pika dropping basic_publish messages sporadically - rabbitmq

I'm trying to publish messages with pika, using Celery tasks.
from celery import shared_task
from django.conf import settings
import json
def publish_message():
params = pika.URLParameters(settings.BROKER_URL + '?' + 'socket_timeout=10&' + 'connection_attempts=2')
conn = pika.BlockingConnection(parameters=params)
channel = conn.channel()
exchange = 'foo',
exchange = 'foo',
routing_key = 'bar',
body = json.dumps({'foo':'bar'}),
properties = pika.BasicProperties(content_type='application/json')
This task is called from the views.
Due to some weird reason, sometimes randomly, the messages are not getting queued. In my case, every second message is getting dropped. What am I missing here?

I would recommend that you enable confirm_delivery in pika. This will ensure that messages get delivered properly, and if for some reason the message could not be delivered. Pika will fail with either an exception, or return False.
successful = channel.basic_publish(...)
If the process fails you can try to send the message again, or log the error message from the exception so that you can act accordingly.

Try this:
chanel = conn.channel()


What If I produce 3 messages for 3 different queues but consumes only from 2 queues in rabbitmq?

In the following python programme I am configuring RabbitMq. I am creating an exchange named "order" and publishing 3 messages with routing keys "order.notify","order.report","order.test".
import pika
import json
import uuid
con = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters('localhost'))
channel = con.channel()
exchange_type = 'direct'
exchange= 'order',
routing_key= 'order.notify',
body= json.dumps({'user_email' : 'First'})
#body= json.dumps({'user_email' : order['user_email']})
print('[x] Sent nortify message')
exchange= 'order',
routing_key= 'order.report',
body= json.dumps({'user_email' : 'Second'})
print('[x] Sent report message')
exchange= 'order',
routing_key= 'order.test',
body= json.dumps({'user_email' : 'third'})
print('[x] Sent report message')
Now at consumer side I have created only 2 queues , with binding keys order.nortiy and order.report
import pika
import json
con = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters('localhost'))
channel = con.channel()
queue = channel.queue_declare('order_notify')
queue_name = queue.method.queue
routing_key='order.report' #binding key
def callback(ch,method, properties, body):
payload = json.loads(body)
# print(' [x] Notifying {}' .format(payload['user_email']))
print('Report Queue')
ch.basic_ack(delivery_tag= method.delivery_tag)
channel.basic_consume(on_message_callback= callback,queue=queue_name)
print(' [*] waiting for report messages. To exit press CTRL + C')
import pika
import json
con = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters('localhost'))
channel = con.channel()
queue = channel.queue_declare('order_notify')
queue_name = queue.method.queue
routing_key='order.notify' #binding key
def callback(ch,method, properties, body):
payload = json.loads(body)
# print(' [x] Notifying {}' .format(payload['user_email']))
print('Nortify Queue')
ch.basic_ack(delivery_tag= method.delivery_tag)
channel.basic_consume(on_message_callback= callback,queue=queue_name)
print(' [*] waiting for report messages. To exit press CTRL + C')
Now which queue wil consume which message. I try to run and queues were consuming randomly. Can someone please explain?
Tried to run the above programme but was getting random results.Each queue was consuming different messages when run different times

rabbitmq consumer not consuming after a certain time

Rabbitmq consumer consumes initially very fast but when i send messages after 8-9 hrs it not consuming at all. I tried increasing heartbeat count from 30 - 600, keeping prefetch as 1 and acknowledging after processing it still facing the same issue. Im using blocking connection. Any other reason for this is behaviour.
self.rabbit_mq_creds = self.rabbit_mq_credentials()
self.credentials = pika.PlainCredentials(username=xx,
self.parameters = pika.ConnectionParameters(host=xx,
self.connection = pika.BlockingConnection(self.parameters)
self.channel = self.connection.channel()
self.input_queue = "input_queue"
self.channel.queue_declare(queue=self.input_queue, durable=True, arguments={"x-queue-type": "quorum"})
self.channel.basic_consume(queue=self.input_queue, on_message_callback=self.on_request)
def on_request(self, ch, method, props, body):
temp = {}
data = json.loads(body.decode('utf-8'))
data processing
except Exception as k:
logger.error(f"Error: {k} \n\nTrace: {traceback.format_exc()}")
ch.basic_publish(exchange='', routing_key=props.reply_to,
properties=pika.BasicProperties(correlation_id=props.correlation_id), body=str(temp))
def trigger_consumption(self):

ActiveMQ/STOMP Clear Schedule Messages Pointed To Destination

I would like to remove messages that are scheduled to be delivered to a specific queue but i'm finding the process to be unnecessarily burdensome.
Here I am sending a blank message to a queue with a delay:
self._connection.send(body="test", destination=f"/queue/my-queue", headers={
"AMQ_SCHEDULED_DELAY": 100_000_000,
"foo": "bar"
And here I would like to clear the scheduled messages for that queue:
self._connection.send(destination=f"ActiveMQ.Scheduler.Management", headers={
}, body="")
Of course the "destination" here needs to be ActiveMQ.Scheduler.Management instead of my actual queue. But I can't find anyway to delete scheduled messages that are destined for queue/my-queue. I tried using the selector header, but that doesn't seem to work for AMQ_SCHEDULER_ACTION type messages.
The only suggestions I've seen is to write a consumer to browser all of the scheduled messages, inspect each one for its destination, and delete each schedule by its ID. This seems insane to me as I don't have just a handful of messages but many millions of messages that I'd like to delete.
Is there a way I could send a command to ActiveMQ to clear scheduled messages with a custom header value?
Maybe I can define a custom scheduled messages location for each queue?
I've written a wrapper around the stomp.py connection to handle purging schedules destined for a queue. The MQStompFacade takes an existing stomp.Connection and the name of the queue you are working with and provides enqueue, enqueue_many, receive, purge, and move.
When receiving from a queue, if include_delayed is True, it will subscribe to both the queue and a topic that consumes the schedules. Assuming the messages were enqueued with this class and have the name of the original destination queue as a custom header, scheduled messages that aren't destined for the receiving queue will be filtered out.
Not yet testing in production. Probably a lot of of optimizations here.
stomp = MQStompFacade(connection, "my-queue")
EnqueueRequest(message="goodbye", delay=100_000)
stomp.purge() # <- removes queued and scheduled messages destined for "/queues/my-queue"
class MQStompFacade (ConnectionListener):
def __init__(self, connection: Connection, queue: str):
self._connection = connection
self._queue = queue
self._messages: List[Message] = []
self._connection_id = rand_string(6)
self._connection.set_listener(self._connection_id, self)
def __del__(self):
def enqueue_many(self, requests: List[EnqueueRequest]):
txid = self._connection.begin()
for request in requests:
headers = request.headers or {}
# Used in scheduled message selectors
headers["queue"] = self._queue
if request.delay_millis:
headers['AMQ_SCHEDULED_DELAY'] = request.delay_millis
if request.priority is not None:
headers['priority'] = request.priority
def enqueue(self, request: EnqueueRequest):
def purge(self, selector: Optional[str] = None):
num_purged = 0
for _ in self.receive(idle_timeout=5, selector=selector):
num_purged += 1
return num_purged
def move(self, destination_queue: AbstractQueueFacade,
selector: Optional[str] = None):
buffer_size = 500
move_buffer = []
for message in self.receive(idle_timeout=5, selector=selector):
if len(move_buffer) >= buffer_size:
move_buffer = []
if move_buffer:
def receive(self,
max: Optional[int] = None,
timeout: Optional[int] = None,
idle_timeout: Optional[int] = None,
selector: Optional[str] = None,
peek: Optional[bool] = False,
include_delayed: Optional[bool] = False):
Receiving messages until one of following conditions are met
max: Receive messages until the [max] number of messages are received
timeout: Receive message until this timeout is reached
idle_timeout (seconds): Receive messages until the queue is idle for this amount of time
selector: JMS selector that can be applied to message headers. See https://activemq.apache.org/selector
peek: Set to TRUE to disable automatic ack on matched criteria. Peeked messages will remain the queue
include_delayed: Set to TRUE to return messages scheduled for delivery in the future
if include_delayed:
browse_topic = f"topic/scheduled_{self._queue}_{rand_string(6)}"
schedule_selector = f"queue = '{self._queue}'"
if selector:
schedule_selector = f"{schedule_selector} AND ({selector})"
"JMSReplyTo": browse_topic
listen_start = time.time()
last_receive = time.time()
messages_received = 0
scanning = True
empty_receive = False
while scanning:
message = self._messages.pop()
last_receive = time.time()
if not peek:
messages_received += 1
yield message
except IndexError:
empty_receive = True
if max and messages_received >= max:
scanning = False
elif timeout and time.time() > listen_start + timeout:
scanning = False
elif empty_receive and idle_timeout and time.time() > last_receive + idle_timeout:
scanning = False
scanning = True
def on_message(self, frame):
destination = frame.headers.get("original-destination", frame.headers.get("destination"))
schedule_id = frame.headers.get("scheduledJobId")
message = Message(
queue=destination.replace("/queue/", "")
def _ack(self, message: Message):
Deletes the message from queue.
If the message has an scheduled_id, will also remove the associated scheduled job
if message.attributes.schedule_id:
"scheduledJobId": message.attributes.schedule_id
self._connection.ack(message.attributes.id, subscription=self._connection_id)
In order to remove specific messages you need to know the ID which you can get via a browse of the scheduled messages. The only other option available is to use the start and stop time options in the remove operations to remove all messages inside a range.
MessageProducer producer = session.createProducer(management);
Message request = session.createMessage();
request.setStringProperty(ScheduledMessage.AMQ_SCHEDULER_ACTION, ScheduledMessage.AMQ_SCHEDULER_ACTION_REMOVEALL);
request.setStringProperty(ScheduledMessage.AMQ_SCHEDULER_ACTION_START_TIME, Long.toString(start));
request.setStringProperty(ScheduledMessage.AMQ_SCHEDULER_ACTION_END_TIME, Long.toString(end));
If that doesn't suit your need I'm sure the project would welcome contributions.

Google Cloud Pubsub Data lost

I'm experiencing a problem with GCP pubsub where a small percentage of data was lost when publishing thousands of messages in couple seconds.
I'm logging both message_id from pubsub and a session_id unique to each message on both the publishing end as well as the receiving end, and the result I'm seeing is that some message on the receiving end has same session_id, but different message_id. Also, some messages were missing.
For example, in one test I send 5,000 messages to pubsub, and exactly 5,000 messages were received, with 8 messages lost. The log lost messages look like this:
MISSING sessionId:sessionId: 731 (missing in log from pull request, but present in log from Flask API)
messageId FOUND: messageId:108562396466545
API: 200 **** sessionId: 731, messageId:108562396466545 ******(Log from Flask API)
Pubsub: sessionId: 730, messageId:108562396466545(Log from pull request)
And the duplicates looks like:
======= Duplicates FOUND on sessionId: 730=======
sessionId: 730, messageId:108562396466545
sessionId: 730, messageId:108561339282318
(both are logs from pull request)
All missing data and duplicates look like this.
From the above example, it is clear that some messages has taken the message_id of another message, and has been sent twice with two different message_ids.
I wonder if anyone would help me figure out what is going on? Thanks in advance.
I have an API sending message to pubsub, which looks like this:
from flask import Flask, request, jsonify, render_template
from flask_cors import CORS, cross_origin
import simplejson as json
from google.cloud import pubsub
from functools import wraps
import re
import json
app = Flask(__name__)
ps = pubsub.Client()
#app.route('/publish', methods=['POST'])
def publish_test_topic():
pubsub_topic = 'test_topic'
data = request.data
topic = ps.topic(pubsub_topic)
event = json.loads(data)
messageId = topic.publish(data)
return '200 **** sessionId: ' + str(event["sessionId"]) + ", messageId:" + messageId + " ******"
And this is the code I used to read from pubsub:
from google.cloud import pubsub
import re
import json
ps = pubsub.Client()
topic = ps.topic('test-xiu')
sub = topic.subscription('TEST-xiu')
max_messages = 1
stop = False
messages = []
class Message(object):
"""docstring for Message."""
def __init__(self, sessionId, messageId):
super(Message, self).__init__()
self.seesionId = sessionId
self.messageId = messageId
def pull_all():
while stop == False:
m = sub.pull(max_messages = max_messages, return_immediately = False)
for data in m:
ack_id = data[0]
message = data[1]
messageId = message.message_id
data = message.data
event = json.loads(data)
sessionId = str(event["sessionId"])
messages.append(Message(sessionId = sessionId, messageId = messageId))
print '200 **** sessionId: ' + sessionId + ", messageId:" + messageId + " ******"
sub.acknowledge(ack_ids = [ack_id])
For generating session_id, sending request & logging response from API:
// generate trackable sessionId
var sessionId = 0
var increment_session_id = function () {
return sessionId;
var generate_data = function () {
var data = {};
// data.sessionId = faker.random.uuid();
data.sessionId = increment_session_id();
data.user = get_rand(userList);
data.device = get_rand(deviceList);
data.visitTime = new Date;
data.location = get_rand(locationList);
data.content = get_rand(contentList);
return data;
var sendData = function (url, payload) {
var request = $.ajax({
url: url,
contentType: 'application/json',
method: 'POST',
data: JSON.stringify(payload),
error: function (xhr, status, errorThrown) {
console.log(xhr, status, errorThrown);
$('.result').prepend("<pre id='json'>" + JSON.stringify(xhr, null, 2) + "</pre>")
$('.result').prepend("<div>errorThrown: " + errorThrown + "</div>")
$('.result').prepend("<div>======FAIL=======</div><div>status: " + status + "</div>")
}).done(function (xhr) {
$('.result').prepend("<div>======SUCCESS=======</div><pre id='json'>" + JSON.stringify(payload, null, 2) + "</pre>")
$(submit_button).click(function () {
var request_num = get_request_num();
var request_url = get_url();
for (var i = 0; i < request_num; i++) {
var data = generate_data();
var loadData = changeVerb(data, 'load');
sendData(request_url, loadData);
I made a change on the API, and the issue seems to go away. The changes I made was instead of using one pubsub.Client() for all request, I initialized a client for every single request coming in. The new API looks like:
from flask import Flask, request, jsonify, render_template
from flask_cors import CORS, cross_origin
import simplejson as json
from google.cloud import pubsub
from functools import wraps
import re
import json
app = Flask(__name__)
#app.route('/publish', methods=['POST'])
def publish_test_topic():
ps = pubsub.Client()
pubsub_topic = 'test_topic'
data = request.data
topic = ps.topic(pubsub_topic)
event = json.loads(data)
messageId = topic.publish(data)
return '200 **** sessionId: ' + str(event["sessionId"]) + ", messageId:" + messageId + " ******"
Talked with some guy from Google, and it seems to be an issue with the Python Client:
The consensus on our side is that there is a thread-safety problem in the current python client. The client library is being rewritten almost from scratch as we speak, so I don't want to pursue any fixes in the current version. We expect the new version to become available by end of June.
Running the current code with thread_safe: false in app.yaml or better yet just instantiating the client in every call should is the work around -- the solution you found.
For detailed solution, please see the Update in the question
Google Cloud Pub/Sub message IDs are unique. It should not be possible for "some messages [to] taken the message_id of another message." The fact that message ID 108562396466545 was seemingly received means that Pub/Sub did deliver the message to the subscriber and was not lost.
I recommend you check how your session_ids are generated to ensure that they are indeed unique and that there is exactly one per message. Searching for the sessionId in your JSON via a regular expression search seems a little strange. You would be better off parsing this JSON into an actual object and accessing fields that way.
In general, duplicate messages in Cloud Pub/Sub are always possible; the system guarantees at-least-once delivery. Those messages can be delivered with the same message ID if the duplication happens on the subscribe side (e.g., the ack is not processed in time) or with a different message ID (e.g., if the publish of the message is retried after an error like a deadline exceeded).
You shouldn't need to create a new client for every publish operation. I'm betting that the reason that that "fixed the problem" is because it mitigated a race that exists in the publisher client side. I'm also not convinced that the log line you've shown on the publisher side:
API: 200 **** sessionId: 731, messageId:108562396466545 ******
corresponds to a successful publish of sessionId 731 by publish_test_topic(). Under what conditions is that log line printed? The code that has been presented so far does not show this.

How can I keep an AMQP connection open when using Ruby-Amqp?

I'm using RabbitMQ and ruby-amqp with Rails. When a message is received by a controller I perform the following:
def create
AMQP.start("amqp://localhost:5672") do |connection|
channel = AMQP::Channel.new(connection)
exchange = channel.direct("")
exchange.publish("some msg", :routing_key => "some key")
EventMachine.add_timer(2) do
connection.close { EventMachine.stop }
Is there a way to keep the AMQP connection open so I don't have to call start every time a request comes in?
I assume that opening a connection to Rabbit MQ is inefficient, however I haven't found a way to pass a block of code to a persistant connection.
If you just want to keep AMQP connection open, try to set a global variable to keep connection unique.
def start_em
EventMachine.run do
$connection = AMQP.connect(CONNECTION_SETTING) unless $connection
def publish(message, options = {})
start_em {
channel = AMQP::Channel.new($connection)
exchange = channel.direct('')
exchange.publish(message, {:routing_key => 'rails01'}.merge(options))
EventMachine.add_timer(1) { exchange.delete }
And don't forget to delete channel after you pulish your message.