Relation with DB size and performance - sql

Is there any relation between DB size and performance in my case:
There is a table in my Oracle DB that is used for logging. Now it has almost close to over 120 million rows and increases at a rate of 1000 rows per min. Each row has 6-7 columns with basic string data.
It is for our client. We never take any data from there but we might need that in case of any issues. However its fine if we clean up every month or so.
However the actual issue is will it affect performance of other transactional tables in the same db? Assuming the disk space as unlimited.

If 1000 rows/minute are being inserted into this table then about 40 million rows would be added per month. If this table has indexes I'd say that the biggest issue will be that eventually index maintenance will become a burden on the system, so in that case I'd expect performance to be affected.
This table seems like a good candidate for partitioning. If it's partitioned on the date/time that each row is added, with each partition containing one month's worth of data, maintenance would be much simpler. The partitioning scheme can be set up so that partitions are created automatically as needed (assuming you're on Oracle 11 or higher), and then when you need to drop a month's worth of data you can just drop the partition containing that data, which is a quick operation which doesn't burden the system with a large number of DELETE operations.
Best of luck.


Deleting millions of rows without impacting transaction log

Our client database is growing at increasing pace, more specifically entities like Auditing & Logging which are growing much greater speed.
For instance, as of now the Auditing table has ~30 million rows and its is growing with the rate of 1.5 million rows per week.
Similarly, the Logging table is growing at the rate of ~1 million rows per week. This table has ~50 million rows.
We have decided to archive tables based on our data retention policy & delete some 'N' number of records from these tables when ever archiving jobs runs.
I am looking for best advice for defining the chuckSize which will not impact transaction logs of sql server db or table locking. I know this value cannot be straight way derived, we need to run different test scenarios to come with this magic number.
The best advice is to partition by data, presumably by date.
Then you can remove entire partitions without having to log the results.
The subject of partitioning tables is rather broad. The documentation is a good place to start.

How to partition 10 billion row SQL tables quickly using AWS?

I have a SQL database of data delivered in a normalized format with several tables that have several billions of rows of data. I have decided to partition the large tables into separate tables by itemId since when I query the data I only care about 1 item at a time. I would end up having 5000+ tables at the end after partitioning the data. The problem is, partitioning the data takes about 25 minutes to build a single table for 1 item.
5000 items x 25 minutes = 86.8 days
It would take over 86 days to fully partition my entire SQL database. My entire database is about 2.5TB.
Is this something I can leverage AWS for to parallelize on an item level? Can I use AWS database migration services to host the database in its current form and then use AWS process to churn through all of the 5000 queries to partition the big tables into 5000 smaller tables with 2M rows each?
If not, is this something I just have to throw more hardware at to make it run faster (CPU or RAM)?
Thanks in advance.
This doesn't seem like a good strategy. For one thing, simple arithmetic is that 10,000,000,000 rows with 5,000 rows per item results in 2,000,000 partitions in the table.
The limit in Redshift (by default) is 1,000,000 partition per table:
Amazon Redshift Spectrum has the following quotas when using the
Athena or AWS Glue data catalog:
A maximum of 10,000 databases per account.
A maximum of 100,000 tables per database.
A maximum of 1,000,000 partitions per table.
A maximum of 10,000,000 partitions per account.
You should re-think your partitioning strategy. Or perhaps your problem is not suitable for Redshift. There may be other database strategies more suitable for your use-case. (This is not the forum for recommending specific software solutions, however.)
Use the itemid as sortkey and distkey. if the table is vacummed properly and you select one itemid this should have good results, where access time is almost as good as a single table. distkey is used to distribute the data between shards, which means each itemid's blocks would be stored together on the same shard making retrieving all of them faster. Having the itemid also be sortkey means that for itemid's with small row numbers that all exist on the same shard, finding the rows within the table's blocks on a shard would be as fast as possible.
Creating a separate table for each item, where every other attribute of the table remains the same, doesn't seem logical. If the data format is the same, then keep the data in the same table unless there is a particular problem to overcome.
If you set the itemId as the SORTKEY on a Redshift table, then Redshift will be able to skip-over the blocks that do not contain a desired value (when using WHERE itemId = 'xxx'). This will be highly efficient.
Admittedly, trying to keep such a large table sorted would probably be too hard to VACUUM. It would still work reasonably well without the SORTKEY since blocks can still be skipped, but not as efficiently because the data for that itemId would be spread over more blocks.

Slow queries on 'transaction' table - sql partition as a solution?

I have a table with 281,433 records in it, ranging from March 2010 to the current date (Sept 2014). It's a transaction table which consists of records that determine stock which is currently in and out of the warehouse.
When making picks from the warehouse, the system needs to look over every transaction from a particular customer that was ever made (based on the AccountListID field, which determines the customer, a customer might on average have about 300 records in the table). This happens 2-3 times per request from the particular .NET application when a picking run is done.
There are times when the database seemingly locks out. Some requests complete no bother, within about 3 seconds. Others hang for 'up to 4 minutes' according to the end users.
My guess is with 4-5 requests at the same time all looking at this one transaction table things are getting locked up.
I'm thinking about partitioning this table so that the primary transaction table only contains record from the last 2 years. The end user has agreed that any records past this date are unnecessary.
But I can't just delete them, they're used elsewhere in the system. I have indexes already in place and they make a massive difference (going from >30 seconds to <2, on the accountlistid field). It seems partitioning is the next step.
1) Am I going down the right route as a solution to my 'locking' problem?
2) When moving a set of records (e.g. records where the field DateTimeCheckedIn is more than 2 years old) is this a manual process or does partitioning automatically do this?
Partitioning shouldn't be necessary on a table with fewer than 300,000 rows, unless each record is really big. If a record is occupying more than 4k bytes, then you have 300,000 pages (2,400,000,000 bytes) and that is getting larger.
Indexes are usually the solution for something like this. Taking more than a second to return 300 records in an indexed database seems like a long time (unless the records are really big and the network overhead adds to the time). Your table and index should both fit into memory. Check your memory configuration.
The next question is about the application code. If it uses cursors, then these might be the culprit by locking rows under certain circumstances. For read-only cursors, "FAST_FORWARD" or "FORWARD READ_ONLY" should be fast. It is possible that if the application code is locking all the historical records, then you might get contention. After all, this would occur when two records (for different) customers are on the same data page. The solution is to not lock the historical records as you read them. Or, to avoid using cursors all together.
I don't think partitioning will be necessary here. You can probably fix this with a well-placed index: I'm thinking a single index covering (in order) company, part number, and quantity. Or, if it's an old server, possibly just add ram. Finally, since this is reading a lot of older data for transactions, where individual transactions themselves are likely never (or at most very rarely) updated once written, you might do better with a READ UNCOMMITTED isolation level for this query.

How big is too big for a PostgreSQL table?

I'm working on the design for a RoR project for my company, and our development team has already run into a bit of a debate about the design, specifically the database.
We have a model called Message that needs to be persisted. It's a very, very small model with only three db columns other than the id, however there will likely be A LOT of these models when we go to production. We're looking at as much as 1,000,000 insertions per day. The models will only ever be searched by two foreign keys on them which can be indexed. As well, the models never have to be deleted, but we also don't have to keep them once they're about three months old.
So, what we're wondering is if implementing this table in Postgres will present a significant performance issue? Does anyone have experience with very large SQL databases to tell us whether or not this will be a problem? And if so, what alternative should we go with?
Rows per a table won't be an issue on it's own.
So roughly speaking 1 million rows a day for 90 days is 90 million rows. I see no reason Postgres can't deal with that, without knowing all the details of what you are doing.
Depending on your data distribution you can use a mixture of indexes, filtered indexes, and table partitioning of some kind to speed thing up once you see what performance issues you may or may not have. Your problem will be the same on any other RDMS that I know of. If you only need 3 months worth of data design in a process to prune off the data you don't need any more. That way you will have a consistent volume of data on the table. Your lucky you know how much data will exist, test it for your volume and see what you get. Testing one table with 90 million rows may be as easy as:
select x,1 as c2,2 as c3
from generate_series(1,90000000) x;
Limit Value
Maximum Database Size Unlimited
Maximum Table Size 32 TB
Maximum Row Size 1.6 TB
Maximum Field Size 1 GB
Maximum Rows per Table Unlimited
Maximum Columns per Table 250 - 1600 depending on column types
Maximum Indexes per Table Unlimited
Another way to speed up your queries significantly on a table with > 100 million rows is to cluster the table on the index that is most often used in your queries. Do this in your database's "off" hours. We have a table with > 218 million rows and have found 30X improvements.
Also, for a very large table, it's a good idea to create an index on your foreign keys.
Assume we have a table named investment in a database named ccbank.
Assume the index most used in our queries is (bankid,record_date)
Here are the steps to create and cluster an index:
psql -c "drop index investment_bankid_rec_dt_idx;" ccbank
psql -c "create index investment_bankid_rec_dt_idx on investment(bankid, record_date);"
psql -c "cluster investment_bankid_rec_dt_idx on investment;"
vacuumdb -d ccbank -z -v -t investment
In steps 1-2 we replace the old index with a new, optimized one. In step 3 we cluster the table: this basically puts the DB table in the physical order of the index, so that when PostgreSQL performs a query it caches the most likely next rows. In step 4 we vacuum the database to reset the statistics for the query planner.

What is a good size (# of rows) to partition a table to really benefit?

I.E. if we have got a table with 4 million rows.
Which has got a STATUS field that can assume the following value: TO_WORK, BLOCKED or WORKED_CORRECTLY.
Would you partition on a field which will change just one time (most of times from to_work to worked_correctly)? How many partitions would you create?
The absolute number of rows in a partition is not the most useful metric. What you really want is a column which is stable as the table grows, and which delivers on the potential benefits of partitioning. These are: availability, tablespace management and performance.
For instance, your example column has three values. That means you can have three partitions, which means you can have three tablespaces. So if a tablespace becomes corrupt you lose one third of your data. Has partitioning made your table more available? Not really.
Adding or dropping a partition makes it easier to manage large volumes of data. But are you ever likely to drop all the rows with a status of WORKED_CORRECTLY? Highly unlikely. Has partitioning made your table more manageable? Not really.
The performance benefits of partitioning come from query pruning, where the optimizer can discount chunks of the table immediately. Now each partition has 1.3 million rows. So even if you query on STATUS='WORKED_CORRECTLY' you still have a huge number of records to winnow. And the chances are, any query which doesn't involve STATUS will perform worse than it did against the unpartitioned table. Has partitioning made your table more performant? Probably not.
So far, I have been assuming that your partitions are evenly distributed. But your final question indicates that this is not the case. Most rows - if not all - rows will end up in the WORKED_CORRECTLY. So that partition will become enormous compared to the others, and the chances of benefits from partitioning become even more remote.
Finally, your proposed scheme is not elastic. As the current volume each partition would have 1.3 million rows. When your table grows to forty million rows in total, each partition will hold 13.3 million rows. This is bad.
So, what makes a good candidate for a partition key? One which produces lots of partitions, one where the partitions are roughly equal in size, one where the value of the key is unlikely to change and one where the value has some meaning in the life-cycle of the underlying object, and finally one which is useful in the bulk of queries run against the table.
This is why something like DATE_CREATED is such a popular choice for partitioning of fact tables in data warehouses. It generates a sensible number of partitions across a range of granularities (day, month, or year are the usual choices). We get roughly the same number of records created in a given time span. Data loading and data archiving are usually done on the basis of age (i.e. creation date). BI queries almost invariably include the TIME dimension.
The number of rows in a table isn't generally a great metric to use to determine whether and how to partition the table.
What problem are you trying to solve? Are you trying to improve query performance? Performance of data loads? Performance of purging your data?
Assuming you are trying to improve query performance? Do all your queries have predicates on the STATUS column? Are they doing single row lookups of rows? Or would you want your queries to scan an entire partition?