Has SQL changed very much from 2011 - sql

I am considering purchasing a SQL book, All-in-One For Dummies, that was written in 2011.
How much has SQL changed since 2011, and are the changes significant enough that it would be pointless to buy this because it is so outdated?

The table of contents divides SQL All-in-One For Dummies into 8 "Books." As a beginner user of MySQL, you will probably only need to focus on Books 1 through 3, and possibly Book 5. The good news is that most of the content in these particular Books is material which likely will not have changed much since the book was published in 2011. So this book should be fine for your particular case.
By the way, you can get the same information for free from the internet. Here are two great online tutorials for using SQL:
http://www.tutorialspoint.com/mysql/ - Specific to MySQL
http://www.w3schools.com/sql/ - General SQL tutorial and reference

If you are learning SQL for querying purposes, here are three things you can look for:
Avoiding the use of commas in the from clause. You can glance through the book and see if it generally uses the join keyword or comma.
The use of common table table expressions. These start with with at the beginning of the query.
The use of window/analytic/tanking functions. These have the over (partition by . . .) syntax. Look in the index to see if row_number() is included -- it would be the most common such function.
All three of these have been part of SQL for over a decade, so they should be in a book written in 2011. That is no guarantee that the book was any good then.


Learning ExecuteSQL in FMP12, a few questions

I have joined a new job where I am required to use FileMaker (and gradually transition systems to other databases). I have been a DB Admin of a MS SQL Server database for ~2 years, and I am very well versed in PL/SQL and T-SQL. I am trying to pan my SQL knowledge to FMP using the ExecuteSQL functionaloty, and I'm kinda running into a lot of small pains :)
I have 2 tables: Movies and Genres. The relevant columns are:
Movies(MovieId, MovieName, GenreId, Rating)
Genres(GenreId, GenreName)
I'm trying to find the movie with the highest rating in each genre. The SQL query for this would be:
SELECT M.MovieName
FROM Movies M INNER JOIN Genres G ON M.GenreId=G.GenreId
WHERE M.Rating=
SELECT MAX(Rating) FROM Movies WHERE GenreId = M.GenreId
I translated this as best as I could to an ExecuteSQL query:
ExecuteSQL ("
SELECT M::MovieName FROM Movies M INNER JOIN Genres G ON M::GenreId=G::GenreId
WHERE M::Rating =
(SELECT MAX(M2::Rating) FROM Movies M2 WHERE M2::GenreId = M::GenreId)
"; "" ; "")
I set the field type to Text and also ensured values are not stored. But all I see are '?' marks.
What am I doing incorrectly here? I'm sorry if it's something really stupid, but I'm new to FMP and any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thank you!
UPDATE: Solution and the thought process it took to get there:
Thanks to everyone that helped me solve the problem. You guys made me realize that traditional SQL thought process does not exactly pan to FMP, and when I probed around, what I realized is that to best use SQL knowledge in FMP, I should be considering each column independently and not think of the entire result set when I write a query. This would mean that for my current functionality, the JOIN is no longer necessary. The JOIN was to bring in the GenreName, which is a different column that FMP automatically maps. I just needed to remove the JOIN, and it works perfectly.
TL;DR: The thought process context should be the current column, not the entire expected result set.
Once again, thank you #MissJack, #Chuck (how did you even get that username?), #pft221 and #michael.hor257k
I've found that FileMaker is very particular in its formatting of queries using the ExecuteSQL function. In many cases, standard SQL syntax will work fine, but in some cases you have to make some slight (but important) tweaks.
I can see two things here that might be causing the problem...
ExecuteSQL ("
SELECT M::MovieName FROM Movies M INNER JOIN Genres G ON
WHERE M::Rating =
(SELECT MAX(M2::Rating) FROM Movies M2 WHERE M2::GenreId = M::GenreId)
"; "" ; "")
You can't use the standard FMP table::field format inside the query.
Within the quotes inside the ExecuteSQL function, you should follow the SQL format of table.column. So M::MovieName should be M.MovieName.
I don't see an AS anywhere in your code.
In order to create an alias, you must state it explicitly. For example, in your FROM, it should be Movies AS M.
I think if you fix those two things, it should probably work. However, I've had some trouble with JOINs myself, as my primary experience is with FMP, and I'm only just now becoming more familiar with SQL syntax.
Because it's incredibly hard to debug SQL in FMP, the best advice I can give you here is to start small. Begin with a very basic query, and once you're sure that's working, gradually add more complicated elements one at a time until you encounter the dreaded ?.
There's a number of great posts on FileMaker Hacks all about ExecuteSQL:
Since you're already familiar with SQL, I'd start with this one: The Missing FM 12 ExecuteSQL Reference. There's a link to a PDF of the entire article if you scroll down to the bottom of the post.
I was going to recommend a few more specific articles (like the series on Robust Coding, or Dynamic Parameters), but since I'm new here and I can't include more than 2 links, just go to FileMaker Hacks and search for "ExecuteSQL". You'll find a number of useful posts.
NB If you're using FMP Advanced, the Data Viewer is a great tool for testing SQL. But beware: complex queries on large databases can sometimes send it into fits and freeze the program.
The first thing to keep in mind when working with FileMaker and ExecuteSQL() is the difference between tables and table occurrences. This is a concept that's somewhat unique to FileMaker. Succinctly, tables store the data, but table occurrences define the context of that data. Table occurrences are what you're seeing in FileMaker's relationship graph, and the ExecuteSQL() function needs to reference the table occurrences in its query.
I agree with MissJack regarding the need to start small in building the SQL statement and use the Data Viewer in FileMaker Pro Advanced, but there's one more recommendation I can offer, which is to use SeedCode's SQL Explorer. It does require the adding of table occurrences and fields to duplicate the naming in your existing solution, but this is pretty easy to do and the file they offer includes a wizard for building the SQL query.

IBM Informix SQL Syntax assistance

Wondering if anyone may be able to help me with some SQL here. I'm tasked with retrieving some data from a legacy DB system - It's an IBM Informix DB running v7.23C1. It may well be that what I'm trying to do here is pretty simple, but for the life of me I can't figure it out.
I'm used to MS SQL Server, rather than any other DB system and this one seems quite old: http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/epubs/pdf/3731.pdf (?)
Basically, I just want to run a query that includes nesting, but I can't seem to figure out how to do this. So for example, I have a query that looks like this:
SELECT cmprod.cmp_product,
(stock.stk_stkqty - stock.stk_allstk) stk_bal,
'Current Sales Period',
'Current Period -1',
'Current Period -2',
FROM informix.stock stock,
informix.cmprod cmprod
WHERE stock.stk_product = cmprod.cmp_product
AND (cmp_category = 'VOLV'
OR cmp_category = 'VOLD'
OR cmp_category = 'VOLA')
AND stk_loc = 'ENG';
Now, basically where I have values like 'Current Period -1' I want to include a nested field which will run a query to get the sales within a given date range. I'm sure I can put those together separately, but can't seem to get the compiler to be happy with my code when executed altogether.
Probably something like (NB, this specific query is for another column, but you get the idea):
SELECT s.stmov_product, s.stmov_trandate, s.stmov_qty
FROM informix.stmove s
WHERE s.stmov_product = '1066823'
AND s.stmov_qty > 0
AND s.stmov_trandate IN (
SELECT MAX(r.stmov_trandate)
FROM informix.stmove r
WHERE r.stmov_product = '1066823'
AND r.stmov_qty > 0)
What makes things a little worse is I don't have access to the server that this DB is running on. At the moment I have a custom C# app that connects via an ODBC driver and executes the raw SQL, parsing the results back into a .CSV.
Any and all help appreciated!
Under all circumstances, Informix 7.23 is so geriatric that it is unkind to be still running it. It is not clear whether this is an OnLine (Informix Dynamic Server, IDS) or SE (Standard Engine) database. However, 7.23 was the version prior to the Y2K-certified 7.24 releases, so it is 15 years old or thereabouts, maybe a little older.
The syntaxes supported by Informix servers back in the days of 7.23 were less comprehensive than they are in current versions. Consequently, you'll need to be careful. You should have the manuals for the server — someone, somewhere in your company should. If not, you'll need to try finding it in the graveyard manuals section of the IBM Informix web pages (start at http://www.informix.com/ for simplicity of URL; however, archaic manuals take some finding, but you should be able to get there from http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/ifxhelp/v0/index.jsp choosing 'Servers' in the LHS).
If you are trying to write:
(SELECT ... ) AS 'Current - 1',
(SELECT ... ) AS 'Current - 2',
FROM ...
then you need to study the server SQL Syntax for 7.23 to know whether it is allowed. AFAICR, OnLine (Informix Dynamic Server) would allow it and SE probably would not, but that is far from definitive. I simply don't remember what the limitations were in that ancient a version.
Judging from the 7.2 Informix Guide to SQL: Syntax manual (dated April 1996 — 17 years old), you cannot put a (SELECT ...) in the select-list in this version of Informix.
You may have to create a temporary table holding the results you want (along with appropriate key information), and then select from the temporary table in the main query.
This sort of thing is one of the problems with not updating your server for so long.
Sorry to be blunt, but can you at least have mercy on us by shortening the syntax?.. table.columns can be presented AS aliases. Meanwhile, if you cant upgrade to a newer version of Informix, you will have to rely on one or more SELECT INTO temp table queries in order to achieve your objective, which BTW, would make your coding more portable across different versions. You also have to evaluate whether using TEMP tables implies unacceptable processing times.

Does the 'S' in SQL stand for "standard" or "structured"?

I'm thinking "structured", but my dad claims that when he taught a class that involved SQL (decades ago), they used "standard". I was wondering if this changed over time, or is he mistaken? I googled it with "standard" and did see some pages that said that's what it stands for. Any old timers willing to give a history lesson?
Wikipedia says first:
SQL often referred to as Structured Query Language.
And then further down:
SQL was developed at IBM by Donald D. Chamberlin and Raymond F. Boyce in the early 1970s. This version, initially called SEQUEL (Structured English Query Language).
There's no mention of "standard query language" on the whole page.
The other test of course is to search Google for "structured query language" vs "standard query language". For which I currently get 913,000 results compared to 124,000. So clearly "structured" wins, however interestingly there was apparently a divided preference at one time. This site says:
In the early days of the system there was divided preference between Standard Query Language and Structured Query Language but it did not make a whole lot of difference since most people most of the time called it by the acronym SQL. Now the overwhelming but not complete preference is for Structured Query Language.
It stands for Structured.
The precursor was called SEQUEL, standing for Structured English QUEry Language.
From wikipedia:
The acronym SEQUEL was later changed to SQL because "SEQUEL" was a trademark
In the beginning of Oracle Databases, for instance, it was called 'Standard Query Language'. Yes, it is a structured language...but it is known to us old schoolers has Standard Query Language (SQL).
Now if you want to call it Structure that is entirely up to you. Maybe we should use sSQL or lower case sql has the acronym instead of SQL in upper caps. Either way its entirely up to you. There is always someone trying to put a different twist on things. Whatever acronym you use get the sequel script right.
The original wasn't even SQL acronym, it was SEQUEL: (from wiki)
SQL was developed at IBM by Donald D. Chamberlin and Raymond F. Boyce in the early 1970s. This version, initially called SEQUEL (Structured English Query Language), was designed to manipulate and retrieve data stored in IBM's original quasi-relational database management system, System R, which a group at IBM San Jose Research Laboratory had developed during the 1970s.[8] The acronym SEQUEL was later changed to SQL because "SEQUEL" was a trademark of the UK-based Hawker Siddeley aircraft company
It's certainly "structured" e.g. although logically the SELECT clause is evaluted after the FROM clause you cannot write a SQL statement that way because you would be violating its "structure".
It is Structured Query Language but what i think is one of the reason why they thought it was "Standard Query language" is because SQL is ANSI and ISO which also at the i first place i also thought it was Standard Query Language which gets me wrong in exam.

Good SQL search tool?

FreeTextTable is really great for searching, as it actually returns a relevancy score for each item it finds.
The problem is, it doesn't support the logical operator AND, so if I have 10 items with the word 'ice' in it, but not 'cream', and vice versa, then 20 results will be returned, when in this scenario 0 should've been returned.
Are there any alternative tools to search a SQL Server database? Or should I just write my own code to provide 'AND' functionality (I.E. doing two seperate searches in the scenario 'Ice'Cream' (splitting each search by spaces))
You can try SQL Search from RedGate.
It is a free tool (though not open source) - I have used it before and it is very powerful.
There is also a free SQL Search tool from ApexSQL you can try. It integrates into SSMS and can also show relationship diagrams and help with safely removing/renaming objects in your database. They do require you to leave email but the product itself is completely free. ApexSQL Search
Since you have full text search enabled to use FREETEXTTABLE perhaps you could make use of CONTAINS instead? (I have to be honest, I've not used full text search myself).
It would appear you can query like this:
SELECT Name, Price FROM Product
AND CONTAINS(Name, 'cream')

Beginner SQL section: avoiding repeated expression

I'm entirely new at SQL, but let's say that on the StackExchange Data Explorer, I just want to list the top 15 users by reputation, and I wrote something like this:
DisplayName, Id, Reputation, Reputation/1000 As RepInK
RepInK > 10
ORDER BY Reputation DESC
Currently this gives an Error: Invalid column name 'RepInK', which makes sense, I think, because RepInK is not a column in Users. I can easily fix this by saying WHERE Reputation/1000 > 10, essentially repeating the formula.
So the questions are:
Can I actually use the RepInK "column" in the WHERE clause?
Do I perhaps need to create a virtual table/view with this column, and then do a SELECT/WHERE query on it?
Can I name an expression, e.g. Reputation/1000, so I only have to repeat the names in a few places instead of the formula?
What do you call this? A substitution macro? A function? A stored procedure?
Is there an SQL quicksheet, glossary of terms, language specification, anything I can use to quickly pick up the syntax and semantics of the language?
I understand that there are different "flavors"?
Can I actually use the RepInK "column" in the WHERE clause?
No, but you can rest assured that your database will evaluate (Reputation / 1000) once, even if you use it both in the SELECT fields and within the WHERE clause.
Do I perhaps need to create a virtual table/view with this column, and then do a SELECT/WHERE query on it?
Yes, a view is one option to simplify complex queries.
Can I name an expression, e.g. Reputation/1000, so I only have to repeat the names in a few places instead of the formula?
You could create a user defined function which you can call something like convertToK, which would receive the rep value as an argument and returns that argument divided by 1000. However it is often not practical for a trivial case like the one in your example.
Is there an SQL quicksheet, glossary of terms, language specification, anything I can use to quickly pick up the syntax and semantics of the language?
I suggest practice. You may want to start following the mysql tag on Stack Overflow, where many beginner questions are asked every day. Download MySQL, and when you think there's a question within your reach, try to go for the solution. I think this will help you pick up speed, as well as awareness of the languages features. There's no need to post the answer at first, because there are some pretty fast guns on the topic over here, but with some practice I'm sure you'll be able to bring home some points :)
I understand that there are different "flavors"?
The flavors are actually extensions to ANSI SQL. Database vendors usually augment the SQL language with extensions such as Transact-SQL and PL/SQL.
You could simply re-write the WHERE clause
where reputation > 10000
This won't always be convenient. As an alternativly, you can use an inline view:
a.DisplayName, a.Id, a.Reputation, a.RepInK
DisplayName, Id, Reputation, Reputation/1000 As RepInK
ORDER BY Reputation DESC
) a
a.RepInK > 10
Regarding something like named expressions, while there are several possible alternatives, the query optimizer is going to do best just writing out the formula Reputation / 1000 long-hand. If you really need to run a whole group of queries using the same evaluated value, your best bet is to create view with the field defined, but you wouldn't want to do that for a one-off query.
As an alternative, (and in cases where performance is not much of an issue), you could try something like:
DisplayName, Id, Reputation, RepInk
SELECT DisplayName, Id, Reputation, Reputation / 1000 as RepInk
FROM Users
) AS table
WHERE table.RepInk > 10
ORDER BY Reputation DESC
though I don't believe that's supported by all SQL dialects and, again, the optimizer is likely to do a much worse job which this kind of thing (since it will run the SELECT against the full Users table and then filter that result). Still, for some situations this sort of query is appropriate (there's a name for this... I'm drawing a blank at the moment).
Personally, when I started out with SQL, I found the W3 schools reference to be my constant stopping-off point. It fits my style for being something I can glance at to find a quick answer and move on. Eventually, however, to really take advantage of the database it is necessary to delve into the vendors documentation.
Although SQL is "standarized", unfortunately (though, to some extent, fortunately), each database vendor implements their own version with their own extensions, which can lead to quite different syntax being the most appropriate (for a discussion of the incompatibilities of various databases on one issue see the SQLite documentation on NULL handling. In particular, standard functions, e.g., for handling DATEs and TIMEs tend to differ per vendor, and there are other, more drastic differences (particularly in not support subselects or properly handling JOINs). If you care for some of the details, this document provides both the standard forms and deviations for several major databases.
You CAN refer to RepInK in the Order By clause, but in the Where clause you must repeat the expression. But, as others have said, it will only be executed once.
There are good answers for the technical problem already, so I'll only address some of the rest of your questions.
If you're just working with the DataExplorer, you'll want to familiarize yourself with SQL Server syntax since that's what it's running. The best place to find that, of course, is MSDN's reference.
Yes, there are different variations in SQL syntax. For example, the TOP clause in the query you gave is SQL Server specific; in MySQL you'd use the LIMIT clause instead (and these keywords don't necessarily appear in the same spot in the query!).