SQL Statement with 3 conditions - sql

I have two tables:
Name Forename CostCentre
Max Meier 11111
Paul Peters 22222
Kai Green 11111
CostCentre departmentCostCentre
11111 HR
22222 IT
Besides this I have a Searchfield and a combobox for the cost centre.
If I enter "a" in the searchfield and "11111" in cost centre, I'll get all records...
But I just want to get Max and Kai. Here's my SQL statement:
SELECT tbl_Employee.Name, tbl_Employee.Forename, tbl_Employee.CostCentre, tbl_Department.Department
FROM tbl_DepartmentINNER JOIN tbl_EmployeeON tbl_Department.CostCentre= tbl_Employee.CostCentre
WHERE tbl_Employee.Name Like "*a*" OR tbl_Employee.Forename Like "*a*"AND tbl_Mitarbeiter.CostCentre=44444;
I really don't know where's the error.... If I delete the name or forename condition it works fine, but with both I get weird results...

If you want the cost centre condition to always apply and for the name conditions to apply to either name, then you need to use parenthesis:
SELECT * FROM tbl_Employee
WHERE (tbl_Employee.Name Like 'a' Or
tbl_Employee.Forename Like 'a') And
Otherwise, And binds more closely than Or and you're instead saying that either the Name condition must match or that both the Forename and CostCentre conditions must match.
Your question did already include some parentheses in your code which I've removed. I'm not sure what they related to.
Based on updated query:
SELECT tbl_Employee.Name, tbl_Employee.Forename, tbl_Employee.CostCentre, tbl_Department.Department
FROM tbl_DepartmentINNER JOIN tbl_EmployeeON tbl_Department.CostCentre= tbl_Employee.CostCentre
tbl_Employee.Name Like "*a*"
tbl_Employee.Forename Like "*a*"

tbl_Employee.Name LIKE '%a%'
AND tbl_Employee.CostCentre = 11111;


MS Access join on like returning null column

I have two tables in MS Access that have the same Name_ID column, the only problem is that they differ slightly. Name_ID in table 1 looks like this:
Newton, Kate Little
River, Jane Armen
Barker, Bob Jep
Jake, Lee
And in table 2 it looks like this:
I'm struggling with how to join the tables. I tried doing a join using like, based on Access/SQL Server 2008 Join using Like not working, but it's not working:
Select table1.*, table2.col from table1
left join
on table1.Name_ID like '*' & table2.Name_ID & '*';
I also tried:
Select table1.*, table2.col from table1
left join
on instr(table1.Name_ID, table2.Name_ID) > 0;
Both queries execute, but return blank columns. Any idea why it's not working, or a better way?
Both queries are looking for a full name string within another full name string. How would you expect Newton, Kate Little to match to *NEWTON, KATE L MD*? And for the second query, NEWTON, KATE L MD is not within Newton, Kate Little.
Probably best can do is extract last name part and match on that. Assumes names are not repeated and not multiple people with same last name and always last name followed by a comma.
SELECT Table1.Name_ID, Table2.Name_ID
FROM Table1 LEFT JOIN Table2
ON Table1.Name_ID LIKE Left(Table2.Name_ID, InStr(Table2.Name_ID,",")) & "*";

select query for sql

Table description
Table Name:- Name condition
Name | Pattern
A | %A% or Name like %a%
B | %B% or Name like %b%
C | %C% or Name like %c%
D | %D% or Name like %d%
E | %E% or Name like %e%
F | %F% or Name like %f%
G | %G% or Name like %g%
Table name:- Employees
1 | Akshay
2 | Akhil
3 | Gautam
4 | Esha
5 | bhavish
6 | Chetan
7 | Arun
[Table description] [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/wvOgr.png
Above are my two tables now my query is (in the image)
Select * from Employees,Name_condition where EMP_NAME like Pattern
Here the query is correct syntactically but produces wrong output.
It takes the column Pattern as a string and searches for it in EMP_NAME and it will find nothing.
So my question is how we can take the values present in the Pattern column as a condition and not as a string so that the query will become like this
Select * from Employees,Name_condition where EMP_NAME like ‘%A%’ or Name like ‘%a%’
what i need is when i pass colunm name(Pattern) in the where condition it takes %A% or Name like %a% whole as a string but i want that select * from Employees,Name_condition where EMP_NAME like Pattern Here the column name pattern internally must be replace by the value present in the column and the the query produces o/p like this
Select * from Employees,Name_condition where EMP_NAME like ‘%A%’ or Name like ‘%a%’
Desired Result:-I expect all the rows in my result which includes bhavish but as we see we have a like condition in the column itself like %B% or Name like %b%
What i want is when it matches
where EMP_NAME like Pattern
The value of pattern must internally replaced by
%B% or Name like %b%
and the it produces the output which includes bhavish which starts with b
select *
from employees
where emp_name like '%oh%'
or emp_name like '%a%';
Good luck.
Try this from orafaq:
SELECT * FROM employees
WHERE emp_name LIKE '\%a\%' ESCAPE '\';
It's not that simple (and it shouldn't be). If you really have to use such tables you have to write a piece of PL/SQL to handle your conditions.
Two things you have to read about:
dynamic sql
sql injection (because you want to prevent it)
Try to Put && instead of 'And' in condition

SQL ending with certain letter -> strange behaviour?

i've got a simple sql question:
I want to get all Customers(more precise: their name and their balance) working in a sector ending with E. I Want to order my results alphabetically by name. Therefore my query is:
SELECT Name,Balance FROM customer WHERE sector LIKE '%E' ORDER BY Name
, which is giving me false results.
I tested it by looking up which sectors exist:
SELECT Distinct(Sector) FROM Kunde
giving me:
Now i tried using a query like
SELECT Distinct(Sector) FROM customer WHERE Sector LIKE '%E'
only giving me:
It's probably me being stupid here, but why w'ont the last query give me AUTOMOBILE and FURNITURE? I don't see the problem. I'm using DB2 if thats important.
Thank you!
In case of trailing spaces, remove it :
SELECT Distinct(Sector)
FROM customer

SSRS query and WHERE with multiple

Being new with SQL and SSRS and can do many things already, but I think I must be missing some basics and therefore bang my head on the wall all the time.
A report that is almost working, needs to have more results in it, based on conditions.
My working query so far is like this:
SELECT projects.project_number, project_phases.project_phase_id, project_phases.project_phase_number, project_phases.project_phase_header, project_phase_expensegroups.projectphase_expense_total, invoicerows.invoicerow_total
project_phases ON projects.project_id = project_phases.project_id
project_phase_expensegroups ON project_phases.project_phase_id = project_phase_expensegroups.project_phase_id
invoicerows ON project_phases.project_phase_id = invoicerows.project_phase_id
WHERE ( projects.project_number = #iProjectNumber )
( project_phase_expensegroups.projectphase_expense_total >0 )
The parameter is for selectionlist that is used to choose a project to the report.
How to have also records that have
( project_phase_expensegroups.projectphase_expense_total ) with value 0 but there might be invoices for that project phase?
Tried already to add another condition like this:
WHERE ( projects.project_number = #iProjectNumber )
( project_phase_expensegroups.projectphase_expense_total > 0 )
( invoicerows.invoicerow_total > 0 )
but while it gives some results - also the one with projectphase_expense_total with value 0, but the report is total mess.
So my question is: what am I doing wrong here?
There is a core problem with your query in that you are left joining to two tables, implying that rows may not exist, but then putting conditions on those tables, which will eliminate NULLs. That means your query is internally inconsistent as is.
The next problem is that you're joining two tables to project_phases that both may have multiple rows. Since these data are not related to each other (as proven by the fact that you have no join condition between project_phase_expensegroups and invoicerows, your query is not going to work correctly. For example, given a list of people, a list of those people's favorite foods, and a list of their favorite colors like so:
Person Food
------ ---------
Joe Broccoli
Joe Bananas
Mary Chocolate
Mary Cake
Person Color
------ ----------
Joe Red
Joe Blue
Mary Periwinkle
Mary Fuchsia
When you join these with links between Person <-> Food and Person <-> Color, you'll get a result like this:
Person Food Color
------ --------- ----------
Joe Broccoli Red
Joe Bananas Red
Joe Broccoli Blue
Joe Bananas Blue
Mary Chocolate Periwinkle
Mary Chocolate Fuchsia
Mary Cake Periwinkle
Mary Cake Fuchsia
This is essentially a cross-join, also known as a Cartesian product, between the Foods and the Colors, because they have a many-to-one relationship with each person, but no relationship with each other.
There are a few ways to deal with this in the report.
Create ExpenseGroup and InvoiceRow subreports, that are called from the main report by a combination of project_id and project_phase_id parameters.
Summarize one or the other set of data into a single value. For example, you could sum the invoice rows. Or, you could concatenate the expense groups into a single string separated by commas.
Some notes:
Please, please format your query before posting it in a question. It is almost impossible to read when not formatted. It seems pretty clear that you're using a GUI to create the query, but do us the favor of not having to format it ourselves just to help you
While formatting, please use aliases, Don't use full table names. It just makes the query that much harder to understand.
You need an extra parentheses in your where clause in order to get the logic right.
WHERE ( projects.project_number = #iProjectNumber )
(project_phase_expensegroups.projectphase_expense_total > 0)
(invoicerows.invoicerow_total > 0)
Also, you're using a column in your WHERE clause from a table that is left joined without checking for NULLs. That basically makes it a (slow) inner join. If you want to include rows that don't match from that table you also need to check for NULL. Any other comparison besides IS NULL will always be false for NULL values. See this page for more information about SQL's three value predicate logic: http://www.firstsql.com/idefend3.htm
To keep your LEFT JOINs working as you intended you would need to do this:
WHERE ( projects.project_number = #iProjectNumber )
project_phase_expensegroups.projectphase_expense_total > 0
OR project_phase_expensegroups.project_phase_id IS NULL
OR invoicerows.invoicerow_total > 0
OR invoicerows.project_phase_id IS NULL
I found the solution and it was kind easy after all. I changed the only the second LEFT OUTER JOIN to INNER JOIN and left away condition where the query got only results over zero. Also I used SELECT DISTINCT
Now my report is working perfectly.

Trying to find duplication in records where address is different only in the one field and only by a certain number

I have a table of listings that has NAP fields and I wanted to find duplication within it - specifically where everything is the same except the house number (within 2 or 3 digits).
My table looks something like this:
Name Housenumber Streetname Streettype City State Zip
1 36 Smith St Norwalk CT 6851
2 38 Smith St Norwalk CT 6851
3 1 Kennedy Ave Campbell CA 95008
4 4 Kennedy Ave Campbell CA 95008
I was wondering how to set up a qry to find records like these.
I've tried a few things but can't figure out how to do it - any help would be appreciated.
Are you looking to find something that shows the amount of these rows you have like this?
FROM YourTable
group by StreenName, City, State, Zip
Or maybe trying to find all of the rows that have the same street, city, state, and zip?
FROM YourTable as A
INNER JOIN YourTable as B
ON A.StreetName = B.StreetName
AND A.City = B.City
AND A.State = B.State
AND A.Zip = B.Zip
AND A.HouseNumber <> B.HouseNumber
Here is one way to do it. You'll need a unique ID for the table to run this, as you wouldn't want to select the exact same person if theyre the only one there. This'll just spit out all the results where there is at least one duplicate.
Edit: Woops, just realized in comments it says varchar for the street number...hmm. So you could just run a cast on it. The OP never said anything about house numbers in varchar or being letters and numbers in the original post. As for letters in the street number field, I've been a third party shipping provider for 2 yrs in the past and I have never seen one; with the exception of an apt., which would be a diff field. Its just as likely that someone put varchar there for some other reason(leading 0's), or for no reason. Of oourse there could be, but no way of knowing whats in the field without response from OP. To run cast to int its the same except this for each instance: Cast(mt.HouseNumber as int)
select *
from MyTable mt
where exists (select 1
from MyTable mt2
where mt.name = mt2.name
and mt.street = mt2.street
and mt.state = mt2.state
and mt.city = mt2.city
and mt2.HouseNumber between (mt.HouseNumber -3) and (mt.HouseNumber +3)
and mt.UID != mt2.UID
order by mt.state, mt.city, mt.street
Not sure how to run the -3 +3 if there are letters involed...unless you know excatly where they are and you can just simply cut them out then cast.