WSO2 API Manager - Make the API Store Default Component - api

I'm using WSO2 API Manager 1.8 and it has been deployed on the cloud according this guide with a HAProxy. I have been given a IP https://192.168.X.XYZ to access the API Manager which is the IP given to the cloud instance.
My problem is when I type https://192.168.X.XYZ, it loads the publisher, what I want to do is load the API store rather than loading the publisher. Basic idea is that a domain will be mapped to the above IP address. So when an user type the domain user should be shown the API Store not the API Publisher.
https://192.168.X.XYZ ->
How can I configure API store to be loaded rather than the API Publisher in WSO2 API Manager 1.8?

In <AM_HOME>/repository/components/plugins directory, there is a bundle called "". Open this jar and find its component.xml file which resides in META-INF directory. You should notice that default-context has been pointed to publisher. Change it to store as follows and update the jar.
<description>API Publisher Default Context</description>
After doing the above restart the server.
Now, if you try to access the root URL of the server https://192.168.X.XYZ, it will be redirected to the API Store (https://192.168.X.XYZ/store/).


User- and page-specific Permissions in Python/Flask Azure Web App

I have an Azure Web App that uses Python & Flask to run various reports. The directory is structured as follows:
I would like the permissions to work as follows: - anyone with Microsoft Authentication in my domain can access (this is done) - specific people with Microsoft Authentication in my domain can access - other specific people with Microsoft Authentication in my domain can access
If someone without access to tries to access that URL, it should redirect to an error page (/permissions-error or something) with a link to the primary domain.
What is the best way to configure the Authentication/Authorization/Permissions?
So far, I have been able to set up the authentication for the primary domain but can't figure out how to do the configuration for the report pages.

Is it possible to use Azure Blob Storage on a website that has no authentication?

I need to create a way for anyone who visits my website to upload an image to an Azure Blob Container. The website will have input validations on the file.
I've considered using an Azure Function to write the validated file to the Blob Container, but I can't seem to find a way to do this without exposing the Function URL to the world (similar to this question.
I would use a System-Assigned Managed Identity (SAMI) to authenticate the Function to the Storage account, but because of this, anyone could take the Function URL and bypass the validations and upload.
How is this done in the real world?
If I understand correctly, the user uploads a file via an HTTP POST call to your server, which validates it. You would like to use an Azure Function to then upload the validated file to the Blob Storage.
In this case, you can restrict the access to the Azure Function; so that it can only be called from your server's IP. This way the users cannot reach that Function. This can be done via the networking settings, and is available on all Azure Function plans.
You could also consider implementing the validation logic within the Azure Function.
Finally (perhaps I should have started with this), if you are only considering writing an Azure Function to upload data to a Storage Account, you should perhaps first consider using the Blob Service REST API, specifically the PUT Blob endpoint. There are also official Storage Account SDKs for different languages/ecosystems that you could use to do this.
• Since, you are using an Azure function default generic URL on your website for uploading blobs with no authentication, I would suggest you to please create an ‘A’ host record for your function app. Considering that you have a website, you may be having a custom domain for your website to be unique and as you might be having a custom domain, the custom domain’s DNS records must be hosted on a public DNS server. Thus, similarly, on the same public DNS server, you will have to create an ‘A’ host record for the function app and assign it the same public IP address that is shown and assigned in Azure. This will ensure that your public DNS server has an active DNS resolver for the function app globally and then ensure to create a ‘CNAME’ record for your default generic Azure function app URL with the same URL as the alias in the DNS records and the ‘A’ host record as the assigned value in it.
In this way, whenever, any anonymous person visits your website and tries to upload an image, he will be shown the function app URL as ‘’ and not the generic Azure function app URL thus successfully ensuring that your objective is achieved.
• Once the above said has been done, then publish the new ‘CNAME’ record created in the public DNS server as your function app URL. This will not expose the generic Azure function app URL and mask it as well as ensure that it is secured since you will be uploading an SSL/TLS certificate for the website to be HTTPS protected in the function app workspace itself as shown below in the snapshot: -
For more information, kindly refer the below documentation link: -

is there a full Nextcloud API accessable from outside?

I use Nextcloud as a normal user to store and share files.
I decided to use it as a backend for a web application I am developing so that I can store the files in Nextcloud while the frontend is done by me.
I spent some hours on the API docs
and, with some disappointment, unless I have not made a mistake, I realized that the only API that can be used from outside Nextcloud is the WebDav API.
This is a minimalistic API that allows doing basic things such as uploading a file by passing the full path like with this GET statement (authenticated by basic auth passing username and password in the headers:
This will download the file located in /FolderOne/SubFolderTwo/HelloWorld.txt
with a PUT request, it is possible to overwrite the file by passing the file content in the raw body request
This is very effective but minimalistic.
I was expecting to have a full REST API to access more properties and perform complex operations.
Could you please tell me if I missed some important information?
There is the OCS API but it works only from inside Nextcloud.
A full REST API is avaiable -
Create a Share -
The OwnCloud documentation also offers more examples
You can register an App id and use that to login or passthru a username and password in the authentication header.

logic app, 403 if try to connect to storage behind firewall

i deployed a logic app standard to use vnet integration. In our scenario we want to get attachment from an email and store it to a storage account type datalake. We are using following connectors:
Office 365 and
Azure blob Storage
the problem is that our storage are behind firewall and private endpoint. If storage account are in all network flow work but not work if it is under firewall and we got 403(logic app although is under vnet integration, pass over internet as i can see on log analytics).
i also following microsoft doc and also this link without success:
i also tried this and works:
but i got file corrupted E.g. body of other connector if is a csv or if attachment is an excel file is corrupted. here the flow via https:
There is a way to use vnet integration and storage private endpoint or there is a way to take the attachment and save it as-is via https connector? (independently by file extension)?
Standard Logic app with private end point, cannot access the storage account with private end point. Storage account can be used as storage for logic app. But accessing the storage account and files from Logic app is not possible, if both resources are in same region.
To achieve this, we need to create Logic app and storage in 2 different region and whitelist the Ip. Refer the below link

Sharing the same code between several versions of the same Meteor web

I have a Meteor web deployed with Phusion Passenger integrated with Apache. The users access it with
That Meteor web communicates, via REST API, with another external server.
That external server has 3 versions of the same REST API:
Each version of the above REST API manages a different user database, i.e. user_DB_1 -> v1, user_DB_2 -> v2, user_DB_3 -> v3.
Currently, my deployed Meteor web is making calls to the v1 of that REST API (http://external_server/v1/restapi).
Now, I have to call the other versions of the REST API (v2 and v3) with the same Meteor web, like this: (currently
Is it possible to capture the version of that URL and pass it as parameter to the Meteor web so that it calls the corresponding API?
For example, if the user make HTTP requests to, then the web calls to http://external_server/v1/restapi, and so on...
Which is the approach here? Using maybe Apache mod_rewrite, Iron Router or which solution?
You can use either flow router or iron router to give you the url part as a parameter, you name it like this in your route declaration:
and then you will get a route parameter as a variable which you can use in your code to pass to your server method to do the http request.
You are doing the http request from the server, right ? Doing it that way prevents any CORS problems, and offloads the waiting to the server. The server should then update the database wth the received data, and the client will auto-refresh to make the results available.