bx slider gotoslide from other page link - slider

I try to jump directly to a slide of my bx slider through a link from another page. For example - on page1.html there is a link to slide 7 of the slider on page2.html. How can I control the gotoslide function from an external page?

for all those who were searching for the same thing. My solution for now:
in the page where the slider is situated:
var startingSlide=document.URL.substring(document.URL.lastIndexOf('?')+1)-1;
and make
startSlide: startingSlide instead of a slide number.
The link from the other page to a specific slide is like this:
specific slide if you want to got to slide 5.
Don't know if that's the best way, but it works.


How do I know which page I am on(react-native-swiper)?

I am developing a small app with React Native and I am using "react-native-swiper" in my app.
In this package "react-native-swiper", how do I know which page I am on now?
Can I get some value indicates which slide I am on such as slide index?
Now in the screen, there are 2 slides and every slides have same image which position is eccentric outside the slide. And I overlapped 2 images.
The problem is that:
In android, while I push from slide 1 to slide 2, then pink image disappear, but not iOS.
So I want to control it's opacity according to the slide index.
How to get the slide index in "react-native-swiper"?
you can use onIndexChanged prop function Called with the new index when the user swiped
This will give you the index of the current slide.

How to Make a custom slider using slick slider with thumbnail slider?

I am working on one project which has a slick slider. I want to make a custom slick slider same as https://www.masterclass.com Where once you click on thumbs it will redirect you to somewhere and it will change main slider images while you click on arrows it will change the sliders.
I have gone through this website http://kenwheeler.github.io/slick/ but it is not what i am looking for. Thanks
If you go to http://kenwheeler.github.io/slick/ and do a find for slider syncing, it will show a demo that functions very similar to what you are describing.
To have the slide redirect on click, in the HTML, make the slide(s) content links with the href pointing to wherever you want to go.
Unless I'm missing your intent, this is almost exactly the slider behavior shown on https://www.masterclass.com.
Let me know if this helps! Good Luck!

Click a link to another slide in powerpoint without going full screen

I'm creating a powerpoint which has a contents page, I would like that contents page to have clickable links to other slides in the presentation. The problem is currently those links only work when I go full screen, is there a way which I can click the link without going full screen?
As Steve says Links only work in show mode. To get them to work in edit the only way is to RIGHT CLICK on them and choose Open Hyperlink from the menu.
Links only work in Slide Show view.
If you go to Slide Show | Set Up Slide Show, you can choose "Browsed by an individual (window)"
Then the slide show window will be moveable/resizable and won't necessarily fill the screen.
If the problem is that your presenter(s) aren't putting the deck into slide show mode before they start presenting (meaning your links don't work in normal/edit mode), you could try one of these solutions:
Add a solid filled rectangle that fully covers your first slide and set any Entrance animation on it with the Trigger / On Click of set to this shape. Then write the text in the shape "Please press F5 to start this presentation". The shape will never be seen in slide show mode but is a polite reminder for your presenters when they open the .pptx file.
Save the deck in the .ppsx file format, forcing it to automatically start in slide show mode.

Edge Animate CC dynamic / animated slider

I want to make a dynamic animated slider with symbols that contain clickable actions vs a slider image only approach. I would like to use a "next" button and a "back" button that will scroll multiple background images that contain clickable links. I can produce a basic image slider with the back and next buttons, but this approach is limited. Any help on how I can do this in Edge Animate CC will be very appreciated.
I was looking for a very simple slideshow a while ago. Came up with this here:
If you want your Slides to contain any clickable items you will be able to simply add them to the sides div. Just set the picture as a background image in CSS and you are free to develop any clickable items infront.
Here is another tutorial that worked fine for me: http://line25.com/tutorials/build-a-simple-image-slideshow-with-jquery-cycle
To me this is easy to understand and if you are used to jQuery at least a little bit this here will work out fine for you.

Sencha setActiveItem carousel - slide only goes to the left

So Im setting some buttons to slide a carousel.
preezer.setActiveItem(this.text, "slide");
Its working just fine EXCEPT that I would sure love it if it would slide the way that the card should go... in other words, if a user clicks the 3rd button it slides left to the 3rd card but if then the user clicks the first button, I would rather it slide right back to card #1.
Anyone know how to do?
You can put some conditional logic and define the slide directions
if(preezer.getActiveItem()..) {