How to set HubSection Header Style - xaml

I want to change Font Family, Font Size and Foreground color for HubSection Header.
Something like this:
<Style TargetType="HubSection" x:Key="HubSection">
<Setter Property="Header">
<Setter Property="FontSize" Value="100"></Setter>
<Setter Property="Foreground" Value="Yellow"></Setter>
<HubSection Width="500" Header="Section Name" Style="{StaticResource HubSection}">
How can I do it?

The property you want to change isn't Header but HeaderTemplate. Here's my working example:
<Style TargetType="HubSection">
<Setter Property="HeaderTemplate">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding}"
If you want to apply this style to all Hub controls in your app, just remove the Key and place it in the App.xaml file in Resources.

If you don't want to override header template you can override default theme resources:
<FontWeight x:Key="HubSectionHeaderThemeFontWeight">SemiLight</FontWeight>
<x:Double x:Key="HubSectionHeaderThemeFontSize">26.667</x:Double>
Unfortunately there is no special resources for FontFamily and Foreground. Template is using defaults from Button. So you will influence whole application. But in many cases that's what you want, right?
<FontFamily x:Key="ContentControlThemeFontFamily">Segoe UI</FontFamily>
<SolidColorBrush x:Key="ButtonForegroundThemeBrush" Color="Red" />


ThemeResource in Style isn't used when I build my UWP app

I am trying to make a rectangle that changes color after a tapped event. It should cycle between a disabled mode (gray) and the accent color. I am trying to do this using styles. When I use (a shade of) the accent color in the XAML code {ThemeResource SystemControlHighlightAltListAccentHighBrush} it correctly shows the accent color. It also shows the correct colors in the designer (Visual Studio). However, if I use the theme colors in a resource dictionary, it replaces them by grayish or no colors in my app (after build). This is my ResourceDictionary:
<Style TargetType="RelativePanel" x:Key="Disabled">
<Setter Property="Tag">
<Setter Property="Margin">
<Setter Property="Background">
<Setter.Value>{ThemeResource SystemControlBackgroundListLowBrush} </Setter.Value>
<Style TargetType="RelativePanel" x:Key="Enabled">
<Setter Property="Tag">
<Setter Property="Margin">
<Setter Property="Background">
<Setter.Value>{ThemeResource SystemControlHighlightAltListAccentHighBrush}</Setter.Value>
This is my XAML code:
<RowDefinition Height="150" />
<RowDefinition />
<ColumnDefinition />
<RelativePanel Name="Category1"
Style="{StaticResource Enabled}">
And this is my C# code to toggle between the styles:
private void ToggleStatus(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
RelativePanel panel = sender as RelativePanel;
if ((string)panel.Tag == "0")
panel.Style = (Style)App.Current.Resources["Enabled"]; // Tag = 1
else if ((string)panel.Tag == "1")
panel.Style = (Style)App.Current.Resources["Disabled"]; // Tag = 2
In the design view this works great. It nicely shows the grey or accent color backgrounds. However, when I build this, no colors are shown.
It does show colors as long as I use real colors (e.g. Gray) instead of the ThemeResource. It also works if I use the ThemeResource straight in the XAML code (no styles). Why does it only work in the designer? Why does it not work if I use the ThemeResource in the styles? And how could I fix this?
Why does it not work if I use the ThemeResource in the styles? And how could I fix this?
You are using XAML Property Element Usage Syntax to set the extensionUsage (i.e. {ThemeResource} or {StaticResource}) to Setter.Value property in the styles:
<Setter ...>
According to the Syntax part of the official documentation Setter.Value property, when setting an extensionUsage (i.e. {ThemeResource} or {StaticResource}) to Setter.Value property in the styles, we should use XAML Attribute Usage Syntax instead of using XAML Property Element Usage Syntax:
<Setter Property="propertyName" Value="extensionUsage"/>
So you should use the following code to set the Background with {ThemeResource} in the styles:
<Style TargetType="RelativePanel" x:Key="Disabled">
<Setter Property="Tag">
<Setter Property="Margin">
<!--use XAML Attribute Usage Syntax to set extensionUsage -->
<Setter Property="Background" Value="{ThemeResource SystemControlBackgroundListLowBrush}" />
<Style TargetType="RelativePanel" x:Key="Enabled">
<Setter Property="Tag">
<Setter Property="Margin">
<!--use XAML Attribute Usage Syntax to set extensionUsage -->
<Setter Property="Background" Value="{ThemeResource SystemControlHighlightAltListAccentHighBrush}" />

How to change the fontfamily of items in flyoutpicker of combobox in wp8.1

Can anyone explain, how to change the fontfamily of the flyoutpicker(the overflow menu that appears when there are more than 5 items in a combobox) ?
I've tried many ways, but not able to get the solution.
Please help.
The link to the screenshot ->
I somehow mananged to change the header font[marked by yellow rectangle] and also the background colour[marked red *]
But i want to change the font family of the text[marked by red rectangle].
Please help me...
try to override ListPickerFlyoutPresenter
<Style TargetType="ListPickerFlyoutPresenter">
<Setter Property="FontFamily" Value="{StaticResource MyFontFamily" />
You need override following DataTemplate for customizing FontFamily
<!-- DataTemplate holding the content for ListPickerFlyoutPresenter's ItemsHostPanel -->
<DataTemplate x:Key="ListPickerFlyoutPresenterContentTemplate">
<Style TargetType="ListViewItem">
<Setter Property="FontSize" Value="32"/>
<Setter Property="FontFamily" Value="{StaticResource LoraBoldFontFamily}"/>
<Border Height="{ThemeResource ListPickerFlyoutFooterThemeHeight}" Width="1" />
Donwnload sample from OneDrive

What is the type for content of button to store xaml data in resource?

In this post, I want to use a same solution to do with button. But I want to store the content to an other resource.(I mean XamlImage in below sample) What is the type for content of button to store xaml data in resource dictionary?
Below is sample from the post. I added XamlImage as path in resource but it doesn't work. So, what type should it be?
<Path x:Key="XamlImage" Data="M383.518,230.427C299.063,230.427 230.355,299.099 230.355,383.554 230.355,468.009 299.063,536.644 383.518,536.644 467.937,536.644 536.645,468.009 536.645,383.554 536.645,299.099 467.937,230.427 383.518,230.427z M340.229,0L426.771,0C436.838,0,445.035,8.19732,445.035,18.2643L445.035,115.303C475.165,122.17,503.532,133.928,529.634,150.43L598.306,81.6869C601.721,78.3074 606.359,76.3653 611.213,76.3653 616.031,76.3653 620.704,78.3074 624.12,81.6869L685.278,142.916C692.397,150.035,692.397,161.648,685.278,168.767L616.677,237.402C633.108,263.54,644.866,291.907,651.733,322.001L748.736,322.001C758.803,322.001,767,330.198,767,340.265L767,426.806C767,436.873,758.803,445.07,748.736,445.07L651.769,445.07C644.901,475.235,633.108,503.531,616.677,529.669L685.278,598.305C688.694,601.72 690.635,606.358 690.635,611.212 690.635,616.102 688.694,620.705 685.278,624.12L624.085,685.313C620.525,688.872 615.851,690.67 611.177,690.67 606.503,690.67 601.865,688.872 598.269,685.313L529.67,616.678C503.567,633.109,475.2,644.937,445.035,651.804L445.035,748.771C445.035,758.838,436.838,767,426.771,767L340.229,767C330.162,767,321.965,758.838,321.965,748.771L321.965,651.804C291.8,644.937,263.433,633.109,237.366,616.678L168.731,685.313C165.315,688.693 160.677,690.67 155.823,690.67 151.005,690.67 146.296,688.693 142.916,685.313L81.7221,624.12C74.6033,617.036,74.6033,605.424,81.7221,598.305L150.323,529.669C133.892,503.603,122.099,475.235,115.267,445.07L18.2643,445.07C8.19734,445.07,0,436.873,0,426.806L0,340.265C0,330.198,8.19734,322.001,18.2643,322.001L115.267,322.001C122.135,291.907,133.892,263.54,150.323,237.402L81.7221,168.767C78.3064,165.351 76.3655,160.713 76.3655,155.859 76.3655,150.97 78.3064,146.332 81.7221,142.916L142.916,81.7582C146.476,78.1988 151.149,76.4016 155.823,76.4016 160.497,76.4016 165.171,78.1988 168.731,81.7582L237.366,150.43C263.469,133.928,291.837,122.17,321.965,115.303L321.965,18.2643C321.965,8.19732,330.162,0,340.229,0z"/>
<Style x:Key="PathAppBarButtonStyle" BasedOn="{StaticResource AppBarButtonStyle}" TargetType="ButtonBase">
<Setter Property="ContentTemplate">
<Path Width="20" Height="20"
Fill="{Binding Path=Foreground, RelativeSource={RelativeSource Mode=TemplatedParent}}"
Data="{Binding Path=Content, RelativeSource={RelativeSource Mode=TemplatedParent}}"/>
<Style x:Key="CrossButtonStyle" TargetType="ButtonBase" BasedOn="{StaticResource PathAppBarButtonStyle}">
<Setter Property="AutomationProperties.AutomationId" Value="CrossAppBarButton"/>
<Setter Property="AutomationProperties.Name" Value="Cross"/>
<Setter Property="Content" Value="{StaticResource XamlImage}"/>
You don't want to set an image resource as your content because Image is a control and it can only be in one place in your UI tree. You can reuse a DataTemplate though in your ContentTemplate. So just put an Image inside of that.

How to Create a Custom Pivot Title Style

I would like to be able to create a custom pivot page title style in my application, so that I may use it across multiple pages. Essentially I just want the title of the Pivot to be centered with a certain font size and type. Originally I was using an Image for my title but I really need a text title instead. How might I go about doing this? I've already tried setting this within App.xaml and using it within my MainPage.xaml but so far I don't have anything working.
App.xaml (original)
<Style x:Key="ApplicationName" TargetType="Image">
<Setter Property="Height" Value="50"/>
<Setter Property="Width" Value="92.85"/>
<Setter Property="Margin" Value="-3,0,0,0"/>
<Setter Property="Source" Value="/Assets/ApplicationTitle.png"/>
<phone:Pivot x:Name="mainPagePivotControl" Style="{StaticResource PivotStyle}">
<Image Style="{StaticResource ApplicationName}"/>

How to set and get line series color from WinRT XAML Toolkit chart

Thanks Filip, finally I found way to set the color. I just need to add Background property in DataPointStyle. I am posting my answer here. Also found a way how to modify the default tooltip.
Showing lines with different colors on a Silverlight Toolkit’s LineChart?
Using a custom ToolTip in Silverlight charting
<Style TargetType="charting:LineDataPoint">
<Setter Property="Width" Value="17" />
<Setter Property="Height" Value="17" />
<Setter Property="Background" Value="Lime"/>
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="charting:LineDataPoint">
<ContentControl Content="{Binding Value,Converter={StaticResource MyConv},ConverterParameter=TEST}"/>
<Ellipse Fill="Lime" Stroke="Lime" StrokeThickness="3" />
Question 1
I am creating multiple line chart series in a chart. Now WinRT XAML Toolkit assigns color for each series in random manner. I am using custom style for data points, so when I use custom style that randomness of color goes off. So how can I set or get that random color of series ? If I can get the color then I can use that color in datapoint, and if I can set color then I will generate random color myself.
Question 2
Moreover while hovering over data points the tool tip shows the dependent value, but I want to show more details how can I achieve that ?
Here's my code with custom style.
<charting:Chart x:Name="LineChart" Title="Line Chart" Margin="70,0">
Title="Population 1"
IndependentValueBinding="{Binding Name}"
DependentValueBinding="{Binding Value}"
<Style TargetType="charting:LineDataPoint">
<Setter Property="Width" Value="17" />
<Setter Property="Height" Value="17" />
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="charting:LineDataPoint">
<Ellipse Fill="Green" Stroke="Green" StrokeThickness="3" />
Title="Population 2"
IndependentValueBinding="{Binding Name}"
DependentValueBinding="{Binding Value}"
IsSelectionEnabled="True" Foreground="Blue">
<Style TargetType="charting:LineDataPoint">
<Setter Property="Width" Value="17" />
<Setter Property="Height" Value="17" />
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="charting:LineDataPoint">
<Ellipse Fill="Red" Stroke="Red" StrokeThickness="3" />
Chart with random color (NO CUSTOM DATAPOINT STYLE)
Chart with NO random color (WITH CUSTOM DATAPOINT STYLE) [You can see both line has yellow color]
Trying to Bing for silverlight toolkit chart custom line color yields some potentially useful pages, like this. It should work mostly the same with the WinRT XAML Toolkit, but where they customize the Silverlight-based templates - you would need to customize the WinRT XAML Toolkit-based ones that you can either try to extract with Blend/Visual Studio designer or get the original templates from the source that you can grab from CodePlex.