I have the following table:
| ItemCode1 | ItemCode2 | Value |
| X1 | Y1 | 1 |
| X2 | Y1 | 50 |
| X3 | Y3 | 1 |
| X4 | Y4 | 20 |
| X5 | Y4 | 1 |
And I'd like to select 1 ItemCode1 for each distinct ItemCode2, based on the highest value. I.E, the output table should look like:
| ItemCode1 | ItemCode2 | Value |
| X2 | Y1 | 50 |
| X3 | Y3 | 1 |
| X4 | Y4 | 20 |
I know it should be quite easy but for some reason, I can't get this one...
Help would be truly appreciated!
You can use ROW_NUMBER() to get the record with the highest value, then select just this one record in an outer query:
SELECT ItemCode1, ItemCode2, Value
SELECT ItemCode1, ItemCode, Value,
FROM MyTable ) t
WHERE t.rn = 1
If there are more than one records having the same max value and you want all of these records returned then you have to replace ROW_NUMBER() with RANK().
select t1.itemcode1, t1.itemcode2, t1.value
from your_table t1
select max(value) mvalue, itemcode2
from your_table
group by itemcode2
) t2 on t1.value = t2.mvalue
and t1.itemcode2 = t2.itemcode2
Select all rows where value = max(value) for the ItemCode2.
select ItemCode1, ItemCode2, Value
from tablename t1
where Value = (select max(Value)
from tablename t2
where t1.ItemCode2 = t2.ItemCode2)
Note that if several rows have same max value, they will all be returned.
Here's my submission. According to a comparison of the execution plans, this should execute a good half again faster than performing a subquery. The hash join is removed.
List( ItemCode1, ItemCode2, Value )as(
select 'X1', 'Y1', 20 union all
select 'X2', 'Y1', 50 union all
select 'X3', 'Y3', 1 union all
select 'X4', 'Y4', 20 union all
select 'X5', 'Y4', 20 union all
select 'X6', 'Y4', 50 union all
select 'X7', 'Y4', 75
Partial( ItemCode1, ItemCode2, Value, rnk )as(
select l.ItemCode1, l.ItemCode2, l.Value,
ROW_NUMBER() over( partition by l.ItemCode2 order by l.Value desc ) rnk
from list l
select ItemCode1, ItemCode2, Value
from Partial
where rnk = 1;
As you see, I've added some extra data rows. Can't have too much test data!
I have below table
C1 | Path
T1 | T0/T1
T2 | T0/T1/T2
T3 | T0/T1/T2/T3
X1 | T0/X0/X1
T2 | T0/X0/X1/T2
T3 | T0/X0/X1/T2/T3
T3 | T0/Y0/Y1/Y2/T3
Y3 | T0/X0/X2/Y3
Y4 | T0/X0/X2/Y3/Y4
I need to write q query or code which should return smallest distinct delimited string as shown below
C1 | Path
T1 | T0/T1
X1 | T0/X0/X1
T3 | T0/Y0/Y1/Y2/T3
Y3 | T0/X0/X2/Y3
Ex: T0/T1 is a substring of T0/T1/T2 and T0/T1/T2/T3.
T0/Y0/Y1/Y2/T3 is not substring of any other string. It is distinct.
Can you please help me to write this query in oracle
FROM Table1 t1
LEFT JOIN Table1 t2
ON t1.Path <> t2.Path
AND t1.path LIKE '%'||t2.Path||'%'
Demo: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!4/a3f87/3
| C1 | PATH |
| T1 | T0/T1 |
| X1 | T0/X0/X1 |
| T3 | T0/Y0/Y1/Y2/T3 |
| Y3 | T0/X0/X2/Y3 |
This query works http://sqlfiddle.com/#!4/bf32e/19
With X as
(select 'T0/T1' c1 from dual
select 'T0/T1/T2' c1 from dual
select 'T0/T1/T2/T3' c1 from dual
select 'T0/X0/X1' c1 from dual
select 'T0/X0/X1/T2' c1 from dual
select 'T0/X0/X1/T2/T3' c1 from dual
select 'T0/Y0/Y1/Y2/T3' c1 from dual
select 'T0/X0/X2/Y3' c1 from dual
select 'T0/X0/X2/Y3/Y4' c1 from dual),
Y as (
select distinct X1.C1 YC1 from X X1, X X2
where X1.C1 like '%'||X2.C1||'%' and X1.C1<>X2.C1)
select * from X where not exists
(select 1 from Y where YC1=X.C1)
My table in SQL is like:-
RN Name value1 value2 Timestamp
1 Mark 110 210 20160119
1 Mark 106 205 20160115
1 Mark 103 201 20160112
2 Steve 120 220 20151218
2 Steve 111 210 20151210
2 Steve 104 206 20151203
Desired Output:-
RN Name value1Lag1 value1lag2 value2lag1 value2lag2
1 Mark 4 3 5 4
2 Steve 9 7 10 4
The difference is calculated from the most recent to the second recent and then from second recent to the third recent for RN 1
value1lag1 = 110-106 =4
value1lag2 = 106-103 = 3
value2lag1 = 210-205 = 5
value2lag2 = 205-201 = 4
similarly for other RN's also.
Note: For each RN there are 3 and only 3 rows.
I have tried in several ways by taking help from similar posts but no luck.
I've assumed that RN and Name are linked here. It's a bit messy, but if each RN always has 3 values and you always want to check them in this order, then something like this should work.
, AVG(CASE WHEN table_ranked.Rank = 1 THEN table_ranked.value1 ELSE NULL END) - AVG(CASE WHEN table_ranked.Rank = 2 THEN table_ranked.value1 ELSE NULL END) value1Lag1
, AVG(CASE WHEN table_ranked.Rank = 2 THEN table_ranked.value1 ELSE NULL END) - AVG(CASE WHEN table_ranked.Rank = 3 THEN table_ranked.value1 ELSE NULL END) value1Lag2
, AVG(CASE WHEN table_ranked.Rank = 1 THEN table_ranked.value2 ELSE NULL END) - AVG(CASE WHEN table_ranked.Rank = 2 THEN table_ranked.value2 ELSE NULL END) value2Lag1
, AVG(CASE WHEN table_ranked.Rank = 2 THEN table_ranked.value2 ELSE NULL END) - AVG(CASE WHEN table_ranked.Rank = 3 THEN table_ranked.value2 ELSE NULL END) value2Lag2
FROM table t1
, t1.value1
, t1.value2
, COUNT(t2.TimeStamp) Rank
FROM table t1
INNER JOIN table t2
ON t2.name = t1.name
AND t1.TimeStamp <= t2.TimeStamp
GROUP BY t1.Name, t1.value1, t1.value2
) table_ranked
ON table_ranked.Name = t1.Name
GROUP BY t1.Name
There are other answers here, but I think your problem is calling for analytic functions, specifically LAG():
-- calculate the differences
value1 - v1l1 value1lag1,
v1l1 - v1l2 value1lag2,
value2 - v2l1 value2lag1,
v2l1 - v2l2 value2lag2
from (
-- these two are the values from the row before this one ordered by timestamp (ascending)
lag(value1) over(partition by rn, name order by timestamp asc) v1l1,
lag(value2) over(partition by rn, name order by timestamp asc) v2l1
-- these two are the values from two rows before this one ordered by timestamp (ascending)
lag(value1, 2) over(partition by rn, name order by timestamp asc) v1l2,
lag(value2, 2) over(partition by rn, name order by timestamp asc) v2l2
from (
1 rn, 'Mark' name, 110 value1, 210 value2, '20160119' timestamp
from dual
union all
1 rn, 'Mark' name, 106 value1, 205 value2, '20160115' timestamp
from dual
union all
1 rn, 'Mark' name, 103 value1, 201 value2, '20160112' timestamp
from dual
union all
2 rn, 'Steve' name, 120 value1, 220 value2, '20151218' timestamp
from dual
union all
2 rn, 'Steve' name, 111 value1, 210 value2, '20151210' timestamp
from dual
union all
2 rn, 'Steve' name, 104 value1, 206 value2, '20151203' timestamp
from dual
) data
-- return only the rows that have defined values
v1l1 is not null and
v1l2 is not null and
v2l1 is not null and
v2l1 is not null
This approach has the benefit that Oracle does all the necessary buffering internally, avoiding self-joins and the like. For big data sets this can be important from a performance viewpoint.
As an example, the explain plan for that query would be something like
| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time |
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 6 | 150 | 13 (8)| 00:00:01 |
|* 1 | VIEW | | 6 | 150 | 13 (8)| 00:00:01 |
| 2 | WINDOW SORT | | 6 | 138 | 13 (8)| 00:00:01 |
| 3 | VIEW | | 6 | 138 | 12 (0)| 00:00:01 |
| 4 | UNION-ALL | | | | | |
| 5 | FAST DUAL | | 1 | | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 |
| 6 | FAST DUAL | | 1 | | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 |
| 7 | FAST DUAL | | 1 | | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 |
| 8 | FAST DUAL | | 1 | | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 |
| 9 | FAST DUAL | | 1 | | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 |
| 10 | FAST DUAL | | 1 | | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 |
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
1 - filter("V1L1" IS NOT NULL AND "V1L2" IS NOT NULL AND "V2L1" IS
Note that there are no joins, just a WINDOW SORT that buffers the necessary data from the "data source" (in our case, the VIEW 3 that is the UNION ALL of our SELECT ... FROM DUAL) to partition and calculate the different lags.
if just in this case, it's not that difficult.you need 2 steps
self join and get the result of minus
select t1.RN,
t2.value1-t1.value1 as value1,
t2.value2-t1.value2 as value2
(select RN,Name,value1,value2,
row_number(partition by Name order by Timestamp desc) as rm from table)t1
left join
(select RN,Name,value1,value2,
row_number(partition by Name order by Timestamp desc) as rm from table) t2
on t1.rm = t2.rm-1
where t2.RN is not null.
you set this as a table let's say table3.
2.you pivot it
select * from (
select t3.RN, t3.Name,t3.rm,t3.value1,t3.value2 from table3 t3
for rm in ('1','2')
3.you get 2 pivot table for value1 and value2 join them together to get the result.
but i think there may be a better way and i m not sure if we can just join pivot when we pivot it so i ll use join after i get the pivot result that will make 2 more tables. its not good but the best i can do
-- test data
with data(rn,
timestamp) as
(select 1, 'Mark', 110, 210, to_date('20160119', 'YYYYMMDD')
from dual
union all
select 1, 'Mark', 106, 205, to_date('20160115', 'YYYYMMDD')
from dual
union all
select 1, 'Mark', 103, 201, to_date('20160112', 'YYYYMMDD')
from dual
union all
select 2, 'Steve', 120, 220, to_date('20151218', 'YYYYMMDD')
from dual
union all
select 2, 'Steve', 111, 210, to_date('20151210', 'YYYYMMDD')
from dual
union all
select 2, 'Steve', 104, 206, to_date('20151203', 'YYYYMMDD') from dual),
-- first transform value1, value2 to value_id (1,2), value
data2 as
(select d.rn, d.name, 1 as val_id, d.value1 as value, d.timestamp
from data d
union all
select d.rn, d.name, 2 as val_id, d.value2 as value, d.timestamp
from data d)
select * -- find previous row P of row D, evaluate difference and build column name as desired
from (select d.rn,
d.value - p.value as value,
'value' || d.val_id || 'Lag' || row_number() over(partition by d.rn, d.val_id order by d.timestamp desc) as col
from data2 p, data2 d
where p.rn = d.rn
and p.val_id = d.val_id
and p.timestamp =
(select max(pp.timestamp)
from data2 pp
where pp.rn = p.rn
and pp.val_id = p.val_id
and pp.timestamp < d.timestamp))
-- pivot
pivot(sum(value) for col in('value1Lag1',
Consider the following table
create table temp (id int, attribute varchar(25), value varchar(25))
And values into the table
insert into temp select 100, 'First', 234
insert into temp select 100, 'Second', 512
insert into temp select 100, 'Third', 320
insert into temp select 101, 'Second', 512
insert into temp select 101, 'Third', 320
I have to deduce a column EndResult which is dependent on 'attribute' column. For each id, I have to parse through attribute values in the order
First, Second, Third and choose the very 1st value which is available i.e. for id = 100, EndResult should be 234 for the 1st three records.
Expected result:
| id | EndResult |
| 100 | 234 |
| 100 | 234 |
| 100 | 234 |
| 101 | 512 |
| 101 | 512 |
I tried with the following query in vain:
select id, case when isnull(attribute,'') = 'First'
then value
when isnull(attribute,'') = 'Second'
then value
when isnull(attribute,'') = 'Third'
then value
else '' end as EndResult
| id | EndResult |
| 100 | 234 |
| 100 | 512 |
| 100 | 320 |
| 101 | 512 |
| 101 | 320 |
Please suggest if there's a way to get the expected result.
You can use analytical function like dense_rank to generate a numbering, and then select those rows that have the number '1':
dense_rank() over (partition by t.id order by t.attribute) as priority
Temp t) x
x.priority = 1
In your case, you can conveniently order by t.attribute, since their alphabetical order happens to be the right order. In other situations you could convert the attribute to a number using a case, like:
order by
case t.attribute
when 'One' then 1
when 'Two' then 2
when 'Three' then 3
In case the attribute column have different values which are not in alphabetical order as is the case above you can write as:
with cte as
select id,
case attribute when 'First' then 1
when 'Second' then 2
when 'Third' then 3 end as seq_no
from temp
, cte2 as
select id,
row_number() over ( partition by id order by seq_no asc) as rownum
from cte
select T.id,C.value as EndResult
from temp T
join cte2 C on T.id = C.id and C.rownum = 1
Here is how you can achieve this using ROW_NUMBER():
AS (
WHEN 'Second' THEN 2
WHEN 'Third' THEN 3
) rownum
SELECT value
FROM t t1
WHERE t1.id = t.id
AND rownum = 1
) end_result
For testing purpose, please see SQL Fiddle demo here:
SQL Fiddle Example
keep it simple
;with cte as
select row_number() over (partition by id order by (select 1)) row_num, id, value
from temp
select t1.id, t2.value
from temp t1
left join cte t2
on t1.Id = t2.id
where t2.row_num = 1
id value
100 234
100 234
100 234
101 512
101 512
I have two tables in an Oracle database:
The first table has a date range and I need help in writing a SQL query to find all the records from second table as in the result table below. The first four digits in the date is year and last two are session (10-Fall; 20-Spring; 30-Summer).
1) Table1
seqnum | min_date| max_date |c_id
1 | 201210 | 201210 | 100
1 | 201220 | 201330 | 150
1 | 201410 | 201410 | 200
2) Table2
seqnum | b_date
1 | 201210
1 | 201220
1 | 201230
1 | 201310
1 | 201320
1 | 201330
1 | 201410
1 | 201420
1 | 201430
3) Result table
seqnum | b_date | c_id
1 | 201210 | 100
1 | 201220 | 150
1 | 201230 | 150
1 | 201310 | 150
1 | 201320 | 150
1 | 201330 | 150
1 | 201410 | 200
1 | 201420 | 200
1 | 201430 | 200
If Table1 have only the first record then all the dates in Table2 must be associated with c_id 100 only.
To do this as simply as possible:
select t2.seqnum, t2.b_date, coalesce(t1.c_id, t3.max_id) as c_id
from table2 t2
left outer join table1 t1
on t2.b_date between t1.min_date and t1.max_date
cross join (select max(c_id) as max_id from table1) t3
order by t1.c_id, t2.b_date
SQLFiddle here
Share and enjoy.
Fiddle: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!4/45c72/10/0
select t2.seqnum,
case when t2.b_date < min_rg then x.c_id
when t2.b_date > max_rg then y.c_id
else t1.c_id
end as c_id
from (select min(min_date) as min_rg, max(max_date) as max_rg from table1) z
join table1 x
on x.min_date = z.min_rg
join table1 y
on y.max_date = z.max_rg
cross join table2 t2
left join table1 t1
on t2.b_date between t1.min_date and t1.max_date
order by b_date
When B_DATE on table2 is lower than the first MIN_DATE on table1 it will show C_ID from table1 of the lowest MIN_DATE (100 in your case, right now).
When B_DATE on table2 is higher than the last MAX_DATE on table1 it will show C_ID from table1 of the highest MAX_DATE (200 in your case, right now).
with table1 as (
select 1 seqnum, 201210 min_date, 201210 max_date, 100 c_id from dual
union all select 1, 201220, 201330, 150 from dual
union all select 1, 201410, 201410, 200 from dual
table2 as (
select 1 seqnum, 201210 b_date from dual
union all select 1, 201220 from dual
union all select 1, 201230 from dual
union all select 1, 201310 from dual
union all select 1, 201320 from dual
union all select 1, 201330 from dual
union all select 1, 201410 from dual
union all select 1, 201420 from dual
union all select 1, 201430 from dual
semi as (
select t2.seqnum, t2.b_date, t1.c_id,
-- since Oracle 11g
--lag(c_id IGNORE NULLS) over(partition by t2.seqnum order by t2.b_date) prev_c_id
last_value(c_id IGNORE NULLS) over(partition by t2.seqnum
order by t2.b_date
AND 1 PRECEDING) prev_c_id
from table2 t2 left join table1 t1
on t2.seqnum = t1.seqnum and t2.b_date between t1.min_date and t1.max_date
select seqnum, b_date, nvl(c_id, prev_c_id) c_id
from semi;
This can be done with analytic functions.
Left join Table2 with Table1
Calculate previous (rows are ordered by b_date) not null value of c_id with (LAG or LAST_VALUE + windowing) for each seqnum.
If c_id is NULL then show the first not null previous value.
I have the following table named foo:
1 | 47 | 97
2 | 47 | 98
3 | 47 | 99
4 | 48 | 100
5 | 48 | 101
6 | 49 | 102
I want to run a select query and have the results show like this
UNIQUE_ID | KEY | ID1 | VAL1 | ID2 | VAL2 | ID3 | VAL3
47_1:97_2:98_3:99| 47 | 1 | 97 | 2 | 98 | 3 | 99
48_4:100_5:101 | 48 | 4 | 100 | 5 | 101 | |
49_6:102 | 49 | 6 | 102 | | | |
So, basically all rows with the same KEY get collapsed into 1 row. There can be anywhere from 1-3 rows per KEY value
Is there a way to do this in a sql query (without writing a stored procedure or scripts)?
If not, I could also work with the less desirable choice of
47_1:97_2:98_3:99| 47 | 1,2,3 | 97,98,99
48_4:100_5:101 | 48 | 4,5 | 100, 101
49_6:102 | 49 | 6 | 102
Unfortunately my real-world problem seems to be much more difficult than this example, and I'm having trouble getting either example to work :( My query is over 120 lines so it's not very easy to post. It kind of looks like:
with v_table as (select ...),
v_table2 as (select foo from v_table where...),
v_table3 as (select foo from v_table where ...),
v_table23 as (select foo from v_table where ...)
select distinct (...) as "UniqueID", myKey, myVal, otherCol1, ..., otherCol18
from tbl1 inner join tbl2 on...
inner join tbl15 on ...
If I try any of the methods below it seems that I cannot do group-bys correctly because of all the other data being returned.
with v_table as (select ...),
v_table2 as (select foo from v_table where...),
v_table3 as (select foo from v_table where ...),
v_table23 as (select foo from v_table where ...)
select "Unique ID",
myKey, max(decode(id_col,1,id_col)) as id_1, max(decode(id_col,1,myVal)) as val_1,
max(decode(id_col,2,id_col)) as id_2,max(decode(id_col,2,myVal)) as val_2,
max(decode(id_col,3,id_col)) as id_3,max(decode(id_col,3,myVal)) as val_3
from (
select distinct (...) as "UniqueID", myKey, row_number() over (partition by myKey order by id) as id_col, id, myVal, otherCol1, ..., otherCol18
from tbl1 inner join tbl2 on...
inner join tbl15 on ...
) group by myKey;
Gives me the error: ORA-00979: not a GROUP BY expression
This is because I am selecting the UniqueID from the inner select. I will need to do this as well as select other columns from the inner table.
Any help would be appreciated!
Take a look ath this article about Listagg function, this will help you getting the comma separated results, it works only in the 11g version.
You may try this
select key,
max(decode(id_col,1,id_col)) as id_1,max(decode(id_col,1,val)) as val_1,
max(decode(id_col,2,id_col)) as id_2,max(decode(id_col,2,val)) as val_2,
max(decode(id_col,3,id_col)) as id_3,max(decode(id_col,3,val)) as val_3
from (
select key, row_number() over (partition by key order by id) as id_col,id,val
from your_table
group by key
As #O.D. suggests, you can generate the less desirable version with LISTAGG, for example (using a CTE to generate your sample data):
with foo as (
select 1 as id, 47 as key, 97 as val from dual
union select 2,47,98 from dual
union select 3,47,99 from dual
union select 4,48,100 from dual
union select 5,48,101 from dual
union select 6,49,102 from dual
select key ||'_'|| listagg(id ||':' ||val, '_')
within group (order by id) as unique_id,
listagg(id, ',') within group (order by id) as ids,
listagg(val, ',') within group (order by id) as vals
from foo
group by key
order by key;
----------------- ---- -------------------- --------------------
47_1:97_2:98_3:99 47 1,2,3 97,98,99
48_4:100_5:101 48 4,5 100,101
49_6:102 49 6 102
With a bit more manipulation you can get your preferred results:
with foo as (
select 1 as id, 47 as key, 97 as val from dual
union select 2,47,98 from dual
union select 3,47,99 from dual
union select 4,48,100 from dual
union select 5,48,101 from dual
union select 6,49,102 from dual
select unique_id, key,
max(id1) as id1, max(val1) as val1,
max(id2) as id2, max(val2) as val2,
max(id3) as id3, max(val3) as val3
from (
select unique_id,key,
case when r = 1 then id end as id1, case when r = 1 then val end as val1,
case when r = 2 then id end as id2, case when r = 2 then val end as val2,
case when r = 3 then id end as id3, case when r = 3 then val end as val3
from (
select key ||'_'|| listagg(id ||':' ||val, '_')
within group (order by id) over (partition by key) as unique_id,
key, id, val,
row_number() over (partition by key order by id) as r
from foo
group by unique_id, key
order by key;
----------------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
47_1:97_2:98_3:99 47 1 97 2 98 3 99
48_4:100_5:101 48 4 100 5 101
49_6:102 49 6 102
Can't help feeling there ought to be a simpler way though...