The Kinect 2 for Windows is capable of detecting heart rates, but it's not implemented in the SDK. I've found one sample (, but he has not released the source code for his work.
Have anyone used any open source library for detecting heart beat for Kinect 2 for Windows?
Well, since nobody has answered in 4 days, let me share what I know and see if it helps.
I haven't worked with Kinect 2 yet, nor have looked at its SDK capabilities. But I know that the trick to heartbeat detection lies in the user's image when viewed through a camera with infrared capabilities. When there is a heartbeat, the skin color changes. Try to see if you can make the RGB camera enter that mode, and then simply detect the color changes in the user's skin.
i am doing a project using deep learning and for this i need to take pictures from the kinect and evaluate them. My problem is the resolution of the pictures are 640x860. Due to this i wanted to know if ros freekinect or some library can increase the resolution given a yaml file or something like that? Thank you guys and sorry for the english
Im currently working on a project with Kinect one sensor and the camera resolution is 1920x1080.
if i am not wrong you are currently using the old xbox 360 kinect from what i see here.
I have not heard of libraries that can increase resolutiono yet(this does not mean it do not exist)
But my suggestion is to use the latest hardware found in Microsoft Store here. It cost about $150.
I am planning to design gesture based virtual trial room using kinect xbox. I am new to kinetic & android application. To get started which software need to be downloaded. I downloaded kinectic SDKv2.0.
which software used to write code here. I downloaded Brekel Kinect Pro Body Trial v1.38 32bit which recognise the gesture.
to get started with gesture which platform is good.
Some people say openCV, OpenNI.I could able to differentiate between them. could someone give some idea over it.
Open kinects
Now go with Kinect Windows SDK. Nothing else needed to get the Kinect started. You can track all the joints and even Kinect device tilt motor. But I don't think that you can do anything with android. To get started you can refer to these video set since it explain starting from the device itself.
Kinect getting started
I have a question about Kinect Xbox360: it can track the hand movement and fingers? I am searching on the web and I dont found any interesting about this. Another camera that I am thinking to use is the Asus Movement Sensor, but I dont know if this is better than Kinect (more options, I know that both uses OpenNI) or if both are the same.
Thanks for your time!
I would see these links:
Finger tracking in Kinect
These should get you started and give you many options. You can use the SDK or OpenNI, however my personal preference is the SDK, OpenNI or OpenKinect may be better in this case, expecially because of the FingerTracker API (3). Although the sdk has source code for finger tracking with an xbox kinect (5).
I am trying to extract 2 features from the Kinect :
Captured video - I followed this guide:
and succeeded to use the kinect as webcam and then used DirectShow in order to capture the video. Works just fine.
skeleton - I use the 1.7 Kinect SDK and the skeleton feature works sweet!
The Problem: Those 2 features don't work simultaneously
Each one of them works great by itself, but they just don't work together.
I have also tried checking the captured video in Skype's video settings section, while running the Skeleton Basics in the "Kinect for Windows Developer Toolkit 1.7"
Do you know why that happens and how can I fix that problem and enjoy the 2 features simultaneously?
Thanks a lot,
this cannot be happen. I'm also working on a virtual dressing room concept and I could access the kinect joints and also the video stream too. I'm using xna so its cool with me to get the video buffer to the kinectSensor.ColorStream.Enable(ColorImageFormat.RgbResolution640x480Fps30);
kinectSensor.SkeletonStream.Enable(new TransformSmoothParameters()
I don't know what's your approach
This question relates to the Kaggle/CHALEARN Gesture Recognition challenge.
You are given a large training set of matching RGB and Depth videos that were recorded from a Kinect. I would like to use the Kinect SDK's skeletal tracking on these videos, but after a bunch of searching, I haven't found a conclusive answer to whether or not this can be done.
Is it possible to use the Kinect SDK with previously recorded Kinect video, and if so, how? thanks for the help.
It is not a feature within the SDK itself, however you can use something like the Kinect Toolbox OSS project ( which provides Skeleton record and replace functionality (so you don't need to stand in front of your Kinect each time). You do however still need a Kinect plugged in to your machine to use the runtime.