Copying values / columns from one table to another existing tabler in SQL Server Management Studio - sql

I want to copy all columns from dbo.die to
Both tables exist! In, the primary key is idTechnology
In dbo.die, the primary key is idDie and we have a foreign key, which is Technology_idTechnology in it, which connects the die table with the technology table.
How could I do that, so that the values got copied to the right rows, which match the same idTechnology?
I tried this:
(Technology_idTechnology, Technology_D, Technology_Type, Technology_Manufacturer, Technology_SOI, Technology_Node, Technology_Name, Technology_Number_Metal, Technology_Number_Poly, Technology_Power_Cu, Technology_FEComplexity, Technology_FEComplexity_Sec, Technology_Trench, Technology_IMID, Technology_Remarks)
FROM tech
WHERE tech.idTechnology = idTechnology;
but I'm always getting an error!
Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.die' with unique index 'ui_dieIdsample'. The duplicate key value is ().
Don't know what I should do.. I thought it's easy & simple

If a column is declared as NOT NULL (and has no default value), a value for the column must be specified in the INSERT statement.
In this specific case you should add Table2_Feld to the insert column list, and specify a value in the SELECT for it!

You will need to change your column list (lets say that its acceptable to insert a default value of 0 into column Table2_Feld)
INSERT INTO dbo.table2
(Table1_idTech, Tech_D, Techn_Type, Tech_Man,
Techn_Node, Tech_Name, Technology_Numb, Tech_Po,
Tech_FEC, Techn_Comp_Sec,
select *,0 from table1 tech


Inserting new rows and generate a new id based on the current last row

The primary key of my table is an Identity column of an ID. I want to be able to insert a new row and have it know what the last ID in the table currently is and add one to it. I know I can use Scope Identity to get the last inserted column from my code, but I am worried about people manually adding entries in the database, because they do this quite often. Is there a way I can look at the last ID in the table and not just the last ID my code inserted?
With a SQL Identity column, you don't need to do anything special. This is the default behavior. SQL Server will handle making sure you don't have collisions regardless of where the inserts come from.
The ##Identity will pull the latest identity, and scope_identity will grab the identity from the current scope.
A scope is a module: a stored procedure, trigger, function, or batch. Therefore, if two statements are in the same stored procedure, function, or batch, they are in the same scope.
If you don't want to allow manual entries to the primary column, then you can add Identity constraint to it along with primary key constraint.
Example, while creating a table,
CREATE Table t_Temp(RowID Int Primary Key Identity(1,1), Name Varchar(50))
INSERT Into t_Temp values ('UserName')
INSERT Into t_Temp values ('UserName1')
SELECT * from t_Temp
You can query the table and get the next available code in one SQL query:
SELECT COALESCE(MAX(CAST("RowID" AS INT)),0) +1 as 'NextRowID' from <tableName>
The "0" here is a default, meaning if there are no rows found, the first code returned would be (0+1) =1
Generally I have 999 instead of the 0 as I like my RowID/primary key etc. to start at 1000.

Relating two tables

I have created tables T1 with columns( id as Primary key and name) and T2 with columns( id as primary key, name, t_id as foreign key references T1(id)) . I Inserted some values from inputs from a Windows form. After querying SELECT * FROM T2; using isql, all the values in the foreign key column are null instead of duplicating values in T1(id) because of the relationship created. Is they anything I have left out or need to add? The primary key of both tables are autoincremented.
You are confusing auto-incremented keys and relationship uses.
Auto-incremented keys (or generally talking, fields) just help you when you are inserting a new record on the table of the key. But when you are inserting a new record that makes a reference to a record in another table, then you must specify that record, using the foreign key field. Or in your case, the user that is inserting the "name" in T2 must say which one record on T1 that "name" in T2 is making a reference.
Your confusion on the relationship is that you are thinking that an established relationship will enforce the use of that values automatically. But the relationship just enforce the validation of the values. So, the field t_id in T2 will not use the value of the last record of T1 automatically. But if you try to insert a value that do not exist in T1 in the field t_id, the relationship will not let you do.
So, answering your question, what you left out and need to add?
You left out the part of the code that insert the value on the t_id field of T2 table.
Let me try to explain using an example that is more common.
The most common case of this is that the application insert first the T1 record and then when the user is inserting T2, the application provide a way to the user to choose which one T1 record his T2 record is referencing.
Suppose T1 is a publishers table and T2 is a book table. User insert a publisher, and when it is inserting a book it can choose which one publisher publish that book.
Field "ID" of Customers will be AUTOINCREMENT by default in table create using Event BeforeInsert on table CUSTOMERS. LOOK AT
CREATE TRIGGER nametrigger FOR nametable
Now one new record in Customers
INSERT INTO Customers (CustomerName, ContactName, Address, City, PostalCode, Country)
VALUES ('Cardinal','Tom B. Erichsen','Skagen 21','Stavanger','4006','Norway');
Then ID will be automaticaly one sequencial number from 1 up to last integer or smallint or bigint as you defined in your create table (pay attencion that ID field is not include in FIELDS and VALUES) because TRIGGER
now you can use the dataset (obj) options to link the table MATER and DETAIL see in help delphi
or in SQL you can to use PARAMS FIELDS
later insert one new record in table MASTER try...
INSERT INTO xTable2 (IDcustomersField, ..., ..., ...., ....)
VALUES ( :IDcustomersField, ..., ..., ...., ....);
xTable2 may using one field ID (Primary Key) autoincrement too. this help when DELETING or UPDATING fileds in this table
Then you can say the value to :IDcustomersField in table detail using
xQuery.PARAM( 0 ).value or xQuery.PARAMBYNAME( IDcustomersField).value (here im using Query obj as example )
you can to use example with DATASOURCE in code to say the value for IDcustomersField
can to use
Events in SQL
can to use
you have to create Relationship between two table ( REFERENCIAL INTEGRITY and PRIMARY KEY in mater table ) NOT NULL FOR TWO FIELDS ON TABLES
I believe that understand me about my poor explanation (i dont speak english
You need to insert the values for t_id manually, after you get the ID's value from the main table T1.
Depending on your logic in the database you also can use a trigger or a stored procedure. Give us more information about what values you expect to have in NAME field in T2 after the insert? Are they duplicates from T1 or independent from T1?
If T1.NAME=T2.NAME, you can automate the process with a trigger
If T2.NAME's value is different from T1.NAME you can use a stored procedure with parameters both names:
You can use both statements from the stored procedure directly in your program if it supports the returning syntax. If not, you need an additional query with SELECT NEXT VALUE FOR GENERATOR_FOR_T1 FROM RDB$DATABASE; and use the value returned from it in both INSERT statements.

Can't INSERT INTO SELECT into a table with identity column

In SQL server, I'm using a table variable and when done manipulating it I want to insert its values into a real table that has an identity column which is also the PK.
The table variable I'm making has two columns; the physical table has four, the first of which is the identity column, an integer IK. The data types for the columns I want to insert are the same as the target columns' data types.
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Message] ([Name], [Type])
SELECT DISTINCT [Code],[MessageType]
FROM #TempTableVariable
This fails with:
Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.Message' with unique index
'IX_Message_Id'. The duplicate key value is (ApplicationSelection).
But when trying to insert just Values (...) it works ok.
How do I get it right?
It appears that the data "ApplicationSelection" is already in the database. YOu need to write the select to exclude records that are already in the database. YOu can do that with a where not exists clause or a left join. LOok up teh index to see what field is unique besides the identity. That will tell you what feild you need to check to see if teh record currently exists.

MERGE INTO table containing AUTO_INCREMENT columns

I've declared the following table for use by audit triggers:
The trigger will get invoked multiple times in the same transaction.
The first time the trigger is invoked, I want it to insert a new
row with the current TRANSACTION_ID() and time.
The subsequent times the trigger is invoked, I want it to return
the existing "id" (I invoke Statement.getGeneratedKeys() to that end)
without altering "uuid" or "time".
The current schema seems to have two problems.
When I invoke MERGE INTO audit_transaction_ids (uuid, time) KEY(id) VALUES(TRANSACTION_ID(), NOW()) I get: org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Column "ID" contains null values; SQL
statement: MERGE INTO audit_transaction_ids (uuid, time) KEY(id) VALUES
(TRANSACTION_ID(), NOW()) [90081-155]
I suspect that invoking MERGE on an existing row will alter "time".
How do I fix both these problems?
MERGE is analogous to java.util.Map.put(key, value): it will insert the row if it doesn't exist, and update the row if it does. That being said, you can still merge into a table containing AUTO_INCREMENT columns so long as you use another column as the key.
Given customer[id identity, email varchar(30), count int] you could merge into customer(id, email, count) key(email) values((select max(id) from customer c2 where''), '', 10). Meaning, re-use the id if a record exists, use null otherwise.
See also for a portable way to insert-or-update depending on whether a row already exists.
1. MERGE INTO audit_transaction_ids (uuid, time) KEY(id) VALUES(TRANSACTION_ID(), NOW())
If you just want to insert a new row, use:
INSERT INTO audit_transaction_ids (uuid, time) VALUES(TRANSACTION_ID(), NOW())
MERGE without setting the value for the column ID doesn't make sense if ID is used as the key, because that way it could never (even in theory) update an existing rows. What you could do is using another key column (in the case above there is no column that could be used). See the documentation for MERGE for details.
2. Invoking MERGE on an existing row will alter "time"
I'm not sure if you talk about the fact that the value of the column 'time' is altered. This is the expected behavior if you use MERGE ... VALUES(.., NOW()), because the MERGE statement is supposed to update that column.
Or maybe you mean that older versions of H2 returned different values within the same transaction (unlike most other databases, which return the same value within the same transaction). This is true, however with H2 version 1.3.155 (2011-05-27) and later, this incompatibility is fixed. See also the change log: "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() and so on now return the same value within a transaction." It looks like this is not the problem in your case, because you do seem to use version 1.3.155 (the error message [90081-155] includes the build / version number).
Short Answer:
MERGE INTO AUDIT_TRANSACTION_IDS (uuid, time) KEY (uuid, time)
little performance tip: make sure uuid is indexed
Long Answer:
MERGE is basically an UPDATE which INSERTs when no record found to be updated.
Wikipedia gives a more concise, standardized syntax of
MERGE but you have to supply your own update and insert.
(Whether this will be supported in H2 or not is not mine to answer)
So how do you update a record using MERGE in H2? You define a key to be looked up for, if it is found you update the row (with column names you supply, and you can define DEFAULT here, to reset your columns to its defaults), otherwise you insert the row.
Now what is Null? Null means unknown, not found, undefined, anything which is not what you're looking for.
That is why Null works as key to be looked up for. Because it means the record is not found.
MERGE INTO table1 (id, col1, col2)
KEY(id) VALUES (Null, 1, 2)
Null has a value. it IS a value.
Now let's see your SQL.
MERGE INTO table1 (id, col1, col2)
What is that implying? To me, it says
I have this [DEFAULT, 1, 2], find me a DEFAULT in column id,
then update col1 to 1, col2 to 2, if found.
otherwise, insert default to id, 1 to col1, 2 to col2.
See what I emphasized there? What does that even mean? What is DEFAULT? How do you compare DEFAULT to id?
DEFAULT is just a keyword.
You can do stuff like,
MERGE INTO table1 (id, col1,
timeStampCol) KEY(id) VALUES (Null, 1,
but don't put DEFAULT in the key column.

Inserting rows into a table with one IDENTITY column only [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to insert into a table with just one IDENTITY column?
(5 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I have a table Administrator with only one column, adminId which is the primary-key. Because of business rules it has to be this way.
I'd like to understand once and for all how I can write stored procedures that insert values in tables like this. I am using SQL Server and T-SQL and tried using SCOPE_IDENTITY() but that doesn't work since the table has INSERT_IDENTITY to false or off.
I'd really like to not insert a dummy value just to be able to insert a new row. Thanks!
If you have one column that is an IDENTITY, just do this
INSERT MyTable DEFAULT VALUES; --allows no column list. The default will be the IDENTITY
If you don't have identity, then can you set it? This is the best way.. and use the SQL above.
If not, you want to insert a new row
INSERT MyTable (admidid)
OUTPUT INSERTED.admidid --returns result to caller
SELECT ISNULL(MAX(admidid), 0) + 1 FROM MyTable
Under high loads the MAX solution may fail with duplicates
SCOPE_IDENTITY is after the fact, not before
SCOPE_IDENTITY only works with an IDENTITY column. Ditto any idiocy using IDENT_CURRENT
The output clause replaces SCOPE_IDENTITY for the MAX solution
You need to add the IDENTITY_INSERT to your select statement:
SELECT AdminColValue
FROM Tableb
When you're done, make sure you remember to
Here's a good description of how it works from BOL:
#Phil: Don't you mean your table has two(2) columns, the autoincrementing PK column and an AdminName column? If it only has one column where the AdminName goes, the AdminName is the PK and you cannot autoincrement a string, of course. Do the business rules expect you to make a fully-qualified Windows username the primary key? That would be viable and make sense, because then you wouldn't need an alternate unique index on the AdminName column.
But if your table has two columns, not one:
In SQLServer the autoincrement is part of the table/column definition. You define the column as an integer and then also make it an
identity column, specifying the increment, usually 1, but it could be 2 or 5 or 10 or whatever. To insert a row, you simply insert the other column(s) value(s) and do nothing with the PK column:
insert into T
(foo) -- column(s) list
values('bar') -- values list
Your stored proc that does the insert can make SCOPE_IDENTITY a RETURN value or SCOPE_IDENTITY can be passed back to the client as an OUT parameter.
P.S. SCOPE_IDENTITY() returns the most recently generated autoincremented identity value in the current scope; it does not generate the next identity value.
Presumably, your Administrators table contains a set of administrators. But if it has no columns whatsoever other than the integer primary key column, there is no way to identify the administators; the only thing you can do is distinguish them from each other. That doesn't get you very far at all. But if your Administrator table had either of the following structures:
windowsusername varchar(50) (unique index)
windowsusername varchar(50) primary key
you would be able to reference the Administrator's table from other tables, and the foreign keys would be MEANINGFUL. And that's precisely what a table consisting of a single integer column lacks -- meaning.
Having two columns, you could then have a stored procedure do this:
insert into Administrators
and your client-program would get back as a return value the autoincremented id that had been autogenerated and assigned to the newly inserted row. This approach is the usual practice, and I would go so far as to say that it is considered "best practice".
P.S. You mention that you didn't know how to "insert a value" if you "didn't have anything to insert". There's a contradiction there. If you have nothing to insert, why insert? Why would you create, say, a new CUSTOMER record if you know absolutely nothing about the customer? Not their name, their city, their phone number, nothing?