Windows Store Application unable to access localhost WCF service and throws EndpoingNotFoundException - wcf

I have a solution which basically contains three components:
• WCF Service that is hosted locally having a back-end SQL Server Express DB and this WCF service is hosted from a Windows Service
• A console application
• A Windows Store Application
This is what they are meant to do:
• WCF service his hosted locally and is used by the console app and the store app for communicating with the database
• The console app adds an image for processing to the database by contacting the WCF service
• The store app will at regular time look for unprocessed images in database via the WCF service and will process them
Now, the difficulty is:
• The WCF service is hosted successfully and is working absolutely fine and I can check that by hitting its URL http://localhost:8081/XYZ
• The console app is also able to submit images to the WCF service and add their local paths to the database
• The store app however always throws the EndpointNotFoundException when accessing the service at that same localhost path
What have I tried:
• I have tried almost everything from searching through stackoverflow to googling and haven't found a solution yet
• I was thinking that it might be a port issue and so I turned off the firewall to check this, but it did not work, and the store app kept throwing the EndpointNotFoundException
What have worked:
• The complete set-up has, however, worked perfectly on my machine. It is strange that its not working on my client's Windows 8 machine.
Point to be noted:
• The complete solution has been developed in Visual Studio 2013 and the App is for Windows 8.1
• I am not sure, but it seems my client has a Windows 8 machine and we are installing the app on that. (Possibly, that might be a problem. But I'll check)
If there is any help someone could provide me, I'll be really greatful. Thanks in advance!

This is expected. Windows Store apps cannot connect back to the local system in production. This loopback prohibition is disabled for debugging.
See How to enable loopback and troubleshoot network isolation
If your app is to be side-loaded rather than deployed through the store then see Using network loopback in side-loaded Windows Store apps


IIS can only support three instances of a Blazor server client?

I've download Visual Studio 2022 and tested the default Blazor Server template (Home/Counter/FetchData). In Visual Studio, IIS Express I can open as many tabs / instances of the application as I want.
When I host the default Blazor Server template in local IIS (Windows 10 Home 21H2, IIS 10) I can only open three instance of the application. The fourth will hang until the first is closed. I see someone has ran into nearly the exact same issue but there is no solution provided.
Anyone know whats going on? I don't understand why IIS Express can handle multiple instnaces but IIS 10 can not. Even Conveyor by Keyoti can support many many tabs compared to IIS 10.
Note: I notice SignalR has limitations on Windows / IIS of 10 concurrent connections, but I'm not even getting two.
Out of curiosity I tested it on Windows Server 2016 Standard and I can open hundreds of tabs.
I re-installed IIS on Windows 10 to make sure something wasn't wacky.
I've ensured WebSocket Protocol is enabled.
Windows 10 Home supports 3 concurrent connections at the same time, according to Microsoft.
Normal HTTP requests to IIS get process and response returned. So even if you manage to achieve 4 or more at the same time, IIS will work through the request queue and you may not have noticed that your request was slightly delayed unless your individual requests take a while to process.
However with SignalR, a persistent connection is maintained to the server. So if you open one connection per browser tab, and you have 4 tabs open, that 4th tab is going to hang indefinitely until one of the other page has its connection ended (by closing the tab, manually disconnecting via code, or refreshing the page).
I can't reproduce the issue, and I have tried to search some way to solve it.I will summarize a few ways below that you can try.
Try to install Websocket Protocol in your Win10. You can find it in Windows features.
Workaround: install IIS Express in Web Platform Installer.
Workaround: Try to deploy it in windows server, and check whether have same issue. I found some posts also mentioned it may related with OS version.
The solution was incredibly simple (maybe too simple?). Don't use IIS at all.
In Program.cs just before building the app I override Kestrel ports to listen on any ip (for now).
(Optional) I provide a custom SSL certificate in the UseHttps constructor so that it can be emailed and installed on iOS and Android devices.
(Required) Then I publish the applications to a folder and just run the .exe on the hosting machines.
builder.WebHost.ConfigureKestrel(opt =>
opt.ListenAnyIP(8001, listOpt =>
listOpt.UseHttps(#"Path to.pfx file", "password for pfx file");
Now Windows 10 Home can support as many connections as the hardware can handle at https://192.168.0.XXX:8001. Is this how Blazor Server is expected to be deployed within a local network? I don't understand how this overcomes the connection limit pointed out in masons answer. Please let me know in the comments if I'm missing something.

Azure Service Bus deployment

I am using the Azure service bus for message transfer between different services. I have written a simple windows application to give to the 3rd party customer to test that their system can talk to the service bus. All it does is post a message on a button click and receive the message back from the same queue.
This system works fine on my development machine but when I test it on another machine it fails timing out when trying to post. Microsoft.ServiceBus.dll & Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Configuration.dll have both been deployed with the application.
Is there an SDK that I need to install on the deployment machine as well. I have looked but all I seem to find are SDK's for VS. The application is running in .NET 4.0 due to target the old target machines that we have to work with.
Problem was due to a network issue on some machines. Nothing else needed to be installed

How to deploy a local eclipse worklight project in cloud server?

I developed an android based hybrid app in the IBM MFP-7.0., My app is fetching the data from the Java service which is running in Tomcat Server. Here the app adapters are running in my local system MFP server to get the data from the Java service, So that I can only run the app in my local system android emulator. Now, we want to deploy the app in the cloud so that we can give this app to our users. Can some body help me how to run our MFP app in the cloud? Is it required to place eclipse in the cloud to run my MFP server like the way I am running in my local system?
Thanks in advance.
It looks to me like your understanding is completely lacking in this subject matter. Also note that this question has got nothing to do with programming.
You need a host machine. On this server you will run an application server (Tomcat, WebSphere Full profile, WebSphere Liberty profile - either single or a farm, depending on your required network topology and security & scalability needs).
On this application server you deploy MobileFirst
You will also need a database
This host machine needs to be accessible (with appropriate security) to the public Internet so that it could serve apps installed in end-users' devices
The application needs to be configured to send requests to the server (or to any front-side server like a Load Balancer, again, depending on your topology)
The generated application needs to be submitted to an App Store so that users could download and install it on their devices
I suggest that you will do some reading before asking any question. Since you're using IBM MobileFirst, start by reading the user documentation:

Windows application server communication issue

I recently developed a windows phone application using phonegap(HTML5, CSS) in visual studio and generated the deployable XAP file. When I registered my device with my developer account I was able to install my application locally and was able to do server communication as well. But when I submit the same XAP file to store and then download from store, the server communication is failing. As this issue is observed only at store I am not able to debug the issue.
My question is how can the same application show different behaviours when deployed locally & downloaded from store.
Note: I am doing ajax requests for server communication.
Please let me know if some permissions need to be given while submitting to store or any work around needed from me to fix this issue. Requesting a response soon.

establish communication between metro and desktop

I'm trying to make my store app communication with desktop app through websockets.
I know we can make metro app as a client and do WinRT way of communicating over.
For the desktop server part, i'm planning to write a dll that will contain server code and receive metro texts being sent over.
Can someone please tell if this is possible and how to write server code in a dll and if so should we be using winhttp for wbesockets in server side ?
Windows Store (WInRT) apps are executing in a sandbox which isolates them from network communication with other applications on the local machine (localhost). That being said, this protection can be disabled using CheckNetIsolation.exe. Visual Studio automatically does the same for debugging purposes, allowing you to call e.g. a web service on your local machine during development.
As for the desktop side; to communicate with web sockets client, you can make advantage of WinHTTP. There's a working example on MSDN.
Keep in mind, though, that any application communicating with localhost will not be certified for Windows Store and will require several additional steps to install it:
The Windows Store application package will need to be sideloaded since it won't be published in Windows Store.
Any desktop component it communicates with will need to be installed separately the same way as any other desktop application.
Using CheckNetIsolation.exe loopback exemption will need to be added for the Windows Store app.
If you can avoid it, I definitely suggest you don't try communicating directly with a desktop application from you Windows Store app.