Filepicker and s3 without revealing s3 secretkey to filepicker - amazon-s3

Is it possible to use filepicker to upload to S3, using a presigned S3 policy, without revealing my s3 secret key to filepicker.
From their current documentation found here -, we need to provide them our s3 secret key.
I know s3 supports browser based uploads using POST, which we can sign using the policy. Is this something filepicker can leverage?

While it is technically possible, the Filepicker system does not work in this way. We require your S3 keys in order to upload to S3.


Cloudfront prohibit a user from using a read-presigned url to make an upload

Using the cloudfront to read and write in the same S3 bucket, how can I prohibit a user from using a read-presigned url to make an injection (upluad)?
Deny access to PUT for cloudfront and it won't be able to put data into s3. In s3 permissions you can allow read only calls from cloudfront only. Turn off public access on s3, to make sure it will allow gets only from cloudfront. On CloudFront use this to update s3 bucket access, before this disable any public access on s3. CF will update S3's policy & create CF origin access identity:
To put data into S3, use presigned URL and it all goes down to the place where you create the presigned URL for upload. You may have api gateway RESTfull tiny api which would authenticate user to get the upload url and would return the upload url, which would be used by user to upload data to S3.

How is security done at folder level within a single bucket in aws s3?

I am very naive at AWS s3. Recently, we have a requirement of using the AWS s3 bucket for storing big files. I wanted to know, How do we do security at folder level within a single bucket in s3? Do S3 takes care of that? If yes, by what means? I understand that. they do encryption and decryption of data, but that does not suffice. We are a service provider, where multiple tenants would be using the same bucket. How folder within AWS bucket can be isolated with security? For one bucket there will be single access-key, but what about a folder in a bucket?
You should use a bucket policy to restrict/Allow user access to the folder. You can do this using the S3 Console or you can assign an IAM role to the user. Please take a look at the link for more details.

S3 ACL Public-Read on Swisscom Cloud

AFAIK Swisscom does not support Uploads into the S3 Service with a public-read status. The only way to share a file is via presigned url. Is this correct? Already asked here:
How to serve user-uploaded files on Swisscom Application Cloud?
In the docs, it's written though that PUT Object ACLis supported. According to the Amazon Specs this should include public-read as well.
What is the current case now? What is the best workaround if it's not possible to store public readable binaries? For example to serve images for a website stored on Swisscom S3?
Swisscom Dynamic Storage currently does not support static web pages, which means every http request has to be signed. Workaround are shareable URLs with a very long expiration date so called Pre-signed Object URL.

Uploading Multiple Images to Amazon s3 with HTML, javascript & jQuery with Ajax Request (No PHP or Server)

I am developing a website in HTML, javascript & jQuery. I want to upload (multiple images) to amazon s3 server in an ajax request. There is no such SDK to integrate s3 in Javascript. A PHP SDK is available, but it is not useful to me. Can anybody provide solution to this in javascript?
You can read the article - How to Upload Scanned Images to Amazon S3 Using Dynamic Web TWAIN, which introduces how to use PHP and JavaScript to upload files to Amazon S3. Key steps include:
Specify the bucket which is the place or the folder name used for
storing data on Amazon S3
Specify the Access Key and Secret Key you
obtained from your Amazon S3 account
Create a policy that specifies
what you permit and what you don’t permit for the data uploaded from a
client web page
Encode and encrypt these policies and signatures to
keep them confidential, and store the encoded and encrypted values in
the hidden input elements.

Cloudfront: Do the files in my origin bucket need to be publicly readable

I currently serve files on S3 that are private. I would like to serve files via Cloudfront but I keep getting an AccessDenied error. I have tried multiple combinations
With and without Cloud front key pairs
With and without AWS access keys
But nothing works. Do the files on my S3 bucket need to be publicly readable and then I just restrict access to them via Cloudfront by setting bucket policies?
Yes. There is no inherent connection between S3 and CloudFront. From the perspective of S3, CloudFront is just another "user" trying to access the content. Therefore, the S3 bucket has to give permission to CloudFront to access the content. Keep in mind that there is no way to set permissions on the CloudFront distribution so your content will be publicly available that way.