM instance in Google Cloud Platform

this might be a dumb question, but I checked everywhere and there's no direct answer to it.
I set up both SSH keys successfully and I can connect to my instance via terminal, but when I do "ls", it doesn't show me any output. I am using iTerm2 with zsh on my Mac but I don't think this is an issue.
Can anybody give me a hint? Thanks!
When you access a VM through SSH, your working directory is the home directory of the user specified with the SSH command, i.e. /home/username. In case you access as root, the working directory will be /root.
You can check it through the command pwd
If it is a brand new machine, it is normal that the output of 'ls' is empty since in your home directory no file matches the filters of 'ls' with no parameters. The reason is that 'ls' doesn't show filenames starting with a dot ('.') because in the Linux convention they are hidden unless you run ls -al.
You can try again with $ ls -al and you will be able to see hidden files and directories as well.
On the other hand you can create as well first an empty file and then running again 'ls':
$ touch file
$ ls

Using WinSCP script for SFTP access from SSIS

I am new to WinSCP and am attempting to create a script file that will eventually be used with SSIS to download files from an SFTP site. A lot of the literature WinSCP includes explains the file downloading or uploading portions. For the time being, I just want to create a script to test the connection first and will build from there.
So far I saved the connection in WinSCP and have the following. The below code does not seem to function at all and I am not sure where else to go as I am still reading about the scripting for WinSCP. Is there a way or can someone point me in a direction to see if I am in fact connecting via through the script?
option batch on
option confirm off
open username#address
Not sure what SSIS is (sorry) but I can tell you how I'd set it up from a windows batch file if that helps:
If you are open to using a different software, consider using cygwin. It mimics a linux shell so linux users on windows have a lot of linux utilities handy. That being said, there are some commands which can run on windows straight from command prompt (and thus batchable). What you'd need to do:
1) install cygwin
2) Create a "passwordless" login (using ssh-rsa authentication). To do this start your cygwin terminal and use the commands "ssh-keygen" and "ssh-copy-id" (more on that later)
3) Now you can run "sftp" from the DOS command prompt (does not require cygwin terminal) and sftp to your account. No password required because of step 2).
A few follow up info:
What can run from dos command prompt and what must be run from cygwin terminal?
If you go to the "bin" directory of cygwin (for me it's in c:\cygwin\bin) you can see all the cygwin utilities. Anything with "exe" extension can be run from dos command prompt. If no "exe" extension, must start cygwin terminal first
How to set up ssh-rsa authentication?
You can pretty much google "ssh login without password" and pull up a lot of results. This is common for setting up login from one linux system to another. You would be using the same steps using cygwin on windows. My instructions are here:
Storing session settings in WinSCP GUI and trying to access them from WinSCP script running in SSIS is generally a bad idea. I believe there's no example or guide on WinSCP site that would suggest doing that.
WinSCP stores its configuration in registry in HKEY_CURRENT_USER hive. The SSIS typically runs under a dedicated system account, that have its own HKEY_CURRENT_USER hive, and won't see the GUI configuration.
For details see WinSCP FAQ about your problem:
The best you can do is isolate your your script from configuration by using the session URL with the open command, instead of the stored site name.
See also
Your actual problem can be completely different though. But that's hard to guess as you have not shared any details, such as error message, log file, etc.

How I can change owner of files written by php

How can I change the owner of the files written by php from terminal (command line)? The files are created by upload form in apposite folder.
Many thaks
Use the command "chown":
chown owner filenames
To solve this problem in the future uploads, you can use the chown command:
chown($path, $user_name);
There is also a chmod command, if you prefer to change permissions:
Maybe you can change the owner within the PHP program itself (of course if you have the permission to do that) with the exec command of PHP.
For example:
See the documentation of this php instruction here:
This could work, but only if the servers configuration allows so.
If this doesn't work, you can try also this, but again you need some priviledges to do it:
// File name and username to use
$file_name= "foo.php";
$path = "/home/sites/" . $file_name ;
$user_name = "root";
// Set the user
chown($path, $user_name);
See the documentation of this php instruction here:
There are some instructions in php to modify file attributes like, chmod, chown, among others.

Postfix piping email to php, permissions error

I'm attempting to pipe an email to PHP with my Postfix mail server, using the technique mentioned here and have encountered the following error...
Mar 16 22:52:52 s15438530 postfix/pipe[9259]: AD1632E84C63: to=<php#[myserver].com>, relay=plesk_virtual, delay=0.61, delays=0.59/0/0/0.02, dsn=4.3.0, status=deferred (temporary failure. Command output: /bin/sh: /var/www/vhosts/[myserver].com/httpdocs/clients/emailpipe/email2php.php: Permission denied 4.2.1 Message can not be delivered at this time )
I'd really appreciate if anyone could shed some light on this issue for me. I've tried 777'ing the emailpipe directory, to no avail. Where am I going wrong?
Many thanks.
From the postfix docs...
For security reasons, deliveries to command and file destinations are performed with the rights of the alias database owner. A default userid, default_privs, is used for deliveries to commands/files in root-owned aliases.
So you have two options, either set the default_privs in to match the ownership of the email2php file.
Alternatively, there should be a way to create an alias database that is owned by the user instead of postfix/nobody. I haven't tried this before though so can't advise.
I have fixed this issue by disabling the SELINUX.
Make sure that you have
(or whatever your path to php is - do "which php" on the server)
at the top of each of your php scripts and that each of the php script files is executable
chmod +x /var/.../email2php.php
Also, make sure that you can test the script from the command line:
cat some_rfc822_email.txt | /var/.../email2php.php
and get the result that you want
To fix this issue, you'll want to chown or chmod /var/www/vhosts/[myserver].com/httpdocs/clients/emailpipe/email2php.php to executable by your postfix user. Alternately, you'll want to redefine this user to execute the file successfully.
Simply changing the permissions of your directory (unless you used -R) won't be sufficient.
To illustrate why this works, consider the following toy example:
<me>#harley:~$ touch test
<me>#harley:~$ ls -al test
-rw-r--r-- 1 <me> <me> 0 2012-03-26 23:44 test
<me>#harley:~$ sh test
<me>#harley:~$ ./test
bash: ./test: Permission denied
<me>#harley:~$ chmod 755 test
<me>#harley:~$ ./test
In order to execute a file directly through the running shell, it needs to be set as executable. Other invocations (for example, sh email2php.php or php email2php.php) only require read access, because they're chaining execution off a different file entirely.
For what's likely to be causing the issue in the first place, see here.

Unsure about correct permissions in running Ruby Scripts

I get the following alert when I run a Ruby script
warning: Insecure world writable dir /Users/cs/Documents in PATH, mode 040777
The solution is to change the permissions. However, I am unsure which one is the appropriate one.
I use many user accounts for different purposes. I have one main account by which I run the commands at my cs -account.
Which permissions would you give for the cs -account?
Just run chmod og-w /Users/cs/Documents and all should be well.
This will remove the "other" and "group" write access permissions.