Sql in camel servicemix using jdbc in localmachine - sql

I am using camel in servicemix on my localmachine i want to connect to sql server so i have to install jdbc or i can use m2 of servicemix please Help can i use camel-sql-datasource-h2 for sql operation if yes then i tried change username and password of \blueprint.xml but its not giving proper result

No, you have to provide the corresponding JDBC driver in your ServiceMix installation. For example, if you use MySQL you have to install the JDBC driver in ServicMix:
osgi:install -s mvn:mysql/mysql-connector-java/5.1.34
In your datasource, you have to provide the corresponding properties, for MySQL:
<bean id="mySqlDataSource" class="org.apache.commons.dbcp2.BasicDataSource"
destroy-method="close" scope="singleton">
<property name="driverClassName" value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" />
<property name="url" value="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/myveo" />
<property name="username" value="xxx" />
<property name="password" value="yyy" />
<property name="initialSize" value="0" />
And configure the sql component like this
<bean id="sql" class="org.apache.camel.component.sql.SqlComponent">
<property name="dataSource" ref="mySqlDataSource" />
You use it like in this enrich component
<enrich uri="sql:select * from MY_TABLE;" strategyRef="myAggregationStrategy" strategyMethodAllowNull="true" />

You can also use jdbc:create command. You should install the jdbc feature first and create the data source like this
jdbc:create -t MySQL -i --username xxx --password yyy -url jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/myveo mySqlDataSource
The -i parameter will install the driver automatically. You can find the driver condiguration in deploy/datasource-mySqlDataSource.xml
You can next reference the data source using
<reference id="demoDataSource" interface="javax.sql.DataSource" />


Failed to allocate a JMS connection Payara and Websphere MQ

[WebSphere MQ installation subdirectory]
1I installed an IBM resource adapter to a Payara (Glassfish) server using the instructions on the below page from the IBM website:
However when I try to test the Connector Connection Pool using the ping option I get the following error:
'Ping Connection Pool failed for jms/ivt/IVTCF-Connection-Pool. MQJCA1011: Failed to allocate a JMS connection., error code: MQJCA1011 Please check the server.log for more details.'
I am running Payara Server and trying to connect to IBM WebSphere MQ Explorer Version: Below are the relevant connection details from the domain.xml file I am using:
<connector-connection-pool resource-adapter-name="wmq.jmsra" max-pool-size="250" ping="true" steady-pool-size="1" name="jms/ivt/IVTCF-Connection-Pool" connection-definition-name="javax.jms.ConnectionFactory">
<property name="transportType" value="CLIENT"></property>
<property name="queueManager" value="QM"></property>
<property name="channel" value="SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN"></property>
<property name="port" value="1418"></property>
<property name="hostName" value="localhost"></property>
<connector-resource pool-name="jms/ivt/IVTCF-Connection-Pool" jndi-name="IVTCF"></connector-resource>
<admin-object-resource res-adapter="wmq.jmsra" res-type="javax.jms.Queue" jndi-name="IVTQueue" class-name="com.ibm.mq.connector.outbound.MQQueueProxy">
<property name="baseQueueManagerName" value="QM"></property>
<property name="name" value="IVTQueue"></property>
<property name="CCSID" value="1208"></property>
<property name="failIfQuiesce" value="true"></property>
<property name="messageBodyStyle" value="UNSPECIFIED"></property>
<property name="readAheadClosePolicy" value="ALL"></property>
<property name="encoding" value="NATIVE"></property>
<property name="priority" value="APP"></property>
<property name="putAsyncAllowed" value="DESTINATION"></property>
<property name="readAheadAllowed" value="DESTINATION"></property>
<property name="persistence" value="APP"></property>
<property name="targetClient" value="JMS"></property>
<property name="expiry" value="APP"></property>
<property name="queueManager" value="QM"></property>
<property name="channel" value="SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN"></property>
<property name="port" value="1418"></property>
<property name="hostName" value="localhost"></property>
Do you have a local queue called 'QM'? You are using 'localhost', so is it running on your local PC? And did you configure the MQ listener to use port # 1418?
Finally, do not use the "SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN". Create a channel for your own use. i.e. 'TEST.CHL'. Also, you could be blocked from using the SYSTEM.* channel by a CHLAUTH rule.
As #Roger had highlighted, the issue in my case was that the channel was blocked by the CHLAUTH rule. I fixed the issue by disabling authorisation on the channel using the below commands on the IBM Integration Console:

MultiSubnetFailover for SQL Server

Does anyone know how to construct the database connection string with multisubnet failover as true? We are trying to connect to a SQL Server which is on AOAG (Always on availability group).
We are trying to connect via application where we are using org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource to create a data source bean and then using it in application.
<bean id="dataSource" class="org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource">
<property name="driverClassName" value="${DRIVER_CLASS}"/>
<property name="url" value="${JDBC_URL}"/>
<property name="username" value="{userName}"/>
<property name="password" value="{******}"/>
Are you looking for
From https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/database-engine/availability-groups/windows/listeners-client-connectivity-application-failover

How to read properties in SQL file to replace placeholders/Environment variables?

I have a flyway SQL script which inserts some data which is environment specific (Like deployment URL's) etc. I am having these values in a properties file. I want to use the same properties in this SQL file. I can do this by ant replace task/sed from bash file.In that case i need to run the script/ant target manually. Is there any other way to read properties in SQL file to read as ENVIRONMENT variable/replace placeholders?
I found a solution for this using flyway. We can use flyway placeholders.
<bean id="flyway" class="com.googlecode.flyway.core.Flyway"
init-method="migrate" scope="singleton">
<property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" />
<property name="disableInitCheck" value="true"></property>
<property name="locations">
<property name="placeholders">
<entry key="key1" value="${value1}"></entry>
<entry key="key2" value="${value2}"></entry>
properties file:
value1= value of key 1
value2= value of key 2
Flyway Feature request

BoneCP config in Spring-based application for Cloudbees

I use BoneCP in my Spring-based application.
<bean id="dataSource" class="com.jolbox.bonecp.BoneCPDataSource" destroy-method="close">
<property name="driverClass" value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" />
<property name="jdbcUrl" value="jdbc:mysql://ec2-23-21-211-???.compute-1.amazonaws.com:3306/?????" />
<property name="username" value="*****"/>
<property name="password" value="********"/>
<property name="idleConnectionTestPeriod" value="60"/>
<property name="idleMaxAge" value="240"/>
<property name="maxConnectionsPerPartition" value="3"/>
<property name="minConnectionsPerPartition" value="1"/>
<property name="partitionCount" value="1"/>
<property name="acquireIncrement" value="5"/>
<property name="statementsCacheSize" value="100"/>
<property name="releaseHelperThreads" value="3"/>
Is there any short value for jdbcURL?
You can inject it via environmental variable through the CloudBees SDK.
1.Inject the datasource and the following environmental variables via bees app:bind
With the CloudBees SDK:
bees app:bind -a appName -db dbName -as mydb
It will automatically inject a datasource and will create these three environmental variables:
Please, be aware that you will use on this way one active connection for the maxActive: '20' by default on the Tomcat JDBC Connection Pool.
2.Enable PlaceHolder on Spring framework and mark system-properties-mode as "OVERRIDE".
<context:property-placeholder location="classpath:spring/data-access.properties" system-properties-mode="OVERRIDE"/>
Example here.
3.On your datasource.xml configuration file, then you could use something like this:
value= "jdbc:"+ ${DATABASE_URL_DB}
Be aware that the recommended way to get the datasource on CloudBees is always using JNDI.
In this way, you will use our own implementation of the datasource, so you don't have to write the username, the password or the URL of the database. Instead of all these lines, you can just replace all of them for this one:
<jee:jndi-lookup id="dataSource" jndi-name="jdbc/mydb" resource-ref="true"/>

How to Configure SSL over Database in Spring?

I want to add SSL security in the Database layer. I am using Struts2.1.6, Spring 2.5, JBOSS 5.0 and Informix 11.5. Any idea how to do this?
I have researched through a lot on the internet but could not find any solution.
Please suggest!
Here is my datasource and entity manager beans which is working perfect without SSL:
<bean id="entityManagerFactory"
<property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" />
<property name="jpaVendorAdapter">
<bean class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.vendor.HibernateJpaVendorAdapter">
<property name="database" value="INFORMIX" />
<property name="showSql" value="true" />
<bean id="dataSource"
class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource" destroy-method="close">
<property name="driverClassName" value="com.informix.jdbc.IfxDriver" />
<property name="url"
<property name="username" value="username" />
<property name="password" value="password" />
<property name="minIdle" value="2" />
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.MethodInvokingFactoryBean" lazy-init="false">
<property name="targetObject" ref="dataSource" />
<property name="targetMethod" value="addConnectionProperty" />
<property name="arguments">
<bean id="jdbcTemplate" class="org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate" scope="prototype">
<property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" />
<bean id="transactionManager" class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.JpaTransactionManager">
<property name="entityManagerFactory" ref="entityManagerFactory" />
<tx:annotation-driven transaction-manager="transactionManager" />
Thankyou very much for your suggestion. So basically I need to set something like this in my applicationContext.xml, Please correct me if I am wrong:
<property name="username" value="username" />
<property name="password" value="password" />
**<property name="sslConnection" value="true" />**
<property name="minIdle" value="2" />
But how do I set the SSL certificate in java runtime. The link which you have provided is good but for some reason I am not able to follow. Please put your suggestion.
Using SSL for the communication between an application and a database is something that has to be supported by the database server (and the JDBC driver).
According to the documentation, this is supported by Informix Dynamic Server (IDS) since version 11.50.
You can use SSL support in your Java applications if you use IBM Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ type 4 connectivity to DB2® for z/OS® Version 9 or later, to DB2 Database for Linux®, UNIX®, and Windows® Version 9.1, Fix Pack 2 or later, or to IBM Informix® Dynamic Server (IDS) Version 11.50 or later.
To use SSL connections, you need to:
Configure connections to the data source to use SSL. (link)
Configure your Java Runtime Environment to use SSL. (link)
The documentation should help.
If you're using a version of IDS prior to 11.50, then I'm afraid you'll have to use SSH tunneling.