select rows from table and check if condition at column in sql - sql

I have to check certain rows from table and check if-else condition for each rows
TABLE: report
COLUMNS :, count, total_count, calls
Sample Data: count total_count calls
----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
1 2 6 4
2 2 7 5
3 4 9 3
Here i have to check if condition
if total_count > 6
select 'Y
select 'N'
I get correct answer for single row. If there is multiple row it can't check all, it check only last row of my table.

Use CASE expression
CASE WHEN total_count > 6 THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'N' END
FROM report

You must use CASE.It work like if-else in t-SQL. MSDN
For example:
SELECT [num],[count], [total_count], [calls], CASE WHEN [total_count] > 6 THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END FROM t

You could use CASE. You can read documentation.
CASE WHEN total_count > 6 THEN 'Y' ELSE ' N' END
FROM Report

The SQL version of "inline if" is CASE:
CASE WHEN total_count > 6 THEN 'Y'
END AS IsTotalCountGreaterThanSix
FROM YourTable;


Multiple Word Count in SQL

I have a list of words I need to find in a specific column , "description of what happenned "
this holds anything up to 500 or more characters. I have the script below that does work
However how do I replace the Name column 1.2.3 with the actual name of the word I am looking for with the total next to it.
Just cant get it to display prob something simple.
select GROUPING_ID ( Amoxicillin ,Atorvastatin ) as Name ,count(*) as Total
from ( select case when [description_of_what_happened] like '%Amoxicillin%'
then 1 else 0 end as Amoxicillin ,
case when [description_of_what_happened] like '%Atorvastatin%'
then 1 else 0 end as Atorvastatin
group by grouping sets (() ,(Amoxicillin),(Atorvastatin))
having coalesce (Amoxicillin,1) != 0 and coalesce (Atorvastatin,1) != 0
order by grouping_id (Amoxicillin,Atorvastatin)
row 3 being the total I need row 1 and row 2 to show the name of the product
result as below
Name Total
1 7
2 9
3 4112
You can use strings instead of flags:
select coalesce(Amoxicillin, Atorvastatin, 'Total') as Name,
count(*) as Total
from (select (case when [description_of_what_happened] like '%Amoxicillin%'
then 'Amoxicillin'
end) as Amoxicillin ,
(case when [description_of_what_happened] like '%Atorvastatin%'
then 'Atorvastatin'
) as Atorvastatin
where Amoxicillin is not null or Atorvastatin is not null
group by grouping sets ((), (Amoxicillin), (Atorvastatin))
order by name;
Note that I also moved the logic in the having to the where.

SQL AS query results in duplicate column

I have a SQL query like so
CASE WHEN (new_value=2) THEN 0 END as out,
CASE WHEN (previous_value=2) THEN 1 END as out
FROM my_table;
This results in duplicate columns:
name out out
foo 1 null
bar null 1
instead of
name out
foo 1
bar 0
How do I fix this?
You want one case expression with two conditions:
SELECT name,
(CASE WHEN new_value = 2 THEN 0
WHEN previous_value = 2 THEN 1
END) as out
FROM my_table;
WHEN new_value = 2 THEN 0
WHEN previous_value = 2 THEN 1
END as out
FROM my_table;
In your query, each case expression generates one column in the resulset. You want only one, with two branches (denoted by when ... then ...)
You are getting null output, so you need to add else on this.
select name,
when new_value = 2 then 0
when previous_value = 2 then 1
else 0 end as out
from my_table;

Count column with specific condition

How can i count columns that hold particular values - but have it as a grand-total.
table data:
Code No
1 *
2 -
3 4
If for example i wanted to count how many rows had * and - and space
I could do
Case when No = '*'
Then COUNT(No)
when No = '-' then count(No)
when No = '' then count(No)
else 0 end as 'Count'
but this returns 4!9/f73409/4
I would want this to return 3
Any help would be appreciated
Use IN:
select Sum(Case when No IN ('*', '-', '') then 1 else 0 end) as Count
from Table1
See Fiddle.
Standard SQL has a particular feature for that: the filter clause that follows aggregates.
Unfortunately, it is not very widely supported (mainly PostgreSQL).
There is an easy workaround using case however:
This works because the implied else null clause of case and because count does not count null.
More about the filter clause and ways to mimic it:

SQL, return select results with different where clauses

I have table whose column is just the length of a session and I would like to return the number of session that have zero length and the number of sessions that have length greater than zero.
I can do that with two separate commands
select count(session_length) from my_table where session_length=0
select count(session_length) from my_table where session_length>0
But I would like to see the results combined in one table
You can do it with one query using conditional aggregation.
count(case when session_length = 0 then 1 end),
count(case when session_length > 0 then 1 end)
from my_table
select 1 as QryNo, count(session_length) as SessLen
from my_table
where session_length=0
select 2 as QryNo, count(session_length) as SessLen
from my_table
where session_length>0
when session_length = 0 then 1
else 2
end as QryNo,
count(session_length) as SessLen
from my_table
This may be too simple so apologies if I have misread your query but Can you use
select count(session_length) from my_table where session_length >= 0
Again, Apologies if this is not what you're looking for.

Even or odd in SQL

This is table structure
I need result like this
id even odd
1 0 1
2 1 0
3 0 1
4 1 0
5 0 1
6 1 0
I tried
select id %2=0 then 1 else 0 end or id%2 <>0 then 1 else 0 odd
from table
How about
~id & 1,
id & 1
from t
Take a look at the CASE keyword. It works very similarly to what you're trying to do in your SELECT statement. In addition, if you want to select multiple columns, separate them with a comma. The OR keyword is used for combining logical conditions in your query, not for specifying multiple columns.
An example of how you could use CASE in your query would be as follows:
CASE WHEN id %2=0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS Even,
FROM [TableName]
The table structure is just Id?
you could try this!
select *,
case when id %2=0 then 1 else 0 end as even,
case when id %2 <>0 then 1 else 0 end as odd
from table
You have the right idea, but your syntax is a bit off. I'd use a CASE statement to create the even column, and then a calculate odd accordingly:
SELECT id, even, ABS(even - 1) AS odd
FROM (SELECT id, CASE WHEN id % 2 = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS even
FROM my_table)