Adding an NSDictionary to an NSMutableDictionary - objective-c

I've been working on this for a few days now. Searched Stackoverflow and other sites for solutions but none of them appear to work. Most of the postings I've found are quite old (before 2013) so I'm thinking this is not the right way to do this.
I thought this would work:
[localMutableDictionary addEntriesFromDictionary:deviceDictionary];
localMutableDictionary remains null
I've worked around this using an array of integers instead of a mutable dictionary. But that doesn't give me the right result when I add the array to an NSDictionary for subsequent processing with NSJSONSerialisation. Values from my array don't get double quote marks around them. The json receiver / parser is expecting values in quotes (runs with json produced in VB code for a similar app). I can use an alternative parser to work around this, but I would rather get a clean solution.
This is probably a case of there being a simple syntax that I haven't managed to find, or that I'm just using an out-of-date style. Or I may just be adding my array to the NSDictionary "the wrong way". A solution for either method would work for me - thank you.


How to filter by tag in Jaeger

When trying to filter by tag, there is a small popup:
I have been looking for logfmt around, but all I can find is key=value format.
My questions are:
Is there a way for something more sophisticated? (starts_with, not equal, contains, etc)
I am trying to filter by url using http.url="". I am pretty sure the value exists because I am copy/pasting from my trace. I am getting no results. Do I need to escape characters or do something else for this to work?
I did some research around logfmt as well. Based on the documentation of the original implementation and in the Python implementation of the parser (and respective tests), I would say that it doesn't support anything more sophisticated (like starts_with, not equal, contains). And this is because the output of the parser is a simple dictionary (with no regex involved in the values).
As for the second question, using the same mentioned Python parser, I was able to double-check that your filter looks fine:
from logfmt import parse_line
{'http.url': ''}
This makes me suspect of an issue on the Jaeger side, but this is as far as I could go.

Numpy - how do I erase elements of an array if it is found in an other array

TLDR: I have 2 arrays indices = numpy.arange(9) and another that contains some of the numbers in indices (maybe none at all, maybe it'll contain [2,4,7]). The output I'd like for this example is [0,1,3,5,6,8]. What method can be used to achieve this?
Edit: I found a method which works somewhat: casting both arrays to a set then taking the difference of the two does give the correct result, but as a set, even if I pass this result to a numpy.array(). I'll update this if I find a solution for that.
Edit2: Casting the result of the subtraction to a list, then casting passing that to a numpy.array() resolved my issue.
I guess I posted this question a little prematurely, given that I found the solution for it myself, but maybe this'll be useful to somebody in future!
You can make use of boolean masking:-
we are using numpy.isin() method to find out the values exists or not in incides array and then using ~ so that this gives opposite result and finally we are passing this boolean mask to indices

How can I write a ravenDB query in the studio that finds all fields that are not empty

I'm new to lucene, day 1 new. So I've read a tutorial on lucene and spent a while trying to work out how to find a non null value in lucene.
So I have a document called Inspect
The document has two fields I'm interested in: Inspect and Direct.
"Inspect": "Feather",
"Direct": {}
I want to find all documents where Inspect = "Feather" and Direct is not empty.
I am also interested in finding documents where Direct is also empty.
I am doing this in the ravenDB studio, so I am using lucene. I have tried a few things like
Inspect: Feather
Direct: [[NULL_VALUE]]
However this doesn't seem to work. Any advice or some direction would be much appreciated.
You need to run a query like this:
Inspect: Feather AND NOT Direct.Count: 0
When you are comparing to a null object, it fails, Direct is not null, but with the .Count there you are actually counting the number of properties in the object, which seems to be what you want.
#stacka Hi! I'm also rather new to RavenDB, but I have some ideas that may help you. First of all, use the '-' (minus) character instead of NOT. It's a convention. Second, you may face the problem that query cannot be run against db, when any property is not indexed. So, you should create one including the field you want to query against. Hope, this would help.

TSearch2 - dots explosion

Following conversion
SELECT to_tsvector('english', '');
returns this:
Why does TSearch2 engine didn't return something like this?
'google':2, 'com':1
Or how can i make the engine to return the exploded string as i wrote above?
I just need "" to be foundable by "google".
Unfortunately, there is no quick and easy solution.
Denis is correct in that the parser is recognizing it as a hostname, which is why it doesn't break it up.
There are 3 other things you can do, off the top of my head.
You can disable the host parsing in the database. See postgres documentation for details. E.g. something like ALTER TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION your_parser_config
DROP MAPPING FOR url, url_path
You can write your own custom dictionary.
You can pre-parse your data before it's inserted into the database in some manner (maybe splitting all domains before going into the database).
I had a similar issue to you last year and opted for solution (2), above.
My solution was to write a custom dictionary that splits words up on non-word characters. A custom dictionary is a lot easier & quicker to write than a new parser. You still have to write C tho :)
The dictionary I wrote would return something like '':4, 'com':3, 'facebook':2, 'www':1' for the '' domain (we had a unique-ish scenario, hence the 4 results instead of 3).
The trouble with a custom dictionary is that you will no longer get stemming (ie: will come out as www, books and com). I believe there is some work (which may have been completed) to allow chaining of dictionaries which would solve this problem.
First off in case you're not aware, tsearch2 is deprecated in favor of the built-in functionality:
As for your actual question, gets recognized as a host by the parser:
If you don't want this to occur, you'll need to pre-process your text accordingly (or use a custom parser).

How can I parse 'document.getElementById' values in Cocoa?

I'm having a hard time to figure out how to get the value from the below code.
document.getElementById('today-details-1').value = '41';
document.getElementById('today-details-2').value = '30';
I'm having my application making a NSURLConnection and it is receiving the contents of the page which are basically 5 more lines like the ones above.
I want to be able to get the value for each of the elements. How would I accomplish this?
I tried nodesForXPath but can't get that to work as this is not really a xml page.
Maybe something like this:
NSString *oneString = [myWebView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:#"document.getElementById('today-details-1').value"];
For parsing HTML look at this previously asked question which has a number of good solutions.
I used hpple which is suggested in an answer