Is it possible to exclude links from tracking - tracking

I am building an app which is utilizing Sendgrid Marketing Email API, with the purpose of sending newsletters. It has a number of links to articles, but also banner ads and other service links. We would obviously like to keep tracking of article links, but exclude other links from affecting the click rate. Is it possible in any way to mark links which we don't wish to add to tracking?

Minor thread necromancy to let anyone who gets here via google know that they added an attribute to disable link tracking.
Click tracking can be turned off for individual links by including the clicktracking=off attribute inside the anchor of an HTML link before the href. For example, <a clicktracking=off href="">link text</a> would not be tracked.

The current click tracking application for SendGrid overwrites all links and there isn't, at this time, a way to customise this so only certain links are tracked.
One alternative would be to turn off the Click Tracking app in your SendGrid dashboard, but switch on the Google Analytics app (under Apps > Show Disabled Apps > Google Analytics).
With this app switched on, you can then build out custom links that you want to track using the Google Analytics URL Builder.
This would stop SendGrid rewriting all the URLs, and allow you to specify URLs that you want to track. However it would mean you will lose click event data in your SendGrid analytics, and via the Event Webhook, but the important data that you want to track for your campaigns would still be stored in Google Analytics.

You can also disable Sendgrid's tracking using the api. To do this you set some email headers.
Example X-SMTPAPI header value:
"filters" : {
"clicktrack" : {
"settings" : {
"enable" : 0,
"enable_text" : false
This works for plain text emails.

1.To disable tracking for a specific link add clicktracking=off before href
eg: <a clicktracking=off href="">text</a>
2.To disable sendgrid link tracking for all mails
Goto Settings -> Tracking -> Click Tracking -> turn off link tracking


I'm looking for an iPhone/Mobile app to to aggregate alerts

I am looking to find an app like pushover, which I can aggregate multiple alerts into. I want to be able to via API add and remove alerts. Badges should be shown for alerts pending, I would like to be able to add and remove alerts via api which would update badge accordingly. If i open app I would like to have the ability to click on alert and it open url set via api. Wondering if this exists?
Yes, this exists. Spontit, I believe, does what you're looking for.
Here is the web-app and the API docs.

How see analytics about branch links created using mobile SDK

I am creating dynamic branch links using Android SDK
These are then shared to social media
How do I track things like click events, installs etc as I do not believe they show up in the dashboard quick links view?
Is there a HTTP API I can use to interrogate all links I may have dynamically created that are part of the same campaign?
Alex from here:
You are correct that SDK-generated links do not show up in the Quick Links view on the dashboard. Most SDK-created links are 'disposable' (in that they get used once and then regenerated the next time), so showing every link there individually would quickly overwhelm the UI. It is possible to override this on a link-by-link basis with the type parameter, as detailed here.
However, you can access the numbers in aggregate, segmented by campaign value, which I believe is what you want anyway. This is not currently available through the API, but you can see these statistics through the Sources report on the dashboard:
you must include a "type": 2 in your branch params
const branchConfig = {
"branch_key": environment.branchio.key_live,
"type": 2,
"data": {
"$marketing_title": (params.job_name ? params.job_name : ""),

How to remove sign-in restriction from Google Form programmatically?

I am creating Google Forms programmatically with a Google Script project.
DriveApp is used to grant view access to anyone with a link.
var form = FormApp.create("Test form");
var formFile = DriveApp.getFileById(form.getId());
formFile.setSharing(DriveApp.Access.ANYONE_WITH_LINK, DriveApp.Permission.VIEW);
However the Form still requires "anyone" to sign-in and it's restricted to my G Suite domain users. I've tried to find how to disable this but I don't know how the feature is even called in Google Scripts.
See the attached image with a checked box:
Note: I can disable the sign-in requirement manually. But Forms are delivered to respondents automatically and there's no time to do this manual step.
I haven't had to do this, so I'm not sure if it's what you need, but have you tried using the setRequireLogin(requireLogin) method when creating your forms?

Google+ badge on websites

I am trying to put a Google+ badge on my recently created websites at When I copy the code and paste it into the HTML box actually nothing happens.
What am I doing wrong?
You can use to insert a Google+ Badge into your Google Sites pages using a custom gadget:
Get your Google+ profile ID, which you can get from the URL of your profile. The ID would be 123456789012345678901 for this URL: or would be +LarryPage for this URL:
Edit the page that you want to add the badge
Choose Insert-> ...More gadgets...
Search for G+ Badge.
Paste your profile ID into the G+ ID field.
Configure additional options as necessary for your page. You might need to adjust dimensions of the gadget container to get the badge to work well in your site.
Gadgets have limitations, this might not work perfectly but its probably the best way to get a badge onto your page.
There is a configuration tool for the Google+ Badge that you can find at
The key points are that you need to add the HTML as a widget and include the JavaScript tag--which is the same JavaScript that loads any of our Google+ attributes.
I also made a 3 minute video explaining these steps last year, which you can view at

Track calls as conversions

I've got a responsive website that changes to match the screen resolution of the user. One of the changes is a "call us" button that shows up when the website is viewed on a smart phone. When a user clicks the button (it's a <a href="tel:000-000-0000"> style link), I need to be able to track that as a conversion in both Adwords and Google Analytics.
Would it work to implement a redirect to another page that contains tracking code, before redirecting back to the tel: link?
Easier to use a virtual pageview with an javascript onclick event eventhandler:
<a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/tel/0000-000-0000']);return false" href="tel:000-000-0000">
However I'm not sure that those links can be consideres pageviews (since they have not content), so maybe it's better to count them as events (works pretty much the same but with an _trackEvent-Call instead _trackPageview).
Virtual Pageview Documentation:
Event Tracking Documentation