How to set focus on a specific radio button within an Option Group - radio-button

When tabbing to an Option Group containing radio buttons (Yes No) I want to set the focus to the first entry in the option group but it is being set to the second radio button. I do not want to actually set the value, just the focus. Preferably, I want to do this through Forms, not VBA.

Are you sure that the second option is lower on the page or in line with the first option? Tab will move to the option closest to the top of the option frame.


Unhide row in Database tool window

I am currently experimenting with the database tool window in PhpStorm.
When right clicking a row header and selecting "hide", the column disappears. But I cannot find a way to unhide it.
At the top right corner click on settings icon and choose Reset View from dropdown menu
The problem is that the options to hide and show the columns are in different places in the PhpStorm UI. But looking through several flaps I could finally find the option to show the columns.
After clicking on Hide column, we can reestablish this operation with Show column
Right click on some hidden/visible column
Click on hide/show column
We can also select the column and, type the space key to show it or hide it
On the configure button, select the Reset View option.

How to stay at the top of form on form load?

I am facing a problem with multiple forms.
When loaded, it doesn't show the tabs at the top which are part of the form and requires the user to scroll up.
I have done research. It may be related to the .SetFocus property.
Private Sub Form_Load()
Forms!frmEnrolementForm.Tab ("tabCtl0.SetFocus")
End Sub`
As I understand, user doesn't see the top part of window with tabs of tabcontrol. If so, reduce the size of tab control and whole window in order to fit in window on PC with minimal screen resolution. Also you can open desired tab page using code like
Here Page1 - is name of tabpage, not tab control. SetFocus is object method, not property.
It depends on the layout of your form, but you might be able to solve the issue by changing the "Tab Order" settings for the form.
It's under Form design tools > design > Tab Order, and you want the top/first items on your form to be at the top of the list. Ideally I'd say put all the items in a sensible order (e.g. starting with the top left and ending with the bottom right) for a good user experience, but the first item is the one that affects where the form opens.
Mine was opening in the middle of the page because my sub-form was set as the top item in the tab order, but I changed it to a button at the top of my form and now it always opens at the top.
I got this from user NeoPa in this forum answer.

Tab between Excel worksheet cells and form controls

I have a worksheet in Excel 2010 that is protected and used as a form for user-fillable values. The form contains 80 cells to be filled in and two radio button form controls to be selected. The form consists of two pages on the worksheet that are placed side by side horizontally (horizontally is a better user experience than vertically in this situation).
To get tabbing to go through the cells on the first page and then on the second page in the desired order, I used the solution on page 4 of the thread at "". This works excellently for regular cells.
The problem is how can I also tab to the radio buttons, which are located about a third of the way through the desired tab sequence? Unfortunately, it's not as easy as just adding the radio button names to the TabOrder array mentioned in the thread.
I've found various threads talking about tabbing between controls, but nothing that solves tabbing from regular cells to form controls, between the form controls, and then back to regular cells.
I'm relatively new to Excel VBA programming and could really use your help. :-)
I can't add a comment, so I have to put this in the answer section even though it is not really an answer: Not sure if this is still an issue for you, but are you using Option Buttons or a Group Box. And are you using Form Controls or ActiveX.
The only thing that I have found that may help is to tab to the group itself, then use the arrow keys: "When you tab to the group, you can use the arrow keys to select the next/previous option." and "2. You can set an accelerator key on each one by adding an ampersand (&) before one letter in the label. For example, if the label's caption is "&Next", it will appear as "Next", and Alt-N will be the keystroke that selects that option. Be careful not to choose a keystroke that opens a menu -- for example, don't pick F, because Alt-F almost alway opens the File menu."

Radio button grouping with glade

I am programming a GUI in Haskell using the editor Glade with the gtk2hs bindings. Currently I am failing miserably at grouping the radio buttons. It will not let me select the group name. Can someone help?
Follow these steps:
select the desired radio button
click the ... button near the Group entry
Choose a Radio Button in this project dialog
select the desired row in Objects list
click the radio button at the left side of the row (it will be check)
press OK button
Slight more accurate / up to date, for each radio button in a group, except the one that you want to be initially active,
select the (not to be initially active) radio button,
under "Button Attributes" in the Group: field, enter the ID of the initially active radio button in this group (or click on the edit icon on the right and select it in the popup list by clicking on the radio button left of its name).
Click OK.
Repeat for all initially not active radio buttons that should be linked to the initially active one. Note that later you can change the initially active one by simply making a radiobutton Active by checking the Active Checkbox under "Button Attributes". If it is already marked active, first unmark it.

Option Group frame: can I add text boxes that are part of the frame instead of rad button options?

Ok so this maybe a simple/silly question but I don't know so here goes:
In access let's say I want to have a frame control, so I click the option group button and add it to the desgin surface. However, I am not wanting to use this as a option group with radio button selection, instead I would like to add text boxes instead the frame, so that when I reference the frame, it references every control instead of it, hence the text boxes, cbo boxes, etc.....just as it would if they were radio option selections.
So can you do this?
I want whatever controls I add inside the frame to be easily referenced (i.e. make all controls visible just by using frameExample.visible = true) so that I can build my own tab control groupings.....
can this be done?
What I am trying to accomplish is having a form that includes a collection of controls (input controls - cbo boxes, text boxes, etc), that serve as the Main record information. These are saved to a table via an INSERT statement on button_click because this form is unbound.
Next I have 8 categories that are relative per each main record (and data that goes along with it). Each of these categories could have a sub form area and a button click that bring it's relative form into the sub form area. These sub forms would be unbound as well as I would just save data via SQL statement. So i know I could accomplish this by running the insert statement from the parent form, on the main collection control's data that would create the KeyID number, then run a SQL statement that would turn around and load that KeyID number right back onto the page in a hidden text box.
Then when I click one of the sub forms and load its relative collection of controls, I could then save that data along with KeyID for each of these sub-forms/tables.
I was wondering if instead you could define these controls as a collection so that you could hide and make visible all the ones you need on button clicks and avoid the need for additional forms (subs). I know that if a user enters data into a text box, and then somewhere along the way that box becomes hidden, the data still exists in it and still ends up in the SQL statement....
So I want all these controls to exist on the same form, but I thought what is I could encapsulate them into a frame like an option group, then I could call the frame and all the relative controls would be called up (made visible) as needed.
Sorry for the long explanation but I thought it would help.
I do not think you can do it with an Option Group, but what you are describing is pretty much a subform, yesno?
Some examples of hiding the tab control from an app that went live in March 1998:
Tab driven by transparent command buttons over labels styled to look like colored command buttons:
Same approach, more buttons:
In this case, fake colored command buttons don't drive the tab, but insted show/hide the tab and a subform. In this case, the tab is actually driven by the listbox:
A view of when the tab is hidden and the subform revealed. The listbox drives navigation within the subform, which has a visible tab on it:
So, there's a lot that can be done without showing the tab control.