What is the difference between scope and entity in hapijs? - hapi.js

I'm looking at some of the auth config options for hapi routes. I understand how scope works - you can set the scope of a route to 'admin' which means the user's credentials must have a scope that matches...but what is the purpose of entity?
Here are the docs:
entity - the required authenticated entity type. If set, must match
the entity value of the authentication credentials. Available values:
any - the authentication can be on behalf of a user or application. This is the default value.
user - the authentication must be on behalf of a user.
app - the authentication must be on behalf of an application.
When I set entity to 'user' on a route I get this error:
"message": "Application credentials cannot be used on a user endpoint"
Which leads me to believe my auth plugin is setting my entity somewhere to 'app'? For reference I am using hapi-auth-jwt.

Although this is an old post, in case this can help others, the answer to this is that the authentication is considered to be on behalf of an end-user if the credentials object contains a property user.
In your case, if the credentials object didn't contain such a user property, this was considered as an authentication on behalf of an application, hence the access control failure. Your auth.access.entity definition made your endpoint a user endpoint but your credentials where not considered as user credentials but application credentials.
If your credentials object contains the identity of the user in another property (e.g. sub or email), you may want to copy it into a new property user in your authentication plugin or as part of the validation function you are using to configure it.

You can tell hapi-auth-jwt what entity the authenticated request has in your validator function:
var validate = function (decodedToken, callback) {
credentials = {
entity: 'user',
return callback(error, authorized, credentials)
More about the credentials object here.


Should Name Claim remain omitted in JWT Access Token with IdentityServer4 (using Identity) and ASP.Net Core API?

While configuring my IdentityServer4 (using Identity) resource owner grant flow with an asp.net core API backend, I got to thinking that perhaps the "Name" claim should remain omitted in the JWT access token for user security? This claim is not available with out of the box behavior of IS4.
Previously, I had been adding in the "Name" claim for the access token in my IS4 Config.cs file as follows:
var claims = new List<string>
return new List<ApiResource>
new ApiResource("api1", "Auth API", claims)
I was doing this because it allows a straightforward approach to get a logged in user's ClaimsPrincipal.Identity.Name for user look up inside a Controller action.
var name = User.Identity.Name;
var user = await _userManager.FindByNameAsync(name);
However, IS4 access tokens (when using Identity) include the user's GUID id in the "Sub" claim. With this, we can also look up a user using the following:
var userId = User.Claims.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Type == "sub").Value;
var user = await _userManager.FindByIdAsync(userId);
I know there is slightly more processing with the LINQ query (hardly anything tbh), but I was thinking it might be of worth to protect a user's username (email address in my situation) if an access token ever fell into the wrong hands. Especially since JWT's are so easy to decode with the likes of jwt.io.
Do you guys agree or disagree? Or am I looking at this the wrong way and missing something?
JWT usually contain the public data and it is self-contained. i.e. You don't need to communicate with a backend server to construct user's identity. You should prevent the token fell into wrong hand by using https. Also, you should balance your token validity window(usability vs security) and use a nonce for maximizing the security.
I don't think 'name' should be omitted from claim collection. A valid use-case for what you are doing is that you need to make sure that changes to your user store immediately reflect in your web API. In the case of a self-contained token, if you change the 'name' in the data store, the user will not see that change until he was issued a new token. In this case use of a 'reference token' might be a good option.
Also, It looks like you are directly accessing user store from the web API. While you might have valid reasoning behind this, Idea of using token based authentication is to delegate authentication to external party(Identity Server). So common pattern is to
Include every public data that you require in the web API in the
access token.
If token getting too big, include a subset of claims in the token and query user info endpoint when required.
Use reference tokens if you have valid reasons to do so. But this will affect the performance as it will require back channel communication with identity server.

Can we restrict users in identity server4 to specific applications?

I am trying to implement IdentityServer 4 for enterprise scenario.
I understand that users are registered against Identity server.
My question is how to give permissions to users against applications, like as users are needed to assign to a particular application, if not assigned application should return unauthorized.
If a user needs to access multiple applications then multiple assignments are needed.
I am looking a way for Identity server to invalidate the submitted token if the user doesn't have access to the application in a single go, even though the challenged token might be valid if it is submitted by other application which the user has access to
Identity Server absolutely handles authorizations on the most basic level. It creates authorization codes and access_tokens that are essential in an applications authorization. Without them you cannot get authorized. Thus for others to claim Identity Server does not do authorizations is flat out wrong.
I came in here a week ago looking for a solution for this very same problem. I want to restrict users to specific applications by not granting them access tokens if they fail to meet certain parameters, in my case a UserClient table. Lucky for you I have a solution. Identity Server 4 implements a few, what they call, CustomValidators that occur at the time of authorization or token creation. They are
internal class DefaultCustomAuthorizeRequestValidator : ICustomAuthorizeRequestValidator
internal class DefaultCustomTokenRequestValidator : ICustomTokenRequestValidator
public class DefaultCustomTokenValidator : ICustomTokenValidator
There name really says it when they get called. Each one contains a single method
public Task ValidateAsync(CustomAuthorizeRequestValidationContext context)
return Task.CompletedTask;
Notice something? That's is right! It does nothing. Almost as if they are meant to be replaced. (It is).
This is the area that you can add your custom logic to reject the request. CustomAuthorizeRequestValidationContext contains ClientId and User claim information. It also contains a boolean value called IsError. Simply set that to true and whamy! Access denied. You can also set error messages etc. Here is an example that implements the ICustomAuthorizeRequestValidator inface that will restrict a user based on there user Id
public Task ValidateAsync(CustomAuthorizeRequestValidationContext context)
var sub = context.Result.ValidatedRequest.Subject.FindFirst("sub");
if (sub != null && sub.Value != "88421113")
context.Result.IsError = true;
context.Result.Error = "Unauthorized";
context.Result.ErrorDescription = "You are not authorized for this client";
return Task.CompletedTask;
Feel free to inject a dbcontext or two to read off of your userclient table. I check the sub claim to be null because this will get hit several times before actual login occurs.
From what I noticed all three behave similar in terms of use, but different in terms of outcome. Setting an error ICustomAuthorizeRequestValidator will prevent the redirect to your client and instead direct you to the Identity Server error screen. The other two will redirect back to the client and generally throw some throw some sort of HttpResponse error. Therefore replacing the ICustomAuthorizeRequestValidator seems to work best.
So simply created a class that implements ICustomAuthorizeRequestValidator. Then add that into your identity services like so
and you are done done.
You can add a claim in your IdentityServer4's claims table called "role" and in your application, add some UI to authorize a person via email or similar, and then set his/her role in the claims db. And you can also delete the authorized user from your application, which should un-assign a role to that particular person. Thus he/she although is successfully authenticated, can't use your application because you have authorized then. Hope this approach helps you!
For users, IdentityServer is authentication only. Authorization should be handled by your application.
Authentication = Verifying who a user is
Authorization = Verify what a user can do
I wrote an article on this topic to clarify how OAuth 2.0 does is not user-level authorization. Hope it helps! https://www.scottbrady91.com/OAuth/OAuth-is-Not-User-Authorization
As Scott says, Identity Server will authenticate that the user is who they say they are, not explicitly tell you what that user can do.
You can use the claims returned as part of that authentication to then perform authorization checks within your app. For example, you might use the sub or id claims to perform checks from your app on whether the user associated with that sub/id is allowed to access a specific resource.
The water gets a bit muddier when you bring role claims into the picture, but so long as you appreciate the difference between authentication and authorization you should be ok.
In our enterprise scenario we split it into layers:
We introduced a tenant -- a customer (organization) of our enterprise
Then we have roles (not more than 20 or so) assigned for
each particular user.
IdentityServer fetches users from tenant and access APIs. The only pre-check it performs is that a particular client (application), requested a token, is not restricted for the particular tenant (customer-level licensing), otherwise we display a message and block the challenge response.
Then we come to an app. With a valid token, having tenant and roles inside. The roles-to-functions assignment could be unique within the tenant. So the application itself performs a granulate permissions check, using a separate API. The application is free to enable-disable some functions or even redirect to the special page in IdSrv "Access denied for the app".
With such approach we are scalable, we are configurable, we are as fast as we want. In previous generation we had "all in one" identity+access+licensing monster-like system, and we decided to split. Today we do not face any real limits with adding new customers (tenants), having 20000 users in average each.
Another way, you can redirect user back to respective client login page it they are not assigned to application/client by using IProfileService of IdentityServer4.Services
public async Task IsActiveAsync(IsActiveContext context)
if (!string.Equals("MyAllowedApplicationId", context.Client.ClientId, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
context.IsActive = false;
You have to set IsActive = false to redirect user back to login page where user can login with user details which is allowed in application

Get JSON Web Token payload data within controller action

I'm implementing JWT based authorization for my ASP.NET Web API application with Angular2 SPA. All is well and clear regarding authorization flow except for one detail. I am wondering how to get JWT payload information within the Web API controller action?
Looking through the web I can't find any solution that I would go for, for example, setting Thread.Principal or something like that.
What are the recommended ways to accomplish that?
The normal process to handle a JWT token as authentication in ASP.NET is:
Get the token from the request and ensure is valid.
Create a principal based on the information contained within the token and associate it with the request.
This implies that the payload information within the token is available through the request principal usually in the form of claims. For example, if your JWT contains information about the user roles it would get mapped to a role claim available in the principal.
You don't mention if you're using OWIN or not so I'll assume OWIN for the example, but it shouldn't really matter or be much different at the controller level.
Despite the fact you're concerned only with the data consumption part, if curious, you can read through this set of tutorials about ASP.NET Web API (OWIN) for a more in-depth look on the whole process:
Authentication (HS256)
The last one would be the one with most interest , you'll note the following code snippet on that one:
public object Claims()
var claimsIdentity = User.Identity as ClaimsIdentity;
return claimsIdentity.Claims.Select(c =>
Type = c.Type,
Value = c.Value
This relies on the User.Identity available within the controller to list all the claims of the currently authenticated identity. Unless you have an authentication pipeline configured rather different then what it's the norm, these claims are mapped from the JWT payload your API receives.

OpenID Connect server. Generate access token based on 3-rd party token (social login)

I had implemented OpenID Connect server that generates access tokens for mobile client based on username/password using OpenIddict.
My next goal was to provide ability to generate Access Token using 3-rd party tokens (social login for example), and I started from integration with Google token, but stuck as cannot find any samples/informations about how to do this.
The only one idea that I currently have is to make request to "/connect/token" endpoint and send Google token in "code" parameter, for example in "google:" format, then override OpenIdConnectServerProvider.DeserializeAuthorizationCode method:
Called when receiving an authorization code. An application may use this context to deserialize the code using a custom format and to skip the default logic using
So I have created own CustomProvider class based on OpenIddictProvider, registered it
services.AddOpenIddict<ApplicationUser, ApplicationRole, ApplicationDbContext, int>()
.Configure(builder =>
{ builder.Provider = new CustomProvider(sp.GetRequiredService<SignInService>()); }
and overridden the DeserializeAuthorizationCode method:
public override async Task DeserializeAuthorizationCode(DeserializeAuthorizationCodeContext context)
string code = context.Request.Code;
if (code.StartsWith("google:"))
string token = code.Replace("google:", "");
var principal = new GoogleTokenValidator().ValidateToken(token, null).Result;
var ticket = new AuthenticationTicket(principal, new AuthenticationProperties(), "Bearer");
context.Ticket = ticket;
context.Ticket.Properties.ExpiresUtc = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(1);
await _signInService.Login(principal);
where GoogleTokenValidator is a custom class for Google token handling (it makes call to Google User Information Endpoint and generate ClaimsPrincipal), based on "copy-pasted" code from GoogleHandler class in aspnet/Security repo.
In general it is working with some additional hacks, but I have strong feeling that reinventing the wheel...
In general it is working with some additional hacks, but I have strong feeling that reinventing the wheel...
You're not only reinventing the wheel, but you're also implementing something totally non-standard that is not supported (at all) by OpenIddict.
Here's the approach I recommend (which is the one we use in the MVC server sample):
The OAuth2/OpenID Connect client application redirects the user agent to your authorization controller (you can take a look at this controller for an example).
OpenIddict will validate the authorization request and allow your controller to be invoked if it's fully valid.
If the user is not already logged in, your authorization controller will redirect the user to the login endpoint, provided by AccountController. At this point, you're free to propose local authentication (e.g using a username/password couple) or Google authentication (you can use the Google authentication middleware for that). You can even offer 2-FA as part of this login process.
Once the user is logged in (e.g after a registration process and/or an external authentication association), his/her browser is redirected back to the authorization endpoint, where a consent form indicating he/she's about to allow your JS app to access his personal data on his/her behalf is displayed.
When the user allows your client application to access his data, the request is handled by your authorization controller, that calls SignInAsync to inform OpenIddict that an authorization code/access token should be returned to your application.

Problems configuring user authentication by external API on Symfony2

I have a problem authenticating users for my new Symfony2 application.
This applications gets all the info through an API, so no database is used. When a user goes to login page, he introduce the user and password in the login form. Then, I have to authenticate him using an API call. This API call returns "false" if it's not a user, and return a token key and a token secret if its a correct user. With this token key and secret, during the user session, I can make all the API requests I need for rendering all the pages of the application. Once the user session is over and token key and secret are erased, the user has to login again.
I don't know really how ti implement that. I read this http://symfony.com/doc/current/cookbook/security/custom_provider.html and that http://symfony.com/doc/current/cookbook/security/custom_authentication_provider.html, and I'm still so lost... :(
Can any one help me?
Thank you so much :)
If you want to write custom authentication you have found the correct links. As an example you can see the implementation of the OAuth authorization HWIOAuthBundle. But keep in mind that this type of authentication creates a user on your system. If you do not use a database, you must make a request to the API every time user send a request.
First you need to understand that there is no magic. On every request symfony checks if url matches one of the specified firewalls (see secutity.yml). Listener that fired you can see in the firewall factory. If matches are found, the action switches to the corresponding AuthenticationListener. Listener attempts to authenticate the credewntials by creating Token, which is sended to AuthenticationProvider
$this->authenticationManager->authenticate(new UsernamePasswordToken($username, $password, $this->providerKey));
in AuthenticationProvider
public function authenticate(TokenInterface $token) {
AuthenticationProvider try to get user via UserProvider. In case of success, Token stored in the session. On subsequent requests, ContextListener comes into play first, checks the session, extract token and send it to AuthenticationProvider similar.
In general terms, the scheme looks like that. More info you can find examining the source code of Symfony Security component.
Really good starting point is a UsernamePasswordFormAuthenticationListener. It just take login and password from request and make simplest UsernamePasswordToken.
protected function attemptAuthentication(Request $request)
Good luck!