A finite automaton accept no string - automation

How can a finite automaton over(0,1) doesn't accept any string? I only can think of
Where the final state F is empty set. Is that true please?

The answer is most likely yes. Why "most likely"? Well.
Mathematically, an FSA is a 5-tuple (Sigma, S, s0, delta, F), where
Sigma is the alphabet,
S is the set of states,
s0 is the initial state,
delta is the state-transition function,
F is the set of accepting states.
Since you fixed Sigma, there are only four places where it can go wrong. If you create your FSA by hand, you of course create one
that has no states
that has no initial state
in which not all states are accessible
that has no accepting states
If we assume a well-formed FSA (meaning S is not empty and s0 in S, all states are accessible), which is the case if you create it from e.g. a regular expression with a library like foma, then yes: the only way for the FSA to not accept any string is to have no accepting states.


How to show that if the language L is regular, then L' is regular?

Let L be any regular language and a ∈ Σ. How to show that the language L'={uav | uv ∈ L} is regular too?
Wikipedia says a way to proove it is to lead it back to a regular language but I don't understand how to do that in this case. Hope somebody can help.
There are lots of ways to show this. I think an argument whereby we construct a DFA is particularly easy to visualize.
Imagine a DFA for your language L. Let's call it M. Imagine it sprawled out in diagram form on a table. Now, imagine making a copy of M and spreading it out next to M on the table. Call it M'.
Now - from M, add a new transition from state q of M to the corresponding state q' of M'. The transition is on the symbol a.
Now, consider the aggregate machine whose start state is the start state of M and whose accepting states are the accepting states of M'. This machine starts out accepting strings in L, then accepts an a somewhere in the middle, and then continues accepting strings in L from where it left off. This is the language we were going for and we have defined a perfectly reasonable NFA for it. Since any language accepted by an NFA is regular, our language is regular.

How can I make a string empty again after going through different states in a non deterministic finite automata?

For example I have several states I will name A, B and C.
A allows 1,0 and loops. When it enters state B, is it possible that everything will be empty again before going to C? If yes, how?
In general finite automata is like decision making type.It can tell whether the given string is recognized by the automata or not.The major draw back of finite automata is that it can't recognize the previously given input.so to enhance it we are going for push down automata(pda).In pda we have stack to store the input symbols.There also we can push or pop only one element at a time.If you want to pop all elements when it enters state B then use a loop to pop all elements of the stack until stack becomes empty

Is this language regular?

Is a language that accepts n(n-1)(n-2)/6+n(n-1)/2+1 many numbers of {0,1}^n for every n is a regular language?
I have a question to draw the dfa of those language, but I'm not even sure whether it is a regular one.
This sounds like homework, and I'm guessing the question is: draw a DFA that accepts exactly n(n-1)(n-2)/6+n(n-1)/2+1 words of length n (over the alphabet {0,1}). Lets construct the automaton as an intersection of two DFAs.
The first automaton accepts words of length n. This is very easy - there is a chain of n+1 states. The first state is the initial state, only the last state is accepting, and every state has a transition labeled 0,1 to the next state in the chain. The accepting state has no outgoing transitions.
The second automaton accepts words in which there is one, two, or three 1s. Also, very easy - we need 4 states: q_0, q_1, q_2, q_sink. The state q_0 is the initial state, the states q_0,q_1,q_2 are accepting, and they have a self loop with 0. There are transitions q_0 --1--> q_1 --1--> q_2 --1--> q_sink. Finally, q_sink is rejecting and it has a self loop with 0,1.
In order to construct the intersection of the automata we need the product of the two automata. This is a general construction which also isn't very hard.

Context sensitive language with non deterministic turing machine

how can i show a language is context sensitive with a non deterministic turing machine?
i know that a language that is accepted by a Linear bound automaton (LBA ) is a context -sensitive language. And a LBA is a non-deterministic turing machine.
Any idea how can i relate all these and show that a language is context sensitive?
As templatetypedef's answer has some flaws (which I will point out in a second in a comment), I give a quick answer to your question:
The language is context sensitive if (and only if) you can give a nondeterministic turing machine using linear space that defines L.
Let L = { a^n b^n a^n } for an arbitrary integer n; a^n here means n concatenations of the symbol a. This is a typical context sensitive language. Instead of giving a CSG, you can give a LBA to show that L is context sensitive:
The turing machine M 'guesses' (thanks to nondeterminism) n [in other words you may say 'every branch of the nondeterministic search tree tries out another n], and then checks whether the input matches a^n b^n a^n. You need log n cells to store n, the matching might need (if implemented trivially) another log n cells. As n + 2log n < 2n, this machine needs only linear space, and is therefore an LBA, hence L is context sensitive.
This is not an exact answer, but since the context-sensitive languages are precisely those accepted by a linear-bounded automaton (a TM with O(n) space on its tape), the context-sensitive languages are precisely those in DSPACE(n). Moreover, we know that NTIME(n) = DSPACE(n). This means that if you can find a linear-time NTM that decides membership in some language L, that language must be context-sensitive. However, there still might be a context-sensitive language that does not have a linear-time NTM (I don't know whether there is a definitive answer to this or whether this is an open problem), so this is not an exact characterization.
Hope this helps!

Equivalence between two automata

Which is the best or easiest method for determining equivalence between two automata?
I.e., if given two finite automata A and B, how can I determine whether both recognize the same language?
They are both deterministic or both nondeterministic.
A different, simpler approach is to complement and intersect the automata. An automaton A is equivalent to B iff L(A) is contained in L(B) and vice versa which is iff the intersection between the complement of L(B) and L(A) is empty and vice versa.
Here is the algorithm for checking if L(A) is contained in L(B):
Complementation: First, determinize B using the subset construction. Then, make every accepting state rejecting and every rejecting state accepting. You get an automaton that recognizes the complement of L(B).
Intersection: Construct an automaton that recognizes the language that is the intersection of the complement of L(B) and L(A). I.e., construct an automaton for the intersection of the automaton from step 1 and A. To intersect two automata U and V you construct an automaton with the states U x V. The automaton moves from state (u,v) to (u',v') with letter a iff there are transitions u --a--> u' in U and v --a--> v' in V. The accepting states are states (u,v) where u is accepting in U and v is accepting in V.
After constructing the automaton in step 2, all that is needed is to check emptiness. I.e., is there a word that the automaton accepts. That's the easiest part -- find a path in the automaton from the initial state to an accepting state using the BFS algorithm.
If L(A) is contained in L(B) we need to run the same algorithm to check if L(B) is contained in L(A).
Two nondeterministic finite automota (NFA's) are equivalent if they accept the same language.
To determine whether they accept the same language, we look at the fact that every NFA has a minimal DFA, where no two states are identical. A minimal DFA is also unique. Thus, given two NFA's, if you find that their corresponding minimal DFA's are equivalent, then the two NFA's must also be equivalent.
For an in-depth study on this topic, I highly recommend that you read An Introduction to Formal Language and Automata.
I am just rephrasing answer by #Guy.
To compare languages accepted by both we have to figure out if L(A) is equal to L(B) or not.
Thus, you have to find out if L(A)-L(B) and L(B)-L(A) is null set or not. (Reason1)
To find this out, we construct NFA X from NFA A and NFA B, .
If X is empty set then L(A) = L(B) else L(A) != L(B). (Reason2)
Now, we have to find out an efficient way of proving or disproving X is empty set. When will be X empty as DFA or NFA? Answer: X will be empty when there is no path leading from starting state to any of the final state of X. We can use BFS or DFS for this.
Reason1: If both are null set then L(A) = L(B).
Reason2: We can prove that set of regular languages is closed under intersection and union. Thus we will able to create NFA X efficiently.
and for sets: