How to Add Local Nuget Package Source in Xamarin Studio on Mac? - mono

We have our Local Nuget Setup which in on a Network path is like
When I Configure New Source in Visual Studio. It configured correctly and working Fine
But When I am configuring Same Source on the Xamarin Studio on Mac. It is giving error Invalid Directory
How to come out from this error ?

The summary of a similar question is:
It seems NuGet in Xamarin doesn't support SMB protocol. Try mounting the address smb:// and use a file URL (something like file:///Volumes/Microsoft/Nuget/) to configure the NuGet source.
Here is how you mount an SMB in Mac OS X: link.

Just a guess here, but I think on OS X, connecting to file shares are different than in Windows. Try connecting like this:


SAP Connector Configuration - "Test Connection" in Anypoint Studio fails, but works when deployed

I'm trying to develop an application with Anypoint Studio and SAP. I imported the SAP connector from Mulesoft Exchange, added the correct SAP libraries (I added them as described by mulesoft --> 'add maven dependency' --> 'install' --> select the local File and change the version to the correct number. All red crosses became green checkmarks.) and entered my SAP server credentials. When I try the "Test Connection" button I get an error message:
The confusing part of this is, I can run the application and it deploys without a problem
I already downloaded and unzipped a 'new' anypoint studio, I tried multiple versions of JDK (1.8u201 [this one works without problems for my colleague], 1.8u241 and OpenJDK 8 LTS), I restarted my pc every time I changed my JDK, I tried to add the native JCo Library locally to the build path (checkmark becomes also green, but still the same error message + a lot of 'Building worksapce' errors) and tried to add all libraries to the local build path.
What could I do to get rid of this error message?
Ok. I found the solution to my problem.
I did everything in a correct way, but I extracted Anypoint Studio in my downloads folder and didn't change anything of the resulting path. So the path was very long and in combination with the libraries the path became too long and they could not be initialized.
So if you get this error try to move the Anypoint Studio folder/Anypoint Studio worksapce/folder where you store the libraries to your root folder (or at least try to keep the path short by changing the folder names).

Using nuget packages on machine with no internet

I have a .net core intranet web app which uses certain nuget packages. I have two machines, my local computer with internet and a test machine with no connection to outside internet. The app works fine on my computer.
All the nuget packages are locally stored and referred by the web app.
When I try to build the app on test machine, I am getting the following error
C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\3.0.100\Nuget.targets(123,5): error : Unable to load the service index for source
What process is actually looking for service index from outside url? Of course it cannot find because there is no internet. No proxies involved so nothing to put in nuget.config
All the packages are locally stored. What can I do to resolve this issue?
Thank you
You’ll need a local folder to keep all your local NuGet packages..
Then download the NuGet packages you wish to be able to use offline into this folder. Packages can be downloaded from
Once you are logged in, search for the packages you require and click the ‘Download’ link in the left hand menu of each.
Once you have successfully downloaded the .nupkg files you require into your local repository folder, head into Visual Studio and open the NuGet Settings dialog via Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Package Manager Settings. Click the Package Sources tab within the settings dialog, followed by the ‘plus’ icon in the top left to add a new package source.
Enter the Name and Source of your local repository. The name can be any string and will be the name displayed in the NuGet Package Manager within Visual Studio.
Now that you have added the local package source, you will be able
to use your offline local repository from within Visual Studio in
the usual way, either via the Console or via the Package Dialog, by
selecting it from the Package Source menu, without the need for an active internet connection.

How to build WinPcap from source using VS2013

I downloaded the WinPcap sources 4.1.3 as well as the corresponding AirPcap developer kit. I followed the build instructions described from the WinPcap website 1:
I loaded the project contained in the directory PacketNTx\dll\project with VS2013 (running on Windows 7 Professional x64). When I try to build the default project configuration (Debug, Win32) I get the error that the include file "netmon.h" cannot be opened. I also searched the web and found that this file is part of the wiretap library included in the Wireshark source code...
Can anyone suggest how to build the default configuration of the WinPcap packet.dll and wpcap.dll?
Thanks in advance!
best regards!

Qt application is not installed on other system, except the system where build was made

I have made an application using Qt 5.0.2 and made its build using inno setup. The application is successfully installed and launched at my system and worked fine.But when i installed it on other system, application is not installing or launching also no error showing. Please help me guys... What to do
If you are using visual studio to build your application you will probably need to install vcredist_sp1_x86.exe on the destination machine. You can find it somewhere in the installation folder of Qt. You can add it to the list of files in the Inno script, and add entry in the [Run] section. Also make sure you have included in your setup script:
plugins/platforms/qwindows.dll ->should be installed in platforms/qwindows.dll in the destination folder. The same applies to imageformats plugins if you use them.
If you think there are too much dlls you will need to rebuild Qt with other configuration options, but that's another story...

Windows Azure - Microsoft.IdentityModel not found

I installed WIF runtime and SDK on my machine. I added Microsoft.IdentityModel.dll to my azure web application and locally everything is running great. I build simple web application which use Azure AppFabric Access control. I follow azure labs for that and as I told, local everything is great. When I published my web application to Azure, I'm getting following error :
Unable to find assembly 'Microsoft.IdentityModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35'.
I get it after Appfabric Relaying part is going to return url, after sign in on identity provider. The weird thing is that I set Copy Local to TRUE, because that .dll is not part of Azure GAC. I tried to publish it again, but I received same error. I found few same problems on the internet but with no concrete solution. Does anybody here had something similar and probably have a working solution? Thank you in advance
For anything that I need to deploy locally to Azure I make a copy of the DLL's in my project folder and reference them from there while setting copy local to true. Since doing this I no longer have any issues with DLL's not being published to Azure. I also do all of my building through the command line using MSBuild and publish the cspack by hand. This means that I do not rely on Visual Studio for doing the build or deployment.
I have run into this and solution described in this blog helped. You will need to run this command from your role startup task:
gacutil /nologo /i .\Microsoft.IdentityModel.dll
This startup task has to be run with full privilegies.
Have you tried disabling encryption on the creation of the deployment package and verifying that the dll is indeed present?
Create a new environment variable called: _CSPACK_FORCE_NOENCRYPT_ set the value to true.Restart your visual studio.