Closing a userform or window by condition - vba

I work with a software which has no loading window/picture, so when I run it, I don't know exactly when it starts to run. Though I can monitor the running .exe task in taskmanager I want to create a 'loading window' in VBA to make the loading process more visible. I think a possible way to achieve this is to write a simple macro which contains the shell(.) command and a testing condition (eg. if a counter counts to 130 then close the form automatically end if). The problem is when I try to use Unload Me, it can not be used unless it is a part of a click event. Here is my code which opens my form:
Sub Loadpic()
End Sub

you can use this
Unload LPic
Do Events
You can find the formname in the properties dialog ( Press F4 when looking at the form)


Closing any open userform

After a good search and some (over)thinking I came to the conclusion that I have no answer on what seems to be a simple question.
I have an excel document with many (20+) userforms in it. If you press a button (that is not in the userform, but just on the excel sheet) to start over again it should close any userform that's open at that moment.
I tried with unload me but of course I got an error when there wasn't any open userform.
Then I tried to add on error resume next thinking it would skip the line if there was no userform and therefore not giving an error but just continue what I want it to do. (opening a new userform).
It did indeed not give me the error anymore but it doesn't close any open userform as well (when there is one open).
So here I am, hoping someone here can help me as I don't know what to do. I could list up all of the userforms I suppose but it should be possible to go faster and automatically I suppose?
Some more info: It is never possible to have more than one userform open at the same time. // The button I want to create closes all the userforms if there are any and leads the user back to the main menu.
Thanks in advance!
Try calling the following when you want to unload all forms
Sub UnloadAllForms(Optional dummyVariable As Byte)
'Unloads all open user forms
Dim i As Long
For i = VBA.UserForms.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
Unload VBA.UserForms(i)
End Sub
This is hopefully the worst code that I have written in the last 5 years, but it will close any breathing form in Excel that you may have (and will kill any variables etc) :
Public Sub CloseAll()
End Sub
Use with caution!
From the MSDN End Statement:
The End statement stops code execution abruptly, without invoking the Unload, QueryUnload, or Terminate event, or any other Visual Basic code.
Code you have placed in the Unload, QueryUnload, and Terminate events offorms and class modules is not executed.
Objects created from class modules are destroyed, files opened using the Open statement are closed, and memory used by your program is freed.
Object references held by other programs are invalidated.
The End statement provides a way to force your program to halt. For normal termination of a Visual Basic program, you should unload all forms.
Your program closes as soon as there are no other programs holding references to objects created from your public class modules and no code executing.

DoubleClick captured in my UserForm

As I bet I can tell the following is happening in my Excel 2013 macro:
Sub WorkSheet_BeforeDoubleClick is calling a form
Some logic populates and shows the form
The double click event is captured by the form as an undesired selection in a listbox
Is there a correct way to suppress the double click in the middle of the subroutine? I have ideas for getting around it (sleeping the thread works, re-positioning the form works, locking and unlocking the listbox based on other events works) Those are all poor workarounds and I am hoping for a built-in solution that I am just not aware of.
(And setting Cancel = True does not work because I believe setting only kicks in once the code is finished running. The double click becomes a selection in the middle of the subroutines)
If the issue is the form you are launching from the macro is catching the same double click event try the following:
1) Have your macro call a new sub routine via 'Application.OnTime()' schedule it to run just long enough in the future to pass the 'physical click', maybe 1s. Instead of directly calling Form.Show(), as you are currently doing.
2) Your new subroutine just has to do: Form.Show(), and whatever else you deem necessary.

How do I simulate a click event in VB Windows Forms

I just want to connect two arbitrary controls, so that if one is clicked, the other should act as though it's clicked - is this even remotely possible? it seems like it SHOULD be so easy, but the internet seems dry, unless I just don't know how to ask the question properly... I see a way to "click" a button control, but what if the target is not a button? - I don't know the name of any function that might be triggered by this control's click event, so I can't call it directly. I would guess there is some way of using Windows APIs, but I can't find anything that's nice, simple VB
I click a Label control on the form. I want to handle that click event, run one line of code, then simulate a click event on an associated RadioButton control
Is this possible? How?
If you must, call (System.Windows.Forms.Controls.)Control.InvokeOnClick
or even RadioButton.PerformClick
A better way would be to create a common Subroutine that would be called on click of either controls. This way clicking on controls will execute their own code which can differ, and some common code as well.
This is how you accomplish executing the same code regardless of which control event was fired.
Private Sub ClickMe()
'code to execute
End Sub
Private Sub label1_Click(...) ...
End Sub
Private Sub rb_checked(...) ...
End Sub

Closing a Userform with Unload Me doesn't work

I need to close an Excel userform using VBA when a user has clicked a submit button and operations have been carried out.
How can I close a Userform from itself?
I have tried this but it returns a 361 error.
Unload Me
As specified by the top answer, I used the following in the code behind the button control.
Private Sub btnClose_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
In doing so, it will not attempt to unload a control, but rather will unload the user form where the button control resides. The "Me" keyword refers to the user form object even when called from a control on the user form. If you are getting errors with this technique, there are a couple of possible reasons.
You could be entering the code in the wrong place (such as a
separate module)
You might be using an older version of Office. I'm using Office 2013. I've noticed that VBA changes over time.
From my experience, the use of the the DoCmd.... method is more specific to the macro features in MS Access, but not commonly used in Excel VBA.
Under normal (out of the box) conditions, the code above should work just fine.
Without seeing your full code, this is impossible to answer with any certainty. The error usually occurs when you are trying to unload a control rather than the form.
Make sure that you don't have the "me" in brackets.
Also if you can post the full code for the userform it would help massively.
Unload Me only works when its called from userform self. If you want to close a form from another module code (or userform), you need to use the Unload function + userformtoclose name.
I hope its helps
It should also be noted that if you have buttons grouped together on your user form that it can link it to a different button in the group despite the one you intended being clicked.

How to develop a simple prog, to sendkeys to another program?

I'm trying to develop a simple program which will show a form with a listbox and a button. The buttom will allow a listbox entry to be selected and close the form. The entry will them be sent to the previous open application.
For example, I could select my postcode from the listbox and have it sent to the currently selected field in my internet browser. Or the current date to my text editor.
This is what I have, which doesn't work, it seems to bring up my task bar.
Module Module1
Sub Main()
SendKeys.SendWait("fred") 'I'll substitute fred later.
End Sub
End Module
I intend to create a shortcut and a ssign a hot key to start the program, i'm justing running it from the ide at the moment.
Any suggestions ?
Have a look at this tool AutoIt -