Converting mmyy into a useable date - vba

My question is very similar to this problem, but for Excel: how do I convert mmyy to last day of month in netezza or this one: Create a date from Credit Card expire in MMYY format.
Essentially I have a column filled with dates that have been written as mmyy i.e.
The column has been saved as the data type: "Special".
How do I convert this data into a useable format? I don't mind if we put it into dd/mm/yyyy and use the first or the last day of the month that's fine. Is there an Excel function that I could use or is this something I would have to do in VBA and if so, how?

With the 'dates' starting in A2, use this formula in an unused column to the right,
=DATE(20&RIGHT(A2, 2), LEFT(TEXT(A2, "0000"), 2), 1)
Fill down as necessary. You will have to format as a date or you will receive the raw date value like 42064.
If you need the end-of-month, add 1 to the month and change the day to 0 like,
=DATE(20&RIGHT(A2, 2), LEFT(TEXT(A2, "0000"), 2)+1, 0)

30 characters:
Subject to the dates concerned the 20 may be redundant.

use this
do not forget to change Format Cells to "Date" for column "B"


Selecting week / ISO week number from a date/time field

Sorry - this may be a basic question, but I have been banging my head against this for a week.
I have a database field with the format "dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss" called UpdateTime and referencing max(AuditHistory.ActionedDateTime) in the database.
I am trying to identify the Week / ISO Week from the date part of this field only using the dataset in ReportBuilder3.
I am trying to achieve an integer entry in a column called "WeekNo" giving me the week of the year that a transaction was made so I can use this for grouping results by year | by week number on a report for senior management.
I have tried many combinations of:
,DATEPART(WEEK,DAY(max(AuditHistory.ActionedDateTime)) AS WeekNo and
,DATEPART(WEEK,MONTH(max(AuditHistory.ActionedDateTime)) AS WeekNo.
If I use a static date, e.g. , DATEPART(WEEK,DAY('1900-01-20')) AS WeekNo, it returns perfectly as "4" but I cannot for the life of me get the datepart format correct to identify the week from the format of the field.
I believe my issue is getting SQL to accept that the field is "dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss" and work out the week from the date element.
Before I go mad - I thought I'd ask if there is a quick way to achieve this.
The DATEPART function expects a date / datetime / datetime2 value. You are passing in an integer representing the day or month number.
Assuming you're storing your dates correctly, you just need to pass in the date value directly:
DATEPART(WEEK, Max(AuditHistory.ActionedDateTime)) As WeekNo

how to change date format to just year and month but must stay as a date value not varchar, or char..?

I read other similar question where the answer is to use FORMAT(getdate(),'yyy-MM') or something similar. However the problem for me in using anything like this, is that it changes the date type to a varchar or char. I need it to stay as datetype but just want Year and Month.. I tried the following..-> FORMAT(a.completeddate,'yyy-MM') which works to change to year and month but the date is no longer a datetype or date format. So when I try to do the following -> select #FirstCompletion = (A.completeddate) i get this error..Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string. Basically I need to convert the date column to year and month as date format so I can then pass values to variables using select #FirstCompletion = (A.completeddate) and set #secondMonth = DATEADD(month, 2, #FirstCompletion) which are Datetype variables.. Would appreciate any help I can get.. Thanks..

Want week number from different columns of Year, Month & Day

I want week number from different columns of Year, Month & Day in same table of Hive QL.
IF you can give logic on SQL, that's also fine.
Concatenate the date, month and year into a proper date format and apply weekofyear().
Select weekofyear(cast(concat(year,"-",month,"-",date) as date)) from tablename.
Please note that I have used cast to convert the concatenated string into date.Howver, you might need to use different method based on your date format. Please refer to the below answer on handling string conversion to date formats.
Hive cast string to date dd-MM-yyyy

VBA date format code

I was wondering if there is any possibility to write a VBA code where the column A should always have a date format like this: 12.10.2017 (not 12/10/2017 or 12-10-2017). If anything else is written in the column A like "12" or "car" the entry should be deleted. It has to accept only the date format mentioned above.
I used data validation for this, with length 10 and the date format to take only "." into consideration, but I want to do it as a VBA code instead.
A valid date is a long representing the number of days since the 1st january 1900. So a valid date would be 45603. You can display this date in any format you wish using the format codes d, m and y . So to display the date as then set that numberformat in the cells in column A. Your problem though is that Excel will only accept a date entered as either a long or in a built in date format (using /, - or space as a separator). You could allow the users to enter a text string in the format and then convert that string into a date and then reject it if the conversion didn't result in a valid date - but wouldn't it be easier to just train your users to enter dates correctly?

Incrementing a date in openrefine

I have a date in format of YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
Please provide a GREL expression that increments date to 1 month from the present date value for all cells in the column in openrefine. Thanks!
First you need to make sure the data in the cells is of type 'date' - if the text in the cell is in green then the data is already 'date' type. Otherwise you will need to convert it using the GREL:
Screenshot - before converting to date
Screenshot - after converting to date
Once you have the data as Date type, then you can use the following GREL to increment by one month:,'month')
For more on using dates in OpenRefine see