Insert columnA values of Table 1 into another table if match occur - sql

I have two tables.Table A has 4 columns. And table B has two columns.I want to insert value of one column of tabel A from one column of table B based on condtion if id matches.
how i can do this ? For example if [Movieid] in 1st table =[IMDBid] in second table then insert [count] of table 1=[CB] in table 2.
i want to do it once for full table.
[column] -> these are colums
i m using sql server.
Tabel 1 : Movieid,count,
Tabel 2: IMDBid, CB
Results which i want: i want to insert values of CB column in count where Movieid=IMDBid
Tabel 1 :
(Nick Id,MovieId,Rating,MovId)-> (1,4972,6.25,?)(1,24216,7.25,?)
Tabel 2 :
(Imdbid,Title,ImdbPyId,Id)-> (4972,hello,32450,1)(24216,hi,62450,2)
Insert /fill value of MovId(tabel1) using values Id(tabel2)where MovieId(tabel1)==Imdbid(tabel2)

You can do it like,
UPDATE tabl1
SET count = (SELECT CB FROM tabl2 WHERE IMDBid = Movieid)
But it is gonna blow up if you have multiple values returning from the subquery.
So make sure to use the appropriate function to get the single value from that subquery whichever meets your requirements.
If your tables have 1:1 relationship then it should be fine. But if it is 1:n then you need to use either aggragate functions or the TOP 1 clause in that subqyery.

solution is UPDATE tabl1
SET count = (SELECT CB FROM tabl2 WHERE IMDBid = Movieid)


How to find out if a row of one table exists in the values of at least one row of another table?

I have two SQL tables, example below:
Table 1 (column types varchar, integer, numeric)
_Z 1
_Z 1
Table 2 (column types varchar)
_Z 1,_Z 2
_Z 1
Is there a way to compare individual rows of the first table with the rows of the second table and find out which row of the first table does not occur in the values of any row of the second table?
As can be seen, the first row of table 1 occurs in the values of the second row of table 2.
However, the second row of table 1 does not occur in the values of the rows of table 2, therefore the desired output is row 2 of table 1.
Desired output table:
_Z 1
What I have tried so far:
My solution was to create a table containing all possible combinations of column values for each row of the second table (with the same column data types as the columns of the first table) and then use SELECT * FROM TABLE1 EXCEPT SELECT * FROM TABLE2 to get the difference rows.
The solution worked (for relatively small tables) but I am currently in a situation where generating all combinations of column values for each row of the second table (which in my case has 500 rows) results in a table containing millions of rows, so I am looking for another solution, where I can use the original table with 500 rows.
Thank you in advance for any possible answer, preferably one that could also work in the IBM DB2 database.
We can use a LIKE trick here along with string concatenation:
FROM Table1 t1
FROM Table2 t2
WHERE ',' || t2.A || ',' LIKE '%,' || t1.A || ',%'
Note that it would be a preferable table design for Table2 to not store CSV values in this way. Instead, get every A value onto a separate row.

SQL update tableA.column where the column and value is in a separate table

I have tableA with the columns ID, ColumnHeader, Value.
I'm trying to update tableB where ID, and the value in tableB.ColumnHeader with tableB.Value.
Essentially, the column headers for tableB are in a column in Table A and not column headers themselves.
I'm stuck on specifying the table name. For example, how do I run this query when I only have tablename.____ where the blank is in a column in a separate table?
update tableB set table.____ .....
As seen in the screenshot below, in Table B, 4 should become 1, and 8 should become 2, and 12 should become 3. Thanks so much.
this is a example from Northwind database:
UPDATE dbo.Products
SET dbo.Products.CategoryID = c.CategoryID
FROM Products
INNER JOIN dbo.Categories c ON dbo.Products.CategoryID = c.CategoryID
I am not getting which table and column you want to update with which table and column.
also relationship is not clear.
This doesn't make sense to me. Are you trying to update table B or A? Are there like values in table B and A that you want updated?
The basic code is as shown below:
update tableb
set column id = 'value you're updating'
where column id = 'value you're looking for' --always make this unique like a key etc.

SQL/T-SQL Substring LEFT or Right doesn't appear to resolve

I have a two table where I have some values in a column UniqueKeys such as:
Table 1
2016_2016-2 S2_001840_30_01
2017_2017-2 D4_002213_3_01
The problem is that I am trying to match these with table 2 Unique values where the values are written in a different order such as :
Table 2:
Table 1 is from a different source system and table 2 is from different one. What I am trying to achieve is create a new table TABLE 3 where when the unique values match between table 1 and table 2 then insert the data from certain columns of table 1 and 2 into table 3 or else ignore the rest.
The way the Unique values should be is the following:
Year and Period: 2016-2
Cycle : S2
Unit: 001840
Group: 30
Giving the end result in Table 3 as:
You need to split both input values by "_" and then recombine the parts in the way they lead to the same format. Then you can join the tables.
Use two functions, the first one for values from type table 1, the second for values from table 2.
FROM table1
JOIN table2 ON splitfunction1(table1.Key1) = splitfunction2(table2.Key2);

Update one column where another column within same table equals a column in another table

I have a Query for retrieving data from one table where one column equals one specific value and one column equals a column in another table.
Like this:
SELECT a.IdOrdre, b.FR_Ordre
FROM Ordre a
INNER JOIN OrdreKategori b ON a.IdOrdre=b.FR_Ordre
WHERE b.FR_Kategori=57
I now would like to update the column FR_Kategori to another value than 57. How would I structure the UPDATE Query in order to achieve this?
Since you didn't tag your DBMS, and every one has different syntax for UPDATE..JOIN , here is an ANSI-SQL answer:
UPDATE OrdreKategori t
SET t.fr_kategori = Other_Val
where s.IdOrdre=t.FR_Ordre)
AND t.fr_kategori = 57

SQL Query - Ensure a row exists for each value in ()

Currently struggling with finding a way to validate 2 tables (efficiently lots of rows for Table A)
I have two tables
Table A
Table matched
ID Number
A 1
A 2
A 9
B 1
B 9
C 2
I am trying to write a SQL Server query that basically checks to make sure for every value in Table A there exists a row for a variable set of values ( 1, 2,9)
The example above is incorrect because t should have for every record in A a corresponding record in Table matched for each value (1,2,9). The end goal is:
Table matched
ID Number
A 1
A 2
A 9
B 1
B 2
B 9
C 1
C 2
C 9
I know its confusing, but in general for every X in ( some set ) there should be a corresponding record in Table matched. I have obviously simplified things.
Please let me know if you all need clarification.
WHERE b.number IN (1, 2, 9)
The DISTINCT in the COUNT ensures that duplicates (IE: A having two records in TABLE_B with the value "2") from being falsely considered a correct record. It can be omitted if the number column either has a unique or primary key constraint on it.
The HAVING COUNT(...) must equal the number of values provided in the IN clause.
Create a temp table of values you want. You can do this dynamically if the values 1, 2 and 9 are in some table you can query from.
Then, SELECT FROM tempTable WHERE NOT IN (SELECT * FROM TableMatched)
I had this situation one time. My solution was as follows.
In addition to TableA and TableMatched, there was a table that defined the rows that should exist in TableMatched for each row in TableA. Let’s call it TableMatchedDomain.
The application then accessed TableMatched through a view that controlled the returned rows, like this:
create view TableMatchedView
select a.ID,
from TableA a
join TableMatchedDomain d
left join TableMatched m on m.ID = a.ID and m.Number = d.Number
This way, the rows returned were always correct. If there were missing rows from TableMatched, then the Numbers were still returned but with OtherValues as null. If there were extra values in TableMatched, then they were not returned at all, as though they didn't exist. By changing the rows in TableMatchedDomain, this behavior could be controlled very easily. If a value were removed TableMatchedDomain, then it would disappear from the view. If it were added back again in the future, then the corresponding OtherValues would appear again as they were before.
The reason I designed it this way was that I felt that establishing an invarient on the row configuration in TableMatched was too brittle and, even worse, introduced redundancy. So I removed the restriction from groups of rows (in TableMatched) and instead made the entire contents of another table (TableMatchedDomain) define the correct form of the data.