Using insert into where not exists in VBA - sql

I have a lovely form and a lovely table in MS access (I promise). I would like to insert into this table at the press of a button using where not exists but I am getting a not-so-friendly run-time error 3067: "Query input must contain at least one table or query."
My query already does...
strSQL = "insert into tbl_MAP_systemTask (TaskID, SystemID) " & _
" Values (" & taskID & ", " & sysID & _
") where not exists " & _
" (select M.TaskID, M.SystemID from tbl_MAP_systemTask as M where M.TaskID = " & taskID & _
" and M.SystemID = " & sysID & ");"
Debug.Print strSQL
DoCmd.RunSQL (strSQL)
strSQL is now
insert into tbl_MAP_systemTask (TaskID, SystemID)
Values (1, 1)
where not exists
(select M.TaskID, M.SystemID
from tbl_MAP_systemTask as M where M.TaskID = 1 and M.SystemID = 1);
Can anyone shed any light on
a) what I broke?
b) how to fix it?

Well instead of using a SubQuery, you could use a Domain function to get this going,
If Dcount("*", "tbl_MAP_systemTask", "TaskID = " & taskID & " AND SystemID = " &sysID) = 0 Then
strSQL = "INSERT INTO tbl_MAP_systemTask (TaskID, SystemID) " & _
" VALUES (" & taskID & ", " & sysID & ")
CurrentDb.Execute strSQL
MsgBox "The Data already exists in the table, so nothing was added."
End If

Try this:
strSQL = "insert tbl_MAP_systemTask (TaskID, SystemID) " & _
" select " & taskID & ", " & sysID & _
" where not exists " & _
" (select M.TaskID, M.SystemID from tbl_MAP_systemTask as M where M.TaskID = " & taskID & _
" and M.SystemID = " & sysID & ");"
insert tbl_MAP_systemTask (TaskID, SystemID)
select 1, 1
where not exists
(select M.TaskID, M.SystemID
from tbl_MAP_systemTask as M where M.TaskID = 1 and M.SystemID = 1);
and seems to work in my case. Seems like the where not exists needs a select statement, so you have to model your insert like this.

Maybe you can use a recordset to insert these values.
Dim rs as Recordset
Set rs = Currentdb.openRecordset("SELECT * FROM tbl_MAP_systemTask WHERE TaskID=" & Me.TaskID & " AND SystemID=" & Me.SystemID)
if not (rs.eof or rs.bof) then
rs.TaskID = Me.TaskID
rs.SystemID = Me.SystemID
end if
set rs = nothing

TOP 1 clause is must in the main query.
INSERT INTO tbl_MAP_systemTask (TaskID, SystemID)
SELECT TOP 1 1 AS TaskID 1 AS SystemID
FROM tbl_MAP_systemTask
tbl_MAP_systemTask WHERE TaskID = 1 and SystemID=1);
If tbl_MAP_systemTask table is empty or if there is only one record in the table then TOP 1 clause must be omitted in sub-query.
I have included Top 1 clause is sub-query for performance purpose.


SELECT INTO inserts only the last row - VBA, Access 2000?

I have this SQL string which I create in a Loop:
"SELECT '" & Trim(Str(j)) & "' AS cpa, Count(Val('" & rsCPANezbirni("tipprod") & "')) AS BrojProd, Sum(Val('" & rsCPANezbirni("povrsina") & "')) AS p, Sum(Val('" & rsCPANezbirni("pmagacin") & "')) AS pm INTO T14_KPD_CPA_samo_podatoci FROM CPA_nezbirni WHERE (t4k" & Trim(Str(j)) & "<>'' Or t4k" & Trim(Str(j)) & " Is Not Null);"
And the loop I use is:
Dim j As Integer
j = 1
Do While j <= 3
cpaSelectSQL = "SELECT '" & Trim(Str(j)) & "' AS cpa, Count(Val('" & rsCPANezbirni("tipprod") & "')) AS BrojProd, Sum(Val('" & rsCPANezbirni("povrsina") & "')) AS p, Sum(Val('" & rsCPANezbirni("pmagacin") & "')) AS pm INTO T14_KPD_CPA_samo_podatoci FROM CPA_nezbirni WHERE (t4k" & Trim(Str(j)) & "<>'' Or t4k" & Trim(Str(j)) & " Is Not Null);"
Debug.Print "j = " & Str(j) & ", cpa select SQL: " & cpaSelectSQL
DoCmd.RunSQL cpaSelectSQL, True
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
j = j + 1
The problem I have, only the last generated row gets copied in T14_KPD_CPA_samo_podatoci i.e cpa = 3
I want to copy each for for the value of cpa 1 to 3.
What do I do wrong?
SELECT INTO is a "Create table" query, it will overwrite the target table each time you run it.
Once the table exists you need INSERT INTO.
Well, I used this sort of SQL query
INSERT INTO table1 (col1, col2, ..., coln) SELECT col1, col2,..., coln FROM table2 WHERE condition GROUP BY colx;

Why is an action query not working in access VBA?

I tested an UPDATE query in Access's query design, and it works, but when I try to use it in my module, I get the error:
Invalid SQL statement; expected... or 'UPDATE'.
My query:
strSql = "UPDATE " & rs.Fields("tableName") & _
" SET " & rs.Fields("foreignKeyName") & " = " & rsContacts.Fields("contactId") & _
" WHERE contactId = " & ContactID
rs: a table that has tableName, foriegnKeyName of the tables to update
rsContacts: a list of contactIds (currently standing on a particular one).
The actual string comes out like this:
UPDATE myTable SET ContactId = 5 WHERE contactId = 2
If the query works, and it is an action query, why am I getting this error?
This is my full code:
Public Sub updateChildTables(ByVal ContactID As Long, ByVal CompanyID As Long)
Dim strSql As String
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim rsPending As Recordset
strSql = "SELECT contactID FROM contacts _
WHERE companyId = " & CompanyID & " and contactId <> " & ContactID
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSql)
If Not (rs.BOF And rs.EOF) Then
strSql = "SELECT * FROM childTables"
Set rsChild = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSql)
Do While Not rsChild.EOF
strSql = "UPDATE " & rsChild.Fields("tableName") & " SET " & rsChild.Fields("foreignKeyName") & " = " & rs.Fields("contactId") & " WHERE contactId = " & ContactID
DoCmd.RunSQL strSql
Set rsChild = Nothing
End If
Here is my idea for debugging and possibly even resolving this.
Create a query from within Access normally -- name it UpdateMyTable, for the sake of this example.
Then, rather than using the DoCmd, actually execute this specific query from your VBA.
Dim qry As QueryDef
strSql = "UPDATE " & rsChild.Fields("tableName") & " SET " & _
rsChild.Fields("foreignKeyName") & " = " & _
rs.Fields("contactId") & " WHERE contactId = " & ContactID
Set qry = CurrentDb.QueryDefs("UpdateMyTable")
qry.SQL = strSql
The big advantage of this is that you can very easily debug this from within Access to both see the rendered SQL and manually run it / tweak it.

How to get last 5 games of a team out of my access database

Hi all below you see a screenshot of my database:
But now I want to be able to make a table that calculates every players last 5 games. As I'm totaly new to access db I really have no clue how to do this.
Can you guys help me a hand with this one?
When I use the 2nd snippet in the answer below I get these:
Below are SQL routes according to your data. To use in MS Access simply create a new query under Create Tab on Ribbon and place the below SQL in the SQL view of a new created query. You may need to adjust query according to your actual table names and/or fields.
Assuming every player shares the same last five games, you could run an aggregate query across all players, using a subquery in INNER JOIN clause to calculate last five game dates. Do note: subquery, LastFiveDates can be saved as its own query and used directly in INNER JOIN.
SELECT [LookUp to Players],
Sum(GamesWon) As SumOfGamesWon, Sum(GamesLost) As SumOfGamesLost,
Sum(OwnOdds) As SumOfOwnOdds, Sum(OppOdds) As SumOfOppOdds,
Sum(GamesPlayed) As SumOfGamesPlayed
FROM GamesTable
FROM GamesTable
) As LastFiveDates
ON GamesTable.[Date] = LastFiveDates.[Date]
GROUP BY [LookUp to Players];
Now, if players differ in their last five games, you have to join on different queries or union queries. Again, the below uses a subquery in an inner join but you can save that LastFiveGames as its own stored query and join in INNER JOIN line.
SELECT GamesTable.[LookUp to Players],
Sum(GamesWon) As SumOfGamesWon, Sum(GamesLost) As SumOfGamesLost,
Sum(OwnOdds) As SumOfOwnOdds, Sum(OppOdds) As SumOfOppOdds,
Sum(GamesPlayed) As SumOfGamesPlayed
FROM GamesTable
SELECT [Lookup to Players], [Date],
(SELECT Count(*)
FROM GamesTable t2
WHERE GamesTable.[Date] <= t2.[Date]
AND GamesTable.[Lookup to Players] = t2.[Lookup to Players]) AS GameOrder
FROM GamesTable
) As LastFiveDates
ON GamesTable.[Date] = LastFiveDates.[Date]
AND GamesTable.[Lookup to Players] = LastFiveDates.[Lookup to Players]
WHERE LastFiveDates.GameOrder <= 5
GROUP BY GamesTable.[LookUp to Players];
Due to performance issues of Access running the query as a stored query, VBA can re-create the GamesStats iteratively looping through all distinct players using the very first query condition for player.
Public Function GameTableStats()
Dim db As Database
Dim tbldef As TableDef, rst As Recordset
Dim strSQL As String, i As Integer
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT DISTINCT PlayerName FROM GamesTable", dbOpenDynaset)
For Each tbldef In db.TableDefs
If tbldef.Name = "GamesStats" Then
db.Execute "DROP TABLE [GamesStats]", dbFailOnError
End If
Next tbldef
i = 1
Do While Not rst.EOF
If i = 1 Then
strSQL = "SELECT GamesTable.[PlayerName]," _
& " Sum(GamesWon) As SumOfGamesWon, Sum(GamesLost) As SumOfGamesLost," _
& " Sum(OwnOdds) As SumOfOwnOdds, Sum(OppOdds) As SumOfOppOdds," _
& " Sum(GamePlayed) As SumOfGamePlayed" _
& " INTO GamesStats" _
& " FROM GamesTable" _
& " (" _
& " SELECT DISTINCT TOP 5 [Date], [PlayerName]" _
& " FROM GamesTable" _
& " WHERE [PlayerName]=""" & rst!PlayerName & """" _
& " ORDER BY [Date] DESC" _
& " ) As LastFiveDates" _
& " ON GamesTable.[Date] = LastFiveDates.[Date]" _
& " WHERE GamesTable.[PlayerName]= """ & rst!PlayerName & """" _
& " GROUP BY GamesTable.[PlayerName];"
strSQL = "INSERT INTO GamesStats ([PlayerName], [SumOfGamesWon], [SumOfGamesLost]," _
& " [SumOfOwnOdds], [SumOfOppOdds], [SumOfGamePlayed])" _
& " SELECT GamesTable.[PlayerName], " _
& " Sum(GamesWon) As SumOfGamesWon, Sum(GamesLost) As SumOfGamesLost, " _
& " Sum(OwnOdds) As SumOfOwnOdds, Sum(OppOdds) As SumOfOppOdds, " _
& " Sum(GamePlayed) As SumOfGamePlayed " _
& " FROM GamesTable " _
& " INNER JOIN " _
& " ( " _
& " SELECT DISTINCT TOP 5 [Date], [PlayerName] " _
& " FROM GamesTable " _
& " WHERE [PlayerName]=""" & rst!PlayerName & """" _
& " ORDER BY [Date] DESC" _
& " ) As LastFiveDates " _
& " ON GamesTable.[Date] = LastFiveDates.[Date]" _
& " WHERE GamesTable.[PlayerName]= """ & rst!PlayerName & """" _
& " GROUP BY GamesTable.[PlayerName];"
End If
db.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError
i = i + 1
Set rst = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
MsgBox "Successfully created GamesStats table!", vbInformation
End Function

Displaying "Similar" or "Related" Vehicles

I have a vehicle database and would like to show "related" vehicles when a user clicks to view a vehicle. For instance, the user views a '2013 Chevy Tahoe' that is listed by dealership 'ABC Dealers'.
I need to create a SQL statement to grab 4 vehicles that are similar to the vehicle they are viewing. Here is the order of importance for now:
1) Dealer Listings (d_id)(Show vehicles also listed by that dealer)
2) Vehicle Category (vc_id)(Vehicle category such as Car, Truck, SUV, etc.)
3) Vehicle Make (vm_id)(Vehicle make such as Ford, Chevy, Lexus, etc.)
I have created a SQL statement, but it does not seem to do what I am looking for it to do. Can anyone offer any suggestions on how to properly build a SQL statement to grab the most relevant records in the order defined above?
strSQL = "SELECT TOP 4 v.v_id, vm.vm_name, v.v_year, v.v_model, v.v_search_price, d.d_name, u.u_name " & _
"FROM tbl_Vehicles v " & _
"LEFT JOIN tbl_VehicleMake vm ON vm.vm_id = v.vm_id " & _
"LEFT JOIN tbl_Dealers d ON d.d_id = v.d_id " & _
"LEFT JOIN tbl_Users u ON u.u_id = v.u_id " & _
"WHERE v.v_processed = 1 AND v.v_active = 1 AND v.v_id <> " & v_id
If Not CheckBlank(d_id) Then
strSQL = strSQL & " OR v.d_id = " & d_id
End If
If Not CheckBlank(vm_id) Then
strSQL = strSQL & " OR v.vm_id = " & vm_id
End If
If Not CheckBlank(vc_id) Then
strSQL = strSQL & " OR v.vc_id = " & vc_id
End If
strSQL = strSQL & " ORDER BY v.d_id, v.vc_id, v.vm_id"
I have a couple of thoughts for you.
Your current query has some ANDs and some ORs. You may need brackets to indicate your preferred order of operations, for example:
strSQL = "SELECT TOP 4 v.v_id, vm.vm_name, v.v_year, v.v_model, v.v_search_price, d.d_name, u.u_name " & _
"FROM tbl_Vehicles v " & _
"LEFT JOIN tbl_VehicleMake vm ON vm.vm_id = v.vm_id " & _
"LEFT JOIN tbl_Dealers d ON d.d_id = v.d_id " & _
"LEFT JOIN tbl_Users u ON u.u_id = v.u_id " & _
"WHERE v.v_processed = 1 AND v.v_active = 1 AND v.v_id <> " & v_id
If Not CheckBlank(d_id) Or Not CheckBlank(vm_id) Or Not CheckBlank(vc_id) Then
strSQL = strSQL & "("
End If
If Not CheckBlank(d_id) Then
strSQL = strSQL & " OR v.d_id = " & d_id
End If
If Not CheckBlank(vm_id) Then
strSQL = strSQL & " OR v.vm_id = " & vm_id
End If
If Not CheckBlank(vc_id) Then
strSQL = strSQL & " OR v.vc_id = " & vc_id
End If
If Not CheckBlank(d_id) Or Not CheckBlank(vm_id) Or Not CheckBlank(vc_id) Then
strSQL = strSQL & ")"
End If
strSQL = strSQL & " ORDER BY v.d_id, v.vc_id, v.vm_id"
But based on what you wrote in your question, you may be better with a query that uses the ORDER BY clause to get the most appropriate records based on the criteria you specified.
strSQL = "SELECT TOP 4 v.v_id, vm.vm_name, v.v_year, v.v_model, v.v_search_price, d.d_name, u.u_name " & _
"FROM tbl_Vehicles v " & _
"LEFT JOIN tbl_VehicleMake vm ON vm.vm_id = v.vm_id " & _
"LEFT JOIN tbl_Dealers d ON d.d_id = v.d_id " & _
"LEFT JOIN tbl_Users u ON u.u_id = v.u_id " & _
"WHERE v.v_processed = 1 AND v.v_active = 1 AND v.v_id <> " & v_id & " ORDER BY"
If Not CheckBlank(d_id) Or Not CheckBlank(vm_id) Or Not CheckBlank(vc_id) Then
If Not CheckBlank(d_id) Then
strSQL = strSQL & " CASE WHEN v.d_id = " & d_id & " THEN 0 ELSE 1 END,"
End If
If Not CheckBlank(vm_id) Then
strSQL = strSQL & " CASE WHEN v.vm_id = " & vm_id & " THEN 0 ELSE 1 END,"
End If
If Not CheckBlank(vc_id) Then
strSQL = strSQL & " CASE WHEN v.vc_id = " & vc_id & " THEN 0 ELSE 1 END,"
End If
strSQL = Left(strSQL, Len(strSQL) - 1)
strSQL = strSQL & "v.d_id, v.vc_id, v.vm_id"
End If
This query will still give you results even if there are no vehicles for that dealer, make or category, so you will always have related vehicles (assuming you have at least 5 records).
It looks like the OR clauses you're using are not going to bring you you want. Assuming I'm understanding the snippet and the unseen db correctly, you need to create a subclause of the OR statements that is "ANDED" in. Try the following, after the initial strSQL assignment:
dim strSubClause
strSubClause = ""
If Not CheckBlank(d_id)) Then
strSubClause = "v.d_id = " & d_id
End If
If Not CheckBlank(vm_id) Then
If len(strSubClause) > 0 then
strSubClause = strSubClause & " OR v.vm_id = " & vm_id
strSubClause = "v.vm_id = " & vm_id
End If
End If
If Not CheckBlank(vc_id) Then
If len(strSubClause) > 0 then
strSubClause = strSubClause & " OR v.vc_id = " & vc_id
strSubClause = "v.vc_id = " & vc_id
End if
End If
If len(strSubClause) > 0 then
strSQL = " AND (" & strSubClause & ")"
End If
strSQL = strSQL & " ORDER BY v.d_id, v.vc_id, v.vm_id"
So, assuming all of your checks came back with values, you'd have a where clause that looks like:
...WHERE v.v_processed = 1 AND v.v_active = 1 AND v.v_id <> NNN AND (v.d_id = XXX OR v.vm_id = YYY OR v.vc_id = ZZZ) ORDER BY v.d_id, v.vc_id, v.vm_id
Does that make sense and/or get you closer or all the way to where you're wanting to go?

Time out on Recordset with linked tables

Dim rt As DAO.Recordset
& AGR & "') A LEFT JOIN "
strSQL = strSQL _
strSQL = strSQL & "WHERE Role_Content.AGR_NAME = '" _
& AGR & "' AND Role_Content.TCode = [CONF_USOBT_C_ORG].[Name] AND Role_Content.TCode <> '" & tc & "') B "
strSQL = strSQL & "ON A.OBJ = B.OBJ WHERE B.OBJ Is Null"
Set rt = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
Do While Not rt.EOF
DoCmd.RunSQL "DELETE FROM AGR_1252 WHERE AGR_NAME = '" & AGR & "' AND VARBL = '" & rt("OBJ") & "'" ', False
Set rt = Nothing
I have the code above. I dont know why but it's giving me a time out error on the while loop. I dont know if it if because of the Recordset, but the table is blocking after he mades the firts Delete.
There is another way to select records without using RecordSet?
Thanks in advance.
I think you may be looking for something on the lines of:
AND Varbl Not In (
FROM Role_Content r
ON r.TCode =c.[Name]