Find methods without JavaDoc in IntelliJ? - intellij-idea

In IntelliJ, is there a way to get a list of all methods without JavaDoc for a certain class?
A package?
A module?
A project?

Go to Settings > Editor > Inspections > Javadoc issues > Declaration has Javadoc problems.
On the right side you can configure the scope (package, class, method, ...) and the visibility (public, private, ...) to show warnings for missing JavaDocs.
Finally run Analyze > Run inspection by name > Declaration has Javadoc problems to search for all specified missing JavaDocs.


IntelliJ - Switch between Lombok generated code and Lombok annotated code

I want to view the Lombok-generated code on IntelliJ.
I can see the Lombok/Delombok options. But after refactoring my code, the Lombok options go missing. How can I switch between Lombok generated code and Lombok annotated code multiple times on IntelliJ?
As shown here, after selecting Refactor -> Lombok options, on those classes, I am unable to see the Lombok option again.
It will show up if you put the cursor inside the class and right-click.

IntelliJ call hierarchy with dependencies

In IntelliJ, it is possible to decompile single class from a dependency jar and see that there is a function call to our prod class. But this is not useful for finding all calls to the method.
There is an option to include dependencies in call hierarchy feature (Ctrl+Alt+H), but seems like it doesn't work for a specific case.
To use this functionality of searching dependencies, should source code of dependency be available?
Does this mean that IntelliJ can index only dependencies with source code?
Seems that I met the same puzzle like you did, I click the notice upper under the tag "download the source" and it makes!
I can use "open call hierarchy" function to see the function hierarchy in source code.

Is there a plugin to tell IntelliJ not to format a particular block when I use auto format?

My question is a duplicate of: How to turn off the Eclipse code formatter for certain sections of Java code? but for IntelliJ.
Does a similar feature exist for IntelliJ?
Yes, and It works the same way with:
Navigate to:
Settings > Editor > Code Style > Formatter control

IntelliJ does not recognize kotlin file after deleting it and recreate with the same name

I am currently having a problem with IntelliJ. I am using Kotlin in my project. I have deleted a file (let's say test.kt), and now, I want to create a new file with the same name. IntelliJ does not recognize the kotlin syntaxe and show it as a text file.
When I have deleted I have unchecked "safe delete" and "Search in comment and strings"
Can anyone help me in this matter ?
Edit : I tried to delete .idea and .iml file, restart intelliJ. It does not change anything.
"Overrid File Type" to Kotlin would work.
Expanding on a comment:
Is test.kt listed in Preferences > Editor > File Types > Text, under the Registered Patterns? An entry there may override the default Kotlin filetype
I had a class, MyProxy.kt, that as the question implies was not being picked up as a Kotlin class in IntelliJ. I scrolled through my list of file associations and did not find anything that could match MyProxy.kt except for the Kotlin extension, *.kt (it is entirely possible I missed something.)
Most regex matching will apply the most specific rule, though. On the off chance my class was being picked up by another association, I explicitly declared it as a Kotlin file pattern. It is a little hacky, but it did work! My Kotlin file name patterns are now:
Note: IntelliJ did complain that *.kt would already catch MyProxy.kt, but I overrode it.
Ctrl+alt+s, Editor, File Types, under recognized filetypes,
Under Filetype auto-detected by file content...
remove Main.kt

How to add shortcuts ("templates") to eclipse properties through my plugin?

I'm developing a plugin for visualization of objects by calling Doo.dle(Object o).
Now I'd like to automatically define a shortcut like sysout for System.out.println(), e.g. doodle.
I already know how to do it by hand:
Window > Preferences > Java > Editor > Templates
Is there an extension point or something similar to do this automatically with my plugin?
I managed to do it on my own:
I had to define a javaCompletionProposalComputer extension and implement an ICompletionProposal.
It's not exactly what I intended, but it's working too.
I finally found it out:
The key is to define an extension for org.eclipse.ui.editors.templates. Patterns etc. can be cheated off predifined templates in eclipse properties (see question).