Scaleable backend - self hosted? - api

I'm currently working on a project (basically an app for iOS and Android + Backend), which needs to be highly scaleable. As we'd like to host everything on our own servers, MBaaS are not an option.
The problem now is, that I'm not sure where to start with the backend. Are there any useful "tools"/"server"-software out there, which provide a good start?
Thank's for you're thoguhts.

For anyone who's interessted.. You may want to start with the Play-Framework or Sails.js (based on node.js).


Which service should I choose to convert a website to mobile app?

I am a newbie at programming. I know one or two things about c++ and I also have some knowledge with html and php but app developing is too hard for me at this stage. I want to create my mobile app and I heard about services which convert websites into mobile apps. Which service is the best one? Also, I heard that free services are really bad. Is that true?
Jamblam. Link: They have great quality and performance. Also their prices are a huge plus.
Note: They make only Android apps.
2nd Note: Yes, free services aren't a good choice (crashes/not working).
you can use Apache Cordova and it is free, to convert your website to a mobile app for both iOs and Android applications. Check my explanation and steps on my GitHub profile, follow this link
Jamblam Apps (now changed its name to Shibe Apps but the link is the same) is the best provider. BTW I answered such question before. -1 from me. I recommend looking for already answered questions instead of creating new ones.

How to separate debug and release builds with respect to their api destinations in React Native

Originally I ran a local server on my PC in order to make my django REST api available for my React Native app to reach out to through my computer's ip. So I had a base url hardcoded into my js network utilities as which I used as the basis for all my network calls. Recently I deployed my backend to Heroku so that I could demonstrate my app when away from my computer. So for now I just made a second hardcoded base url of which I manually flip back and forth between in my js code depending on if I want to use my local server (for debugging while devving) or the remote server for demonstration (and by "manually flip back and forth", I mean I literally change my code to point to one or the other).
I understand this is a terrible way to go about things and that I'm missing some major pieces to the puzzle that probably apply not just to RN projects but to most full stack projects where the frontend and backend are not hosted on the same server. I know I can look for the __DEV__ flag to see if I'm working in a debug or release version, but then would I have to keep two versions of the app on my phone somehow? Also, does it even make sense to keep my base urls hanging around on the front end, or should they be dispensed from the backend in some way instead?
I personally use :
for my environment variables like my backend api and other configs based on the env.
Since it's similar to many backend libs like django or laravel, i absolutely love this library for managing environment variables :)

Keycloak with Angular + TypeScript for iOS/Android

I have an Angular(2) + TypeScript application using Keycloak as the authentication/authorization provider,
would like to integrate Keycloak with NativeScript to make the existing web application cater to iOS/Android users.
could see Keycloak supports iOS/Android as listed here :
Is there any NativeScript based plugin to integrate with Keycloak (could not find anything here : ) ? pointers for a possible solution would be of great help
tns --version
Looks like the answer is no. But I start playing around, and to create a plugin, we have basically two strategies:
Extend a pure OAuth client for nativescript. There is this plugin:
Port the keycloak.js to Nativescript.
I like the second approach because there are more features build in keycloak, so my first try was edit the original code and remove the use of window and other API's that are not present in the browser. I quickly find out that keycloak.js code is a mess (at least to me), and I'm getting a bad time undestanding how to edit its 1258 lines. Because of that, I start a complete rewrite, highly inspired in the original. I'm actualy reading the code and trying to port the project piece by piece, reorganizing for test, and abstracting the use of browser API's to port for web and nativescript.
You can check the code here: but is not close to ready.
The problem is, I have no time to do it :-), but will get done eventually, because I need that too.
Is important to mention that I create a abstraction for Angular 2 that works using the keycloak.js for security, and porting the keycloak.js is strategic to make the library work for Angular 2 Nativescript, which is on my motivation to do it. You can check the project here:
Any contributions are wellcome ;-)

Is there a decent, standalone, cross-platform webserver that will work in concert with Autorun on USB Jump Drives?

I'm trying to find a decent standalone webserver that I can load up on a jump drive.
My wife is a photographer, and I'd like to present the clients with their images on usb. When they plug it in, I'd like a web page to load up, and run some jQuery magic to show them a nice carousel of all there images.
So far, this is all fine since it can all be done client side and doesn't need a server at all.
The problem I'm facing is that I'd like some server-side code to be able to read the images out of the directory so that once the interface is built, I don't need to manually create all of the <img /> tags.
If it was primarily going to be used in a Windows environment, I'd have no problem going with IIS Express, since I'm mainly a .NET MVC developer and this would be perfect for me... However, the fact of the matter is that a large amount of our client base is also OS X users.
I did find this Java one jlHttp, and I also found this thread here on SO, but I don't think I understand enough about either one of them to accomplish what I'm looking for.
Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
I'm looking for the same thing, and the two best options I've found were Flying Ant cd web server and Stunnix. Of the two, Flying Ant is cheaper, and I've tested it with success on my project.
I found Mongoose very convenient for this exact purpose. It's crossplatform, lightweight and requires minimum configuration. You may be interested in this project that uses Mongoose to display pictures in a folder tree or FTP directory.
How about Node.js
It says it runs on Linux, OS X, and Windows.

What is the easiest way to install a R web application through RApache?

I use windows XP and R for my desktop use. And a shared hosting account (at some company) for my web hosting needs.
I wish to create an R web application and I understand that one such way is by using R with Apache through RApache , but since my current shared hosting plan doesn't allow me to install RApache I am a bit stuck.
So... (and here's my question) what would be the easiest/fastest/cost-effective way to get started?
Buying a more expensive hosting package ?
Hosting the thing myself? (on windows ?!)
switch to some other hosting company that permits the use of RApache?
Any suggestion will be most helpful.
Self-hosting is an option if you insist on using RApache. This might be easier than you think. Here's a link to a blog post i read a month ago before i decided to buy the hardware and server my own files. i just watched this seven minute YouTube video tutorial entitled "R Web Application–'Hello World' using RApache" I believe this was just posted today.
In seven minutes, the author walks through building a "hello world" Site using RApache then walks through a more ambitious example, building a user-input form to collect inputs then deliver them to a particular R function--pretty much a exemplary slice of what i suspect most people would want to use RApache for.
A second option is using a web framework. My recommendation here is Django. Why? It's written in Python so you can access R functionality via the python bindings (RPy2). Second, if you are not an experienced web developer, Django is in many ways, a great framework to begin with because it's truly a "full-stack" solution--it works more or less out of the box. In addition, there is a substantial and growing body of quality step-by-setp tutorials, code snippets, and even packaged django Sites, to learn from.
it seems they provide a VMWare image to get up and running quickly.
I suggest you download VMWare player and try the image. Since RApache isn't available for Windows, this is the most simple way, I guess. I wouldn't use that for hosting, but I would first try whether this stack is actually the right thing for your app. Also, this allows you testing things locally.
Should I read your suggestion as saying that a Django app can call the RPy2 functionality without RApache? If so, that sounds like a solution for folks on shared hosting who can't install the RAPache module.