SDL Window shows final frame from the last time the program was run in the background of a new window when I start up a new instance - sdl-image

I'm making a simple game and just messing around with SDL. I have two images currently, and I am practicing making them the background. I make one the background by calling RenderCopy, the DestroyTexture to clear it from memory, and then I present it. I changed the file path from one image to the other to change the background. I ran the program, and now the new image is layered on top of the other. I can fix this problem if I manually do a clean of my computer's memory, and it renders properly. For some reason, SDL is not clearing the image called previously. There is no mention of the old image anywhere else in the code, and all the Destroy functions are called. What is going on?
Edit: I did a little bit of snooping and its not that it even loads the old image; whatever the final render displayed on any program running SDL was before it was run, it will be the background. It is literally like a TV burning an image into the screen; its always there.

The problem was fixed by simply clearing the frame between frames. Didn't have any performance impact.


Unreal Engine 5.1 Retargeted Animation From Manny to Mixamo Model Causes Single Animation Sequence To Rotate 90*

I apologize if this has been asked before. I tried searching for this first and nothing is coming up. I'm pretty new to Unreal Engine 5.1 so this might be something I'm doing as well.
I've been exploring animation retargeting in unreal and have tried following the steps we learned in class using one of the models from Everything appears to work fine at the start and I can get the actual IK and IKR objects working just fine. However when I try to export the animations either from the IKR object or by right clicking the ABP object for the source mesh one and only one of the animation sequences rotates 90*. It is always the same animation (the Land animation sequence) and I'm not sure how to go about fixing it.
Also tried looking on google and turned up nothing.
I'm hoping this is some stupid newb mistake that is easy to fix or maybe there's something I'm overlooking. Any help is greatly appreciated and I will continue trying to fix the problem myself as well and will post if I fix it
Tried retargeting using the following steps
Create an IK_Object for the model you wish to project your animations on with chains for each. Mine looked like the following
Repeat step 1 for the model you wish to source animations from. Mine looked like the following
Create an IKR_Object Linking the two together, here's what mine looked like
Find the ABP for your source model, right click, and select "Retarget Animation Assets->Duplicate and Retarget Animation Assets". Here's what I'm selecting for that
Retarget Dialog
When I do the following most of the animation sequences for "Manny" export just fine. However the "Land" animation flips for some reason (see image below)
Exported Animation Images
Even stranger, when I preview the MM_Land animation in my IKR object it looks fine i.e. not rotated. However, if I try to export the animation from the IKR object the same thing happens i.e. it rotates 90*. I would expect this to be a case of WYSIWYG where if it's working in the preview it would export correctly. However that apparently is not the case
Also I tried modifying the animation sequence manually but it won't let me. If I try to rotate the model in the animation sequence and save it, once I close the sequence it's re-rotated and the changes do not persist.
I can export the sequence as a new sequence, modify it, and save it, and then rename it as my exported "Land" animation to hard force it and it at least looks normal. However when I actually play the game and jump, when the land animation it still flips sideways and in addition causes the character to scale and warp for a second which makes me think there's something going on here that I don't know enough to fix. Really hoping someone with more experience in Unreal Engine can help.
EDIT: Fixed Image Descriptions
I can confirm that this is an issue - I'm seeing the same behaviour. I haven't managed to fix it yet, but my suspicion is that it's due to scaling - in my instance, I have had to scale up my custom character by around 2.5 times to replicate the scale of the default mannequin. Did you scale your custom character at all?

In Vulkan, using FIFO, happens when you don't have an image ready to present when the vertical blank arrives?

I'm new to graphics, and I've been looking at Vulkan presentation modes. I was wondering: in a situation where we've only got 2 images in our swapchain (one that the screen's currently reading from and one that's free), what happens if we don't manage to finish drawing to the currently free image before the next vertical blank? Do we do the presentation and get weird tearing, or do skip the presentation and draw the same image again (I guess giving a "stuttering" effect)? Do we need to define what happens, or is it automatic?
As a side note, is this why people use longer swap chains? i.e. so that if you managed to draw out 2 images to your swap chain while the screen was displaying the last image but now you're running late, at least you can present the newer of the 2 images from before?
I'm not sure how much of this is specific to FIFO or mailbox mode: I guess with mailbox you'll already have used the newest image you've got, so you're stuck again?
[2-image swapchain][1]
Tearing never happens in regular FIFO (or mailbox) mode. When you present an image, this image will be used for all subsequent vblanks until a new image is presented. And since FIFO disallows tearing, in your case, the image will be fully displayed twice.
If you are using a 2-deep swapchain with FIFO, you have to produce each image on time in order to avoid stuttering. With longer swapchains and FIFO, you have more leeway to avoid visible stuttering. With longer swapchains and mailbox, you can get a similar effect, but there will be less visible latency when your application is running on-time.

Why do I get a delay when executing animations first time?

I am using imageWithContentsOfFile: to load my .png images into an array. When the IBAction triggers the animation, there is a noticeable delay before the animation starts. Then, each time after that, it executes smoothly. I originally tried to load them with the imageNamed: method but experienced the same delay plus big performance problems on the device.
Load the images in ViewWillLoad instead.
If that doesn't work, use the developer tool Instruments (built into xcode) to find what is causing the performance hit. Choose Open GL ES driver, under the iOS -> graphics menu. Then tick Hide system libraries. Then it will show you which methods are taking a long time, click into those methods to see exactly which lines, then just try and figure out alternative ways to do it.

Unknown Issue when trying to add core location

I'm working on an app where I have a subclass of a UIView that contains seven subviews with orientations arranged such that they form a 7-sided shape. Each of these subviews has additional subviews in front of them that are oriented the same way as the main view.
Fine so far. Then I tried adding some code to tap into core location services. I used the basic procedure outlined at this tutorial. Using the code as it is presented there, I successfully got the heading to display in the debugger window.
Next step was to tie it into my app. To make sure I was on the right track, I simply added this code:
float radianHeading = newHeading.trueHeading * M_PI / 180;
CGAffineTransform transformTrollCalendar = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(radianHeading);
[self setTransform:transformTrollCalendar];
There are two issues. The first is that the view is not visibly rotated. I was prepared for that, because I probably have to trigger something to redraw the view. However, I get another problem that has me worried.
When I get a bunch of updates from the compass, the connection between my mac and my iPad gets lost, as evidenced by the stop button turning grey. Moments later, the iPad makes the sound that you get when you connect the cable to the Mac or power. Then I get the slider that you get when you first power up the iPad. I figure this means I'm doing something majorly wrong. However, the app still appears to be running on the iPad, and it is not generating any crash logs.
I resolved my own problem. Apparently, the problem was the result of my putting the code into the wrong method. I don't remember anymore which wrong method I placed the code into, but when I placed it in the correct method, it worked just fine.
I would have updated this sooner, when it was still fresh on my mind, but I've had a trip to Guatemala in the interim that has caused my memories of this problem to fade.

In a double buffer opengl context, is it possible that front and back buffer be the same?

I have a situation in which I ask and get a double-buffering OpenGL context, but when I draw in it, both the front and back buffer are affected. The draw buffer is set to the back buffer (And only the back buffer). If I look in OpenGL Profiler, I do see all that: the value for GL_DRAW_BUFFER (GL_BACK) and the actual back and front buffer being drawn to.
Since I'm working with an NSWindow that has a backing store, We do not see any of this happening on the screen. The problem is that I'm getting screenshots of this window with CGWindowListCreateImage. This function seems to be fetching the image from the front buffer, and not from the screen buffer (Wherever that is...). So the image returned is incomplete: it only contains the elements that are drawn at the moment it is grabbed, even if no flush has been called.
There is a utility in the mac developer package called Pixie. It basically grab the screen at the mouse position, and display it zoomed in so you can analyze it. This program has the same behavior than calling CGWindowListCreateImage: you can see incomplete images. So I guess the problem is not with the way I use CGWindowListCreateImage, but rather with my window or my display...
Also, It does not seems to happen all the time. Not every windows show this behavior, and even for a given window, it seems to come and go, especially if I move the window to a different screen (In a dual display).
Anyone faced this before?