IE 11. Why have I click and dblclick events after reload page if I double click a submit button - internet-explorer-11

I have a simple html page and event handlers on submit button and form. Event handler function print to console what is event appers.
<script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jquery-2.1.1.js"></script>
<form id="formId" method="post">
<input id="inpSbm" name="inpSbm" type="submit" value="SubmitTest" class="lockDoubleClick"/>
$(document).ready(function () {
console.log("on ready");
$(".lockDoubleClick").each(function () {
var btn = $(this); () {
btn.dblclick(function () {
console.log("double click")
btn.closest('form').submit(function () {
console.log("submit form");
In IE11 when I double click on submit button I see the following in console:
submit form
on ready
double click
Why have I click and double click event after page is ready?

Because double-click is one of the most stupid ideas in the history of computing.
There are users who can double-click very quickly. There are others who can barely get in under the time limit that is the only difference between a double click and two singles. This means that when the computer sees the first click it must wait for a very long time to see if the user is going to click again. Users hate this; it makes the interface seem very slow.
The only solution is to have a 'double-click' actually hit the application as two clicks. They are identical except that the second one has a little flag that says it came in under the deadline for a double-click.
If against all reason you must accept both a double-click and a single-click on the same object you MUST be able to reverse the effect of the first click when the second user gets around to actually pushing the button for their very belated double-click.


JSXGraph onmouseenter

Hello i try to mouseenter a JSXGraph DIV but if you move the mouse 1mm it will re enter the div and the js start automaticle new. thats bad.
I found out there are EVENT HANDLER with mouseover but i dont understand how i use it for the full div. there are only examples for a point. I tryed to put an other div over the "box" DIV but it didnt help, the div is everytime over the other.
Example code that dosent work well:
<div id="box" class="jxgbox" style="width:400px; height:400px;" onmouseenter="functionx()"></div>
JSXGraph does not capture the mouseenter event. The following code will print enter to the console whenever the mouse pointer enters the div element:
<div id="box" class="jxgbox"
style="width:400px; height:400px;"
<script type="text/javascript">
var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('box', {
axis: true,
boundingbox: [-0.5,2.5,2.5,-0.5]});
var enter = function() {

How to keyboard navigate to reCAPTCHA in a modal dialog?

I need to open Google's latest reCAPTCHA widget in a popup (modal) dialog, a Dojo Dialog in my case, and I've got that working fine, but I just realized that the user cannot keyboard navigate to it.
When the reCAPTCHA widget is displayed in the main view, not a modal dialog, then of course the user can easily keyboard navigate to it.
Has anyone found a way to set focus on the reCAPTCHA widget so that the user can access it without a mouse when the reCAPTCHA is in a Dojo Dialog?
I did see that reCAPTCHA is generated within an <iframe>. Is that part of the hurdle - that keyboard navigation can't reach content within an iframe? I've even tried to call document.getElementById("recaptcha-anchor") since I saw that that's the id of the <span> that holds the "checkbox" - but that is returning null. How to reach an element within an iframe?
I have a jsfiddle example available for demonstration at
var onloadCaptchaCallback = function() {
console.log("jsfiddle: rendering captcha");
globalRecaptchaWidgetId = grecaptcha.render('captchaDiv', {
'sitekey' : '6LcgSAMTAAAAACc2C7rc6HB9ZmEX4SyB0bbAJvTG',
'callback' : verifyCaptchaCallback,
'tabindex' : 2
var verifyCaptchaCallback = function(g_recaptcha_response) {
console.log("Response validated. Not a robot.");
<script src='' async defer></script>
<div id="testDiv">
<button type="dojo/form/Button" onClick=";">Open reCAPTCHA</button>
<div data-dojo-type="dijit/Dialog" data-dojo-id="captchaPopup" title="Human Verification" style="width:350px;">
Cannot keyboard navigate to the checkbox!
<div id="captchaDiv"></div><br/>
Give this fiddle a try. Normally Dijit dialogs don't work too well with iframes in them because it doesn't know how to parse the content inside an iframe. In this case, we can use some of Dojo's functions to work around it. One notable thing to point out is that I've disabled autofocus of the Dijit Dialog so that it won't automatically focus the closeNode inside the dialog.
After the dialog loads, tab>space will select the captcha.
This may help others facing similar issue, but with Bootstrap modal dialog. I found the following solution on GitHub. Add the following Javascript to override Bootstrap:
Bootstrap 3x
$.fn.modal.Constructor.prototype.enforceFocus = function () { };
Bootstrap 4x
$.fn.modal.Constructor.prototype._enforceFocus = function () { };

durandaljs 2.0 navigation

I have a view with pagination. When the user clicks on a page number, I display the data for that page.
I only want the data items to be replaced so I don't want to navigate to the "next page." So what I'm doing is using the router.navigate(url, { replace: false, trigger: false }); to add the page to the browser's history, but not to trigger the navigate there.
If after I get the data, I click on the browser's back button, the URL changes to the previous one, but I don't get an event. If once I'm back in the previous page, I click the browser's forward button, I get the trigger event from that page.
Example. I'm at /# and it is displaying page 1 of the data. The user click on the "next page" link on the page. I display page 2's data, and I replace the url with /#welcome/2 Now if I click on the browser's back button the URL changes back to /# but the page doesn't trigger. If I press the browser's forward button the URL changes back to /#welcome/2 and the page triggers. Now that that has happened, I can click the back button and page one will trigger; and I can go back and forth between page 1 and page 2. If the user clicks on "page 3", the problem happens again.
If you all need a working example, I will deploy it, but currently this is only running on my local box.
IMO paging, like sorting/filtering represent the internal state of a view/widget and shouldn't be presented via routes. Consider e.g. user is on #something/3 and bookmarks the url. After deleting a couple of items there's no #something/3 any longer and the bookmark fails. Here's some more thought food on that topic
Update based on comments:
activate on hitting browser back get's not called for two reason. a) welcome.js returns a singleton and b) in shell.html viewCache is set to true. When the user press browser forward it get's called because at this time route #welcome/2 from the SPA perspective is called the first time, so activate kicks in.
One way to make the system work would be to force every page change (regardless if it was initialized by SPA or browser) running through activate. Here are the required steps: Convert the singleton into a constructor, set cacheViews: false and replace click events by normal hrefs that calls the page route.
Update 2
Here's an example that combines the inPage navigation (without router involvement) with the ability to use browser back/forth navigation. init is responsible for setting up things that are common for activate and gotoPage.
define(['plugins/router', 'knockout'], function( router, ko ) {
var ctor = function() {
this.pageNo = ko.observable();
this.pageData = ko.observable();
ctor.prototype.activate = function( page ) {
ctor.prototype.init = function( page ) {
this.pageNo(page || 1);
this.pageData('Data for ' + this.pageNo());
ctor.prototype.gotoPage = function( page ) {
var url = "extras/welcome/" + page;
router.navigate(url, { replace: false, trigger: false });
return ctor;
Hello Durandal Pagination
<a data-bind="click: gotoPage.bind($data, 1)" style="cursor: pointer;">Page 1</a>
<a data-bind="click: gotoPage.bind($data, 2)" style="cursor: pointer;">Page 2</a>
<a data-bind="click: gotoPage.bind($data, 3)" style="cursor: pointer;">Page 3</a>
<h2 data-bind="text: pageData"></h2>
Live example at:

Google rending +1 button way above and left of page content

We have implemented google +1 buttons on our site and they have served reliably for some time. However we recently noticed that the buttons are not serving reliably. We rarely see them appear in their designated spaces.
For example on this page: Sample Page : you'll see a gray box of social buttons to left of the page. In it, there is SUPPOSED to be a Google +1 button.
We've requested the button with this code:
<div id="social-google" class="social">
<script type="text/javascript">
(function() {
var po = document.createElement('script'); po.type = 'text/javascript'; po.async = true;
po.src = '';
var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s);
<g:plusone size="medium"></g:plusone>
We've also tried this code:
<div id="social-google" class="social">
<!-- Place this tag where you want the share button to render. -->
<div class="g-plus" data-action="share" data-size="small" data-annotation="bubble"></div>
<!-- Place this tag after the last share tag. -->
<script type="text/javascript">
(function() {
var po = document.createElement('script'); po.type = 'text/javascript'; po.async = true;
po.src = '';
var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s);
Occasionally we'll see a Google +1 button render but, more often than not, the space reserved for the button is apparently blank. When you examine things with firebug, you see that Google HAS attempted to render a button, but for some reason it has placed the button far above and left of the page boundaries.
Here is the top of the html Google generates for the button:
<div id="___plusone_0" style="position: absolute; width: 450px; left: -10000px;">
<iframe id="I0_1377554650466" width="100%" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" hspace="0 marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" style="position:absolute;top:-10000px;width:450px;margin:0px;border-style:none" tabindex="0" vspace="0" name="I0_1377554650466" src=" ...
As you can see Google gave its generated ___plusone_0 div a left position of -10000px and gave the inner iFrame a top position of -10000px. So the button is there. It's just floating out in space. If I manipulate theses position settings (to 0px) the button becomes visible in its appropriate spot.
Any idea why this would happen? Any idea how we can fix this?
You can try adding the following CSS declaration to your stylesheet:
#___plusone_0, #___plusone_0 iframe {
position:static !important;
This is a hackaround, so don't depend on it in long term.
Based on an old thread in Drupal Issues.
During the last few days I'm suffering from this problem too. I have a page building app. One of the widgets is google plus: users can enter a url, and the app generates a button. (So there can be more, than 1 button on the page.) Then user saves the page and can see it on Facebook.
Recommendations and observations...
Double check the protocol of google api script. For example, if your website is on https and you are trying to load, your buttons will probably fail to render.
When I tested this issue on my server, I occasionally opened the app in 2 browser tabs at the same time. Google buttons didn't appear in the first tab, but they did in the second one!
My app requires user to be authorized on Facebook. When I opened the app without authorization, the buttons were shown as expected. But when I logged in and refreshed the page - buttons disappeared.
When I opened the page on Facebook, buttons didn't appear, regardless of whether I was logged in or not.
I beg your pardon, if you think these notices have no sense, but they may save someone's time in future.
Suppose, you're parsing the following code:
<!-- google button will be added into this div -->
<div class="googlePlus" data-href=""></div>
jQuery function, which parse all .googlePlus divs.
$('.googlePlus').each(function () {
var $googleDiv = $(this);
// check, if button is already parsed
if (!$googleDiv.children().length) {
// add temporary id to the parent div
var $id = 'googlePlus-' + new Date().getTime();
'id': $id
// create, add and render btn (IE compatible method)
var gPlusOne = document.createElement('g:plusone');
gPlusOne.setAttribute('href', $googleDiv.attr('data-href'));
// function, correcting css styles
if (!$.isFunction($.fn.fixGooglePlus)) {
$.fn.fixGooglePlus = function () {
position: 'static',
width: 106,
height: 24
// run function, until css is fixed
var $timer = setInterval(function () {
if ($googleDiv.find('iframe').css('position') == 'static') {
}, 100);
} // button hasn't been parsed
Put the button code in a a new HTML file and put that file in an iframe. Compared to #U-D13's answer, it's less susceptible to changes by Google.

How do I automatically select the first panel in a declarative dojo wizard?

I have created a declarative dojo wizard in dojo 1.5 that is embedded in a dojo dialog like this:
<div dojoType="dijit.Dialog" id="genWizardDialog" jsId="genWizardDialog" refreshOnShow="true" preventCache="true" title="Title">
<div dojoType="dojox.widget.Wizard" style='height: 375px; width:400px' hideDisabled="true" doneButtonLabel="someLabel">
<div id="wizard1" dojoType="dojox.widget.WizardPane" canGoBack="false" passFunction="panelOneDriver"></div>
<div id="wizard2" dojoType="dojox.widget.WizardPane" passFunction="validateBoxes" style="padding:8px; height:100%;"></div>
....I have some more panels.
<!-- Here I have setup the cancel method. -->
<script type="dojo/method" event="cancelFunction">
Everything pretty much works. However, I have 4 panels. If I proceed to panel three and hit cancel. When I then click the button to start the dojo dialog I am already at panel 3! I want to start back at panel 1. As I have already invested time into the declarative approach I am hoping to avoid doing this programmatically. I found site that mentioned an onSelected() method to accomplish this ->, however, this didn't work and stands to reason since looking in the Wizard.js I don't see this method defined!
In your pasted code, you have the cancelFunction event in the dialog's div, not the wizard's. So move the <script> tag inside the div that has dojoType=dojox.widget.Wizard.
To select a specific wizard pane, you can use the selectChild function.
<script type="dojo/method" event="cancelFunction">
dijit.byId("genWizard").selectChild("wizard1", false);
In the above, I've assumed that your wizard has an id "genWizard", so you'd have to add that to the wizard's div.
Now the wizard will jump to the first wizard pane when you click its cancel button.
It will not jump to the first wizard pane if you just click the dialog's X button. If you want that too, you need to use the dialog's onHide event.
<script type="dojo/method" event="onHide">
dijit.byId("genWizard").selectChild("wizard1", false);
This script tag has to be in the dialog's div, not the wizard's, make sure you get that right.