youtube API 3 - get all data in single request - api

I am using YouTube API 3 to fetch video results for which I have to make two http requests which are sequential not parallel.
1- First API call is to get youtube video ids for a search term.{API KEY}
2- From first I am preparing a list of comma separated video IDs (ALL_VIDEO_IDS) and fetching individual video details like duration, viewcount etc.,statistics&key={API KEY}
Actually I want a way so that I can get all these details in one call rather than two. How to achieve this?
Is there a way to achieve it which I don't know or I am missing something?

Here it is, with example of getting video duration,
but do not forget to create your API key at
$vidkey = "cHPMH2sa2Q" ; video key for example
$apikey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" ;
$dur = file_get_contents("$vidkey&key=$apikey");
$VidDuration =json_decode($dur, true);
foreach ($VidDuration['items'] as $vidTime)
$VidDuration= $vidTime['contentDetails']['duration'];


Youtube API channel search - how to get channel ids by using video ids

I am using the Youtube API for a simple search for music in a specific genre. In the results set I get only videos ids and the part with channel ids is empty. Is there any way to generate/get the channel ids from the retrieved videos?
I have tried to look only for channels, but the result set is either completely emtpy or contains 1-2 results. = query,
part = "id",
#type = 'channel, video',
maxResults = max_results).execute()
I would like to get both videos and channel ids and currently I am receiving only a list of videos that match with the search query.
Yes, just request the 'snippet' part as well. The snippet section contains the channelId of the video.

Vimeo API get multiple videos in one GET request

I'm in a situation where I need to make one GET request to Vimeo and get back info for multiple specific videos. Here is what I have for the query string currently:,duration,,download&containing_uri=/videos/ID1,/videos/ID2&per_page=2
Unfortunately, this only returns the information for ID2 and the video ID before it in its channel, instead of for both IDs specified. I've also tried appending multiple containing_url fields to no avail. Is there any way to make this happen? I'm using axios in react native if that helps.
Instead of "containing_uri", use "uris" as documented here:
The "containing_uri" parameter will only return the page of the specified uri. The "uris" parameter will return the specified videos/objects. Your request should look like this:,duration,,download&uris=/videos/ID1,/videos/ID2&per_page=2
I hope this information helps!

instagram fetch by tag

I need fetch instagram posts by tag every n minutes.. I use
ok, but I don't want to get the same posts every time, I want just to fetch only the new posts.. I thought to use a param.. (for example created_time), save it, and to use it like a filter param in the next request, to save the created_time field of the last post.. save it, repeat this.
but API only allow this parameters:
COUNT Count of tagged media to return.
MIN_TAG_ID Return media before this min_tag_id.
MAX_TAG_ID Return media after this max_tag_id.
Then I thought using MIN_TAG_ID in the request instead of Created_time, but the TAG_ID is not found in the api's response json ... (I can filter by TAG_ID but TAG_ID not come in the response. Unusual!!)
Any ideas?
In the response it is simply called id not tag_id
I recomend you to use subscriptions. And you will process new posts in real-time.

YouTube API Search v3 - Start index?

I'm using the YouTube Search API to grab 5 videos per time under a specific keyword. But I've been trying and trying, but couldent find the parameter for the start index. Does anyone know how to add it, so it gets the next 5 videos etc..?
Current URL I have:
In the results of your first query, you should get back a nextPageToken field.
When you make the request for the next page, you must send this value as the pageToken.
So you need to add pageToken=XXXXX to your query, where XXXXX is the value you received in nextPageToken.
Hope this helps

Instagram tag search - filter for images and tags after a certain time or id

I am using the Instagram API to fetch a list of photos tagged with a certain hashtag. I've got a real-time subscription set up so it will notify me whenever new photos have been posted. However, I have to fetch the new results myself.
My problem: When I request the list of recently tagged photos, I get a large list and I don't want to process all of the results in the recent list every time I do this. The api docs say I can pass these optional parameters, but they seem counter-intuitive. They seem to be the opposite of what I would expect:
MIN_ID Return media before this min_id.
MAX_ID Return media after this max_id.
If I keep track of the most recent media id I've seen in my recent requests, how do I construct my next request to only return results newer than that id?
I've posted two photos with a test hashtag. When I use the following url (with my real access_token in it), I get back a json response listing both of those photos:
The two photos have these ids:
How do I construct a query that returns only the newer of those two photos?
Tack the most recent ID you've seen on the end, using the MAX_ID request parameter:
This should tell Instagram, *"The most recent photo I've seen is 221201236060507271_179249322, return only newer photos"*.