A loop in fortran code doesn't obey loop rules - while-loop

First of all i am new at fortran. I tried to find the value of 1/e within tolerance of 0.0000005. I used the summation representation of 1/e which is (epsilon) n from zero goes to infinity ((-1)^n)/n!. I started from n=2 and when the value of 1/n! is smaller than my tolerance, the program will stop and print the total value that is calculated. But my program just goes to n=3 only and only prints the value of 1/3! which is 1.666666.
!program is edited. the edited form is calculates what i wanted.Before the condition of outer while was (num3<5e-8) and it didn't increase n. Now n increases problem is solved.
program Ecalculator
implicit none
integer :: mult,num1,n,num4,num5
real :: summ,num3,fact
DO WHiLE(n<13)
DO WHiLE(num1>0)
print *, summ
read *, num5
end program Ecalculator

It looks like the factorial is not computed correctly: the line fact=num4*num1 is probably not doing what you want, because num4 is just assigned to be n and never changes throughout the inner loop. I don't think you need both variables num4 and fact; you could combine them into one variable.


How the complexity of the following code is O(nlogn)?

How the complexity of the following code is O(nlogn) ?
Time complexity in terms of what? If you want to know how many inner loop operations the algorithm performs, it is not O(n log n). If you want to take into account also the arithmetic operations, then see further below. If you literally are to plug in that code into a programming language, chances are the compiler will notice that your code does nothing and optimise the loop away, resulting in constant O(1) time complexity. But only based on what you've given us, I would interpret it as time complexity in terms of whatever might be inside the inner loop, not counting arithmetic operations of the loops themselves. If so:
Consider an iteration of your inner loop a constant-time operation, then we just need to count how many iterations the inner loop will make.
You will find that it will make
1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + ... + n
iterations, if n is a square number. If it is not square, it will stop a bit sooner, but this will be our upper limit.
We can write this more generally as
the sum of 2i where i ranges from 0 to log2n.
Now, if you do the math, e.g. using the formula for geometric sums, you will find that this sum equals
2n - 1.
So we have a time complexity of O(2n - 1) = O(n), if we don't take the arithmetic operations of the loops into account.
If you wish to verify this experimentally, the best way is to write code that counts how many times the inner loop runs. In javascript, you could write it like this:
function f(n) {
let c = 0;
for(i=1;i<=n;i=i*2) {
for(j=1;j<=i;j++) {
f(1 << 20);
If you do want to take the arithmetic operations into account, then it depends a bit on your assumptions but you can indeed get some logarithmic coefficients to account for. It depends on how you formulate the question and how you define an operation.
First, we need to estimate number of high-level operations executed for different n. In this case the inner loop is an operation that you want to count, if I understood the question right.
If it is difficult, you may automate it. I used Matlab for example code since there was no tag for specific language. Testing code will look like this:
% Reasonable amount of input elements placed in array, change it to fit your needs
x = 1:1:100;
% Plot linear function
plot(x,x,'DisplayName','O(n)', 'LineWidth', 2);
hold on;
% Plot n*log(n) function
plot(x, x.*log(x), 'DisplayName','O(nln(n))','LineWidth', 2);
hold on;
% Apply our function to each element of x
measured = arrayfun(#(v) test(v),x);
% Plot number of high level operations performed by our function for each element of x
plot(x,measured, 'DisplayName','Measured','LineWidth', 2);
% Our function
function k = test(n)
% Counter for operations
k = 0;
% Outer loop, same as for(i=1;i<=n;i=i*2)
i = 1;
while i < n
% Inner loop
for j=1:1:i
% Count operations
i = i*2;
And the result will look like
Our complexity is worse than linear but not worse than O(nlogn), so we choose O(nlogn) as an upper bound.
Furthermore the upper bound should be:
The worst case is n being in 2^x. x€real numbers
The inner loop is evaluated n times, the outer loop log2 (logarithm basis 2) times.

Is this O(N) algorithm actually O(logN)?

I have an integer, N.
I denote f[i] = number of appearances of the digit i in N.
Now, I have the following algorithm.
FOR i = 0 TO 9
FOR j = 1 TO f[i]
k = k*10 + i;
My teacher said this is O(N). It seems to me more like a O(logN) algorithm.
Am I missing something?
I think that you and your teacher are saying the same thing but it gets confused because the integer you are using is named N but it is also common to refer to an algorithm that is linear in the size of its input as O(N). N is getting overloaded as the specific name and the generic figure of speech.
Suppose we say instead that your number is Z and its digits are counted in the array d and then their frequencies are in f. For example, we could have:
Z = 12321
d = [1,2,3,2,1]
f = [0,2,2,1,0,0,0,0,0,0]
Then the cost of going through all the digits in d and computing the count for each will be O( size(d) ) = O( log (Z) ). This is basically what your second loop is doing in reverse, it's executing one time for each occurence of each digits. So you are right that there is something logarithmic going on here -- the number of digits of Z is logarithmic in the size of Z. But your teacher is also right that there is something linear going on here -- counting those digits is linear in the number of digits.
The time complexity of an algorithm is generally measured as a function of the input size. Your algorithm doesn't take N as an input; the input seems to be the array f. There is another variable named k which your code doesn't declare, but I assume that's an oversight and you meant to initialise e.g. k = 0 before the first loop, so that k is not an input to the algorithm.
The outer loop runs 10 times, and the inner loop runs f[i] times for each i. Therefore the total number of iterations of the inner loop equals the sum of the numbers in the array f. So the complexity could be written as O(sum(f)) or O(Σf) where Σ is the mathematical symbol for summation.
Since you defined that N is an integer which f counts the digits of, it is in fact possible to prove that O(Σf) is the same thing as O(log N), so long as N must be a positive integer. This is because Σf equals how many digits the number N has, which is approximately (log N) / (log 10). So by your definition of N, you are correct.
My guess is that your teacher disagrees with you because they think N means something else. If your teacher defines N = Σf then the complexity would be O(N). Or perhaps your teacher made a genuine mistake; that is not impossible. But the first thing to do is make sure you agree on the meaning of N.
I find your explanation a bit confusing, but lets assume N = 9075936782959 is an integer. Then O(N) doesn't really make sense. O(length of N) makes more sense. I'll use n for the length of N.
Then f(i) = iterate over each number in N and sum to find how many times i is in N, that makes O(f(i)) = n (it's linear). I'm assuming f(i) is a function, not an array.
Your algorithm loops at most:
10 times (first loop)
0 to n times, but the total is n (the sum of f(i) for all digits must be n)
It's tempting to say that algorithm is then O(algo) = 10 + n*f(i) = n^2 (removing the constant), but f(i) is only calculated 10 times, each time the second loops is entered, so O(algo) = 10 + n + 10*f(i) = 10 + 11n = n. If f(i) is an array, it's constant time.
I'm sure I didn't see the problem the same way as you. I'm still a little confused about the definition in your question. How did you come up with log(n)?

How do I calculate the sum efficiently?

Given an integer n such that (1<=n<=10^18)
We need to calculate f(1)+f(2)+f(3)+f(4)+....+f(n).
f(x) is given as :-
Say, x = 1112222333,
then f(x)=1002000300.
Whenever we see a contiguous subsequence of same numbers, we replace it with the first number and zeroes all behind it.
Formally, f(x) = Sum over all (first element of the contiguous subsequence * 10^i ), where i is the index of first element from left of a particular contiguous subsequence.
f(x)=1*10^9 + 2*10^6 + 3*10^2 = 1002000300.
In, x=1112222333,
Element at index '9':-1
and so on...
We follow zero based indexing :-)
For, x=1234.
Element at index-'0':-4,element at index -'1':3,element at index '2':-2,element at index 3:-1
How to calculate f(1)+f(2)+f(3)+....+f(n)?
I want to generate an algorithm which calculates this sum efficiently.
There is nothing to calculate.
Multiplying each position in the array od numbers will yeild thebsame number.
So all you want to do is end up with 0s on a repeated number
IE lets populate some static values in an array in psuedo code
these are the "results" of 10^index
Given a value n of `1234`
```1&000 + 2&00 +3 & 0 + 4```
Results in `1234`
So, if you are putting this on a chip, then probably your most efficient method is to do a bitwise XOR between each register and the next up the line as a single operation
Then you will have 0s in all the spots you care about, and just retrive the values in the registers with a 1
In code, I think it would be most efficient to do the following
```$n = arbitrary value 11223334
Okay yeah we can just do bit shifting to get a value like 100200300400 etc.
To approach this problem, it could help to begin with one digit numbers and see what sum you get.
I mean like this:
Let's say, we define , then we have:
F(1)= 45 # =10*9/2 by Euler's sum formula
F(2)= F(1)*9 + F(1)*100 # F(1)*9 is the part that comes from the last digit
# because for each of the 10 possible digits in the
# first position, we have 9 digits in the last
# because both can't be equal and so one out of ten
# becomse zero. F(1)*100 comes from the leading digit
# which is multiplied by 100 (10 because we add the
# second digit and another factor of 10 because we
# get the digit ten times in that position)
If you now continue with this scheme, for k>=1 in general you get
F(k+1)= F(k)*100+10^(k-1)*45*9
The rest is probably straightforward.
Can you tell me, which Hackerrank task this is? I guess one of the Project Euler tasks right?

time complexity for loop justification

Hi could anyone explain why the first one is True and second one is False?
First loop , number of times the loop gets executed is k times,
Where for a given n, i takes values 1,2,4,......less than n.
2 ^ k <= n
Or, k <= log(n).
Which implies , k the number of times the first loop gets executed is log(n), that is time complexity here is O(log(n)).
Second loop does not get executed based on p as p is not used in the decision statement of for loop. p does take different values inside the loop, but doesn't influence the decision statement, number of times the p*p gets executed, its time complexity is O(n).
for(i=0;i<n;i=i*c){// Any O(1) expression}
Here, time complexity is O(logn) when the index i is multiplied/divided by a constant value.
In the second case,
for(p=2,i=1,i<n;i++){ p=p*p }
The incremental increase is constant i.e i=i+1, the loop will run n times irrespective of the value of p. Hence the loop alone has a complexity of O(n). Considering naive multiplication p = p*p is an O(n) expression where n is the size of p. Hence the complexity should be O(n^2)
Let me summarize with an example, suppose the value of n is 8 then the possible values of i are 1,2,4,8 as soon as 8 comes look will break. You can see loop run for 3 times i.e. log(n) times as the value of i keeps on increasing by 2X. Hence, True.
For the second part, its is a normal loop which runs for all values of i from 1 to n. And the value of p is increasing be the factor p^2n. So it should be O(p^2n). Thats why it is wrong.
In order to understand why some algorithm is O(log n) it is enough to check what happens when n = 2^k (i.e., we can restrict ourselves to the case where log n happens to be an integer k).
If we inject this into the expression
for(i=1; i<2^k; i=i*2) s+=i;
we see that i will adopt the values 2, 4, 8, 16,..., i.e., 2^1, 2^2, 2^3, 2^4,... until reaching the last one 2^k. In other words, the body of the loop will be evaluated k times. Therefore, if we assume that the body is O(1), we see that the complexity is k*O(1) = O(k) = O(log n).

Correct loop invariant?

I am trying to find the loop invariant in the following code:
Find Closest Pair Iter(A) :
# Precondition: A is a non-empty list of 2D points and len(A) > 1.
# Postcondition: Returns a pair of points which are the two closest points in A.
min = infinity
p = -1
q = -1
for i = 0,...,len(A) - 1:`=
for j = i + 1,...,len(A) - 1:
if Distance(A[i],A[j]) < min:
min = Distance(A[i],A[j])
p = i
q = j
return (A[p],A[q])
I think the loop invariant is min = Distance(A[i],A[j]) so closest point in A is A[p] and a[q] .
I'm trying to show program correctness. Here I want to prove the inner loop by letting i be some constant, then once I've proven the inner loop, replace it by it's loop invariant and prove the outer loop. By the way this is homework. Any help will be much appreciated.
I'm not sure I fully understand what you mean by replacing the inner loop by its loop invariant. A loop invariant is a condition that holds before the loop and after every iteration of the loop (including the last one).
That being said, I wouldn't like to spoil your homework, so I'll try my best to help you without giving too much of the answer away. Let me try:
There are three variables in your algorithm that hold very important values (min, p and q). You should ask yourself what is true about these values as the algorithm goes through each pair of points (A[i], A[j])?
In a simpler example: if you were designing an algorithm to sum values in a list, you would create a variable called sum before the loop and assign 0 to it. You would then sum the elements one by one through a loop, and then return the variable sum.
Since it is true that this variable holds the sum of every single element "seen" in the loop, and since after the main loop the algorithm will have "seen" every element in the list, the sum variable necessarily holds the sum of all values in the list. In this case the loop invariant would be: The sum variable holds the sum of every element "seen" so far.
Good luck with your homework!