Getting colour palette from a photoshop file - photoshop

I have a photoshop file with several layers (all shapes, no bitmaps). Is there any automatic way I could extract the colours from all these shapes into a palette? Any advice would be great!

You can do that from the commandline with ImageMagick if you want to. It is installed on most Linux distros and available for Mac OSX and Windows.
So, if I start with this Photoshop file:
and do this:
convert image.psd -flatten -unique-colors palette.png
I get this (I have enlarged it 5000% so you can see it):
Or, if you want it as text:
convert image.psd -flatten -unique-colors txt:
# ImageMagick pixel enumeration: 5,1,255,srgb
0,0: (0,0,0) #000000 black
1,0: (255,0,0) #FF0000 red
2,0: (0,255,0) #00FF00 lime
3,0: (0,0,255) #0000FF blue
4,0: (255,255,255) #FFFFFF white

Without knowing your source image, I can't say for sure, but as far as I know, the only real palette exists with bitmap images of indexed color.
So you'd change your color mode to "indexed", giving you a 256 color palette ready for export.
Depending on your use case that may already be enough – you can also try to export a file with as few colors as possible (saving a GIF), giving you the opportunity to filter down on the most used colors in your image.


Gimp image color mode

I use Gimp, I have a color pallet which contain 556 colors (embroidery related) , but I don't know how to use all those colors in my working image because the index color mode only support maximum 256 colors... what's the solution I have?
All the places in Gimp where the number of colors is limited seem to have an upper limit of 256 colors: indexed mode, color palettes, Posterize filter...
If you want to limit yourself to the 556 colors of your palette, create an image with 556 squares, each painted with one of your 556 colors and save it somewhere. Then when needed open it in Gimp together with your work image, and use the color picker to sample colors from it.
If you want to shoehorn an existing image into your 556 color palette, then you can use the ImageMagick toolbox for this:
Prepare an image with only your 556 colors (as a PNG file, you have to avoid JPEG because the compression will introduce extra colors). This will be your "color map". There is no need for a special format layout, the only important thing is that it contains only your 556 colors (to check in Gimp: Colors > Info > Colorcube analysis, with IM: identify -verbose ColorMap.png and check the Colors line)
Execute the command
convert Source.png -remap ColorMap.png Reduced.png
Source.png is your original image, with likely thousands of colors. It can be any format (JPG, PNG, TIFF...)
ColorMap.png is the map you prepared above
Reduced.png is the color-reduced image. It has to be in a format where pixel colors are preserved exactly (so, PNG in your case, for simplicity(*))
In recent versions, convert is replaced by magick or magick convert
So for instance, starting with:
And applying this 512-colors colormap
You obtain this:
Note that the color-reduced image can contain much less than the 556 colors (190 colors in the image above, despite the 512 colors colormap) (you won't have bright reds in Mona Lisa).
The whole thing is documented here.
After trying the process a few times, I find that given a good palette it works quite well, so if your 556 colors make up good palette, you could make your workflow a lot simpler, by working in full RGB all the time, and then converting the image to 556 colors.
(*) TIFF and WebP formats also support exact colors/lossless compression, but they still have variants that will do a JPEG-like compression that will change the colors, so they must be used with care.

convert all colors of a pdf file to blue using imagemagick

How can I convert all colors no matter what to blue color using imagemagick? or any other simple and fast solution?
I am out of black ink and want to convert a pdf that is in grayscale to only blue color and then print it.
My printer has limited options.
Not certain of what you mean/expect, but try this:
convert input.pdf +level-colors blue, blueResult.pdf
It should convert all shades of black to their equivalent shades of blue. So, if you start with this:
you will get this as a result:
If your original document is colour, you may need to desaturate first:
convert input.pdf -modulate 100,0 +level-colors blue, blueResult.pdf
convert image.pdf -fill blue -colorize 100 image.pdf
I am not sure this is what you want. The result will be totally blue everywhere. Do you want something else? You say all colors, but does that include white and black and shades of gray?
If you want every color but white to be blue, then
convert image.pdf -fill blue +opaque white image.pdf
However, IM is not a good tool to use to go from vector to vector format. IM will rasterize the vector image and then put a vector shell about it.

I need detect the approximate location of QR code in scanned image (PDF converted to PNG)

I have many scanned document in PDF.
I use ImageMagick with Ghostscript to convert PDF to PNG in big density. I use convert -density 288 2.pdf 2.png. After that I read the pixels with PHP and find where is QR code and decode it. Because image is very big (~ 2500px), it's need very much RAM. I want, before I read pixels with PHP, to crop the image with ImageMagick and leave only that part with the QR code.
Can I detect the approximate location of QR code with ImageMagick, crop and leave only that part ?
Sample PDF
Converted PNG
Further Update
I see your discussion with Kurt about better extraction of the image from the PDF in the first place, and his recommendation was to use pdfimages. I just wanted to add that you won't find that if you do brew search pdfimages, but you actually need to use
brew install poppler
and then you get the pdfimages executable.
Updated Answer
If you change the tile size to 100x100 on the crop command and run this for the second PDF you supplied:
convert -density 288 pdf2.pdf -crop 100x100 tile%04d.png
and then use the same entropy analysis command
convert -format "%[entropy]:%X%Y:%f\n" tile*.png info: | sort -n
The last 4 listed tiles are
Likewise for the other PDF file you supplied, you get
which means these tiles
I would think that should help you pretty much approximately locate the QR code.
Original Answer
This is not all that scientific, but it may help you get started. The key, I think, is the entropy of the various areas of the image. The QR code has a lot of information encoded in a small area so it should have high entropy. So, I use ImageMagick to split the image into square 400x400 tiles like this:
convert image.png -crop 400x400 tile%03d.png
which gives me 54 tiles. Then I calculate the entropy of each of the tiles and sort them by increasing entropy, also outputting their offsets from the top left of the frame, and their name, like this:
convert -format "%[entropy]:%X%Y:%f\n" tile*.png info: | sort -n
and, hey presto, the last one listed (i.e. the one with the highest entropy) tile039.png is this one.
I have drawn a rectangle around its location using this command
convert image.png -stroke red -fill none -strokewidth 3 -draw "rectangle 1200,2400 1600,2800" a.jpg
I concede there may be luck involved, but I only have one image to test my mad theories. You may need to tile twice, the second time with an x-offset and y-offset of half a tile width, so that you don't cut the QR code and split it across 2 tiles. You may need different size tiles for different size barcodes. You may need to consider the last 3-5 tiles located for your next algorithm. But I think it could form the basis of a method.

how to change all colours in a PDF to their respective complimentary colours; how to make a PDF negative

How can all colours in a PDF be changed to their compliments? So, I mean that a document consisting of black text on a white background would be changed to a document consisting of white text on a black background. Any red colours in a document would be changed to turquoise colours and so on. Is there some standard utility that could be used for this purpose or am I likely to have to contrive some awkward ImageMagick image conversions?
EDIT: Here's a very manual way of doing this using ImageMagick:
convert -density 300 -quality 100 "${fileName}" tmp.png
mogrify -flatten *.png
mogrify -negate *.png
convert *.png "${fileName}"_1.pdf
EDIT: I changed the wording for the purposes of clarity.
I can think of at least 3 ways to invert (negate, compliment) colors of a PDF page description -- I mean treating page content as a black box, therefore not counting direct diving into page content and messing around as per Dingo's answer. Unfortunately, ready-made free tools (Ghostscript, mainly) provide incomplete solution and require manual intervention.
Note, that all specific terms used below require at least some knowledge of basics of PDF and Postscript Language References and are presented here somewhat as a simplification, please refer to manuals or google for thorough description.
The most obvious method is to use inverting Transfer function. Transfer
function (TF) expects an argument in the range 0..1 which is (additive) color
component, and returns color value, too. Negating TF is, of course, {1 sub neg} and is easy to inject:
gs -q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -o out.pdf -c '{1 sub neg} settransfer' -f in.pdf
That's great, and Adobe Reader displays our out.pdf as (see below) negated. But here 'greatness' ends. All other viewers ignore TF, (probably) considering it to be device-dependent and actually present in PDF as a compensation for output device pecularities (non-linear printer response etc.) and therefore something to be ignored when displaying PDF on-screen. Further, depending in Reader's version, negation of black-on-white text leads to either white-on-black or yellowish-on-black text. And that's not great.
Therefore, we need not only TF injection, but the way to properly apply TF to
PDF content before viewing. And, regardless of ps2pdf Ghostscript's manual saying:
Currently, the transfer function is always applied
(of three options: Apply, Preserve, Remove)
using current 9.10 version, I couldn't make Ghostscript to actually apply TF (i.e. modify page description operators) when outputting to high-level (pdfwrite, as opposing to image output) devices. Maybe I'm missing something here.
But, Adobe Distiller, with proper options set, does apply TF to input postscript file.
Somewhat related to TF is the use of inverting Device-Link color profiles,
which are simple identity DL profiles with inverting (input or output) curves.
That's an interesting use of interesting technology, but, again, Ghostscript currently doesn't support proper Color Management (and DL profiles) in PDF-2-PDF workflows. Moreover, Adobe Acrobat doesn't know what to do with DL profiles, their use within Acrobat requires expensive third-party plugins.
If PDF viewer (renderer) claims to support 1.4 and transparency (they all do, nowadays), that's another way to go. PDF Reference says, that if current Blending Mode is Difference and we paint with white, it effectively means inverting backdrop. So, we explicitly paint background with white (if there's no background then there's nothing to invert), then put our current content (treating it as black box), then set Blending Mode to Difference and paint on top with white. Is that clear? Again, I had no success setting Blending Mode using Ghostscript, with:
[ /BM /Difference /SetTransparency pdfmark
It works OK with Distiller but is ignored by Ghostscript. Maybe (again) I'm missing something.
OK, to round up (the answer's getting somewhat long), here's Perl solution for 3d method using proper API (programming site, isn't it. Any programming language and appropriate API will do):
use strict;
use warnings;
use PDF::API2;
use PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Utils;
my $pdf = PDF::API2->open('adobe_supplement_iso32000.pdf');
for my $n (1..$pdf->pages()) {
my $p = $pdf->openpage($n);
$p->{Group} = PDFDict();
$p->{Group}->{CS} = PDFName('DeviceRGB');
$p->{Group}->{S} = PDFName('Transparency');
my $gfx = $p->gfx(1); # prepend
$gfx = $p->gfx(); # append
Here I take one of Adobe documents and invert it.
What's important: page should have transparency blending space set to RGB explicitly, because Adobe Reader defaults to CMYK, and inverting colors in CMYK you probably don't want. Pure CMYK black 0-0-0-100 inverts to 100-100-100-0, that's (nearly) black, too. RGB black gives something like 70-60-50-70 CMYK that inverts to brown 30-40-50-30, and you don't want that. That's why I add Group entry to pages dictionaries.
Your question seems to be very similar to this:
Change background color of pdf
but you also want to change the colour of the text.
so you can follow the workflow I suggested some time ago for the same task:
vector pdf background (meaning not raster image) in pdf files can be
easily changed in a couple of steps (see also my stackoverflow answer that
now I'll extend and improve
Change background color of pdf
open your pdf file with an editor able to show the internal pdf structure,
and verify if you can see code snippets like
0.000 0.000 0.000 rg (it means *black*)
1.000 1.000 1.000 rg (it means *white*)
and so on...
(code snippet can change, for instance, in pdf produced by openoffice
internal pdf exporting feature, the same code snippepts are in this forms:
0 0 0 rg (it means *black*)
1 1 1 rg (it means *white*)
and so on...
if you are able to see these code snippets, then you can start to change
values, otherwise, you need to decompress text streams
you can perform this task with
pdftk file.pdf output uncompressed.pdf uncompress
and recompress after finished changes
pdftk uncompressed.pdf output recompressed.pdf compress
now, if you see these code snippets, you can change values
STEP 1 (for pdf editing) -
the first thing you need is to find the right equivalence between RGB
color values of text and background and the internal pdf represerntation
of same colors
Since it seems you are a windowsian inhabitant from the third planet in
the Microsoft constellation, you can use a free color picker like this
to identify the rgb values of text and background colors
once you have these values, you need to convert into special internal pdf
to do this take i mind this proportion:
1:255=x:color you selected
for instance: let say you have this RGB triplet for background:
to know correspondent values in pdf in order to insert in code snippet to
change pdf background color, you do: (you can use http:// to compute with precision)
1:255=x:30 = 30/255 = 0.117 (approximated to first three decimals)
1:255=x:144 = 144/255 = 0.564 (approximated to first three decimals)
1:255=x:255 = 255/255 = 1
so, the whole triplet in pdf, corresponding to RGB 30,144,255, will be:
0.117 0.564 1.000
STEP 2 (for pdf editing)
we look for 0.117 0.564 1.000 in pdf file with notepad++ (wrap around
and match one word only need to be checked) and we found the internal
pdf representation of background and we can change from azure to, let say,
1.000 1.000 1.000
1 1 1
but, since you wrote about black background, to be more precise, I
created a sample pdf with white background and black text
since we know that 0.000 0.000 0.000 rg means black, we look for this
and we can change from 0.000 0.000 0.000 rg, to 1.000 1.000 1.000 rg
(white) BUT...
at same time, if, your text is black, nd you want change its color to white, you need also to change first the text from black to other color, otherwise it will be invisible, white on white
so, we cannot simply change directly white background to black, at once,
since doing this, we have not a difference between color text and
background values
and then we act as follows:
we change white background from 1.000 1.000 1.000 into something like
0.5 0.5 0.5 (light grey) (resulting pdf - intermediate step)
then looking for
0.000 0.000 0.000 (black text) and change to **white**
1.000 1.000 1.000
resulting intermediate pdf file:
finally, we change again the color of background from
0.5 0.5 0.5 (light grey)
to black
0.000 0.000 0.000
and we have now a vector pdf with white text and black background
please, remember to
1 - compress again this pdf you mmodified if you uncompressed with pdftk
2 - repair
pdftk file.pdf output fixed.pdf
there is another way, starting from postscript, to perform the same task,
but being you a windowsian, I guess the postscript way is the harder way
for you, but if someone (a linuxian from Torvald constellation) is
interested I can explain how do the same thing in postscript
not in this post to avoid to be too verbose
give a feedback, please, and feel free to ask more

Automatically export JPGs for each level from a multilevel Gimp image

What i say in the title is what i'm doing manually right now for 30 levels!
I'm building different color tshirt previews, every level represents a color and there's a level on top with the draw to be printed.
If I can do it automatically I'll have lot of time saved!
Anybody can help?
Use convert from the ImageMagick tools:
convert multilayer.xcf output.png
The result will be a separate PNG for each layer:
And: don't use JPG if you continue to print it on T-Shirts… JPG is lossy and doesn't support alpha-channels, which is important for most T-Shirt prints.