Get once time a duplicate record (SQL) - sql

B.LeasedProjectNumber As 'ProjectNumber',
A.LeaseComment As 'LeaseContractComments'
FROM aLease A
ON a.LeaseID = B.LeaseID
ON B.LeasedProjectNumber = C.ProjectNumber AND B.PartID = C.aPartid
I got this result from a query statement. But I don't want to get repeated the last column(Comments) for the 3 records in the second column.
I want for the values on the second column write once the repeated comment. Like a Group By

Alright, I'll take a stab at this. It's pretty unclear what exactly you're hoping for, but reading your comments, it sounds like you're looking to build a hierarchy of sorts in your table.
Something like this:
"Lease Terminated Jan 29, 2013 due to the event of..."
216 24914 87
216 724992 87
216 724993 87
"Other potential column"
217 2132 86
Unfortuantely, I don't believe that that's possible. SQL Server is pretty strict about returning a table, which is two-dimensional by definition. There's no good way to describe a hierarchy such as this in SQL. There is the hierarchyid type, but that's not really relevant here.
Given that, you only really have two options:
My preference 99% of the time, just accept the duplicates. Handle them in your procedural code later on, which probably does have support for these trees. Unless you're dealing with performance-critical situations, or if you're pulling back a lot of data (or really long comments), that should be totally fine.
If you're hoping to print this result directly to the user, or if network performance is a big issue, aggregate your columns into a single record for each comment. It's well-known that you can't have multiple values in the same column, for the very same reason as the above-listed result isn't possible. But what you could do, data and your own preferences permitting, is write an aggregate function to concatenate the grouped results into a single, comma-delimited column.
You'd likely then have to parse those commas out, though, so unless network traffic is your biggest concern, I'd really just do it procedural-side.

FROM [vLeasedAsset]
WHERE A.LeaseID = LeaseID AND A.ProjectNumber = ProjectNumber
, 1, 1, '') AS SerialNumber, [ProjectNumber],
MAX(ContractComment) 'LeaseContractComment'
FROM [vLeasedAsset] A
WHERE ContractComment != ''
GROUP BY [ProjectNumber], LeaseID
24914, 724993
23401, 720356


Creating a view that contains all records from one table, that match the comma separated field content in another table

I have two tables au_postcodes and groups.
Table groups contains a field called PostCodeFootPrint
that contains the postcode set making up the footprint.
Table au_postcodes contains a field called poa_code that
contains a single postcode.
The records in groups.PostCodeFootPrint look like:
2063, 2064, 2065, 2066, 2067, 2068, 2069, 2070, 2071, 2072, 2073, 2074, 2075, 2076, 2077, 2079, 2080, 2081, 2082, 2083, 2119, 2120, 2126, 2158, 2159
2848, 2849, 2850, 2852
Some records have only one postcode, some have multiple separated by a "," or ", " (comma and space).
The records in au_postcode.poa_code look like:
Single postcode (always).
The objective is to:
Get all records from au_postcode, where the poa_code appears in groups.*PostCodeFootPrint into a view.
I tried:
groups."PostcodeFootprint" LIKE '%au_postcodes.poa_code%'
But no luck
You can use regex for this. Take a look at this fiddle:
Where I form a regex from the poa_code and the word boundary (to avoid partial matches) and compare that to the PostCodeFootPrint.
select p.poa_code, g.PostCodeFootPrint
from groups g
join au_postcode p
on g.PostCodeFootPrint ~ concat('\y', p.poa_code, '\y')
Depending on your data, this may be performant enough. I also believe that in postGres you have access to the array data type, and so it might be better to store the post code lists as arrays.
Here I stored the post code lists as arrays, then used ANY to join with.
select p.poa_code, g.PostCodeFootPrint
from groups g
join au_postcode p
on p.poa_code = any(g.PostCodeFootPrint);
In these two fiddles I use explain to show the cost of the queries, and while the array solution is more expensive, I imagine it might be easier to maintain.
I changed the underlying data type to integer in this fiddle, expecting it to reduce the cost, but it didn't, which seems strange to me.
It is possible to reduce the query cost with the # operator (see the last query here:
select p.poa_code, g.PostCodeFootPrint
from groups g
join au_postcode p
on (g.PostCodeFootPrint # p.poa_code) > 0;
but it is still more expensive than the regex. However, I think you can probably rearrange the way the tables are set up and radically change performance. See the first and second queries in the fiddle, where I take each post code in the footprint and insert it as a row in a table, along with an identifier for the group it was in:
select p.poa_code, g.which
from groups2 g
join au_postcode p
on g.footprint = p.poa_code;
The explain plan for this indicates that query cost drops significantly (from 60752.50 to 517.20, or two orders of magnitude) and the execution times go from 0.487 to 0.070. So it might be worth looking into changing the table structure.
Since the values of PostCodeFootPrint are separated by a common character, you can easily create an array out of it. From there use unnest to convert the array elements to records, and then join then with au_postcode:
SELECT * FROM au_postcode au
JOIN (SELECT trim(unnest(string_to_array(PostCodeFootPrint,',')))
FROM groups) fp (PostCodeFootPrint) ON fp.PostCodeFootPrint = au.poa_code;
Demo: db<>fiddle

MS Access Update SQL Query Extremely Slow and Multiplying the Amount of Records Updated

I am stumped on how to make this query run more efficiently/correctly. Here is the query first and then I can describe the tables that are involved:
UPDATE agg_pivot_test AS p
LEFT JOIN jd_cleaning AS c
ON c.Formerly = IIF(c.Formerly LIKE '*or*', '*' & p.LyFinalCode & '*', CStr(p.LyFinalCode))
SET p.CyFinalCode = c.FinalCode
WHERE p.CyFinalCode IS NULL AND c.Formerly IS NOT NULL;
agg_pivot_test has 200 rows of data and only 99 fit the criteria of WHERE p.CyFinalCode IS NULL. The JOIN needs some explaining. It is an IIF because some genius decided to link last year's data to this year's data using Formerly. It is a string because sometimes multiple items have been consolidated down to one so they use "or" (e.g., 632 or 631 or 630). So if I want to match this year's data I have to use Formerly to match last year's LyFinalCode. So this year the code might be 629, but I have to use the Formerly to map the items that were 632, 631, or 630 to the new code. Make sense? That is why the ON has an IIF. Also, Formerly is a string and LyFinalCode is an integer... fun.
Anyway, when you run the query it says it is updating 1807 records when again, there are only 200 records and only 99 that fit the criteria.
Any suggestions about what this is happening or how to fix it?
An interesting problem. I don't think I've ever come across something quite like this before.
I'm guessing what's happening is that rows where CyFinalCode is null, are being matched multiple times by the join statement, and thus the join expression is calculating a cartesian product of row-matches, and this is the basis of the rows updated message. It seems odd, as I would have expected access to complain about multiple row matches, when row matches should only be 1:1 in an update statement.
I would suggest rewriting the query (with this join) as a select statement, and seeing what the query gives you in the way of output; Something like:
SELECT p.*, c.*
FROM agg_pivot_test p LEFT JOIN jd_cleaning c
ON c.Formerly = IIF(c.Formerly LIKE '*or*', '*' & p.LyFinalCode & '*', CStr(p.LyFinalCode))
WHERE p.CyFinalCode IS NULL AND c.Formerly IS NOT NULL
I'm also inclined to suggest changing "... & p.LyFinalCode & ..." to "... & CStr(p.LyFinalCode) & ..." - though I can't really see why it should make a difference.
The only other thing I can think to suggest is change the join a bit: (this isnt guaranteed to be better necessarily - though it might be)
UPDATE agg_pivot_test AS p LEFT JOIN jd_cleaning AS c
ON (c.Formerly = CStr(p.LyFinalCode) OR InStr(c.Formerly, CStr(p.LyFinalCode)) > 0)
(Given the syntax of your statement, I assume this sql is running within access via ODBC; in which case this should be fine. If I'm wrong the sql is running server side, you'll need to change InStr to SubString.)

Google Bigquery use of substr, never returns back results

I have a table which has two sets of data, one set of data has information like
Type | Name | Id
PackagedDrug |Pseudoephedrine HCl Oral Tablet 120 MG| 110
PackagedDrug |Pseudoephedrine HCl Oral Tablet 60 MG|111
DrugName| Pseudoephedrine HCl| 112
What I want to do is join PackagedDrug with DrugName concepts, so get all Ids for Type PackagedDrug whose Name is matching with Name for Type DrugName. If I hardcode the Name for DrugName in the following query, it runs instantenously, but if I take out the hardcoding then it just keeps on running. Could you please suggest me suitable ways to speed up the big query?
SELECT a.MSC_ID MSC_id, a.MSC_CONcept_type, a.concept_id, a.concept_name , b.concept_name
(select MSC_id, MSC_CONcept_type, concept_id, concept_name
FROM [ClientAlerts.MSC_Concepts]
where MSC_CONcept_type in ('MediSpan.Concepts.PackagedDrug') ) a
(select MSC_CONcept_type, concept_id, concept_name , length(concept_name) len
FROM [ClientAlerts.MSC_Concepts]
where MSC_CONcept_type in ('MediSpan.Concepts.NamebasedClassification.DrugName')
-- and concept_name in ('Pseudoephedrine HCl')
) b
where substr(a.concept_name,1,b.len)+' ' = b.concept_name
This has nothing to do with BigQuery itself. When you hardcode, your values are "filtered" way faster, because it doesn't have to check every row, since it looks for the hardcoded value.
If you don't use the hardcoded value, it will look at WAY more rows, compare ALL the rows from your first query with your second. Honestly, if you describe your use case properly here, I don't think of any way to do this faster.
But one question does come to mind. Why do you have a "type". It seems like it should be two different tables instead.

SQL query to find records with specific prefix

I'm writing SQL queries and getting tripped up by wanting to solve everything with loops instead of set operations. For example, here's two tables (lists, really - one column each); idPrefix is a subset of idFull. I want to select every full ID that has a prefix I'm interested in; that is, every row in idFull which has a corresponding entry in idPrefix.
idPrefix.ID idFull.ID
---------- ----------
12 8
15 12
300 12-1-1
Desired result would be everything in idFull except the value 8. Super-easy with a for each loop, but I'm just not conceptualizing it as a set operation. I've tried a few variations on the below; everything seems to return all of one table. I'm not sure if my issue is with how I'm doing joins, or how I'm using LIKE.
FROM idPrefix AS p
JOIN idFull AS f
ON f.ID LIKE (p.ID + '%')
Values are varchars, prefixes can be any length but do not contain the delimiter '-'.
This question seems similar, but more complex; this one only uses one table.
Answer doesn't need to be fast/optimized/whatever.
Using SQL Server 2008, but am more interested in conceptual understanding than a flavor-specific query.
Aaaaand I'm coming back to both real coding & SO after ~3 years, so sorry if I'm rusty on any etiquette.
You can join the full table to the prefix table with a LIKE
FROM idFull full
INNER JOIN idPrefix pre ON full.ID LIKE pre.ID + '%'

Optimizing a strange MySQL Query

Hoping someone can help with this. I have a query that pulls data from a PHP application and turns it into a view for use in a Ruby on Rails application. The PHP app's table is an E-A-V style table, with the following business rules:
Given fields: First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Phone Number and Mobile Phone Carrier:
Each property has two custom fields defined: one being required, one being not required. Clients can use either one, and different clients use different ones based on their own rules (e.g. Client A may not care about First and Last Name, but client B might)
The RoR app must treat each "pair" of properties as only a single property.
Now, here is the query. The problem is it runs beautifully with around 11,000 records. However, the real database has over 40,000 and the query is extremely slow, taking roughly 125 seconds to run which is totally unacceptable from a business perspective. It's absolutely required that we pull this data, and we need to interface with the existing system.
The UserID part is to fake out a Rails-esque foreign key which relates to a Rails table. I'm a SQL Server guy, not a MySQL guy, so maybe someone can point out how to improve this query? They (the business) demand that it be sped up but I'm not sure how to since the various group_concat and ifnull calls are required due to the fact that I need every field for every client and then have to combine the data.
select `ls`.`subscriberid` AS `id`,left(`l`.`name`,(locate(_utf8'_',`l`.`name`) - 1)) AS `user_id`,
ifnull(min((case when (`s`.`fieldid` in (2,35)) then `s`.`data` else NULL end)),_utf8'') AS `first_name`,
ifnull(min((case when (`s`.`fieldid` in (3,36)) then `s`.`data` else NULL end)),_utf8'') AS `last_name`,
ifnull(`ls`.`emailaddress`,_utf8'') AS `email_address`,
ifnull(group_concat((case when (`s`.`fieldid` = 81) then `s`.`data` when (`s`.`fieldid` = 154) then `s`.`data` else NULL end) separator ''),_utf8'') AS `mobile_phone`,
ifnull(group_concat((case when (`s`.`fieldid` = 100) then `s`.`data` else NULL end) separator ','),_utf8'') AS `sms_only`,
ifnull(group_concat((case when (`s`.`fieldid` = 34) then `s`.`data` else NULL end) separator ','),_utf8'') AS `mobile_carrier`
from ((`list_subscribers` `ls`
join `lists` `l` on((`ls`.`listid` = `l`.`listid`)))
left join `subscribers_data` `s` on((`ls`.`subscriberid` = `s`.`subscriberid`)))
where (left(`l`.`name`,(locate(_utf8'_',`l`.`name`) - 1)) regexp _utf8'[[:digit:]]+')
group by `ls`.`subscriberid`,`l`.`name`,`ls`.`emailaddress`
I removed the regexp and that sped the query up to about 20 seconds, instead of nearly 120 seconds. If I could remove the group by then it would be faster, but I cannot as removing this causes it to duplicate rows with blank data for each field, instead of aggregating them. For instance:
With group by
id user_id first_name last_name email_address mobile_phone sms_only mobile_carrier
1 1 John Doe 5551234567 0 Sprint
Without group by
id user_id first_name last_name email_address mobile_phone sms_only mobile_carrier
1 1 John
1 1 Doe
1 1
1 1 5551234567
And so on. What we need is the first result.
The query still seems to take a long time, but earlier today it was running in only about 20 seconds on the production database. Without changing a thing, the same query is now once again taking over 60 seconds. This is still unacceptable.. any other ideas on how to improve this?
That is, without a doubt, the second most hideous SQL query I have ever laid my eyes on :-)
My advice is to trade storage requirements for speed. This is a common trick used when you find your queries have a lot of per-row functions (ifnull, case and so forth). These per-row functions never scale very well as the table becomes larger.
Create new fields in the table which will hold the values you want to extract and then calculate those values on insert/update (with a trigger) rather than select. This doesn't technically break 3NF since the triggers guarantee data consistency between columns.
The vast majority of database tables are read far more often than they're written so this will amortise the cost of the calculation across many selects. In addition, just about every reported problem with databases is one of speed, not storage.
An example of what I mean. You can replace:
case when (`s`.`fieldid` in (2,35)) then `s`.`data` else NULL end
in your query if your insert/update trigger simply sets the data_2_35 column to data or NULL depending on the value of fieldid. Then you index data_2_35 and, voila, instant speed improvement at the cost of a little storage.
This trick can be done to the five case clauses, the left/regexp bit and the "naked" ifnull function as well (the ifnull functions containing min and group_concat may be harder to do).
The problem is most likely the WHERE condition:
where (left(`l`.`name`,(locate(_utf8'_',`l`.`name`) - 1)) regexp _utf8'[[:digit:]]+')
This looks like complex string comparison, so no index can be used, which results in a full table scan, possibly for every row in the result set. I am not a MySQL expert, but if you can simplify this into more simple column comparisons it will probably run much faster.
The first thing that jumps out at me as the source of all the trouble:
The PHP app's table is an E-A-V style table...
Trying to convert data in EAV format into conventional relational format on the fly using SQL is bound to be awkward and inefficient. So don't try to smash it into a conventional column-per-attribute format. The following query returns multiple rows per subscriber, one row per EAV attribute:
SELECT ls.subscriberid AS id,
SUBSTRING_INDEX(, _utf8'_', 1) AS user_id,
COALESCE(ls.emailaddress, _utf8'') AS email_address,
FROM list_subscribers ls JOIN lists l ON (ls.listid = l.listid)
LEFT JOIN subscribers_data s ON (ls.subscriberid = s.subscriberid
AND s.fieldid IN (2,3,34,35,36,81,100,154)
WHERE SUBSTRING_INDEX(, _utf8'_', 1) REGEXP _utf8'[[:digit:]]+'
This eliminates the GROUP BY which is not optimized well in MySQL -- it usually incurs a temporary table which kills performance.
id user_id email_address fieldid data
1 1 2 John
1 1 3 Doe
1 1 81 5551234567
But you'll have to sort out the EAV attributes in application code. That is, you can't seamlessly use ActiveRecord in this case. Sorry about that, but that's one of the disadvantages of using a non-relational design like EAV.
The next thing that I notice is the killer string manipulation (even after I've simplified it with SUBSTRING_INDEX()). When you're picking substrings out of a column, this says you me that you've overloaded one column with two distinct pieces of information. One is the name and the other is some kind of list-type attribute that you would use to filter the query. Store one piece of information in each column.
You should add a column for this attribute, and index it. Then the WHERE clause can utilize the index:
SELECT ls.subscriberid AS id,
SUBSTRING_INDEX(, _utf8'_', 1) AS user_id,
COALESCE(ls.emailaddress, _utf8'') AS email_address,
FROM list_subscribers ls JOIN lists l ON (ls.listid = l.listid)
LEFT JOIN subscribers_data s ON (ls.subscriberid = s.subscriberid
AND s.fieldid IN (2,3,34,35,36,81,100,154)
WHERE l.list_name_contains_digits = 1;
Also, you should always analyze an SQL query with EXPLAIN if it's important for them to have good performance. There's an analogous feature in MS SQL Server, so you should be accustomed to the concept, but the MySQL terminology may be different.
You'll have to read the documentation to learn how to interpret the EXPLAIN report in MySQL, there's too much info to describe here.
Re your additional info: Yes, I understand you can't do away with the EAV table structure. Can you create an additional table? Then you can load the EAV data into it:
CREATE TABLE subscriber_mirror (
subscriberid INT PRIMARY KEY,
first_name VARCHAR(100),
last_name VARCHAR(100),
first_name2 VARCHAR(100),
last_name2 VARCHAR(100),
mobile_phone VARCHAR(100),
sms_only VARCHAR(100),
mobile_carrier VARCHAR(100)
INSERT INTO subscriber_mirror (subscriberid)
SELECT DISTINCT subscriberid FROM list_subscribers;
UPDATE subscriber_data s JOIN subscriber_mirror m USING (subscriberid)
SET m.first_name = IF(s.fieldid = 2,, m.first_name),
m.last_name = IF(s.fieldid = 3,, m.last_name),
m.first_name2 = IF(s.fieldid = 35,, m.first_name2),
m.last_name2 = IF(s.fieldid = 36,, m.last_name2),
m.mobile_phone = IF(s.fieldid = 81,, m.mobile_phone),
m.sms_only = IF(s.fieldid = 100,, m.sms_only),
m.mobile_carrer = IF(s.fieldid = 34,, m.mobile_carrier);
This will take a while, but you only need to do it when you get a new data update from the vendor. Subsequently you can query subscriber_mirror in a much more conventional SQL query:
SELECT ls.subscriberid AS id, AS user_id,
COALESCE(s.first_name, s.first_name2) AS first_name,
COALESCE(s.last_name, s.last_name2) AS last_name,
COALESCE(ls.email_address, '') AS email_address),
COALESCE(s.mobile_phone, '') AS mobile_phone,
COALESCE(s.sms_only, '') AS sms_only,
COALESCE(s.mobile_carrier, '') AS mobile_carrier
FROM lists l JOIN list_subscribers USING (listid)
JOIN subscriber_mirror s USING (subscriberid)
As for the userid that's embedded in the column, if the digits are the leading characters in the column value, MySQL allows you to convert to an integer value much more easily:
An expression like '123_bill'+0 yields an integer value of 123. An expression like 'bill_123'+0 has no digits at the beginning, so it yields an integer value of 0.