How to build NuGet package containing a .nuspec template file? - msbuild

I'm trying to create a NuGet package for an MSBuild Extension that should contain a template .nuspec file.
However when I specify a .nuspec file to be content of my package, I'm not able to install it in a .nuget folder of the target project.
As you can see in the screenshot, it will create a .nuget\NuSpecTemplate.nuspec folder in which the embedded .nuspec file will be created. I've named the template .spec, since NuGet will ignore the source file if it is named .nuspec.
Is this by design, or is it a bug in NuGet?


Consuming nuget package containing .targets file via PackageReference

I have .NET452 project - lets call it Consumer.csproj that I want to consume nuget lets call it SharedTargets that contained some custom targets files (SharedTargets.targets) from msbuild.
I'm using PackageReference format and now (compared to what it used to be) nuget packages are being restored to shared folder (%userprofile%.nuget\packages), and I'm not sure if it is good idea to reference it via that (doesn't feel right).
<PackageReference Include="SharedTargets">
Also this works only in VS, running this from command line (msbuild) I'm getting chicken-egg problem:
Confirm that the path in the <Import> declaration is correct, and that
the file exists on disk.
Obviously since I need to restore nuget first before I can use it :)
So question:
is there some more elegant way how to resolve path to the nuget package inside project file
is there a way how to make msbuild succeed (i.e. restore packages before is imported)
You shouldn't try to manually import targets distributed via NuGet.
Put your .targets file inside a build subfolder inside the package and name it SharedTargets.targets (package id + .targets) and NuGet will automatically include the targets - for packages.config projects it will modify the project file on install and for PackageReference projects the targets will be imported by modifying an implicitly generated targets file in the obj\ directory.

NuGet package XML documentation not visible in .NET Core 2.2 app

I am using a NuGet package which has an XML documentation file.
But when I include the package in a .NET Core 2.2 app, the comments are not available with IntelliSense.
Is there something I'm missing either in the package or in my app to be able to see the documentation with IntelliSense?
Using VisualStudio 2017, Windows 10.
Update for Clarity
The NuGet package is a .NET Standard 1.3 class library. In Visual Studio when I build the project, I include the options to generate the package and documentation file. In the project file, I see the following PropertyGroup:
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|AnyCPU'">
<DocumentationFile>C:\Users\[username]\[local path]\CommonEntities\CommonEntities\CommonEntities.xml</DocumentationFile>
When I open the package, I can see in the lib/netstandard1.3/ directory that CommonEntities.xml is included along with MakanalTech.CommonEntities.dll.
But, I'm wondering why the xml file has dropped the full name from MakanalTech.CommonEntities.xml as it is in the project to just CommonEntities.xml in the package. Maybe this is the cause of the issue?
The issue is then when I include the package as a dependency in another project, none of the XML comments/documentation are visible. So I can't hover over a type to see its description, and if I peek definition none of the comments/documentation are in the definition.
Class Library Product (can't post images yet)
Peeking at definition from other project:
Finally found the issue from this post. This seems quite buggy from Visual Studio 2017 not to handle this correctly and automatically.
In the .csproj file, I removed <DocumentationFile>[filepath-to-xml]</DocumentationFile> and added <GenerateDocumentationFile>true</GenerateDocumentationFile>.
I then repacked the library, cleared my nuget cache, and rebuilt the new project where it's included, and now I have all the XML documentation visible.
NuGet package XML documentation not visible in .NET Core 2.2 app
Just like what have you found that "in the lib/netstandard1.3/ directory that CommonEntities.xml is included along with MakanalTech.CommonEntities.dll.", the .xml file in the lib folder, then according to the document From a convention-based working directory:
Only the .dll file will be added as reference, .xml file will be copied to the project folder. That is the reason why the XML documentation not visible in .NET Core 2.2 app.
Besides, since you are using .netstandard project, .xml file will blocked be copied to the project folder automatically by the nuget issue 4837.
To resolve this issue, we have to create the .nuspec file with option contentFiles to include the .xml file and add this file to the project, please check the detail info from other thread.
But if you do not want to manually edit the .nuspec every release, you can use a post-build event to pack the nuget package automatically,like:
nuget pack "$(.NuspecFilePath)\xxx.nuspec"
Or you can add the .xml file to the project manually from the package directly, that package is in the path: C:\Users\<UserName>\.nuget\packages.
Hope this helps.

In which file do you set nuget packages for a .NET Core project?

I found something called "MyProjectName.deps.json" in the "bin" directory. But if i delete the "bin" directory and build my project again it gets created again. Where does VisualStudio pull this data from (which packages should be included in the project)?
This is based upon the obj\project.assets.json file (generated by NuGet restore) which defines inputs to the build logic that are used for the generation of the .deps.json file, along with other references from the project file.

TeamCity artifact includes every single file

After using TeamCity, my build process is Visual Studio (sln) -> NuGet Pack. Everything builds fine and the artifact is created. But the artifact has every single file, include the .vbproj, .vb files, the classes folder which only holds .vb files.
Is there a way to turn a setting on to create the artifact which doesn't have all the .vb files etc due to them being compiled in the .dll?
For anyone wondering, I just excluded the .vb files in the nuspec
Have you considered using Octopack to package the nuget. It is smart enough to include all the required files into the package and will not require a custom nuspec file that you would need to source control and manage for any future changes.
IMO custom nuspec file should be used only if you have a very specific requirement such as if the target directory is different.
(mark as content and copy always for the files that you want to include)

How do I change target filename in NuGet Package?

JavaScript naming convention requires version number in the file name such as jQuery.1.34.min.js, and I have text template which will output my-library.js in output folder.
I want to create NuGet Package with my-library.js in such way that on installation it should be deployed as my-library.1.34.js
If I build nuget package as part of msbuild process, there is no way I can rename my output js file.
I already have a long workaround, in which I have a console app which copies files to folder structure as given version number and then it builds a nuspec file and then it is passed onto nuget.exe, if there is any easy, I would like to avoid such long steps.
I found I could rename include files by specifying a full file name for the target.
For example (nuspec snippet):
<file src="my-library.js" target="content/my-library.$VERSION$.js">
and nuget would be run like:
nuget.exe pack mypackage.nuspec -Prop VERSION=1.34
Note: The File extension in src and target must match or the specified target will be treated like a directory.