Remove padding of NSWindow - objective-c

I want to remove the space of a window in cocoa. I want it like the left one, but I can't find out how to do this.

If you're talking about the padding on the left and the right, you should specify Full Size Content View


Transform scale relative resizing

Is it possible to let the elements (next to the main element) adjust to the position it's scaling to?
My explanation may be terrible, but here is an image explanation.
So whenever i'm hovering on the main (middle) element. The padding on the left & right side will scale with it. See it as having an "relative" pop up of the image.
Keep track of the original left and right borders, say leftOrig and rightOrig. When you scale up, determine your new borders, leftNew and rightNew. Now all you have to do is shift the left element to the left by abs(leftNew-leftOrig), and do similar thing for the right.

WatchKit Interface : Is it possible to add multiple labels in a tableView group without any of the labels being pushed to the right?

This is somewhat hard to explain, but basically I have one label in a tableView group that needs to take up the width of the group and placed at the top. I want to add a second label at the bottom of the group and take up the width of the group as well. However, I cannot do this. When I add my second label it gets pushed to the right automatically. Seems, the second label can't be on the same horizontal plane as the first label. Is there a way to resolve this. I can place my second label at the bottom, but it just gets pushed off to the right and off screen.
Add both labels to the group and then, set in that group vertical Layout (Attached screenshot). Also both labels should have width: relative to container
If you look at the group's settings in Interface Builder, you'll see an option to change the layout type to Vertical, rather than the default Horizontal. That should help you achieve the layout you're looking for, if I understand correctly.

Left UIBarButton Item has extra padding to its right

I have a custom UIBarButtonItem that uses an image. There seems to be a lot of extra padding around the button (10 px + I believe). I've seen solutions of how to remove the padding to the left, but my issue is that there is padding to the right.
My buttons image is only 44x44 but I believe the tappable space in iOS7 is more like 44-50 x ~80.
How can remove this space? I can't set a negative space (e.g - 10) to the right of my image because I believe that will be added after my buttons padding.

How to make UISearch to show up on the left like usual in IOS 7>?

In IOS 7, UISearchBar is centered. What about if I want it to the left like in IOS 6? I think I saw one of my UISearchBar to be left aligned. However, I do not know how to achieve that
So I want the UISearchBar on the second picture to be just like the UISearchBar in the first picture.
I can't see alignment option in UISearchBar at all and have forgotten how I got the top picture to be left aligned. The top picture shows that left aligned UISearchBar is possible.
In the first screenshot, it seems like you have given text instead of placeholder. That is why it is left aligned. Please notice that there is a clear text button appeared in that screenshot. Secondly, once the user starts typing, the text will be left aligned, so it won't be much of a trouble.

what is the difference between padding and margin?

what is the difference between padding and margin?
both do the same thing.
This image is the better explanation
Padding is internal padding for items inside elements.
Margin is the external padding for the positioning of said element.
[edit] link for goodness:
Padding defines the space between the border and the content.
Margin defines the space between other outside elements and the broder.
Of course if you don't specify a border, it looks the same.
Margin is distance outside the container's border. Padding is the distance inside of it.
Check out the box model for CSS:
Not quite.
Padding adds space between the margins of the control and the inner content.
Margins adds space between the margisn of the control and the outer container.