Inner class Factory Method -

I have tried to implement the Factory method with a trick, but for some reason is not working:
Public Class MetamodelElement
Public Class MetamodelElementFactoryBase
End Class
Private Sub New()
End Sub
End Class
Public Class MetamodelElementFactory : Inherits MetamodelElement.MetamodelElementFactoryBase
Function CreateMetamodelElement() As MetamodelElement
Return New MetamodelElement()
End Function
End Class
It says that the class does not have access to the private method (constructor).
I have followed an example from C# in this post:
Hidden Features of C#?

The compiler complains that you are trying to use the Private constructor from outside of the class. That is not allowed. So either make it Public or don't call it.
Public Class MetamodelElement
Public Class MetamodelElementFactoryBase
End Class
Public Sub New() ' <---- HERE!!! Now it works because it's public
End Sub
End Class
Public Class MetamodelElementFactory
Inherits MetamodelElement.MetamodelElementFactoryBase
Function CreateMetamodelElement() As MetamodelElement
Return New MetamodelElement() ' <--- HERE was the error
End Function
End Class
You can access private class members only from inside of the class.
MSDN: Access Levels
According to the C# code that you've linked you have to move the constructor into the class that you are inheriting from. Then you can also use Protected:
Public Class MetamodelElement
Public Class MetamodelElementFactoryBase
Protected Sub New()
End Sub
End Class
End Class


How to cast object of type 'especific' to type 'FileHelpers.Events.INotifyRead in Multirecording

I'm trying to centralize all formatting and conversion rule in a single class especific. Using the interface INotifyRead(Of T As Class). When I implement the methods BeforeRead/AfterRead throws an exception: Unable to cast object of type 'Especific' to type 'FileHelpers.Events.INotifyRead`1[System.Object]'.
Below my code.
Using engine As New MultiRecordEngine(New RecordTypeSelector(AddressOf CifraRecordTypeSelector),
Dim records = engine.ReadFile(_camArquivo)
End Using
Public NotInheritable Class RemessaRegistroCliente
Implements INotifyRead(Of RemessaRegistroCliente)
Public Sub AfterRead(e As AfterReadEventArgs(Of RemessaRegistroCliente)) Implements INotifyRead(Of RemessaRegistroCliente).AfterRead
End Sub
Public Sub BeforeRead(e As BeforeReadEventArgs(Of RemessaRegistroCliente)) Implements INotifyRead(Of RemessaRegistroCliente).BeforeRead
End Sub
End Class
Public NotInheritable Class RemessaRegistroContrato
Implements INotifyRead(Of RemessaRegistroContrato)
Public Sub AfterRead(e As AfterReadEventArgs(Of RemessaRegistroContrato)) Implements INotifyRead(Of RemessaRegistroContrato).AfterRead
End Sub
Public Sub BeforeRead(e As BeforeReadEventArgs(Of RemessaRegistroContrato)) Implements INotifyRead(Of RemessaRegistroContrato).BeforeRead
End Sub
End Class
Since MultiRecordEngine has no generic version, you cannot implement the generic INotifyRead(Of T) to handle events. Instead, assign delegates to the engine.
Sub Main()
Using engine As New MultiRecordEngine(New RecordTypeSelector(AddressOf CifraRecordTypeSelector),
AddHandler engine.BeforeReadRecord, AddressOf BeforeReadRecordHandler
End Using
End Sub
Private Sub BeforeReadRecordHandler(ByVal engine As EngineBase, ByVal e As BeforeReadEventArgs(Of Object))
End Sub
You'll also need to modify your classes to remove the generic interfaces:
Public NotInheritable Class RemessaRegistroCliente
'your fields
End Class
Public NotInheritable Class RemessaRegistroContrato
'your fields
End Class

VB.NET Inheritance issue

I've got A base class Base and Sorter and Parser classes derived from it .
The same thing with BaseResult with derived SorterResult and ParserResult.
Base has a Result field of BaseResult type, BaseResult has a Log field.
The reason why I've used a Base class, is because both of Parser and Sorter must write a Log.
Here's my code:
Public MustInherit Class Base
Public Result As BaseResult
Event LogChanged()
Protected Sub AddLogLine(ByVal _logString As String)
If Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_logString) Then Result.Log.Add(_logString)
RaiseEvent LogChanged()
End Sub
End Class
Public Class Sorter
Inherits Base
Public Shadows Result As SorterResult
Sub New()
Result = New SorterResult With {.Log = New List(Of String)}
End Sub
Sub Go()
AddLogLine("Sorter started")
End Sub
End Class
Public Class Parser
Inherits Base
Public Shadows Result As ParserResult
Sub New()
Result = New ParserResult With {.Log = New List(Of String)}
End Sub
Sub Go()
AddLogLine("Sorter started")
End Sub
End Class
Public MustInherit Class BaseResult
Public Log As List(Of String)
End Class
Public Class SorterResult
Inherits BaseResult
'//SorterResult fields
End Class
Public Class ParserResult
Inherits BaseResult
'//ParsedResult fields
End Class
The issue here is that compiler sais(on pic below):
"variable 'Result' conflicts with variable 'Result' in the base class 'Base' and should be declared 'Shadows'." When I used Shadows keyword, warning disappeared, but I get a null reference exception on this line, because Result field is Nothing:
If Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_logString) Then Result.Log.Add(_logString)
I can't assign a value to a Result variable in Base class constructor, because It must be of type SorterResult in Sorter, and ParserResult in Parser. What is the regular pattern here? Sorry my bad english.
Use generics
Public MustInherit Class Base(Of TResult As BaseResult)
Public Result As TResult
Event LogChanged()
Protected Sub AddLogLine(ByVal _logString As String)
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(_logString) Then Result.Log.Add(_logString)
RaiseEvent LogChanged()
End Sub
Public MustOverride Sub Go()
End Class
Public Class Sorter
Inherits Base(Of SorterResult)
Sub New()
Result = New SorterResult With {.Log = New List(Of String)}
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub Go()
AddLogLine("Sorter started")
End Sub
End Class
Public Class Parser
Inherits Base(Of ParserResult)
Sub New()
Result = New ParserResult With {.Log = New List(Of String)}
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub Go()
AddLogLine("Sorter started")
End Sub
End Class
However, this is not a "beautiful" inheritance hierarchy. Inheritance should formulate relations like "a student is a person" where student derives from person. What do sorters and parsers have in common? Are they a Base? Are they loggers? Are they commands (as suggests the Go method)? Is inheritance required here? Wouldn’t it be more appropriate to use aggregation? I would declare a completely independent logger class and inject it into classes. This allows you to be more flexible, as it enables you to inject different types of loggers.
Public MustInherit Class Logger
Public Event LogChanged()
Public MustOverride Sub AddLogLine(ByVal message As String)
Protected Sub OnLogChanged()
RaiseEvent LogChanged()
End Sub
End Class
Public Class TextFileLogger
Inherits Logger
Public Overrides Sub AddLogLine(ByVal message As String)
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(message) Then
'TODO: Write message to log file
End If
End Sub
End Class
You can inject it like this:
Public Class SomeConsumerClass
Private _logger As Logger
Sub New(ByVal logger As Logger)
_logger = logger
End Sub
Public Sub DoSomething()
_logger.AddLogLine("Did something!")
End Sub
End Class
Use like this:
Dim obj As New SomeConsumerClass(New TextFileLogger())
If you have another kind of logger (XmlFileLogger, StringListLogger, DatabaseLogger...) it is now easy to use it without having to change all the classes using it.
Maybe you should even have only one global logger:
Dim globalLogger As New TextFileLogger()
Dim sorter As New Sorter(globalLogger)
Dim parser As New Parser(globalLogger)

generic Interface vb

Trying to get my head around generic interfaces and classes. How do I 'get T' when using my class in the new method and call data.method using this type?
Public MustInherit Class RepositoryBase(Of T)
Implements IRepository(Of T)
Private Data As IDAL
Public Sub New()
Data = DTOParserFactory.GetParser(T.GetType().ToString())
End Sub
Public Sub delete(BaseDTO As T) Implements Domain.Business.IRepository(Of T).delete
'Data.delete(Convert.ChangeType(BaseDTO, TypeOf(Type))
End Sub
Public Function getAll() As System.Linq.IQueryable(Of T) Implements Domain.Business.IRepository(Of T).getAll
'Return Data.getAll()()
End Function
End Class
I'm assuming you need to get the Type object for T?
In your constructor
Public Sub New()
Data = DTOParserFactory.GetParser(GetType(T).ToString())
End Sub
I'm not super clear on the question, but perhaps this is what you are looking for.
Assuming you have a common base class BaseDTO then you would define your RepositoryBase class like this:
Public MustInherit Class RepositoryBase(Of T As BaseDTO)
Then you declare an instace of the class like this:
Dim userRepository As New RepositoryBase(Of User)()
What this does is constrain T to be a subclass of BaseDTO, and gives you access to all of BaseDTO's methods.

how to access class from inherited class

I have two classes:
class class2
inherits class1
public sub modify()
'modify property of class1
end sub
end class
How can I modify class1 in a sub in class2?
You just call it. Example:
Public Class class1
Private _Value As String = String.Empty
Property Value() As String
Return _Value
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_Value = value
End Set
End Property
End Class
Public Class class2
Inherits class1
Public Sub modify()
Value = "modified"
End Sub
End Class
And to show it works:
Dim c2 As New class2
You are asking about properties, note that only protected and public properties are visible to inherited classes.
You need the MyBase keyword when you are overriding an existing function in the parent class. Other protected or public properties or functions can be accessed regulary without any special keyword.
One tip I wanted to add to the above comments regarding accessing base class info is where you have a base class without a default contructor or want to use a specific constructor This is a good opportunity to use Mybase. You have to call the constructor before any additional actions take place in this scenario.
Public Class MyClass
Inherits baseClass
Public Sub New()"Oranges")
End Sub
End Class
Public Class baseClass
Private _someVariable as String
Public Sub New(byval passedString as string)
_someVariable = passedString
End Sub
End Class

Can I inherit from a generic class without specifying a type?

I have the following sample code in a VB.NET console application. It compiles and works, but feels like a hack. Is there a way to define EmptyChild so that it inherits from Intermediate(Of T As Class) without using the dummy EmptyClass?
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim Child1 = New RealChild()
Child1.Content = New RealClass()
Dim Child2 = New EmptyChild()
Console.WriteLine("RealChild says: " & Child1.Test)
Console.WriteLine("EmptyChild says: " & Child2.Test)
End Sub
Public Class EmptyClass
End Class
Public Class RealClass
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Return "This is the RealClass"
End Function
End Class
Public MustInherit Class Base(Of T As Class)
Private _content As T = Nothing
Public Property Content() As T
Return _content
End Get
Set(ByVal value As T)
_content = value
End Set
End Property
Public Overridable Function Test() As String
If Me._content IsNot Nothing Then
Return Me._content.ToString
Return "Content not initialized."
End If
End Function
End Class
Public MustInherit Class Intermediate(Of T As Class)
Inherits Base(Of T)
'some methods/properties here needed by Child classes
End Class
Public Class RealChild
Inherits Intermediate(Of RealClass)
'This class needs all functionality from Intermediate.
End Class
Public Class EmptyChild
Inherits Intermediate(Of EmptyClass)
'This class needs some functionality from Intermediate,
' but not the Content as T property.
Public Overrides Function Test() As String
Return "We don't care about Content property or Type T here."
End Function
End Class
End Module
The other way to do this would be to move the generic code out of the Base class and then create 2 Intermediate classes like this:
Public MustInherit Class Intermediate
Inherits Base
'some methods/properties here needed by Child classes
End Class
Public MustInherit Class Intermediate(Of T As Class)
Inherits Intermediate
'implement generic Content property here
End Class
Then RealChild would inherit from the generic Intermediate and EmptyChild would inherit from the non-generic Intermediate. My problem with that solution is that the Base class is in a separate assembly and I need to keep the code that handles the generic type in that assembly. And there is functionality in the Intermediate class that does not belong in the assembly with the Base class.
Yes, you need to specify a type parameter when you inherit, or your EmptyChild must be generic as well. But, you don't have to dummy up a EmptyClass - just use Object as your type parameter:
Public Class EmptyClass
Inherits Intermediate(Of Object)
End Class